After the line of defense was broken by me, the players in the guild following me immediately rushed into the line of defense of the Russians. The shield players near the line of defense that I rushed saw that the skylight was opened, and they immediately held up their shields to rush over to protect the gap, but their efforts did not work, because the shield formation is very dependent on the formation. Once the integrity is destroyed, the shield formation will lose its due role. Even if the surrounding shield players want to fill their positions, it is not so easy to complete under the impact of the opposing crowd. Moreover, although the defensive power of the shield player is high, the defensive direction is one-way. Although heavy shields have relatively high defensive power in battle, they are not suitable for turning. When someone breaks into the formation and covers them from behind, it is difficult for the shield formation to complete the replenishment.

"Damn it, why did the Purple Moon guy come back?" Seeing me suddenly appear, the Russian players in charge of this section felt like a bolt from the blue. But I don't want to see me anymore, now I have to intercept it, otherwise I will drive straight in, and the entire defense line will be completely destroyed by me.

Although the idea is good, it is a pity that it is very difficult to implement. That player called in a lot of people who intercepted me, but unfortunately none of them were useful, and I overwhelmed them all in three or two. In fact, he can't be blamed. The Russians really participated in the battle this time with a lot of experts, but when I was hunting Demon with the Celestial Court gods, those experts were not as far away as ordinary players because of their good skills. Because of their boldness of execution stems from superb skill, it is this group of people who die the fastest. Because most of the Russian true experts were killed in that battle. Although the defense line was temporarily set up, the experts have not had time to resurrect all of them. There are still many people who are not in place, plus such a wide front. The defense line, even if the experts are resurrected, it is impossible to concentrate on this point. After all, our guild is not just me. If we don't put some experts in other areas, it is really impossible to stop the attacks of our experts. Because of the above reasons, the player in charge of this area finally called in only a dozen experts as preparations, and these people were only second-rate experts, and they were all killed when they were almost in front of me.

Looking at me chopping melons and vegetables and killing the expert he invited, the Russian player was also anxious. He reluctantly glanced at the white badge in his hand, after thinking about it, finally gritted his teeth and made a decision. I saw that he pressed a gem on the badge inward, and suddenly two awls popped out on the front of the bang badge. Looking at this sharp barbed cone, the player was nervous again, but in the end he made up his mind to slap the thing on his forehead violently.

"Ah..." Accompanied by a scream that didn't sound like a human voice, the player suddenly squatted on the ground, clutching his forehead. The badge he had just held in his hand was pressed on his forehead by him. The two barbed spikes that popped out of the badge were all inserted into his forehead, and now, one A layer of white hair was growing from the edge of the badge and gradually spread to the guy's entire head, and then moved further down, eventually even his body was covered with a layer of thick white hair. In fact, in addition to growing layers of white hair, this guy's body shape is also changing. Before pressing the badge on his forehead, this guy was only 1.9 meters tall, and not only did he not look strong, but he felt a little thin. However, as the layer of white hair gradually covered his body, the guy's height soared to more than two meters close to three meters, and as his height increased, his arms and legs were all inflating. It swelled rapidly, and soon changed from a thin man to a strong polar bear.

The player who has completed the change now looks completely like a polar bear walking upright. However, unlike the authentic polar bear, this guy not only wears armor on his body, but also has the previous badge embedded on his forehead.

"Roar..." The Chief-In-Charge who completed the transformation suddenly yelled at me, and then put his two front paws on the ground and quickly pointed towards me. I ran from here.

Yeying and I have seen this guy's transformation from a long distance, not because of how eye-catching he is, but because he produced a very strong white light when he transformed, so Even after a long distance, I had to move him to the center of my sight.

"Be careful of that big bear." I reminded Yekage while waving the left and right hook of the eternal hook and sickle gun.

Yeying did not pause at all because of my reminder. On the contrary, he answered my question directly with action. He suddenly lowered his head, and then suddenly accelerated forward and rushed out. At the same time, he saw his eyes flash, a circle of golden rays of light shining out at the root of his black shine horns and swiftly followed the night. Ying's single horn hovered up, rushing to the tip of the horn like lightning, and suddenly shot out a golden lightning.

Although I have always used Yekage as a mount, many people ignore his original race, but this does not conceal the fact that Yekage is a nightmare and a high-level monster. Even if the speed of Night Shadow is excluded, just because of his attack ability, the creature of Nightmare is definitely a powerful species.

The big stupid bear in front of him ran and suddenly saw the golden light flashed ahead. A bolt of lightning directly blew him to a halt, and then he didn’t wait for him to react and saw Yeying suddenly zoom in. Silhouette hit his body with one head, and that sharp horn broke his fur and penetrated into his body almost as easily as piercing through a layer of paper.

"Roar..." The polar bear who was attacked suddenly became angry. The shoulder socket of the tube has been penetrated by the unicorn, but he still violently hugged Yeying's neck with his palms, and then two hind limbs. Desperately withstand the ground. Despite this, he was still forced by Ye Ying to slide more than ten meters away on the ground, but after all, Ye Ying was blocked, and this strength alone was considered good.

Yeying was also quite angry after being forced to stop. He saw his eyes sparkle again, and the horns also lit up. The polar bear immediately flashed all over his body, and he screamed in pain. . However, the scream only lasted for a short time, then the guy stopped screaming, and when he was angry, he suddenly roared, and then opened his mouth to bite Yeying's neck. Knowing that Ye Ying's horns are still stuck in his muscles, there will be nowhere to hide.

But it is a pity, this guy seems to forget that Ye Ying is not a simple devil beast, but he has a master on his back.

Just when the guy opened his mouth and was about to bite down, the middle section of the eternal hook in my hand suddenly flashed red, and the three-meter-long hook suddenly broke in two from the middle. I held the second half of the gun handle with my left hand and stuffed it directly above Ye Ying's neck, and it stuck in that guy's mouth. And just as he felt his teeth hit something and was about to bite down hard, the half of the hook in my right hand had turned into a heavy machete and slammed down the guy's neck with my strength.

Hey...pu... First, the guy's teeth bite the eternity and shattered instantly, and the giant machete following me slashed the guy's head off. As the huge bear head separated from the body, the body of the polar bear in front of it quickly shrivelled at a speed visible to naked eye and turned back into an adult body that was picked up by the night shadow on the horns, to the fallen head. Still maintaining the shape of a polar bear rolling far away on the ground.

Although I am a bit curious about the badge that guy used, but looking at this guy’s battle strength, I don’t think that thing is very difficult to deal with, so I didn’t waste too much time. It directly urges Ye Ying to strike forward.

Yeying flicked the corpse hanging on the horns with a beautiful shake of her head, and then she stood up and neighed, and then rushed forward with fire from her nose, along the way. Those who dared to stop us were either hit by Ye Ying directly or shot through by me.

Just like this, I rushed from the Russian front line to the center line, and then I looked at our personnel who had not fully broken through in the rear. After thinking about it for a bit, I made Ye Ying turned around and rushed back.

My task now is to destroy the direction of the Russians so that our people can penetrate their direction smoothly. Killing the enemy is not my main task, so even if I continue to rush back, it doesn’t make much sense. So I killed it again.

Originally, I rushed at these guys from the front and couldn't stop me a bit, but now I rushed from the back, these guys are even less opponents. And in order to disrupt the formation as much as possible, I rushed and called out a few large familiars. Of course, I didn't just throw them out and just ignore them, but quickly let them out and let them make a big move, and then immediately took it back, and after running for a while, I changed to another to continue the big move.

Originally, after my return, the morale of the Russians present was already low and pitiful. I just pierced a big hole in the front line, and the defense line was on the verge of collapse. Now I am rushing like Sahuan in their position. No matter how strong the defense line is, it can't hold up my toss. As some lower-level NPCs began to flee because of my attributes, more NPCs and players began to withstand the pressure and retreated backwards, and when these people moved, those who did not move could not withstand our personnel. The impact is over. The collapse happened almost instantaneously. One person can run away ten people, and ten people run can take a hundred people. At least several thousand people have been scared off by me. The whole camp will be run by their own. People rushed into chaos, and trying to block our staff at the back was simply a dream.

Actually, it is a mistake for the Russians to hire so many low-level NPCs. If they understand my attributes, they should only hire high-level NPCs, because I have deterrent attributes for NPCs, so low-level NPCs can easily escape in front of me. Everyone knows that deserters on the battlefield are definitely not a good thing, so when guilds fight against me, either don’t use NPCs or only use high level NPCs. Bringing low-level NPCs is purely to cause trouble for yourself.

However, although it is ranked first on the battle strength list, there are many forums for studying my attributes, but the deterrent attribute is not directly reflected in the battle strength after all, so not many people know that I have such a attribute, so that this time the Russian troops still carry a large number of low-level NPCs, and these people are the wormholes on the embankment. As long as these wormholes are flushed, the embankment will be over.

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