Volume 19, Chapter 22, Fortunately, I didn’t hang it.

"Damn, what did those lunatics do?"

Look With the rays of light suddenly lit in the distance, I was hit by a beam of light that suddenly appeared before I had time to react. The huge rays of magic energy instantly penetrated through my black magic halo, and the mercury shield on my body immediately hovered in an attempt to block it. That light beam, but it turned out to be no effect. The light beam directly evaporated all the mercury, then hit my armor and instantly burned its surface red.

"Ah...damn it! Hot...so hot...! Ah..."

Because of the strong scattered rays, everyone can only hear my screams and cannot Seeing my situation, but the bright light and screams lasted only a few seconds and then suddenly ended with a sudden explosion.

The overload launch mode at no cost completely melts the magic energy conversion array on the magic light cannon in three seconds. When the excess magic power cannot be transformed, it directly erupts in the gun mount, and is finally accompanied by With a shock wave that suddenly exploded, the entire Magic Light Cannon and everyone around it was instantly blown to pieces. Only the transparent crystal equipped with a protective device was sealed by the protective cover at the moment of explosion, so it was not destroy.

Although the Magic Light Cannon is finished, I am not much better. When the light beam disappeared, everyone only saw me tumbling from in the sky to the ground with blue smoke all over my body.

"Is it dead?" someone asked in a low voice.

"I don't know." After a Japanese player finished answering, he pushed the people around him. "Go check it out."

The man hesitated, but finally came over one step at a time. However, he had just walked two steps before he saw him lying on the ground in a weird posture. I moved suddenly. The man jumped back into the crowd in a frightened moment, and then hid straight back.

"Damn it!" I supported the ground with both hands and slowly propped up my upper body, then moved my legs and tried to make myself kneel on the ground. After stabilizing my limbs, I worked hard to straighten my waist and fully stand up my upper body.

Seeing that I actually got up from the ground, the surrounding Japanese players took a step back again, but after the retreat, someone suddenly reacted. If I don’t fight back now, once I fully recover, they But there is no chance at all.

"Don't be afraid, everyone, take advantage of his illness to kill him, hurry up!"

Hearing the reminder, all Japanese players and NPCs immediately screamed and rushed up, and this At that time I also recovered from the vertigo. However, even though I regained consciousness, my body really didn't work anymore. The magic light cannon itself is a siege weapon, and unlike the magic crystal cannon, the formidable power of the magic light cannon is very concentrated. If I was hit by the magic crystal cannon just now, the damage would definitely not be so big, and the one just now was not in a normal state. The magic light cannon is in an overloaded firing state with the restrictor valve and safety insurance removed. Imagine burning down the magic energy conversion array that is used for high-energy conversion. What is the formidable power generated at the moment of the explosion. fear?

However, although the three-second formidable power of the magic light cannon is amazing, I am the Purple Moon at the top of the world battle strength list after all. Besides, I am already at level 2,000. The attributes and ordinary players are basically Incomparable, coupled with my Divine Item suit and special defense attributes, the terrifying shelling still failed to kill me in the end. However, although my life is saved, my current physical condition shows that I am dying, my body is soft like noodles, and I can stand up my upper body and it has already used my last strength, not to mention so many Japanese together. I rushed forward, calculate that any novice player can probably kill me, right?

But, although I can't move anymore. However, it is not so easy to destroy me. Looking at the Japanese players and NPCs rushing towards me screaming like wild beasts, I was weak and slightly smiled, and then I raised a hand with difficulty and stretched it diagonally upward as if I wanted to grab something, but in the end I The strength of my body still couldn't support the movement of my body. After my hand reached its limit, my body suddenly lost its strength and fell forward.

Seeing me leaping forward, the confidence of the Japanese players became more vigorous, but before the smiles on their faces had time to unfold, the mutation happened suddenly.

The hand I stretched forward was suddenly supported by a white and slender palm at the moment I fell, followed by a beautiful body suddenly appeared in front of me Caught me who was falling to the ground. Although she didn't turn around, the pair of huge black magic wings and the two long bends on top of her head burning with hellfire all explained her identity—Ling of the Big Fiend Form, my First Demon favor.

With the appearance of Ling, a beam of light suddenly appeared one after another around me, and groups of summon creatures began to appear in patches on the square in front of the Transnational Transmission Formation. They will be opposite. The Japanese players and NPCs were shocked and stepped back again.

"You have to rest first, here we are." Ling helped me sit on the ground, Aanna supported me from behind and started to treat me with her therapy, which should have been the most Xiaochun, who is good at healing, turned to face the Japanese player over there with Ling, and at the same time, the hands between them were also tightly clasped together.

"Light." "Darkness." Ling and Xiaochun chanted at the same time: "The power that governs the world, the unity of light and darkness, please guide the matter before us back to the original form of all things! The big split-the atomic world."

A seemingly gray whirlwind suddenly began to appear in front of Ling and Xiaochun. After the whirlwind appeared, it began to rush towards the crowd of Japanese players. Moreover, the whirlwind turned bigger and bigger, and when it rushed in front of the Japanese players, it had turned into a huge storm zone. However, this storm belt has not blown anything into the sky, or it has actually blown these things into the sky, because everything that was blown by the wind broke down into a large gray patch in an instant that looked like sand. Things started to move forward along with the storm.

After seeing the formidable power of the storm, the fool also knew that this thing could not be touched, but there were too many people at the scene, and it was impossible to run. The crowds crowded and pushed each other and simply couldn’t run, they could only watch. Watching the storm envelop them all, and then saw those who entered the storm area running like the things that were blown before, suddenly turning into a pile of gray sand and flying.

"Damn it, what the hell is this spell?" A group of Japanese players complained as they ran, but their complaints did not bring them any help. As the storm kept advancing, More and more people turned into gray sand and flew into the air.

"God, this thing won't swallow the entire city, right?" A Japanese guild leader looked at the terrifying storm that had evolved from a storm to a sandstorm, and his eyes were about to come out. .

A guild leader next to him denied: "Absolutely impossible. No matter how powerful Purple Moon's familiar is, it is also impossible to have the ability to destroy a city independently, otherwise they would have used this trick to kill us all. The storm should have limitations such as scope or duration, and it is impossible to blow it down."

As if to prove that the guy was right, the storm was advancing to the half of the Fulcrum City building area. Suddenly, Shi disappeared without warning, and after everyone saw a large patch of gray sand dust, it was covered with a bang like rain, and the half of the building area that was not attacked was covered by more than a foot. Among the thick dust.

"Bah...Bah..." When the dust completely landed on the ground, a sand man suddenly stood up on the ground that had become extremely smooth, and followed the man desperately to spit out his mouth. The sand and shook his body hard to shake all the dust off his body.

With the appearance of this person, sand pits began to appear one after another on the sandy ground like level snow after a snowstorm. A group of people covered in dirt crawled under the sand. There was another cloud of dust on the ground that had just calmed down.

"Good fellow, finally stopped! I was almost buried in the sand without being blown to death by the wind!" A Japanese player took off his helmet and poured out half a catty of sand from it, and then put his head back. superior.

A player next to him pours sand out of his boots and said: "Purple Moon's familiar is really abnormal. A skill can cover such a large area. Are the people in front of us all? Dead?"

A player standing on the top of the wall lifts the head and glances at the direction of the city center when he hears the people below, but he is stunned because of the entire fulcrum. The central area of ​​the city started from the square outside the Transnational Transmission Formation to a few meters ahead of where they stood. All the things above the ground in this large area were all disappeared. The ground in this area is as flat as a pedestrian plaza. If the ground is not made of rough, non-reflective rocks, it can be used directly as a mirror.

"It's gone, it's all gone!"

"What's missing?" The people standing under the house didn't figure out what their companions were shouting.

"People, buildings, everything, nothing!"

"Huh?" The people below still didn't understand what that person meant, so they turned around Go looked towards the situation behind. Just now because everyone was running away trying to avoid the terrible storm, everyone was buried in the sand with their backs to the city center. Only when they turned around did they see the sight of their companions on the roof. .

"Oh my goodness! This, this, this... is this the two monsters doing it?" The Japanese players can hardly believe their eyes, the large square in front of them is simply amazing Now, how terrifying is it to turn such a large piece of land into this in an instant?

"Huh, fortunately, their skills can only end here. If they come a few more times, we will be wiped out!"

This person has just finished speaking. The eyes of Ling and Xiaochun on the opposite side suddenly lit up again with amazing rays of light, and then the same incantion sounded again. Although it was a long distance away, but I don't know why, the sound of the incantation resounded over the entire Fulcrum City, and the Japanese players who were alive scared almost stopped their heartbeat.

However, just as they were frightened and ready to escape, a white beam suddenly cut through the sky and penetrated the decomposition storm that had begun to take shape, directly hitting the hand that Ling He Xiaochun was holding tightly. No, not directly, but almost. An energy wall suddenly appeared in front of Ling and Xiaochun. The beam of light hit the energy wall and disappeared after only a flash, and it didn't hurt them at all. But the luckier thing was that Ling and Xiaochun's magic was also forced to stop.

"I said how to fight well and suddenly disappeared. It turned out that I ran back to save your master." Masaka Matsumoto suspended in midair and said: "The demon pet is really a demon pet, there is no owner. You are nothing."

Ling suddenly stepped forward and raised his head and said: "But with the master, we will be invincible. Now, let you be a tiptoe on our way forward. Ishiba. You should feel honored for this."

"I think Mister He doesn't have that habit of self-abuse." A sweet voice suddenly appeared beside Matsumoto Masaka.

"It's the angel lady named Ying Yu Shen Hina! Haha, we are saved!" After seeing Ying Yu Shen Hina appear, the Japanese players below were almost boiling. When the second cracking storm appeared, the Japanese players thought that the battle was going to be defeated. At the critical moment, Masaga Matsumoto suddenly appeared and pulled strongly against a crazy tide to reverse the situation. , And now even the young Ying Yu Shen appeared.

Japanese players are not stupid, they know the current situation. The three angels of Ying Yu Shen Yu were killed once before, but now Ying Yu Shen Yu is back, that means her two sisters have also been resurrected. Although I haven't seen them appear on the battlefield yet, I think they will appear soon. Although the three angels and Masaga Matsumoto have just been able to draw a tie with Christina and me, what's the situation now? The Transnational Transmission Formation has now turned into a state of energy protection, which means that it cannot be transmitted now, and Kristina and the others must have returned to the country after their deaths. Now they can't do it in a short time even if they want to come over. of. In addition, I was seriously injured by the previous beam, and the current Matsumoto Masaka actually only needs to deal with my demon. If this kind of strength comparison can't win, then Matsumoto Masaga is not Matsumoto Masaga. .

After analyzing the situation on the scene, the Japanese players were so excited that they didn’t know what to say. After fighting for so long, they have never felt that victory is so close to them as they do now. Just reach out and feel the same. Although I paid too much for this victory, important victory, as long as the things paid in return are worthwhile.

"cough cough..." I was suddenly supported by the demon next to me and stood up, and then said to the heavenly Matsumoto Masaka: "Haha, Matsumoto this Monarch is feeling very excited now? My The helper is temporarily unable to come back, and I have become like this, but you are gathered together, do you feel that victory is in sight?"

"Why? Is there anything else you can't recruit?"


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