"Don’t be scared, everyone. Even if the Frost Rose League comes with reinforcements, the number is impossible. As long as we rush in a spurt of energy, victory belongs to us." Just as the Japanese players were frightened, a loud slogan finally made the Japanese players react. As for the person who shouted this slogan, it goes without saying that this must be the helper we arranged for Matsumoto Masaga.

As morale rebounded again, a large number of Japanese players began to rush towards the city wall frantically. They stepped over the corpses of their companions, against the rain of arrows that kept falling like migratory locusts, and stepped on the extremely slippery mud soaked in blood and desperately rushed towards the city wall. After paying a lot of casualties, the first lucky guy finally managed to rush to the city wall. He desperately threw the grappling hook in his hand onto the city wall, then bit the long knife in his mouth, and pulled the rope with both hands and jumped. When he reached a place more than two meters above the ground, the guy then began to use his hands and feet to quickly climb up to the top of the city wall. However, his good luck ended here. Just as he climbed two or three meters high, a person on the top of the city wall suddenly leaned his upper body out of the city wall, aimed at him like lightning, and pulled the trigger of the crossbow. Before he could react, the crossbow bolt easily penetrated him. Throat. The guy opened his eyes and tried hard to make an effort, but in the end he loosened his hand and fell off.

Although the first player who touched the city wall died, his rope bought time for the players behind. The people following him jumped and grabbed the rope he left behind and started climbing desperately, only to climb less than two meters before the rope above suddenly fell loose from the wall. The guy reacted super fast, and when he saw that the rope was cut, he immediately jumped to a rope that was newly thrown on the wall next to him. Grabbing the new rope, the player immediately followed the rope to the top of the wall like a monkey, but unfortunately he was only halfway through the crossbow bolt and fell through his chest.

There are two. As more and more Japanese players lean on the city wall, more and more hooks are thrown on the wall, and the Japanese players below are also densely packed. Climbing up the wall, looking at it from the fifth city wall, it looks like the Six Paths city wall is covered with a layer of external armor composed of people.

Despite the hard work of the Japanese players, this Six Paths city wall is different from the previous ones. With sufficient personnel to defend, the defense force on the city wall is much higher than the first five city walls. After the Japanese players have paid a lot of casualties, no one has ever climbed to the top of the city wall, and even two or three meters high corpses have been piled up under the city wall at this time. At this rate, the Japanese players will be able to pile up a slope in front of the city wall with their corpses in one or two hours.

Seeing that the casualties were so huge, the leaders of the Japanese guilds who had just rushed to the front of the battlefield finally took action. I saw a guy rushed under the city wall like lightning, then pulled the rope with one hand, his body jumped up, and he reached half the height of the city wall, followed him with one foot on the city wall, his wrist hooked the rope down With a pull, the whole person lifted up again, and instantly reached the top of the city wall.

Looking at the Japanese warrior that suddenly flew up, the NPC guards of our guild on the top of the city wall raised their crossbows and shot them. The guild leader drew out a long knife at his waist and cut off the heads of the three guards in front of him. Seeing the opponent enter the inside of the city wall, the part of the NPC close to him immediately began to retreat and gave up a passage. Four NPCs with swords and shields quickly interspersed from the crowd, and greeted the Japanese warrior with the swords in their hands looked towards the Japanese warrior.

Seeing the NPC guard close to him, the Japanese president was not in a hurry. He inserted the long knife in his hand back into the scabbard like lightning, then crouched and posed, waiting for the NPC guard to approach. Immediately, there was another dart and flash. In an instant, all the shields of the four people were cut in half. However, the four NPCs were not forced back, fighting to lose the shields. He slashed in four directions up and down.

That guild leader didn’t expect that our guild’s NPC was so powerful, even after the shield was cut open, he even dared to come close to melee. But the surprise is the surprise, and the one that should be blocked has to be blocked. The guy saw that the four knives were sealing in four directions, so he jumped back and stomped on the wall, intending to break the four of them from above. But what made him didn't expect was that this was not a four-man team attack at all, but a five-man team attack. In addition to the four sword and shield players, there is also an archer in the group behind these four people. The first four attacked quickly and fiercely. Unless they were stronger than them, they would not be able to crack them. Therefore, the person who was attacked could choose to withdraw and retreat. However, there is not so much space on the city wall. The other party wants to retreat, so they can only jump up and stomping on the wall to avoid the attack range of the four. The archer waited for this jump.

As the guild leader took off, the archer had already loosened the tensioned bowstring. When the guild leader jumped up, the arrow just hit his chest. The arrow with terrifying power only allowed the guy to stand on the stomping wall for a few minutes before taking him away from the city wall and hitting the wall.

Looking at the president falling down the wall, several archers immediately rushed to the wall to hit a person when he's down. There was another row of feather arrows facing the guy who was still falling. As a result, the guy was shot into a hedgehog before landing, and finally fell heavily to the ground.

The first president who rushed to the city wall went up and down quickly, but his efforts somewhat bought a little time for the people behind. When those archers killed the guild leader and turned their target back to the Japanese who was climbing on the city wall, the fastest man was already on the side of the stomping wall. Seeing the short crossbow sticking out above his head, the Japanese player who rushed to the highest point decisively jumped on the wall, but he did not reach out to reach the city wall. Although he could hook the city wall and let himself climb up in that way, the result was nothing more than being shot into a sieve by the archer behind and falling off the wall. So instead of touching the city wall, he threw away a lot of darts with the opportunity of jumping off the wall just now, and the height exceeds the stomping wall, and he himself threw away a bunch of darts after threw away the darts because of exhaustion of ascent. The city wall fell down.

Although the ninja failed to land on the city wall in order to launch the darts, his efforts paid off. Although the ninja's darts are not very lethal, they are more or less an attack, not to mention that the archers with low defensive power are standing in the front row, so this dart is still a chaos for these archers. Taking advantage of the opportunity for the archers to dodge the darts, a Japanese player following the ninja had climbed outside the stomping wall, and turned inside with one hand.

As soon as this player landed, the archer on the opposite side recovered from the interference of the darts. After finding that the archer on the opposite side recovered, the player stopped attacking, and simply opened his arms and moved towards the crowd in front of him and rushed over. As soon as he left the ground, seven or eight arrows had already shot through his body, but the strong inertia still caused his body to plunge into the archer and turn a row of people.

Because of this guy's suicide attack, the archers failed to deal with the people who climbed up the city wall behind. Several Japanese players who followed this guy to the top of the wall quickly took advantage of this gap to pull out their weapons and rushed to the archers.

When I saw that a large number of people were on the top of the wall, the archer immediately began to retreat. The swordsmen who had disappeared before came up again and started fighting with these people, but because there was no archer on the wall to suppress them, more and more More people start to climb up the city wall.

"Good opportunity." Another Japanese guild leader saw that someone had climbed the city wall and immediately rushed to the wall. What was surprising was that this guy didn’t use ropes at all. As if walking along the road, he ran up to the top of the wall along the nearly vertical wall, and then jumped in.

On the city wall, a gap opened by the Japanese was messy enough. The president suddenly jumped up from another area, and the archer in that area was killed before he could react. After a piece of it, following the guild leader's rapid expansion, he killed two swordsmen who came after him. Because the five-person team was broken, the previous tactics could not be used, but the remaining three-person team was still very difficult to deal with, and the president who forced it took a lot of effort to kill them. However, although the three of them restrained the guild leader, their battle also affected the archer. The Japanese players in this area were blocked from climbing the city wall. As a result, the top of the wall came up when the guild leader killed the group of five. More than a dozen Japanese players. Under the leadership of the president, they began to assault around and gradually expanded their results. More and more Japanese began to climb up the city wall, and the blocking shots at the edge of the city wall were also forced to stop. The archers could only use projectiles. The way to intercept the enemy under the city wall is unable to accurately strike the wall climber, so the interception effect is immediately greatly reduced.

As more and more Japanese climbed up the city wall, the entire battle became extremely dangerous. At this time, the Japanese players were excited and roared while desperately rushing, because They know that as long as this city wall is broken through, the pivot city will be unreservedly presented before their eyes. But... the unexpected thing can only shock people when it appears at the most critical moment.

Woo... accompanied by a low and long sound like a steamer siren, a low and depressing sound of music suddenly sounded above the gatehouse of the sixth city wall of Fulcrum City, and with this sound more and more The bigger, the Japanese players and NPCs outside the city wall began to feel that there was a huge burden on their bodies, and the burden seemed to be increasing in weight, and it became difficult for them to breathe under pressure.

"Damn it, what's going on?" A Japanese player desperately supported his body with his hands and tried to stand up, but the strong pressure made them unable to do it at all, just like him An elephant stood on his back.

Beside this player, a player who seems to have a better understanding of our guild suddenly said: "It is the magic player force of the Frost Rose League. I heard that the Frost Rose League has a magic player force. , Using music and dance to kill people."

"Even for magic musicians, this coverage is too big, right?" The player next to him barely raised his head and looked at this place under the city wall. A large piece of land, in this area, few people can still stand, that is to say, this weapon covers at least the entire area between the two city walls, as for the outside area, because he can’t see it, so it’s not. The situation is clear, but no one rushes in from behind to supplement the fallen crowd, indicating that the outside is likely to be covered. This kind of almost full battlefield attack is too scary.

The player was sighing, and suddenly he heard the music on the top of the city changed again. A burst of music that was much crisper than before suddenly entered their ears, following the entire battlefield. All Japanese personnel, whether players or NPCs, spits out mouthful of blood at the same time.

"Damn, these musicians are so powerful, we don't expect to take down this city wall if we don't kill them!"

"Fight with them!" The Japanese player suddenly raised his hands and slapped his ears fiercely, and then saw a large amount of blood spurting out of his ears at the same time. He shook his head forcibly, and then exclaimed in surprise: "Why? Why can I still hear the music when I pat my ears deaf?"

No one answered his question, but Japan Players understand that this sound is obviously not heard by ears, at least not entirely by ears. Under the suppression of this music, the Japanese players who had just rushed to the top of the city were quickly killed, and the people who climbed outside the city wall also fell off the city wall. The unfathomable mystery was overthrown for the Japanese players' hard-to-reach results, and it produced almost no real effect except for some casualties to the guards of the guild. However, for the results of this battle, the corpses piled up by Japanese players under the city wall have increased by more than one meter.

"Damn, damn, damn! If we continue this way, even if we die here, we don't even want to lay down the city wall!" The Japanese player who was crushed and unable to stand up looked at the archer on the top of the city and started a row. They cleaned up their comrades in a row, their eyes flushed red in anxiousness, but the anxiousness was useless. The music didn’t stop and they didn’t raise.

The Japanese players just under the city wall were shot and killed more than half. When the remaining Japanese players thought that there was no hope, a group of players in uniform costumes suddenly rushed between the two city walls, and then they quickly ran under the city wall.

Seeing that some people can move, the archer on the city wall immediately regards these alternative people as their first choice, and the following Japanese players are all excited after seeing these people and don't know what to say. The costumes on these people tell them that these all are Ghost Dragon Club members are all subordinates of Masaka Matsumoto. Thinking that the people from the Ghost Dragon Club had easily cracked the almost invincible mobile angel force, those Japanese players who could not move immediately pin their hopes on these people. However, when they saw the dense arrows on the city wall all moved towards the people from the Ghost Dragon Club, their hearts all touched their throats, but just when they thought their hopes were going to be shattered, The members of the Ghost Dragon Club suddenly all gathered together, and then the four outermost people suddenly turned around and squatted into a strange shape.

As soon as those people posed their styles, there was an aggressive sound, and the arrows that flew to the members of the Ghost Dragon Club were all blocked by a layer of yellow light curtain. . Seeing this scene, the Japanese players all yelled in excitement, as if they had successfully escaped.

After successfully blocking the first wave of dense arrow rain, the four players immediately took off the protective shield. Although there were still some rare arrows shot down at this time, the density was not high after all. The members of the Ghost Dragon Society jumped back and forth between the arrows, and in the end they rushed to the bottom of the city wall unscathed.

Seeing those ghost dragon guild members rushing under the city wall, the surrounding Japanese players were all excitedly shouting for them to cheer, and the ghost dragon guild members are indeed amazing. I saw that the two strongest Japanese warriors in the team first stood under the city wall and formed a tic-tac-toe with their hands crossed. Then they squatted slightly. A player from behind rushed to them and then suddenly turned around. Jumped upside down and stepped on the tic-tac-toe frame composed of their hands. The two warriors followed the falling power of the player and first let go, and then suddenly used force to throw it upward, and the player also kicked down with the force, and the whole person flew into the city like a cannonball. The wall fell directly into the stack wall. Seeing the perfect cooperation of these three players, the Japanese players below cheered one after another, but their cheers were not over yet, and the player who had just jumped up was shot out. However, although the first player died within a few seconds, the second and third players were thrown up by one after another. The players behind all jumped directly to the top of the wall with the power of these two people. When there was a rain of arrows greeted from above, the four players before will jointly arrange that kind of protective cover to protect them.

The members of the Black Dragon Club who were here soon had more than 30 people thrown on the city wall, and only the four people with the protective cover and the two were left under the city wall Strong and super hunk like a bear. After confirming that no one needed to throw away, the six people did not find a way to climb the wall, but hid in the city passageway one after another, and transformed a huge hand-operated drill from the space equipment and began to make a hole in the city gate. .

Affected by Isinger, all cities built by the guild, with the exception of some unimportant small cities, almost all use a gate as thick as the city wall as a protection measure for the city gate. It is said that ordinary siege hammers are not effective at the city gate of our guild. Although the siege hammer is called a siege hammer, it actually only attacks a city gate that is tens of centimeters thick. It is obviously not good for a sluice gate that is almost as thick as a city wall and is made of stone. However, although the siege hammer can't move this kind of heavy gate, the drill bit can make a hole in the rock, and this fool knows what to do after the hole is opened. As long as you make a hole in the Qianjin gate and stuff some explosives in, you can blast open the city gate like a mountain. This kind of blasting method cannot be simpler. Of course, under the city gate are usually key defense areas. The guards on the city wall will not let you drill holes in the door at ease, so this method is not that simple to use.

The reason why these six members of the Ghost Dragon Society can make holes in the door is purely because of the chaos caused by the 30-odd people who have been on the top of the city wall. Due to their restraint, the guards on the city wall cannot throw bombs or dump tar or the like. Otherwise, the defensive materials on the city wall will simply be untenable.

The Japanese players who were crushed on the ground were watching the six people dig a hole in the city gate, and suddenly they listened to the unfathomable mystery music on the city wall, and their pressure disappeared immediately. Everyone jumped from the ground at once. Although there was a short daze, these people soon realized that the group of people who had just rushed onto the city wall interrupted the magic musicians above the city gate from playing music, so they could regain their freedom.

The Japanese players and NPCs who regained their mobility began to rush to the edge of the city wall to throw ropes, and then began to climb the wall again. Since there are already three-meter-high corpses under the city wall, So this time the height of the wall they need to climb is reduced by more than three meters, but in fact the danger of climbing the wall is not reduced at all, because the corpse is not used to pave the road after all, it is not imagined to want to advance on the soft corpse. It’s so easy. Many Japanese players and NPCs have fallen on this kind of deep and shallow corpse road. However, despite the bumpy road ahead, Japanese players finally climbed onto the wall again with a desperate spirit. After experiencing another battle for the city head, Japanese players finally started to control a small City Wall section, and then subsequent Japanese players began to climb the city wall one after another to expand their results.

It wasn't until many Japanese players climbed up the city wall that they discovered that it turned out that everything was not peaceful upstairs in the city gate. The 30-odd Ghost Dragon Club players who jumped up before now still have seven or eight people fighting, while the bodies of other people are lying down on the ground. A few look beautiful, but fast as lightning beauties are holding strange weapons and entangled with the remaining Ghost Dragon Club players, but those few people are not very entangled with these beauties, they are desperately chasing one The little beauty who looks very harmless.

Although I don’t know why these people are fighting like this, the nearby Japanese players still choose to believe that their actions are meaningful, so subsequent Japanese players near the city gate take the initiative to treat the seemingly harmless The little beauty became the first target.

In fact, if they knew that this little beauty being chased was the previous magician who used music to press them and they couldn’t stand up, they probably wouldn’t be able to deal with the ghostly dragon club players. The behavior is strange. But in any case, what the Ghost Dragon Club did before was to let them follow these Ghost Dragon Club players to chase down the little beauty. It's a pity if the person rushed up, but none of them could get close to the little beauty. of. As for the reason... It is the twelve beauties who slid in front of the little girl and the four beauties surrounding the little girl.

In the eyes of Japanese players, the equipment of these sixteen beauties are all very strange. Although the equipment on their bodies looks a bit of the basic form of armor, if you study carefully, you will find that these armors actually do not have much protection, because they expose many parts of these beauties, and they have no defensive effect at all. . On the contrary, if these things are costumes, it is very convincing, because each piece of these equipment looks so gorgeous, and its decorative effect is obviously greater than the actual combat capability.

However, the above is only a guess of Japanese players, but the actual situation is-this is actually sixteen sets of chain suits that are rare in the world.

Everyone knows that a suit is a complete set of equipment. Generally, the attributes of this type of equipment can assist each other. After a complete set, the battle strength will be very strong. The attributes of some Holy Spirit-level suits can even surpass most of the single A Divine Item, as for the Divine Item set, it’s even more scary. But what is this chain suit? In fact, this is also very simple. Chain suits are still suits, but a general suit is a complete set of equipment for one person, while a chain suit is a complete set of equipment for multiple people.

The sixteen beauties who stood in front of Crystal Princess are actually the two magic squads of our guild-the twelve scale of angels and the quartet of dancing angels.

The twelve-tone scale of the angel is a group of twelve magic sound dancers. All of their equipment can echo each other. Any two of the entire team can use double combo skills, and the three Together, they can release the skills of three people. On top of this, any number of people can combine special skills, and even twelve people can work together to perform a twelve-person joint skill similar to a sword array. To put it bluntly, if the twelve of them combined to activate the finishing skills, even if I was trapped in the middle, I would probably be beaten half-handed, and the others would not even have the hope of surviving.

Similar to the twelve scales of angels, the dancing angel quartet is also a squad. The four of them are also equipped with chain suits, but they are not the same as the twelve scales of the angels. Although the angel’s twelve-scale equipment is a chain suit, their equipment is of the Holy Spirit level, which means that although the level is high, they are not top-level equipment. And although the twelve of them cooperated well, after all, there were twelve, and it was difficult for them to be completely unified. But the dancing angel quartet is different. These four are not only a group of rare quadruplet sisters, but their chain suits are still Divine Item level. It can be said that the combination of these four people is almost invincible in the whole world, and the only possibility of failure is that they encounter nemesis or unfavorable circumstances, otherwise in a fair battle, it can be said that no one can defeat them.

Because of the chain suit, the power of these sixteen people can be said to be Heaven Defying Level. However, since the creation of the magic sound team of our guild, these magic musicians and magic sound dancers have been independently trained. They often rarely participate in the activities of the guild, unless it is an urban warfare level battle, they will appear. This kind of training makes them quite mysterious not only in the eyes of outsiders, but even in the guild. Most people don’t talk about their specific attributes, and they don’t even know how they fight, and because of this, those Japanese players simply don’t know how strong the outfits that look like costumes are worn by these girls. To what extent, and the price of despising the enemy is death.

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