"Since you want to die, you can't blame me!" Looking at the many Japanese players who were howling and rushing forward, I suddenly opened my hands and gently moved upwards. With a lifting motion, the six eternally changing knife wheels that have been hovering in front of me rose with my hand, and then the six knife wheels suddenly began to accelerate, the high-speed rotation knife. The wheel even caused a small whirlwind. "Go." As the speed of the knife wheel reached its limit, I shot out slightly, and the six knife wheels suddenly screamed and rushed towards the crowd of Japanese players who were charging.

As if cutting wheat, six knife wheels flew into the crowd and began to rampage among the crowd. The eternal Divine Item destruction attribute determines that no weapon can block its advancement, even if a player sees the knife wheel approaching and blocks the weapon in front of him in advance, the sharp knife wheel will make his weapon and his weapon in two stages. Then the speed continued to rush forward into the body of the next person and cut it into two pieces.

The killing speed of the six crazy knives exceeded all Japanese players' expectations. Within a few seconds, hundreds of people fell on the scene, and the Japanese players who charged were killed by six knives. The wheel was blocked.

I don’t know who yelled: "Smash him with magic." The Japanese players and NPCs who responded with long-range attacks began to gather magic power, and then saw various magic skills and long-range weapons. They flew out of the crowd and bumped into me.

Because of the characteristics of the skills, the bows and arrows are the first to arrive naturally. After all, the archers must be faster than the wizards in preparation. However, when the arrows flying like locusts just flew two or three meters away from me, the six and a half moon flying blades that had been flying around me suddenly came from me with the sound of whiz whiz whiz. Leaving the initiative to meet those flying arrows, followed me there was a jingle, all the arrows that flew towards me were crushed and dropped to the ground without exception, but those half-moon flying blades did not stop there. Stop. Two of the moon blades flew back to my side and continued to revolve around me, while the remaining four moon blades plunged into the crowd of Japanese players and began to cooperate with the six blade wheels to fight everywhere. Although the Moon Blade does not have the ability of Eternal to cut off with human weapons, it is different from Eternal. The Moon Blade is faster and will rebound after hitting the enemy’s weapon, although some people luckily blocked the attack from the front. Moon Blade, but the bounced Moon Blade can kill all the people around him after speeding up.

As soon as the archer’s attack was over, the warriors’ long-range skills were also completed, and things like half-moon or pointed sword qi flew out of the crowd and hit me. But this time the effect was even worse. The six-sided magic halo blocking me blocked all the skills flying towards me. Each skill will only make it shine when hitting the magic array-like halo, but in the next second, this skill will be issued. People will be chopped into coke by a black lightning that suddenly falls from the sky. The special attribute of the black magic halo is to absorb the enemy's energy attack, and then transform it into magical skills for remote revenge, so I don't even need to deal with it. All those who attacked me were avenged by lightning in an instant. The entire battlefield was flashed with lightning and thunder for an instant, and the crowd of Japanese players who charged was instantly electrocuted.

The remaining slowest wizards reacted to have nothing common with each other after seeing the warriors being retaliated. Some quick-reacting people immediately understood that this was a magic counterattack, so they He decisively dispelled the spell he was preparing, but the number of people who reacted quickly was relatively small, and most of them finally threw out their magic. Of course, the result of throwing magic is definitely a hundred times worse than direct dispelling, because in the eyes of the wizards, all magic skills that hit the magic aura are all bounced back.

After the spell launched by the hurried resist oneself, some of those wizards began to complain: "This Purple Moon skill is too abnormal, right? The whole magic rebounds, this is not a wizard nemesis. Already? How can the system allow this kind of perverted skill to appear? This is ridiculous!"

"Not as exaggerated as you think!" A person who knew the inside said: "I used to be in Purple Moon. I’ve seen in the skill discussion area that the magical halo’s ability to rebound is limited. As long as your magical power can reach more than three-quarters of Purple Moon’s magical power, his magical halo will be penetrated, otherwise It will be bounced back with a hundred formidable power."

"That's not the same? I heard that Purple Moon is now at level 2,000. How high should his magic power be? With people like us, let alone three-quarters, it’s good to have half of his strength!"

The person who has been listening anxiously asked: "Then what should I do now? All spell attacks are being attacked. It bounces back, and the arrow can’t be shot in. Could it be rushed to fight melee?"

"Might fight? Isn’t that faster?" Another player next to him said: "By the way, don’t we have cannons? Did you drop it? Just drag that thing over!"

"Cannon?" Everyone responded when they heard the word cannon. Yes! Although the method of dealing with a single enemy is useless, how many siege weapons like cannons should always be useful? Thinking of this, the Japanese around them started looking for cannons. However, the cannon is not so easy to find. When the Japanese were attacking the city, almost all the cannons were blasted off by us. Although there were still a few guns left, most of the Japanese people overcame the wall during the siege. After all, the city gate was so wide. , Compared to the number of Japanese players, it is a bit too narrow. But how can a cannon turn over a wall if a person can turn it over? So now the Japanese players have rushed to the vicinity of Transmission Formation, but none of their cannons have gotten in. As for the dismantling of our guns, let alone this. Most of the cannons in this guild are energy weapons, and because the magic energy pipeline technology and the core energy technology are relatively developed, the cannons of the guild are generally powered by urban power pipelines. The cannon powered by this method is like a household appliance that uses mains electricity. It can only be activated by plugging it into the power interface. Once it is moved away from the original location and cannot be connected to the power source, it becomes a pile of scrap iron. Of course, there is no gunpowder-type cannon in Fulcrum, but the formidable power of gunpowder weapons is lower than that of energy weapons, so in order to achieve sufficient lethality, the caliber of gunpowder cannons is very large. This kind of heavy weapon is small in quantity and difficult to carry, so it is impossible to dismantle and use it.

Japanese players who are anxious to get angry are looking for guns everywhere, but I won’t stand there waiting for them. The flying knife wheels shuttle back and forth in the crowd like a lawn mower, one after another. Japanese players and NPCs rushed up and down. However, the crowd is easy to handle after all. After a few more minutes of delay, a group of people suddenly ran behind the crowd of Japanese players shouting: "Go away, go away, the gun is coming!"

The gun came, and the Japanese players quickly dispersed and gave way, and then saw a steel pipe with a tail section connected to a pile of metal parts being lifted out. A player in charge of regional command pointed to the thing in surprise and asked: "Do you call this thing a cannon?"

The gun transporter commanded several people to install equipment there and said: "What is this? It's time? You care what it looks like, can you just think about it? The city gate is in turmoil, and the artillery can't be shipped in. It's not bad if we can dismantle the barrel and transmitter."

"But what about the gun mount? How to solve the recoil after firing? And aiming?"

The commander of the transport team immediately said: "Aim at such a close point? Let alone come. Just hug the gun barrel in front and align it roughly. Don’t worry about recoil, anyway, we’re just one shell."

"I..." I wanted to say something, but look at the chaos behind. Looks like, this player has nothing to do, and finally he swallowed his words back and said, "Then who will hold the barrel and launch it? Without the gun mount, the person who fired the cannon and fired the cannon will be finished as soon as the gun is fired, you guys. Who is going on?"

The commander of the cannon delivery immediately said: "Nakagawa, you go to the cannon, I will be responsible for firing the cannon."

"Yes." The person who was called ran away immediately Go to the front and lift the barrel of the cannon. Although the size of this gun is not small, the weight is mainly at the back. The front of the barrel is actually not too heavy. Moreover, the gun tailstock is on the ground and the position is relatively low. Most of the weight is concentrated here, and one person is enough to hold the gun. The tube lifted up.

After the gun barrel was adjusted over there, the commander immediately made all people escape. The shells were filled into the gun barrel before they were transported. Now they can fire as long as they aim.

Seeing that these artillerymen were already planning to do their best, the regional commander hurriedly asked the people in front to give way, and followed the others to give way.

Actually, the cannon was very close to where I was standing. As soon as the passage opened up, the player in charge of aiming immediately adjusted the posture so that the gun barrel was aimed at my side, and then shouted: "Quickly I can’t hold on anymore!” Although the muzzle of the cannon can be lifted by one person, it cannot maintain a completely upright posture when aiming. It is necessary to adjust the posture according to the distance between us. Therefore, it is more laborious. Okay, no matter how long it is, it will be difficult to stay stable.

As soon as the guy in charge of aiming here finished shouting, the commander who was in charge of firing the gun immediately pulled the firing handle, and only heard a muffled sound. The whole barrel was connected to operate the cannon. The two of them flew back together, and at the same time a cannonball passed through the barrel at several times the speed of sound and flew towards me.

By manipulating six eternals and moon blades at the same time to launch an attack, my attention could not be focused on one point at all, but even so, I found the flying cannonball at the last moment when the cannon sounded. However, it was a little late at this time, and it was obviously too late to mobilize Moonblade to block. In the end, I only had time to cross my arms in front of me.

Squeak...The cannonball hit the magic halo next to me before hitting me, but the cannonball did not explode. Instead, it smashed the magic halo through a large hole with a burst of scratched glass. The piercing scream passed through the big hole and hit my crossed arms, and until this time everyone saw a huge Fireball suddenly erected in front of me. Accompanied by a loud explosion sound, I was really blown back in an instant. I flew out and flew into the Transmission Formation before landing. As for the flying blades and knife wheels that had been killing Japanese players, they fell to the ground at the moment I was bombarded, as if they had also lost their lives.

Although I was blown up, the Japanese players at the scene did not dare to move. They just stared at the cloud of smoke that flew into the Transmission Formation. They hoped that the cloud of smoke would disperse. I'm here to show that I've been killed. However, these Japanese players did not wait for the smoke to dissipate, instead they first discovered the strangeness of the flying blades that had just landed on the ground.

"Look!" As a player yelled, everyone quickly noticed that the flying blade that fell to the ground at the moment I was shot was shaking on the ground, followed by everyone. In the worried gaze, those knife wheels and flying blades suddenly all flew up and shot into the smoke at lightning speed. As those weapons flew into the smoke, everyone was suddenly surprised to find that a colored aperture appeared above the smoke, followed by a beam of light suddenly lit up in the middle of the smoke, and then the beam suddenly swept across the smoke and exposed the smoke. Case.

"His...what's the situation?" Seeing the scene in the smoke, everyone couldn't help being sucked in a cold breath.

I saw me in the smoke, but I don't know when I changed my look and appeared in Transmission Formation. The original thick and gorgeous dark death armor of the Divine Dragon suit some time became a set of silver white Battle Armor with gorgeous rays of light, and different from the sturdy Divine Dragon suit, this new set of equipment is obviously It is much more delicate and sleek, and the close-fitting design looks a lot slimmer than the Divine Dragon armor. However, these are just appearances. Anyone who really knows the industry knows that this is a set of magic Battle Armor. The armor in "Zero" is not only designed for warriors. Almost all classes in "Zero" can choose armor-type equipment. Among them, the thicker ones worn by warriors and knights can be regarded as combat armor, archer and Assassin wears light armor, while the wizards wear magic Battle Armor. The Divine Dragon suit has a heavy appearance and a large number of blades protruding from the armor. The exaggerated and aggressive style can be recognized at a glance. It is a heavy armor that is biased towards melee combat, and now I have a gorgeous surface. Incomparably, the armor inlaid with colored gems in many places fully demonstrates that it is a set of magic Battle Armor, a magic-enhanced armor specially prepared for the mage and used for mid-range combat.

Boom. Just when everyone was surprised by my gorgeous appearance, the wings behind my back suddenly stretched out, following me, who was in a half-squatting posture, kicked the ground fiercely, and my body instantly jumped up into the sky. Before the Japanese players below could react, I flew into the sky and swung forward the sword in my hand that looked more like an ornament than a weapon. "Fire of Life."

"Ah..." As I yelled, a lot of people with holding head and rolling on the floor suddenly appeared in the crowd of Japanese players below. The people around did not understand at first. What's going on, but soon they discovered that the eyes, ears, nostrils, and mouths of those people started to smoke out, and as the azure smoke rose, some people's armor gaps, necklines, and cuffs were actually A flame burst out. Those who wanted to save them saw the flames and immediately understood the reasons for the screams of these people, but the fire extinguishing methods they used had no effect on the flames, whether it was water or ice, all means used to extinguish fires. It's all useless here.

Seeing the flame rapidly ignited and expanded, and eventually burned all those who were on fire into charcoal, the surrounding Japanese players were all taken aback, but before they thought of a countermeasure, my second wave trick was again arrive. I haven't used Fire of Life this time. Although the formidable power of this trick is good, it has a cooling time limit, so I can't use it for the second time in a short time. This time I directly summon a wall of fire to completely isolate the entire Transmission Formation from Japanese players.

Seeing that the Transmission Formation was protected by flames, the Japanese players outside also began to worry. The self-destruct bats in the sky are almost killed by the giant dragons. Although the self-destruct bats also caused some casualties to the giant dragons, the battle strength of those giant dragons still exists. Therefore, once Those bats are all dead, and the giant dragon freed up, coupled with my evil star, can definitely wipe out the entire army of Japanese players here. Of course, it's not that we can kill all Japanese players here, but we can block them. The reason why Japanese players have a partial advantage now is that our large forces are on the Sino-Russian border and cannot be transferred back within a few hours. If the Japanese players cannot break through the defense line between me and the giant dragons, we will eventually wait for our large forces. When it arrives, then their plan will be a complete failure.

"Everyone throws things into the fire and suppresses the fire."

The most taboo thing at this time is that no one will come out to preside over the overall situation. At this point, Masaga Matsumoto is far better than before. Nobunaga's Guishou is too much stronger. This is not the result of our subsequent training, but Matsumoto itself is better at commanding than Nobunaga Oniteda. When we first fought with Matsumoto's troops, we discovered that Japanese troops at that time were generally hard to be defeated, and even After being defeated, the opponent will automatically break down into small groups to resist orderly or alternately cover and retreat. This is the credit of the regional commanders established by Masaga Matsumoto. But Oniji Nobunaga has no knowledge of this aspect at all. According to his knowledge, in a spurt of energy, it is OK to rush forward in a battle. As for what stage to command and which step attack, it is a fantasy story to him. . This is why the troops under the command of Onizu Nobunaga tend to be completely messed up as soon as they collapse, because even Onizu Nobunaga himself does not know what to do after the collapse. He only knows to attack and attack again, and he never thought of failure. Things like that.

Under the reminder of this regional commander, the Japanese players who had been messed up by the wall of fire immediately found their target. They moved the rubble from the ruins of the building not far away to the wall of fire. Throw it into the fire. Although the magic flame is not as easy to be suppressed as the burning object is on fire, anyway, after the flame surface is covered with a layer of things, the flame loses the burning space and naturally becomes smaller.

Japanese players are busy extinguishing fires, so naturally I can’t be idle. They put out fires and I ignite them, but the large fire walls are not so good, so I can’t continue to ignite the walls and can only be in the air. The Japanese players are constantly under the giant Fireball strikes. Fireballs thrown in the form of a silver moon are all bursting Fireballs with added materials. Every Fireball that hits the ground like a cannonball first blasts down a large area, and then the scattered flames can still ignite many people.

Originally, my Fireball can cause a chain reaction in a dense crowd, because people on fire running around can also ignite nearby people, so that the flame can spread everywhere and eventually become impossible. Clean up, but the Japanese now know their situation, so they are very brave. Those who were on fire did not scream and flee, but all ran towards the center of the flame, striving to die as soon as possible without dragging people nearby. Due to the conscious behavior of Japanese players, my Fireball cannot expand the burning area, and can only rely on Fireball's own deflagration to kill the enemy. In contrast, the formidable power has dropped a lot. Of course, even if this is the case, the direct casualties caused by Fireball are definitely not small.

With the crazy transportation of Japanese players, a large number of rocks and building debris soon forcibly paved a way on the fire wall. Although there is still flames emerging from the cracks in the rocks, at least it can That's amazing.

Looking at the rocky road leading to Transmission Formation, the excited Japanese players did not wait for the flame to be completely extinguished before jumping on the still-flaming rock and rushing in, although many people were running. They were ignited in the middle, but they still rushed forward without turning back, as if they could really destroy the Transmission Formation with such a body.

Just as the Japanese players excitedly watched the approaching Transmission Formation, thinking that they were about to succeed, a Fireball that fell from the sky suddenly broke out at the exit of the fire, and it was about to rush out in an instant. The Japanese players on the fire scene blew back into the fire scene. At the same time, the erupted flames blasted away a large area of ​​the rock that had suppressed the fire wall, causing the incompletely extinguished fire wall below to burn again and seal the only passage. .

"Don’t be afraid, everyone, continue to pile rocks, pave a few more roads, he will be alone, impossible to stop us all."

With the shouts of the regional commander, originally The Japanese players who were blown back by me immediately plunged into the crazy paving plan again. They kept dismantling anything they could find and threw them into the fire wall in an attempt to form a fire-free passage, but the paving was successful again and again. They blew back again and again, and finally, after the sacrifice of more than N people, they still failed to build any channel.

However, just when our players in Japan were about to give up, a red beam suddenly flew from the direction of the city wall and threw me, who was about to launch the Fireball, in the air by N times. Somersault stabilized his figure.

"haha, go to hell Purple Moon, let you know that our Imperial Japanese artillery is not to be trifled with!" Several Japanese players pushing gun carts operate several magic crystal cannons Adjusting the muzzle of the cannon strenuously in an attempt to lock my silhouette again.

I looked up at the position of the artillery, then gently raised my hand and pointed in that direction. A dazzling white ball of light suddenly formed on my fingertips and moved towards that direction. go. It took almost two seconds for the ball of light to cross the distance of nearly two kilometers from the Transmission Formation to the edge of the city wall, followed by a loud explosion sound, and the ball of light accurately slammed into it with the magic crystal cannon. Together with the surrounding Japanese gunners, they flew out.

Looking at the cannon that was suddenly blasted off, the other Japanese artillerymen around were taken aback for a while, and then they were awakened by the shouts of their leader. "Don't be afraid, there are a lot of guns in the back. It doesn't matter if we die, just buy time for the people in front to destroy the Transmission Formation."

After listening to their command, the Japanese artillery began to operate again. The cannon fired at me, but the effect was completely different from the previous raid.

The magic crystal cannon itself is a siege weapon. Although the formidable power of the cannonball is very large, the flying speed of the energy bomb is not fast. Let alone me, a high-level person who is known for speed, as long as it is not sneaked Attack, anyone who sees a shell from a kilometer away can easily avoid the direct flight path of the shell. If it’s on the ground, even if the shell can’t hit directly, the explosion after touching the ground can also damage nearby personnel with shock waves. But now I’m flying in the sky, and the magic crystal cannon is not an anti-aircraft cannon. The explosion height of the shell can be set. If I can't hit it directly, the shell will pass through me without causing any damage at all.

After I bombed a cannon, the other magic crystal cannons immediately began to fight back, but the slow-speed shells did not threaten me at all. I easily escaped and missed a single shot.

Although the cannonball could not hit me, my counterattack did not slow down at all. Although it takes about two seconds for the ball of light I launch to fly from here to the cannon, although two seconds are enough for a player to dodge a ball of less than one meter in diameter, this time is definitely not enough. The cannon left where it was before, so those cannons can't help me at all, but I can easily name those cannons one by one, and even make time to blow back the Japanese who are about to pass through the fire field when attacking the cannons.

I found that the artillery could not suppress me at all, and the artillery group over there was also anxious. Although the Japanese still have a lot of cannons, it is not a solution to blindly be beaten passively. No matter how many cannons are, there are times when they are lighted up. What's more, the Japanese cannons pass by the strikes of our group of cannons. In fact, there are not many left.

"Damn it, it's not a way to go on like this!" Chief-In-Charge, annoyed by the gun group, went through suffering untold hardships, and the cannons that ran to this side with him were destroyed one by one, and his heart was anxious. There is no way. With the movement ability of the cannon, it is impossible to dodge my attack. Among the cannons that I pushed this time, only the magic crystal cannon could not hit me at all. The attack was OK, and now I stopped every moment in the sky. The cannon is a cannon after all. Impossible keeps changing its angle with my movement. The Japanese cannon is not equipped with an automatic aiming system.

The commander of the artillery group was pulling out his hair anxiously, but he suddenly heard a very young player whispered next to him: "Why are we playing Purple Moon?" The commander of the artillery group heard what this guy said. He wanted to get angry right away, but when he just turned around, he heard the little fellow continue to say: "Our mission is to destroy the transnational Transmission Formation, not to kill Purple Moon. All we need to do is aim at the Transmission Formation and shoot? Besides, as long as we are right Quasi-Transmission Formation fires. In order to protect the Transmission Formation, Purple Moon will take the initiative to block our cannonballs. Why should we chase him and aim at it?"

"en?" Froze. Yes. Their mission is not to kill me, so what's the hide-and-seek play with me? As soon as he understood this, he hurriedly shouted to the back: "Pay attention to all gun positions, adjust the target, focus on the fire strikes Transmission Formation, and ignore Purple Moon."

Immediately after adjusting the firepower of the guns over there There was a roar, and I was constantly changing positions trying to avoid those shells, but suddenly I saw a row of shells moved towards, which was significantly lower than where I was. From this angle, the cannonball could not hit me at all, but would land on... "Damn!" I finally realized that they had changed the target to Transmission Formation. But... don't they think I can't do anything if I aim at Transmission Formation? "Come out, my Suicide Squad members."

As I shouted, a small hole suddenly opened in my wrist, and then I saw a few Spirit Armor worms flying from the hole. Come out, and then they shake their wings and actively moved towards those shells flew over.

Boom... boom boom boom... A series of explosions occurred in the space below me, but none of the shells hit me or the transnational Transmission Formation behind me, the flight of the Spirit Armor bugs Although the speed is not fast, it is no problem to find a trajectory in advance and take the initiative to hit those flying shells. As for the casualties... this is really no casualties.

Spirit Armor worms have two forms, one is a diamond form, which is basically not afraid of energy attacks, and the other is a nihilistic form, which can completely ignore physical damage. This time, there were physical bullets fired by ordinary artillery and energy bullets fired by the magic crystal cannon. When encountering energy bombs, the Spirit Armor worms only need to change into a diamond form and hit them. As long as they don't hit several shells at the same time, they will not be okay. As for the gunpowder shells, this is a bit more troublesome. The Spirit Armor bugs must first hit the shells in the form of diamonds, and then enter a state of nothingness at the moment of the impact. Because ordinary gunpowder shells have a delay of a few tenths of a second after hitting, this time is enough for the Spirit Armor bugs to switch forms. Although some Spirit Armor bugs will hang up due to the slow switching speed during this period, the casualties are still minimal in general. Besides, this thing about Spirit Armor worms I can summon millions if I want, even if one shell is exchanged for one beetle, I doubt that the Japanese shells are enough.

"Damn it, why does the shell explode in the air?" Because the distance is too far, the Japanese artillery group can't see the small and almost transparent Spirit Armor bug, all they can see is When their shells flew through the space below me, all of the unfathomable mystery exploded suddenly.

"What should I do now?" Seeing that the shells couldn't pass through my line of defense, the artillery group was gone.

"Should we try the Magic Light Cannon?" the young player suggested before.

The Magic Light Cannon was originally the technology of the Light God Palace, so it was regarded as the technology provided by the system. Now many guilds in many countries around the world have mastered this technology, but because they got it relatively late, Moreover, we don't have the ability to re-develop the magic light cannon technology, so besides our guild, the magic light cannon technology of other guilds is still the most primordial magic light cannon technology developed by Light God Palace. This kind of magic light gun is large in size, and the materials needed for key parts are hard to find, so the output has been unable to increase. Although these guilds also knew that our guild was able to mass-produce the magic light cannon must have found a key material replacement technology, but they could not develop their own and could not steal our technology, so they could only use the most primordial method to produce magic light. Cannon.

The Japanese magic light artillery technology was acquired shortly after Oni Te Nobunaga took over the Japanese government, but because it has not been developed in depth, the Japanese have only mastered the most basic magic Light Cannon Technology. Moreover, due to the production problem of the core material of the Primordial Magic Light Cannon, there are currently only three Magic Light Cannons in Japan. They have attracted two of them during the siege. One of them was still in the first battle. It was smashed by our floating turret group. If it weren't for the reaction of the players behind to pull down this magic light cannon, it is estimated that this cannon would no longer exist.

Although the magic light cannon and the magic crystal cannon both use the energy of smoky quartz as cannonballs, the effect of the magic light cannon is much higher than that of the magic crystal cannon in terms of energy conversion efficiency. In other words, the formidable power generated by the magic light cannon is much greater than that of the magic crystal cannon when the same energy is used. However, because the magic light cannon’s launch method is concentrated energy launch, its attack range is a straight line and does not have much explosive power, but it is also because of its attack method that the magic light cannon has several times more than the magic crystal cannon. Armor-piercing ability, in dealing with some high-defense targets, the Magic Light Cannon is obviously more useful than the Magic Crystal Cannon.

Although the Magic Light Cannon has many advantages, it has many shortcomings. One of the most serious problems is that the magic light cannon wil

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