Bingbing’s hell soul song is really powerful, but the Japanese are not bad at all. Although a large number of living corpse puppets blocked the way forward, Japanese players who saw hope simply did not take those zombie puppets seriously. After a crazy rush, Japanese players almost got a one-to-one casualty ratio. This group of controlled puppets.

Originally, the one-to-one casualty ratio in the siege war is nothing. For the offensive side, it can even be said to be very proud of the casualty ratio. But the problem is that it is not siege the city through the city wall, but the city gate breakthrough is carried out when the city gate building has collapsed. Besides, whether it's charging or blocking, aren't they all Japanese? It's just that part of it is charging according to his own consciousness, and the other part is resisting his companion by the influence of Bingbing's skills. But in any case, it is certainly true that the Japanese are dead anyway.

Seeing that the gang of puppets were almost cut off by the Japanese themselves, Bingbing and the others began to study who was going to stop them. Although in the heads-up mode, the magician can be completely suppressed by all occupations, but the group battle mode the magician is invincible. Compared with the magic sound dancer’s super melee ability, the magic sound artist not only takes a long time to activate the skills, but also has almost no defensive ability. This kind of professional heads-up is naturally not good, but in group battles, they only need to give them enough preparation time. The magic sound begins to take effect, unless it is a super expert like me who can resist the interference of the magic sound and continue to fight, most people can only wait to die.

Bingbing has just played a big move, and now he is in a period of weakness, and will not be able to count on it for a while, so in the end, it can only be Crystal Princess who will come out again. Although our guild has many members of the magic music team, most of them are magic sound dancers. There are not too many real magic sound artists, and there are also different types of magic sound artists. Like Qunrui's war encouragement, despite its powerful formidable power, it is actually a semi-assisted and semi-aggressive type, which is completely different from Bingbing.

Compared with Qunrui's war drums, Crystal Princess's pipe organ is a complete group attack instrument. When the group of Japanese finally chopped down the last puppet and planned to rush into the city, a low and depressed long sound suddenly sounded.

Before the city gate was bombed down, those Japanese players had already experienced the power of Crystal Princess's pipe organ once, so this time when I heard the sound, I was taken aback, and then all went crazy. Rushed forward in a vain attempt to fix the Crystal Princess's pipe organ before the magic sound takes effect. However, the reason why the magic sound master is so good on the battlefield is that they can start playing music far away from the enemy, and when the opponent rushes to the front, the magic sound has already taken effect.

The crazy sprinting Japanese players finally failed to rush in front of Crystal Princess, because just shortly after they started, with a string of warm and soothing music sounded, those who were charging did not help the Japanese players Suddenly I found that my strength was losing rapidly, as if I had just run 10,000 meters. Everyone's tired legs trembled and thought that it would be better to just rush to the ground to sleep.

What is the situation now? Sleeping on the battlefield of playing in a frenzy? What is the difference between that and courting death? Every Japanese player knows that it's not time to sleep, but the body just doesn't listen. The legs are getting heavier and heavier like being filled with lead, breathing becomes more and more difficult, the upper and lower eyelids constantly want to lean together, and even the weapons in the hands have become an extra burden, making them want to throw them away. Lose.

Plop. Finally, the first person who couldn't support it fell directly to the ground, and then just like cutting wheat, the people who were charging began to fall to the ground in rows. Some people can still support it twice after falling down, while others just snored and entered sleep mode.

The reason why "Zero", a combat-type game, can attract a large number of elderly people into the game depends on the auxiliary sleep function in the game. When the player sleeps in the game, the system can send out special frequency electric waves through the connection signal on the player's helmet to simulate the brain wave state when the person enters deep sleep. This deep hypnosis method allows people with insomnia and poor sleep quality to quickly enter deep sleep. Because of the powerful ability of this function, those who have difficulty falling asleep and workaholics who want to complete sleep in the shortest time have landed in the game. After deep sleep, and in their use, the system is also continuously collecting usage data and further improving and strengthening the efficiency of the system.

The "Slumber" played by Crystal Princess just now is actually produced by using the hypnosis system in "Zero" to forcefully hypnotize the player. As for NPCs, although they do not have brain waves to hypnotize, NPCs Anyway, it's just characters generated by the system. Adding hypnotic effects to them is actually easier than the players.

With the constant echo of "Slumber" talked by Crystal Princess, a very strange scene appeared on the battlefield at the gap of the last battlefield. It was played in a frenzy in other places, but here is a group of people lying on the ground in various positions to sleep. Some people even fall asleep face down in a puddle of blood. As a result In the end, he choked himself alive.

After seeing the player in front falling asleep, the players and NPCs behind began to rush forward in an attempt to kill Crystal Princess, but what surprised them was the "Slumber" played by Crystal Princess. It’s different from Bingbing’s Hell Soul Song. Bingbing's Hell Town Soul Song was played only once, and it was less than one minute before and after. Then she stopped playing the music, and the affected people became undead puppets and began to attack their original companions in accordance with Bingbing's intentions. It can be said that Bingbing's Hell Soul Song is a one-off thing, and the number of people affected during that period of time is its upper limit. But Crystal Princess’s abilities are different. Her "Slumber" has been played again after the sound, constantly playing in a loop, and during this period, the people who rushed into the coverage of the sound wave are also the same as the previous ones. People fell to the ground one after another to join the collective sleep action on the ground.

Looking at the people who were charging and running, they all fell down. The people behind also knew that this section of the road might not be able to rush through, so the follow-up personnel began to change their strategies. Most people started to scatter and climbed up the city wall, hoping to get around from other positions, while those who thought they were good stayed and started planning to try the impact of "Slumber" on them. . Of course, more people are looking for an archer or wizard with a super long range that can attack the crystal Princess through the sonic range.

Those who went to climb the wall didn’t care about it. Those who were looking for the archer found a few archers very quickly, but the range of these people was enough, but the problem is that this is war again. Not singled out. There was a large group of people standing beside Crystal Princess. Would they watch Crystal Princess hit the arrow? Therefore, all the arrows that were sparsely shot were blocked without exception, and none of them hit.

Long-range strikes are not very useful, so you can only rely on strength. A few of the Japanese players who were slightly stronger tried to rush, but they were indeed much stronger than the average person. One of them even surpassed the player who fell farthest and rushed forward more than ten meters. , But in the end he rushed to stop here. The strong sleepiness made him fall helplessly to the ground and sleep like a dead pig, even if the blood from his nose was smashed when it fell, it failed to restore his sanity.

Seeing that the expert is effective, one of the Japanese guild leaders who came to the city wall before suddenly said to the other guild leaders around him: "I’m the highest level here. I’ll try. If If I can’t get through, don’t waste people and take someone to copy from the side. The other party’s sonic range is not too large. Just moving along the edge of the city wall should be able to bypass her attack range."

The next few presidents, nodded, said something cautious to him, then watched him rush into the sonic zone and moved straight towards the huge crystal pipe organ rushing past.

Similar to the situation before, although this guild leader has outstanding strength, his ability has not yet reached my level against the sky, before rushing to the front of the player to fall. When he was in the position, his movements slowed down significantly, and at this time he finally realized that he had overlooked a problem. They had experimented with the hypnotic speed of the hypnotic sound wave in the outer circle area of ​​Sonic Wave, and the reason why this guild leader dared to rush in was because he calculated that time and thought he could rush to Crystal Princess before being hypnotized. But the problem is that they forgot that the sound wave will attenuate. The hypnotic intensity of the hypnotic magic sound is obviously different from the internal hypnosis. As the president gets closer and closer to the crystal Princess, he obviously feels the hypnotic intensity is rising in a straight line. In the end, although he stabbed himself twice with a dagger, hoping to make himself more awake, but in the end he still failed to resist the temptation of Sleeping God and fell more than ten meters away from Crystal Princess.

Bingling looked at Crystal Princess and said: "It seems that as long as you keep on here, no one will rush over there."

Crystal Princess will look at Bingling's words first. She gave her a shy smile, and then whispered: "No, my magic won’t last for that long. I have to stop for another twenty minutes at most. When the time comes, those people on the ground will wake up in a few minutes. Come here."

Crystal Flame took out her own sound blade and said: "Then let them never wake up." Then she was the first to rush towards the sleeping group of Masaka Japan. Players. After these guys were hypnotized, they didn't care if it was a battlefield or not. Those who slept one by one were called a fragrance, and some even ran out of snot bubbles and saliva. However, sleeping on the battlefield is not fun, because the price to be paid is quite heavy.

The person who slept on the ground is simply there's no resistance. Crystal Flame is holding a weapon and he will make a cut when he sees someone. Although the peripheral Japanese players saw that she was killing her companions, they were afraid to go up and help. Crystal Flame is not afraid of magic sound hypnosis because she and Crystal Princess are in the same group, magic sound is still a magic branch in the final analysis, so it also has the ability of automatic identification of magic skills, so crystal flame can safely and boldly kill people within the coverage of magic sound , And the Japanese players and NPCs outside did not dare to come in to rescue them, otherwise not only would they not be able to save their companions, but they would also have to get in.

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