"Woo..." Then Demon whimpered in our surprised eyes after crying for a long time, "You bad guys, why didn't you tell me if you wanted to make people surrender?"

"Huh?" Yinxue and I both listened in a daze, and it seemed that it wasn't our business.

Then Demon thought we didn’t understand, so he went on to say, "I didn’t want to fight against you. You saw me chasing after me. In the end, he beat people hard and beat them. It’s miserable. You didn’t say you want me to listen to you. I always thought you were going to kill me."

"Hey...this...I think there is a slight misunderstanding." I slightly misunderstood. After thinking about it and explaining: "In fact, your understanding is not wrong. Before you were still in that physical state, the goal of Celestial Court was indeed to kill you."

"Celestial Court? Isn't that the place where Divine Immortal lives?"

"This...It seems that I have to give you some science education if I want to explain clearly." I snapped my fingers directly, and then Ling and the small dragon girl sat and appeared next to me. "Explain to her the relationship between Celestial Court and us, and what kind of existence Celestial Court is."

The amount of knowledge of this Demon Little Princess can definitely be described as lack. Before becoming Demon, she was an ordinary person. Even if she became Demon, she has been sealed in Nanto Mound, and simply never came out. Later, she dug a tunnel by herself and ran out, but unfortunately, she has been chased by us as soon as she came out. There is no time to understand this world at all. Now Ling and the small dragon girl want to explain to her clearly the relationship between Celestial Court and us. We have to start from the most basic part to explain a little bit. The things involved cover almost half of the development history of Celestial Court plus some social and humanistic things.

After two hours of teaching, Demon Little Princess finally figured out the difference between Celestial Court and us, and during this time she also added some common sense things by the way . Although she was sealed in the Qixiong Tomb for so many years, she had not been exposed to outside knowledge, but from the perspective of her learning speed, her intellectual level was obviously not low. Of course, Ling's soul manipulation technology also played a certain role, otherwise it would not be so easy to figure out all these things in such a short time without the help of Ling's mind imprinting.

After fully clarifying the relationship between Celestial Court and us, Demon Little Princess asked naturally: "So, you and the gang who chased me before are actually not the same group?"

"Of course. We are two completely independent groups, and Celestial Court seems to want to turn us into their subordinate group. The previous attack on you is also because Celestial Court does not allow you to do this. Existence appeared in this world, so we were recruited by Celestial Court and returned to chase you."

"Then you still want to kill me?"

"No, it was Celestial before. Court wants to kill you, we are just helping Celestial Court. However, during this period of time after you successfully escaped, something happened between us and Celestial Court. In short, our relationship with Celestial Court is very tense, and we I don't do anything for them anymore."

"Then what are you looking for me for?" Although Little Princess has little experience, it doesn't mean she is stupid.

"The reason why we are looking for you is actually very simple. We hope to create some trouble for Celestial Court by helping you." I first explained the significance of her existence to Demon Little Princess, and then Then he said to her: "Because you are such a special existence, Celestial Court is impossible to allow you to live in this world. But we are different. We can accept your existence as long as you don't oppose us."

"It's no good to be against you. Why should I be against you?"

"That's it. So can we actually cooperate with each other."

Demon Little Princess sat on the ground thinking for a while, and then suddenly wiped away her tears and jumped up from the ground. Then she looked at me and said, "You can cooperate with you, but you must ensure my safety and not be allowed by the Celestial Court. My Imperial Father found it."

"Of course." I said, "But you may have overlooked something."


"It’s not your dynasty anymore. Don’t talk about your Imperial Father, even your country doesn’t exist anymore. Now there is simply no power left by the Imperial Father in this land, so don’t worry at all. They. As for Celestial Court... to be honest, their eyes and ears are not so good, sometimes we have to collect a lot of intelligence. Now they have a fight with us, it is estimated that the reconnaissance ability has dropped at least 70% to 80%, you just don’t have to be outside all day. Chaos, the probability that they found is actually very low. Besides, even if you are found, can you still run. As long as we help you, I guarantee Celestial Court will never catch you."

" In this case, I can cooperate, but what are you going to do with me?"

I suddenly showed a strange expression and asked: "Do you want to become a god?"

< p>"Huh?"

Because the span is too large, Demon Little Princess suddenly didn't react at all. What do I mean?

"I ask you if you want to become a god? What is your strength?"

"No, I mean..."

"You Just tell me whether you want it or not."

"Who would think of such a good thing? But..."

I directly reached out and gave Demon Little Princess Pressed back. "As long as you want to do it. Now you go with us first, and I will take you to a place."


"Our home."

"Home?" Demon Little Princess was stunned when she heard this word, but she quickly became excited and decided to quickly see what the so-called home was like.

I have to say that although Demon Little Princess has very high intelligence, her life experience is still too shallow. In her world, except for black and white, she doesn't know what an intermediate state is. I have deceived so many great gods to find a job in this guild, and I think this one is by far the easiest one to get. Of course, those who take the initiative cannot count.

Unexpected success to get Demon Little Princess, the rest is how to return to Isengard. Considering that there is no connection between the Eighteen Levels of Hell and the Seventeenth Layer above, there are not many people who can really travel through two different spaces. Finally, after thinking about all the people I can think of who are able to help, only Black Qilin is the most suitable. After all, this time I was doing it with Celestial Court on his back. But the relationship between the black Qilin and Celestial Court is known to everyone, so letting the black Qilin do this is more appropriate.

Fortunately, the black Qilin promised to give me a chance to help. I used this opportunity to summon the black Qilin to come to help. After waiting for about ten minutes, in the sky suddenly flashed, and a black glare suddenly fell from the sky. After the rays of light disappeared, we just saw the black Qilin, which had turned into a human form, appearing in the place where the glare disappeared.

The black Qilin who just appeared here looked around for a moment, and then said to me: "What's the matter? Didn't you say you want me to help you deal with the Rakshasa people? Are you all fighting? Come to Eighteen Levels of Hell?"

"How can you treat us as you?" I said with a smile and said with a smile: "This is the difference between Eighteen Levels of Hell and Seventeenth Layer. Not to mention that they belong to two worlds, and Celestial Court added a bunch of seals in the middle, except you guess the gold Heavenly Dragon can rush in without permission."

"Golden Heavenly Dragon? Is the guardian beast of the country you pulled back from the past time and space?"

"Yes. But he is of a different type from you. His specialty is the shuttle between space and time, so this crossing He is better at space matters than you."

Hei Qilin nodded didn't go deep, nor is he a gossip. "Okay, don't talk about that, what the hell did you ask me to do? There is no personal hair here. Would you ask me to hit the air?"

"No, no. Things have changed a bit, now You don’t need to help us deal with the Rakshasa people. We have already beaten them away, so we don’t need to trouble you."

"You won’t call me Eighteen Levels just to tell me. of Hell, right? You know, I just received the news in the Third Layer hell, and I went down 14th-layer in one breath. I have to go through a space channel with a powerful seal. If you don’t have anything to do with me I can't finish with you."

"How dare I!" I pointed to the Peacock Pluto and they said: "This time I called you here to help us. You see, we These people are all trapped in the Eighteen Levels of Hell, and there is no way to go back now. So..."

"So you thought of me?"

"No way, Except for your boss, nobody really can take us out of here, so I have to work hard for you!"

"Didn't you say that there is also the golden Heavenly Dragon?"

"Of course he can, but..." I pointed to Demon Little Princess and said: "This is an important figure, and Celestial Court is already burning her ass in a hurry to catch her. So..."

"So it's safest to find me, because I will never report to the Celestial Court, right?" Black Qilin is not an ordinary person, and all kinds of tricks can work. Before I could answer him, he said boldly: "Just rush you to make trouble for Celestial Court. What if I help you for free? Besides, I still owe you a promise. Okay, you all stand up, I Take you up."

After getting permission from Black Qilin, I quickly gathered everyone together, and then Black Qilin asked everyone to stand hand in hand in a circle and surround him in the center. Following us, I felt around. Suddenly, when we saw things again, we were already standing on the shore of the Sea of ​​Silence.

"Okay, here is Seventeenth Layer hell. You should know how to get the rest of it?"

"No problem, that's it, the rest We’ll figure it out by ourselves."

"Then I’ll say goodbye." Hei Qilin suddenly turned around and disappeared in place, and I turned around and prepared to take everyone away. Who knew that when I turned my head, I found out. Yinxue was looking ahead in a daze.

"Yinxue?" I stretched out my hand and shook it in front of her twice, hoping to get her attention.

Yinxue pushed my hand away and asked: "That was the black Qilin just now?"

I nodded and asked with some doubts: "Yes, he is the black Qilin. Do you have any questions?"

"Have you forgotten who I am?" Yinxue did not answer my question, instead asked an unfathomable mystery question.

"You are..." I was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly reacted. "What? Do you think that being with the black Qilin will bring bad luck?"

The strength of the black Qilin is very powerful, and for a race, the birth of a powerhouse should be a very good thing, but, Because of the color of the black Qilin, the entire Qilin race thought it would be a scourge, so it happened that the black Qilin was abandoned and eventually banned in the Eighteen Levels of Hell. This matter was originally only a matter for the Qilin family, but because the Celestial Court participated when the black Qilin was later sealed, the black Qilin's favor with the Celestial Court was also negative. As for why Yinxue cares about this, it is actually very simple, because Yinxue is white jade Qilin, the only pure energy lifeform in Qilin. Although Yinxue cannot even be classified into the Qilin race in terms of classification, white jade Qilin is still close to Qilin anyway, so it is normal to pay special attention to black Qilin.

After I asked Yinxue, she seemed to realize that her behavior was prone to misunderstandings, and quickly explained: "No, it’s not what you think. I don’t discriminate against him, just curious. That’s it. I don’t care about those who are unlucky. For me, luck doesn’t play a role at all."

"Curious? What are you curious about him?"

< p>"I don’t care about this. Now it’s important to do business first."

"Oh, yes, business is important." I hurriedly dragged the Peacock Pluto and they followed me to the Transmission Passage built in the underworld. Mouth, but seeing Teleportation Hall from a long distance, I suddenly stopped. The Peacock Pluto who followed me all stared at me in a daze, wondering why I stopped.

"Why don't you leave?" Yinxue looked at me and asked.

I looked at the front teleportation hall and said: "I forgot about it before. The Transmission Formation in hell was all repaired by the Celestial Court. They have synchronized usage records. We are fine, Little It’s all over as soon as Princess goes up!"

"What should I do? Hell is not a building. Can I still climb the stairs without the elevator?" Night Son asked anxiously.

"Don't tell me, there are really stairs."

"What?" The Son of Night was just an analogy before, didn't expect there.

I said with a smile: "There is a ghost road in the underworld with a small circulation, called the soul-returning road. This road can always go from the Seventeenth Layer hell to the Human World, but this is an abnormal channel. , It’s normal if you don’t know. Even the 11th Temple Hades, I, didn’t know about this until after taking office."

"Then let's go quickly?" Peacock Pluto urged.

I am a little embarrassed: "It used to be very simple, but how do you go up?"

"Don't you use that soul-recovery way?" Yinxue asked.

"It’s not that I can’t use it, but I don’t know how to go up. The soul-returning road is a road, as long as you can walk, just follow the road. But the problem is that there are guards from the underworld on that road. Although they won't stop us, they saw Little Princess, this..."

"Aren't you the 11th Temple King Yama? Let them not say anything." Peacock Pluto said.

I replied helplessly: "I, the Hades, is just a name, and the real power is actually not much. Those little ghosts on the surface are indeed under my control, but if my order conflicts with the order of Celestial Court, My order will immediately lose its effect. Therefore, for important enemies pursued by the Celestial Court like Little Princess, they are impossible to conceal it anyway."

"They haven't seen me again, can they still recognize me? Come out?" Demon Little Princess interrupted suddenly.

"This is not a question of recognition." I said: "Celestial Court has a special communication spirit talisman. It is very fast to issue commands, and even dynamic images can be transmitted. The appearance is even more okay. Although I don’t know if these little ghosts in the underworld have received orders, I can’t rely on luck!"

"Then it will be a problem!" Yinxue also fell into trouble. Thinking state.

I lowered my head and thought for a long time, then suddenly patted my thigh and said: "I have it."

"What can you do?"

" It is inconvenient for us to bring Little Princess up because we are afraid that Celestial Court will find her with us, but the jurisdiction of Celestial Court is only the Chinese area. We at worst detour from other countries."

"A detour from another country? What do we encounter in this silent sea, how do we get there? Although we can all fly, but this boundless silent sea, what if we lose our way? No matter how strong we are, we can’t keep flying. Is it in the sky? And I heard that there seems to be a forbidden space in the depths of the sea of ​​silence."

"What are you worried about?" I interrupted the Worriedly said of the Peacock Pluto: "We They all have legal status, why hide? Little Princess is the only one who needs to hide. As for this sea of ​​silence... Others may not be able to get through, but I may not. The gold coin.

The gold coin I touched is very different from the general gold coin. First of all, it is very big. The diameter of this gold coin is almost five centimeters or more, and its thickness is also close to half a centimeter, so it is very pressing in the hand. The whole of gold coin is round, but the edges are not smooth arcs, but there are six sharp protrusions, and the protruding lines on both sides of gold coin just form the basic figure of the magic array of hexagonal star. On the front of the gold coin is embossed with a roaring skull, while on the back of the gold coin is the image of a very beautiful woman.

Seeing that there is no gold coin, Yinxue and Yezizi directly shook their heads to indicate that they did not know each other, but the Peacock Pluto exclaimed: "Is this the legendary gold coin of death?"

I nodded stand the right hand on its side, then make a fist with four fingers, and finally put my thumb against the index finger to make preparations for the upward bounce. After completing this posture, I put the gold coin on my thumb and put it there. Then the thumb suddenly broke free from the shackles of the index finger and bounced upwards. I heard a crisp sound, and the gold coin flew up in response. The eight-meter-high sky began to fall, but the gold coin did not land, but was caught by a big hand that suddenly appeared when it was about to land.

"Where are you going?"

The owner of the voice is the owner of the big hand that caught the gold coin. This guy looked like a corpse, his whole body was only more skinned than a skeleton, and he was wrapped dry like a thousand-year ancient corpse. But he is not just ugly. This guy is also wrapped in a black cloth that I don't know if it is a robe or a rotten bed sheet. The cloth is full of holes and the edges are very difficult to deal with. However, none of this attracted the attention of Peacock Pluto and the others. What really surprised them was what was standing under the guy's feet.

In fact, the guy who just appeared was not standing on the ground. He was flying in the air. He was not flying by himself, but standing on a small, rotten ship. On the head. This ship, which is only a dozen meters long, looks like a pile of rotten wood stacked together to form a pile of driftwood, but their bottom is indeed the shape of a ship's bottom, and from bottom to top. I really didn't see any perforations. All signs indicate that the pile of unknown objects is indeed a ship, but the shape is a little rotten.

"Netherworld River Ferry?" The Night Son muttered such a sentence after a long period of stunned. didn't expect that sentence also caused extreme discomfort to the guy on the boat.

"Don’t compare our navigators with those stinky boatmen who only know money. We are noble and great, not comparable to those guys."

I reached out and stopped thinking. The Night Son to be explained, a teleportation directly appeared next to the guy, and at the same time all the evil attributes on his body were released, and the surrounding area was instantly filled with a strong black smoke. When the guy saw the evil aura on my body, he immediately shook, but still muttered softly, "Are we really different from those guys."

Knowing that this guy has actually been subdued, I didn’t bully him too much, and said directly: “It’s okay to take your boat and run to the Temple of Anubis, right?”

The guy was nodded and cried and said, “I know You are a great character, but you can’t fail to follow the rules! A gold coin can only carry one person, and more than five soul worlds, you have to..."

"It's OK, It’s not the first time I’ve been on your boat. I know the price.” I said and threw a bag of gold coins just now to him. "The three of them don’t leave, only me and the little girl."

The pilot looked carefully at the gold coin in the purse, and immediately changed his face, showing his self. I thought it was the warmest and still scary smiling face looked at me and said: "No problem, sir, you can go wherever you want."

"Didn’t you tell you to go to the Temple of Anubis?"< /p>

"Well, shall we go now?"

"Wait." I turned to Demon Little Princess under the boat and said: "Little Princess, come on, let's go from Go to other places.” After I finished speaking, I turned to Yinxue again: “The three of you go directly to the Transmission Hall, where there is Transmission Formation, but it doesn’t work with the ordinary Transmission Formation on the ground. There is a Transmission Formation code-named zero. It’s a special Transmission Formation built in Isengard. After you send directly to that side, there will be guards when you go out. You can let the guards take you to the ground. I will send Little Princess to Egypt, and then go around Europe to use transnational transmission. When Formation comes back, you don’t have to worry about me."

"Okay, then we will go first."

After watching the Peacock Pluto and their departure, I put Little Princess He got on the boat, and then said to the navigator: "Okay, let's go on the boat."

"Okay, you are seated."

Actually, you can sit down. Similarly, the navigator’s words are just a polite voice, because people’s ships do not achieve the purpose of moving through relative physical movement at all. They are completely hyperspace shuttles, which directly cross over and then reach the place, don’t say sway in the middle. I didn't even feel it.

Little Princess this is the first time to sit on this thing. After being pulled up by me, I was still looking for a place to sit, but before I sat down, I told her to get off the boat.

"What? Go down?"

"Yes, get off the boat."

"But we just came up?"

"But We have arrived."

"Here?" Little Princess then remembered and looked up out of the boat. Before, she was looking for a place to sit down. Didn't expect this. The scene around the time of raising his head is completely different. "Huh? Really changed places. How did we get here?"

"Don't worry about how we got here. Anyway, we're at the place. Get off the boat. People don't just press people's heads and press Mileage is billed, and if it takes too long, it will be charged according to the time."

When I heard that the sitting time was too long, the extra money would be charged, Little Princess jumped off in shock. Although she used to be a pampered Princess, she now knows that she is penniless, so she hurriedly jumped off in order not to owe her debts.

Seeing that we were all disembarking, the pilot disappeared into the void immediately, and I led Demon Little Princess to the temple of Anubis, and borrowed Transmission Formation from here to transmit Go to the temple of Anubis in the world, then use the domestic Transmission Formation of Egypt to transmit to the border of Egypt, then use the flying bird to take us across the border, and then use the Transmission Formation on the border of the next country to reach the opposite border, and then use the flying bird belt We fly across borders. After a few times, we finally entered the territory of Italy, and then directly transmitted to the Transmission Formation of Tianyu City in the Italian subdivision, and then used the Transmission Formation in the city to transmit to the vicinity of the Transnational Transmission Formation built in Tianyu City, and finally used the Transnational Transmission Formation to return To Isinger. Although this circle is a bit big, it at least guarantees our safe return.

As soon as we entered Isengard, several members who had been notified by me quickly took out a robe and put it on Demon Little Princess, and then under our cover She was sent directly to the Temple of Chaos and Order in the central district of Isengard.

Because of our guild’s most recently growing and increasing number of Divine Races, the Temple of Chaos and Order is no longer what it used to be. In fact, the current temple is not so much a temple as it is the entrance to the Divine Kingdom. Just like the buildings floating in the sky in Celestial Court, there is also a world of its own in the Temple of Chaos and Order. The size of its internal space has nothing to do with the temple outside. Of course, most of the rooms in the temple are actually built in real space. Divine Kingdom actually only occupies a small room as an entrance. Besides the Divine Race and a few players in the guild, basically The above is not for people to enter.

As soon as Demon Little Princess was brought into the temple, we were taken directly to the entrance of the Divine Kingdom, and then sent in. The players who are covering us will go back here and do their own affairs. Divine Kingdom belongs to the private territory of each Divine Race. If other Divine Races want to enter, they must get permission from the Divine Race here. Otherwise, it will be considered an intrusion. Of course, sneaking in is also possible, but the Divine Kingdom of our Temple of Chaos and Order is just this big, and there is only one entrance, which is completely incomparable with those of the national Divine Race, but it is small and has small benefits. , At least it is impossible to sneak in.

"Okay, you are safe here." I said to Demon Little Princess after taking off the robe that served as a cover.

"Where is this?"

"Here is my Divine Kingdom, the land of the gods of the Divine Race of Chaos and Order. Here you will be absolutely protected by us." Wei Na led a large group of Divine Race in our guild out together.

Demon Little Princess was a little scared when I first saw them. After all, we were chased by so many Divine Races before. It was really scared. To be honest, if it were not for Ling and the small dragon girl to introduce the relationship between Celestial Court and our guild to Demon Little Princess, I let Ling take the opportunity to use Spiritual Imprint as a medium to instill a lot of affinity for us in Demon Little Princess. It is estimated that Demon Little Princess is not so easy to take refuge in us. After all, the speaking of which was instructed by Celestial Court, but in fact, it was me who beat her the most. She hated me and it was normal. However, Ling is a dark Goddess after all, and she has messed up all the things in the soul. The little Princess, which is almost undefended in spirit, is entirely an adult bullying a child.

With the kind of closeness to us that Ling Qiang was infused, Demon Little Princess was so confused that we lied to Isengard, but now suddenly I see so many Divine Races, It is inevitable that her memory of being chased by us before will inevitably be brought back, so it is inevitable to be nervous.

Compared to Ling, Vina is definitely not a good man and believer, at least there are many ways to deal with her little child. Of course, Demon Little Princess can't be regarded as a child. At least she is more than two thousand years old. There must be many people who are less than one thousand years old. However, now we are talking about psychological age. Although Little Princess has lived for more than two thousand years, but has not been exposed to any outside information, in fact, the mental growth of these two thousand years is almost impossible to say, so her actual psychological age is at most 16 or 17 years old.

For a little girl who is only sixteen or seventeen years old, Vina naturally has a way to deal with it. What's more, we don't want her to behave right now, we just want her to be as close to us as possible. It is not difficult to achieve this with the branding instilled by Ling.

"Don't be afraid of my cute Little Princess, come here, I will introduce you to these Uncle Aunts."

Maybe Vina’s smile is too deceptive, after all, beautiful The woman of's has too obvious advantages in this respect. She lied to Little Princess, who hadn't seen her family for many years, and watched Vina lead her while introducing the Divine Race around her to her. From time to time, she asked her what she wanted, where she wanted to live, and other irrelevant questions. This kind of seemingly homely conversation is actually the easiest to narrow the distance between people. What's more, Little Princess hasn't been kept alone for so long. Now the care for interpersonal communication and others has basically reached the point of hunger. Such Little Princess is simply undefended in front of Vina. It is estimated that in two or three days, Demon Little Princess will have to see Vina as a mother.

"Are the Celestial Court guys stupid?" Yinxue who suddenly appeared next to me looked at Demon Little Princess who was turning around in the crowd and said.

I smiled and replied: "In fact, Celestial Court has their reason. Butt determines behavior. People sitting in different positions will make different judgments and judgments about the same thing because of their different status and status. Processing method. Celestial Court is different from Frost Rose League. As long as we develop, it can be compatible and packaged. As long as we can for me to use, it doesn’t matter whether it was surnamed Hei or surnamed Bai. But Celestial Court thinks that confidant is Chinese orthodoxy, they want To maintain their status and dignity, everything that contradicts their subjective existence must be unconditionally obliterated. In fact, Celestial Court is able to do what it is now, which surprised me."

"What do you mean?"

"For example, to treat Demon."

Now China's Demon and Celestial Court have completely separated from their hostile relationship. If you have to set up a relationship for them , I think it can be regarded as a cooperative relationship. Of course, Celestial Court has an absolute advantage in this cooperation. Of course I also know that this kind of monopoly cooperation cannot last long, but the fundamental interests of Demon and Celestial Court are in conflict. It is impossible to cooperate for a long time. The status quo can be maintained now because I have given it everywhere. They mend the cracks, or the two sides would fight early. Of course, I didn't help them unite for the good of both of them. It's just that for us, letting Celestial Court and Demon cooperate is more beneficial to us.

Yinxue obviously also knows the inside story of the partnership between Demon and Celestial Court, so after a little nodded, she changed her head and asked: "You asked the Little Princess before if you wanted to become a god, do you just want to She became the Divine Race of our temple of chaos and order?"

"You only got the beginning."

"What do you mean?"

"Let her Being a part of the Temple of Chaos and Order is just the 1st Step of all this."

"And then?"

"Then? Then it's time for Celestial Court to vomit some blood."

"Did you mean...?" Yinxue didn't ask the last few words, but I knew she had guessed it.

"I don’t know what you guessed, but as a member of Divine Race of Chaos and Order, you have joined us, so I won’t keep you secret. Just you are sure you need to know Is it?" When I said this, I turned my face to face Yinxue, and it was no longer the same as before, watching Little Princess with her and talking like a small chat.

Yinxue knew that I was asking her to confirm her attitude. Unlike most Divine Races in our guild, Yinxue is a Divine Race with dual identities at the same time. She is both a member of Celestial Court and a member of our Frost Rose League, but she is not very close to each other.

From the perspective of Celestial Court, Celestial Court is China’s orthodoxy. As China’s national guardian beast, Yinxue should naturally be a member of Celestial Court, but this should be a logical one. Emotionally speaking, Yinxue and Celestial Court have no feelings at all. After all, she was drawn by me from the past time and space, and did not experience events such as the creation of Celestial Court, so this identity, equivalent to, suddenly fell on her head. She has almost nothing to this identity. Sense of belonging.

From the perspective of our guild, because white jade Qilin seems to have been discovered by us, and was originally placed in the city of commandments of our guild, she has been with us since the beginning

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