"Where are you planning to go?" Looking at me in front of me, Demon immediately wanted to turn around and escape, but when she turned around, she immediately found the finished product with me The glyph surrounds her Peacock Pluto and Yinxue. Although this Demon is powerful, her specialty is not speed. It is simply a daydream to want to escape safely in such an encirclement.

Staring at me for a long time, her eyes are constantly changing. I can feel all kinds of complex emotions in her thinking appearing alternately. Obviously she is fighting between heaven and man. However, I really underestimated the speed of Demon's nerve system decision. Just when I thought she would hesitate for a long time, the Demon suddenly threw something at me, and then suddenly burst towards the Peacock Pluto when I dodged sideways.

"Where to run." Seeing that Demon rushed towards him, the Peacock Pluto was not afraid, but excitedly took the initiative to greet him. However, as soon as the two people came into contact, the Peacock Pluto was surprised to find that he actually rushed to the air. The Demon she caught exploded like a soap bubble the moment she touched it. Although the formidable power of this phantom explosion can be said to be minimal, the shock to the Peacock Pluto is definitely not small.

Different from the big movement of the Peacock Pluto, the Yinxue on the other side did not move from beginning to end, but when the Peacock Pluto grabbed the illusion, she suddenly said: "Do you really think you can slip past me?"

After Yinxue finished speaking, nothing appeared beside her as before, but after waiting for a few seconds, Yinxue Snow suddenly turned his head that had been looking at the front to the left and stared at an open space and said, "Are you going to just stand like this?" It's very powerful. Didn't expect was useless in front of others. Although the false illusion did successfully deceive one, the key is that her body could not escape. Compared to the illusion, she herself is obviously the most important.

Just when Demon was surprised not knowing what to do because his body was discovered, Yinxue finally lost his patience. Seeing that the Demon was still not moving, she suddenly reached out and pointed at the Demon, a white beam flashed instantly, and the Demon immediately called out pitifully and fell out of his invisibility.

"refuse a toast only to be forced to drink a forfeit!" Yinxue, who succeeded in the blow, looked at the Demon and satirized such a sentence, but she soon discovered the wound on Demon's abdomen, so She went on to say, "Do you look a lot weaker than before? You can't bear even this kind of attack. It's really pitiful."

In fact, Yinxue didn't know this before. Demon's defensive power has dropped so much, the blow just now was just to force her out of invisibility. However, to his surprise, the casual blow successfully penetrated Demon's stomach and opened a small hole in it. Although the attack power of this energy ray is relatively concentrated, and its armor piercing ability is very strong, but referring to the demon's previous defensive power, such an attack should have been completely blocked by her. It's just that now this body is obviously not as good as the previous one, and it was hit by such an attack. Of course, although a hole was opened, Demon's body was originally shaped with energy, so it quickly recovered after being injured. But in any case, it was a huge improvement to hurt her. It's just that... Although Yinxue found that Demon's defensive power had dropped severely, she didn't dare to step forward to deal with her personally.

Just like Yinxue said when he arrived here, in Eighteen Levels of Hell, energy is static, and time is static. Although we can still move, those attributes that require time will be Out of action. For example, our blood recovery and magic recovery speed. The average person's blood recovery and magic recovery speed are calculated based on how much he recovers in one second. As long as you know how long has passed since the injury, and then multiply the recovery speed and time, you can know the amount of automatic recovery. However, the time here is static. No matter how fast you regenerate the blood, the result will definitely be zero after multiplying by a time coefficient of zero. That is to say, there is no blood rebirth here, unless you have a blood rebirth potion, otherwise you The magical power and health value of are used a little less, it is absolutely impossible to recover naturally.

In order to quickly clean up the nearby aborigines and prevent the Demon from absorbing their power, Yinxue directly used a wide range of attacks. Although the effect was very good, the mana consumption was not low. If in other places, with Yinxue's recovery speed, such a spell can be used unlimitedly, but it won't work here. Yinxue had already noticed that her magic power had been reduced by nearly one-eighth, and she didn't know what to do if she continued to squander it.

Because Yinxue knew that her magic power could not be recovered, she did not dare to use it indiscriminately, so she would use words to stimulate the Demon after a hit. This method did not conform to Yinxue's personality. She had a relatively indifferent and low-key personality. This kind of language play was completely irrelevant to her. But now in order to save magic power, she can only do that.

Of course I also know about Yinxue's worries, so while Yinxue tried to stimulate the Demon, I also walked to the Demon and stood still. Unlike Yinxue and Peacock Pluto, I am not subject to any restrictions in Eighteen Levels of Hell, and contrary to others, my attributes determine that I will get more assistance here, not only the magic value is almost infinite , Even the attack formidable power has more than tripled. It can be said that the Eighteen Levels of Hell is my home field, and I have a good place here.

"Didn't expect this kind of time, you still dare to play tricks with us." The Peacock Pluto, who came from the other side, couldn't help but feel angry when he saw Demon sitting on the ground. She rushed up to fight the illusion of Demon with excitement like that before, and finally caught nothing, which is definitely a very embarrassing thing in the eyes of Divine Race. Fortunately, among the three creatures present, Demon is a hostile person. Yinxue and I are both tight-lipped, otherwise the Peacock Pluto would definitely be even more embarrassed. A dignified high level Divine Race could not even see through the illusion. If this is passed out, the Peacock Pluto will probably have no face to see people.

Although the Demon on the ground knew that the Peacock Pluto was talking about her, he didn't respond at all and just sat there in a daze. It’s not a problem for the three of us to wait for her in a daze, so I finally stepped forward and pointed at her with the ever-changing hook and scythe: "You don’t have the previous battle strength anymore, I I advise you to be aware of the current situation and actively surrender, otherwise, don’t blame us for being impolite."

"Wow..." Demon burst into tears after I had just finished my question. Was taken aback. Peacock Pluto and Yinxue were also confused. Why did this Demon cry suddenly while slapped? What's this?

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