The Japanese players who were hit by the broken weapon have not yet finished crying. On the other side, several Japanese players rushed into the transnational Transmission Formation, and then these people began to face each other. Transnational Transmission Formation beats and beats, but no matter what they do, transnational Transmission Formation is completely motionless.

"Ah!" A Japanese player took a tomahawk and violently jumped to the ground painted with magic patterns, but the result was a loud noise, and the axe was released instantly He flew far away, and during the period he almost split the opposite player in half. However, even though he smashed hard enough, there were no marks left on the ground of the Transmission Formation. Obviously, the axe was useless for this thing.

As soon as the axe chopping on this side was finished, a mage professional player stretched out his hands, and an electric ball shining with blue rays of light flew out violently, directly hitting the core of Transmission Formation. The ground, but the result was that the ball of lightning bounced again like a ping-pong ball hit the table and flew far away.

Physical attack-invalid.

Magic attack-invalid.

Special attack-no.

Japanese players face the impervious to sword and spear, neither water nor fire can approach Transmission Formation, just like a group of crazy mice meeting an Armor-Plated Insect, knowing this It's so sweet and nutritious, but you can't eat it.

Due to the outstanding results of the big net prepared by the Ghost Dragon Club players, Dragon Clan's tumbling and sweeping formation is getting more and more chaotic, and as a result, more and more players are crossing the defense. No matter how powerful Hongyan is, after all, it is impossible to block so many Japanese all by one person, so more and more Japanese are rushing into Transmission Formation, but even so, their sabotage work still has no progress.

"Damn, damn, damn!" A Japanese player was holding a broken heavy sword and slashed the energy column around Transmission Formation madly, while still muttering: "Why can't I cut it? Why? Why?”

“Because that thing has a protective cover.” Masaka Matsumoto’s voice suddenly appeared above the Transmission Formation, and this reminder not only caught the attention of Japanese players His presence also made Hong Yan, who had been crouching beside the Transmission Formation, notice his presence.

Although the Japanese players below wanted to ask how to break this protective shield, but Masaga Matsumoto was flying in the sky, and they couldn't hear them shouting from below. On the contrary, Hong Yan looked up at Masaka Matsumoto and said, "What if you find out? You can't break this thing at all."

"That's not necessarily." Masaka Matsumoto suddenly faced down. Japanese players shouted: "All Japanese players listen, leave Transmission Formation immediately, I will use self-destruct skills to destroy this Transmission Formation in a while, in order to avoid Supreme, please leave as soon as possible." Masaka Matsumoto did not wait. The reaction of the people below immediately began to prepare for self-destruct skills.

"hmph, what you want is beautiful." Hong Yan roared, and then stood his upper body upright and kicked the ground fiercely. The whole body instantly jumped off the ground, and then the huge wings fiercely. Fan, the figure was raised again, and he was almost reaching the position where Matsumoto Masaka was.

But... Just as Hong Yan opened his mouth to kill Masaka Matsumoto in one bite, a red rays of light suddenly flew out from the oblique side. Feeling the huge energy in the rays of light, Hong Yan quickly gave up attacking Masaka Matsumoto, turning his head and blocking it with his claws. With only a bang, the rays of light caused a big explosion on Hongyan's claws, but the damage to Hongyan was not great.

"haha, you big lizard, don't forget us." Chi Fire Dragon Ji appeared in red by Matsumoto Masaka's side and blocked him behind him, while Akatsuki was steady. Standing firmly at the top of an energy column outside the Transnational Transmission Formation below.

"It turned out to be you two guys." Hong Yan also saw August Kaun and Chi Fire Dragon Ji, but he did not show any tension, but suddenly opened his mouth and let out a sound like The thunderous sound of dragon's roar.

Following Hong Yan’s roar, Dragon Clan, who was playing a giant maneuver in front, suddenly had a collective meal, and then the still moving Dragon Clan immediately began to dive into the air and moved towards Masaga Matsumoto. They rushed over here.

Although the dragons and Masaka Matsumoto are not close to each other, Dragon Clan's speed has never been slow, and it rushed over within a few seconds. When Chi Fire Dragon saw that the situation was not right, he moved towards the dragon group and flew over, and at the same time shouted at August Xun: "Go and block, I will protect this Monarch."

August Xun Turning to look at the direction of the dragon group, she rushed forward without saying a word, but she suddenly found that she couldn't move when she started.

"Damn, I'm locked, Chi Fire Dragon Ji, you have to stand it!"

"What? Damn!" Chi Fire Dragon Ji is hearing August After Xun's words, she was extremely shocked, but she just froze for a few seconds before suddenly erecting her sword in front of her in a prayer-like pose and yelling: "blood sacrifice-guardian of life." < /p>

A red aperture suddenly appeared beside Chi Fire Dragon Hime and Masaka Matsumoto and wrapped them in together, and as she finished the spell, a red beam hit accurately. The mask, but the mask only flashed and stabilized, as if the beam had no formidable power at all.

"Huh? Defensive power is quite high!" Hong Yan found that the attack just didn't work, and immediately shouted to Long Qun: "The following woman is handed over to you, I will try that protective cover. "

The dragon group followed Hongyan’s order and rushed towards August Xun, who was unable to move below, but when the dragon group was about to rush in front of him, he suddenly broke through the blockade and flashed to the side dangerously. He escaped the attack of the dragon group, but the dragon group got Hongyan's order and did not intend to let her go. The giant dragons who rushed back soon came back and attacked her again.

August Xun is very thrilling here, and the above Chi Fire Dragon Ji is not good. After Hong Yan rushed to the side of the mask, he slapped a paw on the side of the mask, but it turned out that the mask seemed to be embedded in the space, and one paw down was completely motionless. However, although he couldn't do anything about the mask, Hong Yan keenly noticed that the blazing Fire Dragon in the mask under his slap seemed to frown.

Hong Yan who found the key problem immediately showed a wicked smile, and then he stepped back a little later, and then took a deep breath fiercely. Those who know Dragon Clan will know that this is about to spray dragon inflammation, but Hong Yan has done a very different thing. I saw that he actually got close to the mask again, then pressed one of his nostrils with a paw, and then started to spray.

Dragon Clan’s dragon flame jet can be regarded as a very famous attack method. At least the dragons in my favorite have demonstrated this powerful skill in front of Japanese players many times. . However, there are many dragons that breathe fire with their mouths. Has anyone ever seen one that breathes fire with only one nostril?

Hong Yan, who had inhaled enough, did not use his mouth, but started to breathe fire with his nose, and only used one nostril, although this turned Long Yan, which had a large coverage area, into a fire snake , But all fools can see that the formidable power of the dragon flame jet in this way has to be more than ten times higher. Everyone only saw the red ball of light and was completely covered by Long Yan in an instant, and it felt like an egg squirting fiercely in front of the flamethrower.

Because Hong Yan only used one nostril to spray fire, the flame that should have ended soon was stunned after spraying for more than 20 seconds before it completely ended. After the flame disappeared, everyone saw The blazing Fire Dragon Ji in the light ball was vomiting blood out mouthful. After contacting the skills that Chi Fire Dragon Ji shouted before, everyone immediately guessed that this protective shield was 80% connected to Chi Fire Dragon Ji's life, and attacking the protective shield was consuming Chi Fire Dragon Ji's life.

Although I really want to help, the Japanese players below know that even if they can fly, they will definitely not take advantage of Dragon Clan in the air. Before the long spear of our guild, Dragon Clan has always been the overlord of the sky, and there are few things that can fight Dragon Clan in the air. Although the Japanese players were moved by Chi Fire Dragon Hime sacrificing himself to cover Masaga Matsumoto's preparation skills, they can only watch, and they can't help much except praying.

"Ah..." Just as the players prayed that Masaka Matsumoto could complete preparations before the fire Dragon Hime's protective shield was exhausted, a scream suddenly appeared in midair. Everyone's eyes turned violently, and as a result, they saw that August Xun did not know what to do, rolling down in the air, and after a closer look, she found that only half of her wings were left, and the other half seemed to have been taken away from her. The roots were torn off, and blood and feathers fell in the air.

Here, August Xun hadn’t landed yet, but there was a piercing cry from Creak. After the crowd turned their eyes again, they found that Hong Yan opened his mouth like a bone and placed the mask on him. The corners of his mouth were gnawing desperately there.

Dragon Clan's size determines the power of these guys is very large, and Dragon Clan's teeth and ethnic characteristics determine that they have a terrifying bite force. Imagine that an ordinary giant dragon can chew stones into lime just like eating peanuts. How strong should an epic giant dragon like Hongyan be?

As Hong Yan’s mouth exerted force, everyone saw through the gap between Hong Yan’s teeth that the blazing Fire Dragon in the mask suddenly spurted blood and fell, and the mask outside was flashing. After two blows, suddenly cracked and followed the sound of peng sound teeth clashing, Hong Yan's big mouth finally closed successfully, and the impact also represented that Chi Fire Dragon Ji was completely finished.

However, at the crucial moment when Hong Yan’s mouth was about to close, a white beam of light suddenly shot out of Hong Yan’s mouth and hit the transnational Transmission. At the center of the Formation. At that moment, the expressions of everyone on the scene were frozen. Is that beam Masaga Matsumoto? Has he succeeded or failed?

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