"Just what?" Seeing how Comrade Cockroach was hesitant to speak, we looked towards him curiously.

As if made up a lot of determination, the cockroach notice suddenly raised his head and said to us: "In fact, there is a Divine Kingdom in a place far away from here. If a few have the strength to level it there. , This experience..."

"Divine Kingdom? What kind of power is it? What is the strength of its members?"

Actually, Comrade Cockroach is not sure about the battle of creatures in that place. Strength, he only knows that there are high level creatures, as long as you kill them, EXP will not worry. However, the Peacock Pluto and I thought for a long time and decided that it would be better to go to another place to practice. Firstly, we are not sure of the strength of the creatures in Divine Kingdom. The adventure is not worthwhile. Secondly, the strength of Comrade Cockroaches is only a few levels worse, and there is no need to find such a big trouble to mess with ourselves.

Because we did not choose Divine Kingdom, we had to find some small leveling areas in the vicinity to clean up piece by piece. Although the efficiency may be a little lower, the speed is not slow. From the morning until the night, we finally settled the question of the grade of Comrade Cockroaches.

Of course, the level alone is not enough, you have to have high level combat skills. We also have a solution for this. Ling is the strongest Necromancer. There is still no problem in teaching Comrade Cockroach's undead spell.

When Ling taught Comrade Cockroach spell, we were not idle. According to Comrade Cockroach's intelligence, there should be some very famous treasures stored in several nearby cities. If these things are concentrated, they can be regarded as the best Necromancer equipment. Of course, the original owner of the item is also a high level mage, so people will never give us things. But this is not a problem, and we have no plans to discuss it with others anyway.

At dawn on the second day, when we got all the equipment back, Ling's teaching work was just completed. Of course, if you use ordinary methods to teach, one night will definitely not have any effect, so Ling directly used the soul brand to imprint all the skills that require legends in the soul of that guy, so that he would learn it in an instant. With these skills, if you just want to improve the formidable power, you have to practice slowly against the brand in your soul.

"Well, now you are strong enough to win the favor of that Miss Tismilia, but you still need some opportunities before that."

"For example, "

"For example, a lot of money."

"Isn't my first wish to get 80,000 gold coins?" Comrade Cockroach asked in confusion.

I stretched out a finger and said: "According to our investigation, Miss Tismilia’s family is not only very powerful, but also very rich. If you want to fight her right away, you need at least one Ten million gold coins."

"What?" The gap between 80,000 and 10 million, fools knows a lot. Before, Comrade Cockroaches was so happy that he suddenly got 80,000 gold coins. But in a blink of an eye, he found that not only his money was not too much, but it should be said that it was very little. "Ten million? Where can I get 10 million? You only promised to help me fulfill four wishes. Now it is the last one. Where can I go to raise this million? I only have 80,000. You helped me get all the gold coins!"

The Peacock Pluto said: "In fact, 80,000 is also possible."

"80,000 is also possible?"


"Yes, 80,000 is fine." I continued with the words of the Peacock Pluto: "The current Miss Tismilia's family is too strong, even if you have super strength and a certain amount of money, but you want It is still very difficult for her and her family to accept you in a short period of time. However, if Miss Tismilia’s family is down, what do you think will happen?"

Comrade Cockroach will understand ours at once. mean. In fact, our idea is very simple. Compared with Comrade Cockroaches, Miss Tismilia’s family resembles the difference between a swan and a toad, but if we cut off the swan’s wings and pluck out its hair, will the swan look down on the toad?

Seeing that Comrade Cockroaches hesitated, I spoke to persuade me: "I know this method is a bit cruel, but apart from this method, I would like to win Miss Tismilia’s favor in a short time. We can only do this. Remember, we only have one day left. If we still can’t finish it at night, we will be forced to leave early."

"Well then!" After weighing it for a long time, Comrade Cockroach Finally made the right decision, but he still did not forget to remind: "You must be careful not to hurt Miss Tismilia."

"Don't worry, just wait here. That's it."

Since the parties have agreed, the rest is simple. In fact, destroying a powerful family may be troublesome for ordinary people, but it is not a problem for us at all.

The high status of Miss Tismilia’s family is because of the three knighted family members. Their existence is the root of the power of the Tismilia family, and they want to destroy Tism. For the status of the Miria family, just kill these three.

Assassinating the three nobles may be an impossible task for ordinary people, but for us it is just a matter of raising our hands. The three of the Tismilia family died in different places within less than an hour after being included in the Must Kill List, and their three guards didn't even know who was attacked by them.

Suddenly all of the Big Three in the family were stabbed. Such a big thing is naturally at the level of trauma, but we did not intend to let this poor family go. After the three of us killed three nobles separately, we started to split up. Yinxue went directly to a place called the Dark Tunnel and collapsed the mountain. The dark tunnel in the mountain was directly connected to an underground mine, which was one of the three main sources of income for the Tismilia family. Losing this underground mine, the financial situation of the Tismilia family will immediately go wrong.

While Yinxue destroyed the mine, the Peacock Pluto flew to a very ordinary area and destroyed the two cities and turned over the land outside the city with colorful divine light. This large area does not look great, but it is the Fiefdom of the Tismilia family. Although the capital output is not too much, it wins stability. After all, this is the territory of their family, which belongs to the base area. Suddenly If they are lost, they will never be able to bear it.

Finally, when the two great gods attacked two capital chains, I killed the Second Prince of their country in the Imperial Palace of this country. According to the information I have investigated, the Tismilia family is a faction that supports the Second Prince, while the First Prince faction is not in harmony with their family. Now kill the Second Prince who is the backer of their family, and the three giants of their family have all died. At this time, other families will definitely hit a person when he's down, and when the time comes awaits the Tismilia family The result can only be perish.

It took all these periods in the morning and the three of us gathered at the place where Comrade Cockroach was learning skills, and then waited for the situation to change. Later, the situation was similar to what we thought. After losing the pillar of the family and the biggest backer, the Tismilia family was simply pushed by everyone. Any small family wanted to step on them or share some benefits, and Tis The Miria family was completely dismembered in less than three hours, and even Miss Tis Miria was forced to flee the family.

Of course, Miss Tismilia’s escape was not an accident. In fact, I had a simple exchange with First Prince after I assassinated Second Prince, and forcing Miss Tismilia to flee was one of our agreements. First Prince promised to assign a pampered young master from a family of his faction to rob Miss Tismilia, and then Miss Tismilia would naturally resist and flee, and at this time, I was able to use the bloody plot designed by the boss. Staged.

"Let go of that lady." Just as the pampered young master was taking someone to block Miss Tismilia, Comrade Cockroach rushed out with blood and began to perform hero saving the beauty. Drama.

Although Miss Tismilia is usually smarter, she is suddenly hit so hard in one day, and even smart people will have some confusion. So after our carefully arranged hero saving the beauty bridge, we finally heard the wonderful system hint: "The special task is completed. The transmission will start in three seconds. Three, two, one, transmission."

When I heard the sound, I thought that Gate of Truth was going to send us back to the outside of Gate of Truth. Who knew that after a sudden flash around, we were surprised to find that we actually appeared in a place full of purple mist.

"Huh? Didn't the mission complete? Why didn't you send us back?" Night Son asked in surprise looking at the mist around him.

I looked down at the crutch that suddenly appeared in my hand, and then checked the mission introduction before explaining: "The mission is indeed completed, but Gate of Truth did not send us back to the beginning of the mission. Instead, it sent us directly to the Demon."

"Demon? What kind of Demon?" Night Son didn't know anything about that Demon. But Yinxue and Peacock Pluto are very clear. Now when we heard that we were sent directly here, the two of them immediately put on a guard.

"Why is that damn Gate of Truth so unreliable?" Peacock Pluto couldn't help complaining: "Then Demon is so powerful, he actually threw us over without giving us preparation time. , If we run into her, how should we fight?"

I comforted them and said: "Don’t be afraid, then Demon has only a head left. Even if she repairs her body, her strength will be great. For damage, it won’t be as severe as before."

"That’s better." After speaking, Peacock Pluto pointed to the stick in my hand and asked: "What is this? ?"

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