Several Japanese players looked at these gorgeously dressed beauties who seemed to have no battle strength and were planning to take advantage of the past. Suddenly they saw lights and shadows flashing in front of them. The collective lost consciousness, and didn't even figure out how they were attacked.

The twelve scales of angels rushed into the crowd of Japanese players like lightning, various multi-colored attack skills flew around like neon lights, and the Japanese players who came to the reinforcements seemed to be knocked into the air. Bowling pins flew up to the roof one after another, and then fell heavily to the ground.

"Huh! Not an opponent at all!" Looking at the abused Japanese player, one of the remaining players of the Ghost Dragon Club exclaimed.

Anxious Ghost Dragon Club player standing next to him asked: "What should I do now? Those idiots can't help. We can't deal with those women only by the few of us. What should I do?"

Although the player who just asked the question is a member of the Guilonghui, in order to ensure the credibility of the Guilonghui, we did not use everyone in it. Spy replacement. In fact, we can't get so many spies. The Ghost Dragon Club can have strict requirements for membership, but it must not be rejected by a real Japanese player. Therefore, we have developed a special screening strategy for Matsumoto Masaka, so as to ensure that there are a large number of true Japanese endeavour youths in the Ghost Dragon Club. , And can guarantee that the ghost dragon will be used by us.

The guy who is asking questions in these two people is an authentic Japanese player. The reason why he saw those Japanese players from other guilds was beaten so badly by the twelve scales of angels. I am worried because he is fighting for the revival of Japan. As for the other player asked, the main reason he is not worried is that he is actually our spy. Of course, this is not obvious from the surface, because he usually acts very cold, he hasn't talked much, his expression has not changed much, so even if he acts calmly now, no Japanese will doubt him because of this. Attitude.

Regarding the problem of our companions, our spy calmly replied: "Even if they are not opponents, it is enough that they can drag those women with their own deaths. Our task is to kill the little organ who uses the organ Girl, her skill formidable power is too big!"

"But we can't make it through like this...Huh? What is this?" The player who was asking anxiously suddenly came from the companion next to him. Received a pill.

While fending off the attacks of several Chinese players in front of him, the companion questioned said: "This is a ghost pill. Each time you take it, you can use the Ghost God mode for two hours. The battle strength can be greatly improved. . Now swallow it.” After the player finished speaking, he took another one out and stuffed it directly into his mouth.

Seeing that the other party has eaten one, the Japanese player also quickly stuffed the pill in his hand into his mouth, and the remaining members of the Ghost Dragon Society also got it. The ghost pill that had been distributed was swallowed.

The Japanese player who swallowed the ghost pills just swallowed the medicine, and immediately felt an indescribable sensation rushing around. Following him, he suddenly felt a force from him. His heart exploded, and then a layer of white flames suddenly rose up and down his whole body, and suddenly there was a layer of armor-like thing outside his whole body, but the face of this layer of armor was not a human face but a face. It's just a horrible ghost face.

"Quickly, medicine efficacy is only two hours, don't waste it."

After swallowing the medicine, our spy immediately looked towards the angel's twelve-tone scale and rushed over , But although his speed is fast, he comes back faster. Despite taking the ghost pills, the angel's twelve scales are not good-looking after all. Their battle strength can definitely kill the gods. What's more, when Japanese players swallow the ghost pills, they only have part of the Ghost God power, which is not true. Became a god.

Although our spy was released as soon as he met, the remaining members of the Ghost Dragon Club rushed up without hesitation, and the nearby Japanese players who climbed up the city wall also rushed. Go up and want to help.

Faced with so many enemies rushing up at the same time, the boss of the angel’s twelve-tone scale suddenly tenderly shouted: "Ending."

"Yes." Twelve people instantly They formed a six-pointed star formation, and then suddenly a beam of light rose up from the beauty on the sharp horn at the end of the formation, and then started from her and moved in a clockwise direction. The six people at the sharp horn position lit up a beam of light one by one. When the Six Paths beam of light rose, the six people on the inner circle also raised six beams of light at the same time. Then the beam of light in the inner circle suddenly began to rotate clockwise, and the beam of light in the outer circle rotated counterclockwise. The ring composed of two layers of light beams turned faster and faster, and in the end it almost became two light walls, followed by a sudden flash of the light wall, and only heard a bang. All Japanese players and NPCs on the entire city gate were instantly bombarded. They flew out, and they didn't figure out what happened until they fell down the city wall.

After dropping all the enemies upstairs in the city gate in one move, the angel’s twelve-tone scale was about to command the personnel to intercept the enemies who were climbing the city wall. Suddenly, there was a bang. The entire city gate was first He jumped up, and then quickly collapsed.

"Run!" While the city gate building collapsed, the angel’s twelve-tone scale and other members of the magic music team turned around and jumped out of the city gate building, but they did not react quickly like Bingbing and Crystal Princess. He was also taken away from the city gate building by his passing companions.

Just as Bingbing and the others were completely separated from the city gate, the tall city gate collapsed in a rumbling noise and aroused smoke and dust in the sky.

The sudden collapse of the city gate building is naturally impossible because of quality reasons. The sudden jump in the straight line of the collapse has made most people guess the reason for the collapse of the city gate. The fact is just as people expect, the city gate was blown up. While the Demon Music Team was entangled by the people of the Ghost Dragon Club, the following members of the Ghost Dragon Club finally succeeded in opening a few large holes in the city gate. After loading enough gunpowder, a fuse completely ended this seemingly insurmountable city gate building.

However, although the city gate building collapsed, before it collapsed, it was after all a giant elephant building 30 meters high. Even if it fell, it would pile up more than ten meters high on the ground. A large area of ​​ruins, but compared to the straight and smooth city wall, this messy ruins can be regarded as a slope at any rate. Although it is not easy to walk, it is at least much easier to climb than the city wall.

"The city is broken...The city is broken..." Seeing the collapsed city gate, the excited Japanese players shouted and gathered there, and the guards of our guild quickly leaned on. When they reached the gap and shot downwards, the Japanese players were helpless except for the part where they rushed through the gap, and many of them were still climbing the wall, so it was not so easy on the city wall.

Before being blocked by the city wall, Japanese players can only helplessly wait for the people in front to be killed or climb the city wall before they can participate in the battle. Now that there is such a gap, the remaining Japanese players have clearly found their targets. Pour into the inner city from that gap.

The excited Japanese players were rushing, and suddenly they saw an explosion on the ground in front of them, and countless green vines suddenly drilled out of the ground like a large swath of devil’s tentacles flying in front of the Japanese players. Swinging. Some Japanese players who were not afraid of death just rushed to the neighborhood and were shot into fleshy stems by the smashed vines, while more people were caught in the air by the vines and thrown back outside the city wall.

"Mage, mage!" Seeing these vines blocking the road, someone finally reacted and started calling the mage, and the subsequent Fireball and fire sea finally stopped those vines from blocking the road. behavior.

Just after the Japanese players passed through the vines burned to ashes by flames, a burst of hollow and boundless music suddenly sounded in front of them. With previous experience, the first reaction of many players this time is that the previous music has started again. However, what made them didn't expect was that the expected heavy pressure did not appear, but the group of Japanese players and NPCs running in the front suddenly ran slowly and slowly, and finally stopped.

Although the Japanese players who ran past these people wondered why these people stopped, they didn't have time to take care of them. In their opinion, 80% of these people stopped because they were affected by the previous music. As for why they were okay, they didn't do much investigation. In short, they thought that the music should not be allowed to continue. Unfortunately, although they guessed that the music was really bad for them, they didn't figure out how the sound works. Just as the unaffected players were about to run to the forefront through the stopped Japanese players, those who had just been completely still suddenly moved again. It's just that they were different from running forward before. Instead of continuing to charge, these people took out their weapons and rushed toward their companions. That’s right, it’s just like a zombie infected by a virus that pounces on his companions, and each of them has their eyes turned white, and the movements are stiff like puppets, but they are not exactly the same as zombie. The guy didn't use his instinct to scratch and bite his companions, but directly attacked with weapons on his hands, and even some mage-type people would continue to use their magic to attack their previous companions.

"What are you doing?" A Japanese player escaped the chop of a stiff companion and questioned him angrily.

The person next to the player pulled him away, and then cut down the Japanese player like zombie who attacked him and shouted at him: "Don’t be in a daze, they were People control them. If you don’t want the battle to fail, you can cut them down. If I am also controlled, I hope you can do the same to me."

The player who was saved was a little stupid. nodded, but just when he was about to do something, his eyes suddenly opened up, because he saw the Japanese player who had just been cut down by the player who taught him and stood up again. In fact, it's not so much standing, it's being lifted up, because the way that guy stood up doesn't conform to the rules of gravity at all, and it looks like a haunted ghost. And the player who taught him the knife was not light, and now the half-drawn body of the guy who stood up was almost split apart. His right shoulder, neck, and head are hung on the side of his body with only a little muscle under the armpit, but his other hand is still stretched out mechanically as if to grab something.

Seeing such a weird scene, the player was so scared that he couldn't even speak, and he could only point to the player who taught him the lesson in horror and exhale continuously. The person who was educating his companion suddenly saw that his companion turned into this expression, and immediately realized that there was a problem behind him. He hurriedly turned his head but just saw a pale palm stretched out. That hand grabbed his neck and squeezed it hard. The guy quickly grabbed the opponent's hand and wanted to move it away, but the opponent's hand was surprisingly strong. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't move it, anxious. He could only wave his arms desperately to catch the person next to him, hoping that he would wake up and help himself.

Seeing the help hand extended to me, the educated guy finally reacted. The action just stopped just because I was surprised by the situation in front of me, not because I was really scared. "Zero" is a fantasy game after all. Everyone like demons and ghosts doesn’t know how much they’ve cut. It’s long since the game was just started, and you would see a white skull and be scared of the world. .

The player who regained consciousness immediately raised his knife and chopped it down at the arm that pinched his companion who didn't know whether it should be called a zombie or a puppet. Although the opponent can be resurrected, it seems that the body is still the same body, and there is no obstacle when it is cut down, and the arm is easily cut off. The player who taught him before staggered back three steps because the arm that pinched him suddenly broke, but to his surprise, the hand that pinched his throat didn't even loosen and continued to exert force. He must be pinched to death.

Seeing that his companion was still trying his best to pull that hand, the Japanese player who had just swung a knife immediately realized that this guy already possesses a physique that is almost an Immortal Body, so he immediately inserted the long knife Back to the scabbard and drew out the dagger and rushed up, and then shouted to the guy who was pinched: "Let go."

Although the pinch almost died, the player saw the opponent’s The dagger understood the other party's meaning, so he still reluctantly let go of both hands that pulled the remnant hand. As soon as the player with the dagger saw Kongto, he immediately inserted the dagger next to the thumb of that hand and used everything. Because it was aimed at the joint gap, this blade easily cut off the thumb. Without the thumb that holds the four fingers against each other, the pinch movement naturally cannot be done.

As soon as the player who was pinched and almost hung up, he immediately threw the hand hanging around his neck as soon as he felt his neck clear, and then began to gasp. It really scared him a while ago, after all, he had never seen such a thing before. The person who cut off the hand for him also walked over to comfort him, but as soon as he raised his head, he immediately pulled the guy who was going to comfort him aside, and at this time a long sword happened to be from that person. Sweeping around, almost cut the opponent in half.

Although the person who was pulled to the side was pulled aside, he knew that the other party was definitely helping him, so he hurriedly turned around, just to see the one who looked like a man and a ghost. The guy wielded a sword there. Talking about waving wildly is actually an exaggeration, the guy is simply not waving wildly, but shaking wildly. Because the left hand was chopped off, the guy could only use the right hand to grab the sword, but because his entire right shoulder and head hung on his side, his right hand was actually already not in the original position. The hand hanging on his side with just a little flesh was shaking itself, and naturally he couldn't cut it accurately when he was holding a sword, so it can only be said that he was shaking.

"Damn, what the hell is going on?"

"I don't know, but it must have something to do with the music." The player who pulled away his companion has already breathed. He raised the long knife in his hand and walked to the companion who no longer looked like a human. Then he chopped off his head. After finding that the opponent was still moving, he pierced the other's heart with another knife, but the corpse was still moving. He had no choice but to cut off his hands and feet, so that his completely disintegrated body could no longer attack people. However, the limbs that fell to the ground didn't mean to stop at all as if they were equipped with a perpetual motion machine, especially the sword arm that even stretched forward and tried to attack them.

"Is this hell?" The man who was rescued looked at the squirming arm on the ground and felt that his nerves were about to collapse. The dead are not terrifying, but they can be chopped into sections and can crawl everywhere, which is too scary. Even the zombie among the undead creatures will no longer move after the head or heart is destroyed, and the thing in front of you simply can't kill!

In fact, it is not only this controlled Japanese player who possesses this kind of undead attribute, but all controlled Japanese players are the same. The Japanese players who subsequently rushed up were blocked by the former players who became Immortal bodies. At this moment when the city gate collapsed, a large number of people were crowded. However, if the former group of Immortal bodies were blocked for a while, they would simply be unable to make it through.

Different from the chaos on the Japanese player’s side, Bingbing is sitting on a rock panting weakly on the city wall some distance from the ruins of the city gate building, but her expression is quite similar. Excited look.

The young girl in the dancing angel quartet looked at Bingbing admiringly and shouted: "Sister Bingbing, you’re so amazing. The seventh movement of the Hell’s Soul Song is really amazing. You just said that this section is called What is it?"

"Return to the soul night." Bingbing said with a smile.

"Yes, Huihunye. It's really awesome, so many enemies have turned into immortal zombies, which is even better than horror movies."

Bingbing said modestly:" In fact, I can only release this once a day. You see, I can’t even stand up now. Also, the number of people controlled by this skill is also limited, not everyone who hears the sound you think will be affected. "

"That's awesome. Unfortunately, some of our sisters are magic sound dancers. They are basically body refinement combatants. Although their attack power is high, it is a pity that they are not as good as your magic sound to deal with large groups of enemies. The teacher is amazing!"

"This can only be regarded as having their own strengths." Bingling said instead of Bingbing, and then turned to ask: "Who is the next? Those zombies don’t seem to last long. Up!"

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