Seeing the Peacock Pluto pointing to the stick in my hand, I quickly explained: "This is the rod of the guide. It is the prize for the previous Gate of Truth mission."

< p>The Rod of Wizard is actually not a rare thing, because it will appear in many missions. Generally speaking, the rod of guide is like a locator, which can help users find the place they want to reach. Of course, as a common item, the staff of the wizard is also hierarchical like other common items. The lowest guide rods are all one-offs. They can point out the general direction of the target location, and they will fail once they are pointed. The mid-level wizard rod has a slightly stronger ability, can point out the target location more accurately, and can be used multiple times during the search process in order to continuously correct the direction, but this wizard rod is still a single-task consumable because it always It will only point to the goal it originally set. The last one is the rod of high level equivalent. This thing keeps aiming precisely and can be used indefinitely. That is to say, after you use it to find a target, you can enter another target and use it again. Of course, this kind of high level goods is definitely very rare.

The wizard rod in my hand is not a high level product. Gate of Truth will only determine the level of rewards according to the user’s goal. We just need to find the Demon. There is no need to set the goal repeatedly. So in the end we get the normal version, which can be pointed multiple times, but only For the Demon's guide rod. Although compared with the high level guide rod, the function of this guide rod is slightly worse, but for this task, there is not much difference. Besides, the high level task reward also means high difficulty. Tasks, in contrast, this kind of general task prizes are the most appropriate.

Although the Peacock Pluto has never seen what the staff of the guide looks like, she has heard of the function of this thing. When I heard that this thing is the staff of the guide, she immediately understood the role of the staff of the guide. use.

Yinxue looked at the guide rod in my hand and said: "The task item provided by Gate of Truth is indeed good, but why did it suddenly send us here without giving us preparation time?"

"I think this may have something to do with the location where we are standing." When it was first transmitted, I was also wondering why it was sent here, but combined with the surrounding environment After thinking about it, I quickly guessed the reason.

"You know?" The Peacock Pluto and Yinxue, who didn't expect to get an answer from me, were taken aback and looked towards me together. "What is the reason?"

I didn't answer their question directly, but instead asked: "Don't you find the environment here is strange?"

Yinxue nodded Said: "Actually, I wanted to talk when I first came in. This place is like a dead space. There is no wind, no time passing, even the energy is still."

Peacock Pluto Yinxue said so and nodded: "Indeed, I feel that the energy in the surrounding space is completely immobile as if it is stuck. This is the first time I have encountered such a strange place."

" What energy flow? Why can't I feel it?" The Night Son who had been left alone couldn't help but interject at this time.

When the Peacock Pluto heard him speak, he said directly: "If you can feel the energy in the space at your level, it is a ghost. You don't want to think about who we are."

The Son of Night thought for a while and said: "That's what I said. It seems that I am the lowest level here!"

The Peacock Pluto attacked him again and said: "That's it. Originally I didn’t plan to bring you here. This task is very difficult. Before you belonged to Vina, you took the position. I don’t know if we will run into Demon afterwards. We can’t handle it."< /p>

"Okay, peacock, don't talk about him anymore. The son of the night didn't intentionally squeeze in." Yinxue saw that the head of the son of the night was almost dropped to the ground by the Peacock Pluto, and finally Can't bear to help the son of night talk to the Peacock Pluto.

I also followed: "Yes, Peacock, don't say it, it's not his fault."

Peacock Pluto probably also knew that he was a bit too cruel. , But she doesn’t have the habit of apologizing, but after we finished talking, she changed the subject and said: "By the way, you haven’t said what exactly is this place?"

"Yes, where exactly is this? Huh?" Yinxue also turned to me and asked.

"This is actually the legend..." I deliberately pulled the long tone, and then suddenly said: "Eighteen Levels of Hell."

"What?" My Eighteen Levels As soon as of Hell exited, the other three people present all screamed.

"What did you just say? Eighteen Levels of Hell? I heard it right?" Peacock Pluto asked incredulously.

I looked at the all around environment again and said, "It should be right. I have been here before, so I still have a little understanding of the characteristics here. If I am not mistaken , This should be the legendary Eighteen Levels of Hell."

After Yinxue listened to me, she also said to herself: "The bottom of the hell, beyond the world, the time The node, the tomb of the avenue. The legendary Eighteen Levels of Hell is really true. The environment and legend here are really not bad at all."

"What? This is really the Eighteen Levels of Hell." "The Peacock Pluto still asked a little bit unbelievably.

"It should be correct." Yin Xue said: "Eighteen Levels of Hell is said to be a Small World independent of the world. When Pangu was splitting heaven and earth apart, it did not actually The entire Chaos Harmony is broken down to produce the world, a small piece of Chaos World that has not been completely separated finally forms an independent Small World, which is the Eighteen Levels of Hell. It is independent of the world and enjoys a completely unique The law of the world. Time is a completely meaningless thing here, and the energy will stop here, so you'd better use your own skills. I’m afraid you won’t be able to recover the magic here."

Listen to Yinxue After speaking, I smiled, stretched out my hand and snapped my fingers, and immediately followed me a few zhang high hell fires. As soon as the night child saw the flame, he jumped to the side in shock, still complaining constantly in his mouth. "Damn, boss, do you want to self-immolate?"

Different from the less capable Night Son, the Peacock Pluto and Yinxue smiled clearly as soon as they saw the burning flames. . "I have forgotten your attribute." Yinxue smiled and said: "You are the strongest in this kind of place."

I also chuckled and said: "Don't I don’t know where I am. When I get to such a place, I guess there are not too many people who can do me."

"Okay, well, don’t show off your evil attributes. Let's see where our goal is going." Peacock Pluto suggested.

"Well, I'm fine." After hearing the words of the Peacock Pluto, I immediately placed the guide rod I got on the ground, and then pressed the top of the rod with one finger to keep it as vertical as possible On the ground. This action is very important for the wizard's rod, because the pointing accuracy of the wizard's rod will be guided by this action.

In fact, the stick of the guide is a weird crutch. When you need to show the way, just put it on the ground, then release your finger, let it fall naturally and look at the head of the stick. Just point in the direction. However, everyone knows that in a natural state, if an object falls, it will definitely fall in the direction where the center of gravity is shifted. Although the rod of guide can use its magical ability to make it fall in the direction of the target, but The guiding force of the guide rod is actually very weak. If you can stand it completely vertically on the ground so that it will not tilt down at all, and then fall down by the guiding force of the guide rod itself, then it will definitely be the most accurate. However, if you didn’t put it straight before, such as moving towards a certain direction with a relatively large angle of inclination, in the end, although the rod of guide won’t fall directly in that direction, it will definitely not fall to the right. Direction. Therefore, the best case is to stand it completely vertical on a flat ground. Of course, because it is impossible to find a completely level ground in reality, and it is unlikely that the guide rod is completely vertical, a small deviation is still acceptable. After all, except for the low-level equivalent rods that can only point once, the guide rods above the normal version can be pointed multiple times. As long as you use the rod of guide multiple times during the movement, you can continuously correct the deviation and finally find the target.

As I stood the guide rod completely upright, and then gently lifted my finger, the guide rod did not fall down immediately, but stayed still for more than a second, and then slowly Tilted in one direction, and finally fell suddenly. Seeing this result, I knew that this time should be considered more accurate, because the static for more than a second before showed that I stood straighter, and did not let the tilt of the center of gravity affect the guiding force of the guide rod.

Recovering the staff of the guide, the few of us started moving towards the direction indicated by the staff of the guide and moved forward.

In fact, in Eighteen Levels of Hell, most areas should be turned into no man's land. Of course, this person does not specifically refer to human beings, but refers to all intelligent creatures in general. Although there is a city this thing in Eighteen Levels of Hell, it is more of an endless wasteland plain. On the wasteland plains, the purple mist around us is everywhere, and it is often the kind of super barren area where no one can be found for tens of thousands of kilometers. Thanks to Eighteen Levels of Hell, the time below is static. Even if you are trapped, you will not starve to death. Otherwise, it is estimated that the creatures in Eighteen Levels of Hell must die in these deserted areas. You must know that the endless sand dunes in the desert are enough to kill most people. Not only is the area larger than the desert, but it is also blocked by a layer of fog. You can't see anything from 200 meters away. . If you want to find the right direction in such a place, it is really not something ordinary people can do.

Now our goal is not to leave the deserted area, but to find the Demon, so we don’t worry about getting lost at all. As for how to return to the world in the end, this is actually very simple. I still have a chance to call Black Qilin for help. This is the promise I made when I met him last time. When I need to go back, I can use this promise to ask him to help. Although originally the black Qilin promised me to help me play massacre in the Russian camp, it was a bit wasteful to let him be a porter, but anyway, the Russians have retreated ahead of time. The black Qilin's promise is not necessary and can be used. It's not up, so it's not too bad.

In order to speed up as much as possible, Night Son and I both brought out our respective guardian long spear summon. The Night Son is just a guardian long spear, which is only enough for his own use. Because I have a double number, I have two guardian long spears. In addition, the flying bird is also a creature of the long spear series, so I have three jet mounts. The bird keeps it for its own use, and the other two long spears can be divided into Peacock Pluto and Yinxue, so that the four of us can be completely jet-blown.

Relying on the speed of the long spears, we can be said to be advancing fast in the Great Wilderness Garden, but because the target we are tracking is a moving individual rather than a fixed location, so in order to prevent flying over the head in the middle, We had to stop every half an hour and use the staff of the guide to redefine the downward direction.

In this way, we stopped and ran for two hours. When we jumped off the long spear for the fourth time and started to calculate the direction, we suddenly found that the staff of the guide had made a big turn, pointing To our front left. Although in the previous few measurements, the guide rod will have a small deviation each time, but this time the angle of change is unusually large.

"It seems that we are not far from the goal." Seeing the pointing of the guide rod, Peacock Pluto and Yinxue both understood that we were actually very close to the goal, otherwise the guide rod would not Such an obvious turn occurred between the two directions.

After taking two consecutive measurements to confirm that the direction just now was not caused by my slippery hand, we stepped on the long spear again and started running in the direction pointed by the guide rod. Because this time we determined that the target is not far away from us, we did not dare to fly for half an hour in one breath as before. Instead, after flying for ten minutes, we stopped and did another test. However, this calculation found that the target seemed to be Moved the position again, because the pointing was once again deviated to the left by an angle of more than ten degrees.

As soon as the son of the night saw the direction changed again, he immediately flashed onto his long spear back and was about to continue flying, but before he could let the long spear fly up, I called out. "Don't use long spear anymore, the target distance is already not far, let's just go there."

When I heard my words, the Peacock Pluto and Yinxue who were just about to climb the long spear also jumped down quickly. . After taking back the long spear, we switched to the steel claw instead of the long spear. Long spear is not necessary because the speed of long spear is too fast. I am worried about accidentally flying over my head, but I didn't plan to walk there either. Although the steel claws are not fast, they are much faster than human walking, so we will all be replaced by steel claws.

Facts have proved that my decision was very wise, because the blocked vision suddenly cleared after less than five minutes of running with the steel claws. Although there are many places in the Eighteen Levels of Hell that are covered by the purple mist that obstructs the line of sight, but also not every place is like this, such as the places where the creatures in the Eighteen Levels of Hell gather. Generally there is no fog.

We have just ran for five minutes, and the fog in front of us suddenly disappeared, obviously making us rush out of the foggy area. And almost as soon as we left the foggy area, our goal also appeared in our sight at the same time.

"I saw her." Peacock Pluto has the best eyes. He found the target far away. The rest of us only saw a large group of people fighting in the distance.

Yes, not one person, but a large group of people. Although in terms of total area, the Eighteen Levels of Hell belongs to the kind of area with sparsely populated areas, but because most of the areas in the Eighteen Levels of Hell are barren plains covered by purple mist, it is really On the contrary, the area where lifeforms live is quite crowded, so it is not too strange to see a large group of people at the same time. It's just...

"What are they doing?" Although they are still far away, I still find that the group of people are not in the right position.

"They seem to be attacking that Demon." Night Son said while holding a telescope while watching.

Yinxue turned around and looked towards and I asked: "What shall we do now?"

In fact, there are only two options that we can decide now: First, rush over to join immediately Melee; Second, wait until Demon and the local residents have a result.

Originally, if it’s in another place, it’s actually a good way to rush over to watch the excitement, but here is the Eighteen Levels of Hell. The life form here is quite special. If we rush over now, most likely It will cause those people to surround us as enemies, so if you don't want to mix up, the best way is to don't go there at all.

I watched the people who were fighting for a long time thinking about it, and finally said: "Let's pass now."

"Haha, there is a fight now." The violent Peacock Pluto was immediately excited when he heard that he was in the past, but Yinxue had another reaction.

"Why do you want to be in the past?"

"Sit to reap the rewards is also good, but here is the Eighteen Levels of Hell, there is no such thing as reaping the rewards. In In other places, when the sandpiper and the clam fight each other, it's the fisherman who benefits are all applicable, but they are different here."

"How is the method different?"

"This involves the environment of Eighteen Levels of Hell. As you said before, the energy flow here is completely dead, and there is no energy transfer in space. But you actually don't know that there is actually energy flow here. , It’s just that it’s not the free energy in space, but the soul energy between creatures. This entire Eighteen Levels of Hell is like a huge worm, where every time you kill a creature, the energy in the opponent’s body will almost It flows into your body in a non-destructive way. So..."

"So if the Demon kills all the people there, she will absorb the energy of everyone there and become a stronger existence?" Yinxue directly took what I didn't finish.

I nodded affirmed her guess, and then said: "So we don't have to think about the fisherman profits, it will only make our enemy stronger."

< p>"If that's the case, then don't wait, let's rush." ​​Yinxue also understood now that waiting more will not only benefit us, but will only make us more passive.

When we collectively rushed to the area where the Demon was fighting with the native creatures, the Demon also noticed us, so after she saw us, she tried desperately to run away, just because there were all around In an attempt to kill her, she is really inevitable.

In fact, when this Demon first arrived here, it was just a skull shape, and it was very badly damaged. The teleportation that finally escaped our attack was actually not without cost. For this reason, she lost the incomplete head that was left at that time, which was nearly one third. Such a big effort directly transferred her to this Eighteen Levels of Hell.

When she first arrived here, Demon was also very confused, because she didn't know where it was. But unlike us, we were confused because we knew that this was the Eighteen Levels of Hell, and she was confused about all the external environments because she had never left the Chixiong Tomb. However, her confusion was quickly replaced by fear, because less than ten minutes after she had just appeared here, a large group of creatures rushed to where she was and tried to eat her.

The creatures in Eighteen Levels of Hell attack each other to absorb energy, and this Demon is entirely composed of soul gold, which is simply a group of concentrated energy, in such a place, a group of super concentrated What a tempting thing is that energy? As a result, those excited native creatures swarmed up, wanting to grab this huge energy group. However, not only did their ideas fail to make them have a full meal, they actually harmed themselves.

Although the body of Demon's soul gold has been lost in the battle, the high concentration of soul gold is still there. Those who first discovered her were a nobody who had little strength. Not only did they fail to absorb energy from the Demon, but they were reversely absorbed when the energy channel was established. It's like using a rope to tie an object, and then pull the rope hard. If the person pulling the rope is heavier than the object being tied, he can naturally pull the object to his side, but if the object is heavier than the person pulling the rope, then regardless of the amount of human energy Regarding the question, he must have pulled himself to the object in the end. This is the case with Demon and those native creatures who want to suck her. The energy channel established by the native creatures with her is the rope, but because the energy density of this Demon is too large, the guys who want to absorb her not only did not absorb her, but pulled themselves into her body instead. Was absorbed by her.

Demon, who thought he was going to die this time, didn’t expect to be unfathomable mystery and gained a lot of power. Not only did he regenerate his body, but also the violent phenomenon in the previous battle. It also seemed to have stopped, and reason returned to her thinking.

Because of the ability to think, this Demon Little Princess began to use his head. As the spirit of all things, the most powerful thing is not our body, but our wisdom. After summarizing the previous situation, Demon Little Princess, who has the ability to think, immediately realized that she should find more such creatures to absorb in order to greatly enhance her own strength. Although she had just regenerated her body, this body was actually incomparable to her previous body. Before, her body was completely composed of soul gold, which not only had outstanding anti-strike ability, but also had a bunch of special attributes, which could even release energy directly by burning the body at critical moments. In contrast, this body is much worse now. Although the regenerated limbs have most of the biological functions, they are only simple physical bodies instead of soul gold. They are significantly weaker than the previous body in terms of defensive power and various attributes. , And because the soul gold in the original small piece of head was evenly diluted into this body, her demon-organizing power also dropped a lot. But even if she knew that average soul gold would reduce her demon power, she would do it without the slightest hesitation, because if she didn't do that, her body would not be able to control it freely.

The previous Demon Little Princess was actually a Soul Body. We can completely imagine her as a ghost. The reason why she has the entity is because the Soul Power in her body is over-condensed to form the product of the energy materialization of soul gold. After she was knocked out of most of her Avatar body, the remaining part of the head became her entire body, and the regenerated limbs were actually just an empty shell, and if she wanted to manipulate this empty body, she would You must attach your soul to it like other ghosts. And what is the soul of Demon Little Princess? Her soul is the soul gold body, so if she wants to attach to the newly created body, she must decompose her body with only one head and restructure it into a human form and attach it to the new body, so that the body can be regarded as real. Belongs to the body of Demon Little Princess.

Although this method of diluting and dispersing soul gold has given Demon Little Princess a new body, it has to be admitted that her defensive power and various combat attributes have indeed dropped drastically as a result. However, although she felt that her strength was declining, she didn't care too much, because she had found a way to make herself stronger again.

How about Celestial Court being so anxious to kill this Demon? This girl has only arrived at Eighteen Levels of Hell in ten minutes and has already started planning to "eat" all the creatures here. If this is really allowed to her, it is estimated that when she returns to the world, she will not be better than when she ran away. Weak, maybe it will be stronger. Of course, it takes time to execute this plan, and it doesn't mean that it can be completed. When we found this one, she was carrying out her plan.

Although the body of soul gold is diluted and dispersed into the new body, soul gold is soul gold. For the beings in Eighteen Levels of Hell, the temptation of this thing is basically irresistible. So under the active temptation of Demon Little Princess, she soon chased a small group of guys who tried to "eat" her. After gathering these people, Demon Little Princess led these guys to the edge of the no-man's land, then "eat" them all, and then went back to the gathering areas to lead a gang of people out again.

This method is probably too easy to use. Demon Little Princess did not control the pleasure of swallowing for a while, so accidentally attracted a little more this time, so it appeared as we saw. The situation where many native creatures besieged Demon Little Princess. Fortunately, I know that the law here is similar to the nature of Insect Gu, otherwise let her slowly kill all these guys and then absorb them, then her strength will definitely rise sharply again.

After seeing us appear, Demon Little Princess herself was taken aback. Peacock Pluto had not participated in the strangulation battle against her before, so she did not know what strength the Peacock Pluto was. As for the Son of Night, because the energy response was too low, he was directly ignored by others. However, although the Demon Little Princess did not know the Peacock Pluto and the Son of the Night, she knew me and Yinxue, especially me. On the previous battlefield, although it was through the auxiliary abilities provided by the Divine Race gods that raised me to such a strong level, no matter what, I was the only one who had been beating her from the beginning. So, if you ask this Demon Little Princess in this world who is most afraid of, she will definitely think of me first.

On the battlefield, Demon Little Princess, who had a complete body of soul gold, was beaten so badly by me. Now her body has become like this. How can I not be afraid of seeing me? Although my current strength is not the same as the ability mention on equal terms after inheriting so many attributes of the great gods on the battlefield, Demon Little Princess does not know this. Anyway, she remembers being beaten badly by me, so the only thing I can think of when I see it now is to run quickly.

Although we are not close to the battle group, we took back the steel claws and flew over there by ourselves after we found the target. Although the Night Son was slower, we didn't expect him to participate in the war anyway, so we didn't wait for him at all. Me, the Peacock Pluto and Yinxue flew to the outskirts of the battle group in almost thirty seconds. As soon as Yinxue landed on the ground, she looked at me and asked: "Which side to fight first?"

"It's better to get rid of those guys outside. It is better to be absorbed by us than to be absorbed by her."

"Good idea." Yinxue suddenly stretched out his hand after speaking. A white beam of light flashed across the crowd like a laser. The area on the right of the battle group suddenly fell down like a bite. A large group of people.

Though these guys locked in the Eighteen Levels of Hell were all powers at the beginning, they have been locked in an energy barren area like the Eighteen Levels of Hell for so many years, even if they were magical at first. Super power, now the energy should be almost consumed. Therefore, the current strength of these powerful people is actually very low. In terms of fighting skills and theory of skills, these guys are definitely Grandmaster Level. Anyone can establish a monastery or sect, but no matter how strong theoretical knowledge is, no energy support is useless. Yinxue's energy ray can be said to be an ordinary skill without fancy, purely injuring people with energy, and the most lacking thing in this place is energy, so the guys who are attacked are almost brought down at the moment there's no resistance. Blockbuster.

At the same time Yinxue took action, the Peacock Pluto moved. However, it is not the same as Yinxue's efficiency. Although Peacock Pluto's colorful divine light sweeps a large area, because of the short distance, the killing efficiency is not as exaggerated as Yinxue. Of course, compared with them, I should be the one with the lowest efficiency. Because I only use ordinary chopping, although dealing with these guys is like chopping melons and vegetables, but after all, the speed is not comparable to others.

Under our strong attack, the guys who besieged Demon Little Princess were completely wiped out in an instant. Except for the corpses in one place, the three of us were standing, and the Night Son At this time, he just rushed to the battlefield.

"Huh? Didn't you say that Demon is very difficult to deal with? How can it be solved so easily?" Night son saw the corpse lying on the spot and thought we even killed the Demon together That's it.

"No, we just cleaned up those who got in the way first." I explained to the Night Son.

Didn't expect the son of the night after listening to my explanation, not only did not understand it, but asked me in confusion: "Since you didn't kill her, how about her?"

" Damn, when did she learn to escape?" I said in surprise as I looked at the deserted battlefield.

Yinxue corrected me and said, "She was good at running away. Don’t you remember that she was running right after she got out of Qixiong Tomb? Later, when she came to the Russian camp, she didn’t run because she entered. It’s just crazy."

"Then she knows that running away does not mean that she has regained her sanity?"

"It should be."

" I said how she ran away when she saw us? It turned out to be sane. But it’s okay, maybe it can scare her like that." Although we know that after Demon regains her sane, we can’t bully her anymore. , But in turn, thinking that since she regained her sanity, she would definitely be very jealous of me, and I can just use this to deter her, maybe she can give in without having to fight. However, no matter what to do with Demon afterwards, it is serious to catch up with her first.

With the rod of guidance, we don’t have to worry about losing our target at all. This thing is a super positioning tracker, it’s useless if you run. Due to transportation problems, we found the escaped Demon Little Princess in less than one minute. At this time, she was desperately running to a nearby gathering point, because she knew there were a lot of people and could easily mix in there. Which makes us lose our goal. Of course, we can also have an indiscriminate coverage attack, but the counterattack of the native creatures will delay us some time, so no matter what method we use, it will be beneficial to the Demon in the gathering point. It’s just that she obviously didn’t take our speed into consideration. As a result, she ran a short distance before being caught up by us. The gathering point in the distance just saw a shadow at this time. She didn’t expect to run at this distance. past.

"Where are you planning to go?" I was the fastest riding on the back of the night shadow, and I went straight to the front of the Demon to block her, and then deliberately rode on the back of the night shadow. Asked in a playful tone.

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