"It's weird, why isn't Vina coming out?" Looking at the quiet cemetery around, we looked around in confusion for a long time and we didn't see where Vina broke out. Signs. In the end, Yinxue responded faster. "Purple Moon, don't you have a summon creature? Come out and help find it. Vina should have her name on the tombstone."

"Yes." I snapped my fingers directly, and there was a large group of people around me in an instant. Death God guard. "Go check the text on the tomb and see if there is someone named Vina."

The Death God guards even answered, and immediately turned around and looked for it. The crowd was naturally fast, and within 20 seconds, a Death God guard reported that Vina's grave had been found. In fact, the tomb where Vina is located is not far away from us, it's about ten meters apart. When we ran over, we saw Vina's name on the tombstone, but the strange thing was that the tomb bag behind the tombstone was completely motionless.

"It's strange, why doesn't Vina come out?" Peacock Pluto asked suspiciously looking at the intact grave bag.

Yinxue said: "For whatever reason, dig her out first before talking."

I nodded let them all step back and then reached out to get lucky summon out. Although the giant dragon-like does not make holes, the giant dragon claw is not white. A slap slapped the soil that was above the ground, and then two claws went down to create a big hole on the ground. Because I was afraid of hurting Vina below, I was lucky to start digging carefully, but even so, it only took a few minutes to dig out the coffin.

After clearing the soil that blocked the coffin, fortunately, he used two paws to carefully buckle the coffin. However, his claws didn't feel right as soon as he lifted the coffin. "Huh? Why is it so light?"

"Light?" When I heard lucky, I suddenly thought of a bad situation. Before I was lucky, I put the coffin on the ground and stepped onto the lucky one. Claws, and then lifted off the coffin lid. "Damn, what's the situation?"

"What's the matter?" Yinxue and Peacock Pluto flew up to me as they asked, but they were dumbfounded when they saw the situation inside the coffin.

Although we were sealed in coffins before, the coffins were empty except for us. But the opposite is true. Since our name is written on the tombstone, it is normal for us to be the only one in the coffin. But now Vina's coffin is different. Although the tombstone says Vina is correct, when we lifted the lid of the coffin, what we saw was not an empty coffin, and there was no Vina inside, at least there was no living Vina.

There is a skeleton lying in the coffin that should have contained Vina. Based on my understanding of the human body, this should be a female skeleton. As for whether it is Vina’s bones I don't know. However, it is true that Vina, who is alive, is not in the coffin anyway.

"Damn, where are the people?" Looking at the empty coffin with only a pair of skeletons left, Yinxue and I looked at each other in blank dismay at all.


Just as we were in confusion, the guy who was almost trampled to death suddenly raised a hand tremblingly. Two words in a low voice.

Suddenly seeing that guy seems to be speaking, all three of us focused on the past, and after the guy went through the previous "stomping incident" and heard Yinxue’s explanation, he added Under the threat of so many summon creatures nearby, he finally realized his actual status, so the attitude of this guy Lima turned around 180 degrees.

"What are you going to say?" Seeing that guy only dare not speak, I couldn't help but ask.

Listening to my initiative to ask, he quickly pointed to a tomb not far away and said, "That... the companions of the three great gods might be there."

The eyes of the three of us followed his fingers to the empty grave over there, and then turned back with a little surprise to look at him and asked: "How did you know?"

"Everyone knows that we are connected by a contract." The guy here quickly explained: "Of course, this small contract is definitely invalid for you. I just want to tell you that because the contract exists, so I can confirm the positions of several people anytime and anywhere. Just like now, I can clearly feel that a contract connection extends to the grave."

We won’t wait for that guy to continue talking. Ran to the side of the empty grave. This time, I didn’t need to give an order. I was lucky to pull the soil above the grave in twos and then to lift the coffin out.

The first thing that was found to be wrong was luck, because he could feel that the weight of the empty coffin was wrong. This time, as soon as he held the coffin, he immediately said, "There are people inside."

It seems to be in response to his words. As soon as I heard the sound of luck, the coffin immediately rang out. Percussion. "Help! Is anyone out there? Get me out, I'm almost suffocated!"


Don’t wait for me to finish, just follow the lucky The coffin was torn apart like eggshells, and the people in the coffin fell to the ground. But after seeing the man, we were all dumbfounded.

"The Son of Night? Why are you? Vena?"

Yes, the person who fell out of the coffin was not Vena, but the Son of Night. Now I understand why no one came out after the mission started. The Son of the Night is different from us. This kid is a Necromancer. He doesn't have the destructive power like ours, so he can't open the wooden planks and thick soil on the roof. Of course, the Night Son is capable of teleportation, but his teleportation has a problem, that is, it cannot be teleported too far at a time, and it is difficult to complete teleportation in invisible places. He was sealed in the deep mud just now, and he didn't know what was going on outside, so naturally he couldn't teleport indiscriminately.

"cough cough cough..." After the Night Son came out, he coughed violently, and it took a long time to catch his breath. "Huh, almost suffocated!"

"Hey, how did you brat come in? Where's Vina?" The Peacock Pluto directly stepped forward and grabbed the son of the night by the shoulders and held him like a jar. Picked up from the ground and stood up.

The Son of Night seemed to realize that his position was not right, and after looking around for a while, he exclaimed: "Aiya, I fell into the mission space!"< /p>

"What do you mean by falling in?"

"It means literally, falling in."

After some explanation from the night son, we We finally figured out the situation after we entered, um, it should be the situation after Yinxue entered.

In fact, things are very simple. First, the Peacock Pluto and I entered the mission space in Gate of Truth, and then Yinxue followed in. It was supposed that Vena entered the mission space after this, but at this time, the Night Son happened to be coming to Vina because of something, so it happened to hit him at the moment the Night Son appeared and pushed him into the space. Inside the door.

Yes, it just advanced. After the boy of the night did not find Vena in the Temple of Chaos and Order, he heard that she was coming to the Tower of Truth with me, and then he chased it, but because of a hurry, he did not go through the door, but directly teleported to the tower. Because he has been to the Tower of Truth before, he probably knows the structure near the Gate of Truth, so he is not afraid of getting stuck in the wall even though the wall of the Tower of Truth. As a result, he teleported himself to the Gate very accurately. of Truth. However, at the moment he appeared, Vina was about to enter the door, but Vina ran into the son of Night who suddenly appeared unprepared. Although the Night Son is a man, Vina is a Goddess, and no strong man can stand the impact of Goddess. So... So this poor traffic accident pushed the Night's Son into the Gate of Truth, and the Gate of Truth was closed instantly after the crew was full, and Vina couldn't get in if she wanted to enter.

"So you came here so confused?" I asked helplessly looking at the Night Son.

"Well, I also came in anyway, what else can I do?"

"Then there is no way!" Yinxue looked at me and said, "Anyway, he has come in. , Even if we want to change, it’s not alright. I think it’s more serious for us to complete the task quickly."

I can only accept the status quo with reluctance, but a strong fighter suddenly I became a little depressed after becoming the Son of Night. That's not to say that the Night Son is not useful. In terms of the player's battle strength level, the Night Son's strength is actually above the level. But the problem is that this is our Divine Grade mission. What is the matter if we bring a player with a battle strength above the average line? It's as if someone plays basketball very well in school, but if you take him to the NBA arena, then you can't be played alive? The Night’s Son may have no problem with ordinary players, but if he encounters God level existence, his little strength is enough!

"Otherwise, I'm hiding here?" The Night's Son didn't seem very happy to see me, some suggested that it was sorry. After all, ninety-nine percent of this accident was caused by him, and Vina's responsibility was at most that he failed to respond in time and brake the car.

Although I am a little depressed, I have not yet come to blame the Son of the Night. After waving my hand, I said: "Forget it, just come in. Anyway, this task does not calculate the completion degree, even if you die in battle, it will not affect the task reward. From now on, you will follow us, but you don't need to intervene in the battle, protect Just do it by yourself."

"Okay, I promise not to trouble you." Night Son knows that he has made a mistake, so the enthusiasm guarantees that it will not cause us trouble.

Because all the task personnel are here, the task scroll has also appeared, so the next step is to start the task. Of course, the content of the task must be clarified before that.

What is written on the unfolded scroll is not a simple mission goal or something, but a mission requirement. The goal of this mission is not fixed, as long as the mission requirements are met, and the requirements of this mission, as Yinxue said before, are directly related to the guy who has a contract with us.

"Didn't expect this kind of task. Fortunately, I didn't kill him just now." As I said, I turned to the guy who was thrown aside by us. With the lessons learned before, he is now much cuter than before. a wise man submits to circumstances, this is a good point.

"A few great gods, look, now that your companions have been found, can I go now?" This guy now knows that he can't control us at all, so his only wish is left Just stay as far away as possible from us. It’s like putting a nuclear bomb next to you. If it is controlled by you, then it’s definitely okay, but if the detonator is in the hands of others, it’s a different matter.

This guy is related to our mission, how could I let him go easily? "Hehe, do you want to leave so soon?" Seeing that guy looked scared, I deliberately pretended to be evil and continued to scare him. Anyway, this kind of person belongs to the typical type of refuse a toast only to be forced to drink a forfeit. It is far more useful to scare him to death than to say good things to him politely.

"Well, do you have any other orders?"

"Of course." I smiled and stretched out four fingers and said, "Since you have all four of us Resurrection, then, in return, each of us can satisfy you with one wish. Four people plus one piece is four wishes. As long as the task you mentioned is not beyond our ability, we will definitely help you do it. But..." I deliberately pulled a long tone here and said: "Every time you make a wish, you cannot change it. If we can achieve this wish, then we will help you complete it, and if your wish exceeds ours. Within the scope of your ability, then this wish will be automatically invalidated. So... you'd better not think of something you can’t reach. Well, well, let’s start to say your first wish now. Oh right, by the way , The preparation time of each of your wishes is ten minutes. If you don’t think of a wish within ten minutes, it will automatically be considered invalid. So I suggest you think about the following wishes instantly while we help you complete your first wish. Okay. It’s time, the time starts."

When I heard this, the guy was stunned for a moment. He didn’t seem to believe it, but it didn’t seem like we were making him happy, so he wasn’t sure. Asked: "What are you saying is true?"

"Just let him be true or false, make a wish and see if I can help you complete it, just know?"

< p>didn't expect I will answer like this, but after thinking about it, it seems that we really have no reason to lie to him, so he began to turn around in front of us and think hard about this very important wish for him. .

In fact, the content of the task we saw before is to help this guy complete the four wishes, and as long as the four wishes are used up and some of us are still alive, then the task is considered complete, and if he proposes If the desire beyond our ability leads to the nullification of the desire, it also counts as our successful fulfillment of a desire.

It sounds like this task is not too difficult. Anyway, you don’t need to do tasks beyond the scope of your ability. All you need to do are tasks within the scope of your ability. Is this not simple? However, that is not the case. In fact, there is a detailed introduction to the mission rules on the scrolls given by Gate of Truth, including the definition of beyond the scope of ability. This definition is actually quite narrow. The “among which is included” items are just abilities that we don’t have, such as conjugating a non-existent creature out of thin air, and there are too many things beyond our battle strength, such as asking us to eliminate in this All the creatures of the world, except for the above two, all tasks that can be completed by our strength are not called abilities.

Because of the above reasons, although we are now putting on a very scary face, we actually pray in our hearts that this guy should not report his wishes indiscriminately, in case he says he wants to be the god of this world , Then we might as well just announce the mission failure as soon as possible.

I don’t know if our prayers came into effect, or the guy was going to waste a wish first to test the reason for the true or false wish. In short, his first wish was more brain-dead. This kid actually asked us for money.

"I want money. I want a lot of money." This is what the kid said.

Originally, I wanted to put him down, but we were overkill and let us help him make money, but because I was worried that he would increase the difficulty of future tasks, I resisted this impulse, and instead pretended to be embarrassed. The way he said: "This is not beyond our ability, but it's a bit different from our ability. But you can rest assured that our reputation is guaranteed. Since you want money, then we will give you money. . How much do you want? There must be specific numbers or something? And are there any restrictions on which currency or equivalent items do you want? By the way, what do you use as currency?"

" Currency?" The guy quickly took out a pile of things from his body and piled them in front of us: "This is our money."

The Peacock Pluto picked up some of the coins and looked at it, then said: "It's ordinary copper, silver and gold. The three currencies should represent three currencies with different values."

I asked that guy immediately after listening. "Can I use gold instead of gold coin?"

"Of course."

"Then how much do you want? Too much, but it will be beyond our ability. You But think about it."

"Um... one hundred thousand... Oh no, eighty thousand, eighty thousand gold coins or equivalent gold will do. This is not out of range, right?" In fact, that guy is here He kept staring at me when he was talking, but it was a pity that his slick head was useless to me. He was going to look at my expression to judge the price increase, but as soon as he called one hundred thousand, I made a surprised expression, and he quickly reduced the quantity, for fear of exceeding the standard and causing the task to be invalidated.

"80,000 is 80,000. Although it is a bit too much, it is not an impossible task. Okay, you and the son of the night are waiting here, and we will help you get the money."

After handing that guy to the Night Son, we flew directly. Of course, this trip is not specifically to make money for that guy. We also plan to figure out the environment here roughly by the way, otherwise the tasks afterwards will definitely be very troublesome. As for the origin of the money...Does this still need to be asked? We can't mine and mint by ourselves, right?

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