For Yinxue’s question, I just froze for a moment, then turned back and looked at the battlefield below: "Do you think if I went to fight with them at that time, what would happen in the end? The result?" After waiting for a while, before Yinxue answered me, I continued: "Increase my share? Then settle it peacefully? How much can they add to me? One hundred kg instead of two hundred kg?"

Yinxue was also taken aback by my question, but she soon figured out the key. As one of the three national guardian beasts I brought back from different time and space, Yinxue, like the other two, has a relatively simple personality. Celestial Court's filthy interest struggles simply don't exist in their minds, but not knowing these things does not mean that they are stupid, they just haven't worked on similar things, and their brains are not stupid. When I said this, Yinxue immediately understood what I meant.

"But you left like this, wouldn't it be impossible to divide it at all?"

"That may not be." I smiled and looked towards Yinxue and said: "Just one There will be something for you to help. Come with me. We will talk as we go."

Yinxue looked at the battlefield below her eyes and asked me: "You don't care about it here?"

"The opponent's line of defense has collapsed. With the mobility of our guild personnel, it is impossible for the Russians to rebuild the line of defense. They will maintain this kind of pursuit for a long time. Status, it doesn’t make any difference whether I stay or not."

Yinxue nodded did not ask about the position, but instead asked: "You just said you want me to help. What do you want me to help Busy? Is it a fighting thing?"

I nodded and stretched out my hand to pull Yinxue on Yeying’s back and put it behind me, and then explained that while urging Yeying to run back. : "In fact, this is still about the soul gold, but more likely it should be the positioning problem between our Frost Rose League and Celestial Court."

"It sounds complicated."


"It's not complicated at all, it can be said in a few sentences."

"Then tell me, I will listen."

"Well, things Yes. You know Celestial Court belongs to the Divine Race faction, and our Frost Rose League belongs to the human realm faction. There is a level difference in Innate. However, since our guild began to cooperate with Celestial Court, I found that Celestial Court is in Subjectively, it seems that the positioning between the two of us is wrong."

"What's wrong?" Yinxue, as a person with the dual positions of Celestial Court and Frost Rose League, is naturally more impressed in this respect. , Even she didn't figure it out, no wonder Celestial Court made a mistake.

I patiently explained to Yinxue: "Celestial Court is indeed stronger than our Frost Rose League, higher level than us, but higher level, they are still them, we are still us, between There is no connection. We are two organizations, two completely independent organizations."

Yinxue nodded and said: "This is of course, is there any problem with this understanding?"


"No, the problem is not in this understanding, but in not understanding it. As we said just now, everyone can realize that Celestial Court and Frost Rose Alliance are two independent forces, but in daily contact The big guys in Celestial Court often forget this. They throw it at us every time they have a task, and we get some benefits from it, which can be said to be a kind of transaction or partnership. Celestial Court is the project publisher , We are the contractor, Celestial Court packs the things we want to do with a bunch of gifts, and then we take this package, help Celestial Court complete the tasks inside and get the gifts. But as the cooperation between our two parties is strengthened, Celestial Court Court began to raise their position gradually. They regard our Frost Rose League as a subsidiary institution of Celestial Court rather than a cooperative unit. When there is a task that needs to be performed, they often hope to mobilize us by order, but we should The rewards for those tasks are put aside. This is the problem."

Yinxue thought for a while and said: "It seems that this is the case. But this is something you asked me to help. What's the relationship?"

"Of course it does. Because after a while I have to let Celestial Court deeply realize that they are not in a superior relationship with us. Of course, in the process of implementing this plan, Celestial Court will inevitably Some are unhappy, so they may send some high-level personnel to threaten or warn us, and this is the time for you to come forward. Hongjun Sect Lord impossible personally ran out to trouble us for this kind of thing, and Celestial Court In addition to Hongjun Sect Lord, is there anything you can't stop it?"

Yinxue smiled and replied after hearing this: "If Hongjun Sect Lord does not intervene, but in terms of defense, I can at least At the same time block the attacks of Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning and Lao Tzu for a few weeks."

"Don’t be so exaggerated. What can come is not necessarily such a powerful plan. And they are also impossible to really kill us. At most, they are some warning deterrent attacks, as long as you can help us carry it through. "

"That's even more okay. "

"Well, it seems our biggest problem has been solved. "

In the course of the explanation with Yinxue, we had arrived at Isengard, and after a round from Vina, there was a large group of Divine Race members beside me. Of course, these all are Divine Race of our guild, which is the Divine Race of the Temple of Chaos and Order, not the Divine Race of Celestial Court.

After arriving at the Gate of Truth with this group of Divine Races of our guild , I said to those Divine Races: "Well, now I need to get the exact location of a target, so I must use Gate of Truth to get the ability to track that guy's location. However, because that guy's own strength is not low, this task may be more troublesome. After I set the task for a while, if the task allows multiplayer mode, you will all work with me. If the task has a limit on the number of people, then only choose the strongest person to follow me. "

"No problem, you set the task as soon as possible. "Vina held a crystal and threw it up and down and said, "After holding back in the city for so long, I wanted to go out and move my shin. "

I don’t care about Vina, I walked directly to the Gate of Truth and placed my hand on the central eye, and then input the rewards I hope to get into the Gate of Truth in a way of thinking. After a pause for a few seconds, a reminder sounded immediately on the Gate of Truth. "The wish is accepted, and the task setting is complete. This mission allows up to four people to enter. Participants are asked to enter the Gate of Truth within one minute. "As the voice ended, the Gate of Truth in front of me opened the door silently.

I looked back at the Divine Race behind me, and said: "Because the Gate of Truth must have players participating. , So I have to go in, and Yinxue counts as one of the remaining three places, Vina, you decide the remaining two. "

Vina thought for a while and said: "Then I will go with the peacock. "

When the Peacock Pluto heard it, she immediately smiled and jumped in front of me while moving her arms and said: "haha, finally it's my turn." Hurry up, I haven't fought much since I entered the Frost Rose League. I'm going to get moldy if I don't move! "

After watching the Peacock Pluto jump into the golden light inside the door for the first time, I could only helplessly smile and shook my head and followed in.

After passing through that door, I was taken aback. "Damn, what's the situation? Why does this happen every time I use Gate of Truth with Divine Race? "

It’s not that I made a fuss about nothing, it’s really weird now. I have used this Gate of Truth many times before, but I’ve never encountered such a weird one. Situation. Last time, in order to gain the ability to transfer the attribute, it was strange enough that I entered the Gate of Truth together with the great gods of Celestial Court and was worshipped by a group of people. But this time it was even more exquisite. I was simply sealed in a piece of wood. It’s in the box, and it’s still lying there.

I was taken aback after finding out that it was sealed in the box, and then I tried to push the wooden board on the top, and found that the box seemed quite strong. I pushed it a bit and it didn’t even shake.

After confirming that I couldn’t push it, I had to touch Eternal, although there is not much space in the box, but fortunately Eternal can be deformed. So I easily turned Eternal into a dagger. I inserted Eternal from the edge of the box, and then started to cut along the edge. Although this wooden box is quite strong, but the strongest box is also wood, isn’t it? In the face of eternity where even steel can be cut like tofu, all wood will not be much better than butter. But...

"Damn, is this a coffin?" "

Just after I moved Eternity down the edge of the box less than half chi long, suddenly some debris fell from the gap cut by the edge of the box. Obviously this The box is buried in the soil, at least the box is covered with soil. If you contact the volume and internal shape of the box, it is not difficult to guess the purpose of this thing.

This damn thing is The coffin is used to hold the dead, and it is the kind that has been buried.

After confirming that this thing is a coffin and it is covered with soil, I don’t need a knife to cut it anymore. Switch the account to the silver snow form and put the staff on a coffin lid: "Big Fire Dragon Technique." "

With a boom, a fire dragon of baring fangs and brandishing claws burst into the sky from the silent cemetery, and the mud and other messes that originally covered the place where the Fire Dragon sprayed. All of the things were blasted into the sky of several hundred meters.

Almost at the same time when the Fire Dragon Technique on my side was showing off, my left side suddenly followed me less than ten meters There was an explosion, and with the gleaming of the colorful divine light, a grave head that had been standing there on the ground was blasted directly to the top of a mountain in the distance.

After two explosions, rays of light At the same time as the flame disappeared, I immediately saw me and the Peacock Pluto rise from the two large pits that had exploded. Yes, they rose, not climbed out. We both used levitation invariably. Shu Shu directly rises from the pit.

"Does this Gate of Truth always do this? Why did you bury us as soon as you came up? "The Peacock Pluto complained as soon as he came out.

"No, this time is different. It used to appear in some unmanned forests or street corners or even empty rooms. This time I don't know how it was in the coffin. By the way, where are Vina and Yinxue? "

As soon as I finished asking, I saw the surroundings suddenly shine. When I turned back, I saw a white beam of light rising into the sky, and then I saw Yinxue rising from that beam of light. But unlike us, Yinxue's beam of light just made a hole in the ground, and didn't lift the dirt everywhere.

"What kind of situation is this? Resurrection of the undead? "Peacock Pluto looked at me and asked.

"I don't know, the content of the task will not be seen until the four people arrive. "

"Then wait until Vina arrives. Yinxue said, she floated to the stone tablet in front of the grave where she came out. "Huh? "

"What's the matter? "Because the Peacock Pluto and I were too violent when we came out, all the tombstones of the tomb we were in were gone. I don't know if it was blown off or not. There are many grave bags near us, some of which have tombstones. Some have only a wooden token, while others don’t have anything at all. Therefore, we don’t know if the grave we came out originally has a tombstone, but since Yinxue was so surprised, we went to her and took a look at her first. Tombstone.

I didn’t know it at first, but it really shocked us. I saw the tombstone in front of the grave that Yinxue came out of was engraved with red paint on the tombstone. (The engraved text is the sunken text. If it is embossed, the embossed font is positive.) It reads "China Guardian Beast white jade Qilin Yinxue is buried here".

"This is really us The curtain? "I was surprised to see the typography Peacock Pluto.

I looked around and suddenly found that a large tree in the distance was tilted to one side, and the trunk of the tree was cut off from half. Yes, it was obviously just broken. There was a stone tablet inserted diagonally on the edge of the tree. It might seem to be one of the tombstones. I teleported and appeared next to the tombstone, and then reached out and grabbed the body of the tombstone. Pull it out.

I don’t know if it’s just dropped. It seems that the top of the monument is missing a large piece, but the rest can still be identified. "President Purple Moon The words "Buried here". The top dish does not seem to be an independent character. If you contact the Yinxue monument to guess, this dish should be the lower half of the alliance, and the missing part above should be " The words "Frost Rose" and the upper part of the alliance.

"It looks like this is really our tomb! "I took the half of the stele and flashed back to Yinxue and the others, and the Peacock Pluto finally recovered the fragments of her own stele on the opposite mountain, but her stele was really too broken. It's amazing. Basically, all but a bird character can't be written.

"Damn, there really is our tomb. Are we dead here? "The Peacock Pluto asked with his tombstone fragment.

"Yes, you are indeed dead. "A voice suddenly came, which shocked us all.

"Who? "

As we shouted, a person suddenly climbed up from a pile of rotten dirt not far away. But this guy is now covered with mud and grass leaves all over his body, and his head seems to be bleeding. He was full of blood and mud all over his face, and he looked more embarrassed and embarrassed.

Seeing this guy's appearance, our guards were also let go, no Because of his image, but because after he appeared, we used energy induction to sweep him up and down in and out N times. After confirming that this guy's energy level is very low, we naturally won't be afraid of him, after all Energy level and battle strength are relatively directly related. A creature with a low energy level must not have a high battle strength, at least its own battle strength will not be too high.

That looks like a mud monkey The same guy first ran to us excitedly, then clapped his hands around the three of us and turned N circles. During the period, he kept muttering words of admiration, but it seemed that he was not praising us, but complimenting himself.

"hahahaha, I really am a genius. I can drive even these big Divine Grade experts, and those guys are ready to go home and cry. "Speaking of this, the guy seemed to have thought of something suddenly, then he pointed his finger at me and said: "You, yes you are, your name is Purple Moon, right? Come here, in the name of your master, I order you to release a skill against the mountain over there for me to see. "

After hearing that guy’s words, I was stunned for a moment, and then strode to him as he said. Of course I was impossible to listen to him and throw magic on the mountain, but Lifted his leg and kicked him to the ground and stepped a foot on his chest.

"Ouch..." That guy didn't expect that I would attack him suddenly while desperately He tried to move his chest and feet away, and shouted desperately: "You damn undead, you dare to resist the master's order? In the name of the Necromancer who gave you life, I order you to take your feet off immediately. Hurry up, I order ooh..." I can’t say anything that I stepped on before the guy could finish his words. The suffocated mouth and nose are bruised and desperately trying to move my feet away.

"Wait. "Just when I nearly trampled that guy to death, Yinxue suddenly stopped my behavior. When I put my feet down and looked towards Yinxue in confusion, Yinxue explained: "He said that Yes, we have indeed established a contractual relationship with him. I felt that this was a unilateral bond of slavery. It seems to be the kind of contract Necromancer uses to control undead creatures. "

"Huh? Really? "I moved my hands in surprise, then looked at Yinxue and asked, "But why didn't I feel restrained?" I didn't feel like I was controlled at all when he ordered the name just now! "

After listening to my question, Yinxue said with a weird face: "Actually... the contract has come into effect." It's just that the contract level is too low to suppress our original consciousness at all, so..."

"Understood. This guy is too weak and doesn't even drive the existence of our Divine Grade. "

Yinxue nodded said: "It should be like this. However, we came here to do a mission. Since he has a contract with us, the mission is 80% related to him, so it is best not to hurt him before confirming that the mission has nothing to do with him. "

I nodded agree, and then I took out a scroll questioningly: "Speaking of missions, why has Vina not come out even after the mission scrolls have appeared for so long?" "

The appearance of the quest scroll shows that all the people who participated in the quest have entered the quest. By referring to the previous behavior of the three of us, we can imagine how Vina will react when she finds out that she is buried. But the problem is It's been several minutes, why is there no movement at all? It seems that Vina is not the kind of patient who is very patient?

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