"And then?" Jade Emperor asked after listening to our report.

Azure Dragon replied: "Then we lost our goal."

"Are you sure that the other party used reverse space erasure?" asked the primary Heavenly Venerable who still looks weak. road.

Azure Dragon shook the head with some uncertainty: "At that time, the surrounding energy was very chaotic. The serial tribulation thunder formidable power used by Purple Moon was too large. At that time, the surrounding space was everywhere. It is the tribulation thunder energy that has not completely dissipated. I cannot accurately judge the state of the space. However, if the other party has not mastered the ability to erase the traces of the space exit, the only possibility is that she has not established an exit at all."

Supreme Taoist interrupted: "Based on the situation at the time, if you don't run, then Demon must be ten deaths without life, and I would take a gamble. Although the chaotic space is not stable, but also not said that it will definitely die. , So it’s not impossible to hide in the mezzanine in that situation."

Azure Dragon followed: "Even if the opponent uses an incomplete space shuttle to hide himself into the chaos Space, we have no way to find her!"

"No, it's not that there is no way, but there are fewer ways." At this time, I leaned on a chaise longue and interrupted them aloud. Conversation. In fact, my skill penalty is almost as good on the way back. Although I can't participate in the battle now, it's definitely okay to stand there. But since dealing with Demon this time is for Celestial Court, so we can count as a work injury. In order to take advantage of the distribution of soul gold in the future, I can only pretend to be wounded at this time. But at present, there is more than me like me on the great hall. Except that I’m reclining, primordial Heavenly Venerable is also supported by someone sitting in a cloud of clouds, and the other side of Tathagata and the others All the injured gods also sat or leaned, obviously they hadn't fully recovered yet.

When I suddenly said that there are fewer options, their eyes on Azure Dragon immediately gathered. "Does President Purple Moon have a way?" Zizhu Fairy asked.

"Of course there is a way, but it's a little troublesome." I said to the great gods who went with me to destroy Demon: "Forgot how we got the ability to transfer the attribute?"

< p>"You mean the Gate of Truth in your guild?" Azure Dragon, they immediately reacted. Although I am disgusted with heretic things like Gate of Truth, I have to admit that the formidable power of this thing is really extraordinary. At least Celestial Court currently has no treasure that can do what it wants.

I know a little bit about the disgust of the great gods, but I know better that Celestial Court is different from those religions in Europe. Its xenophobia is not so obvious. On the contrary, the tolerance of Celestial Court is probably the best of all the religions I have come into contact with. "I know that everyone is not used to using heretic things, but power is power. It will only show different attributes due to the different purposes of the user. It will not have any will in itself. If you can understand this, then I think you should be able to accept this."

Hongjun Sect Lord, who has never spoken, said: "That's right. Three Thousand Great Dao, no matter what kind of spiritual cultivator is practicing, that's all. It is Tao. Since Tao is Tao, there is nothing divided into high and low. If a certain Tao has been used by someone we hostile and no longer uses it, it is not pursuing the right way, but entering the demonic path."

"Teached." Listening to Hongjun Sect Lord's explanation, the gods present stood up and saluted Hongjun Sect Lord. I didn't know if I should follow suit, but thought about me. Still did not stand up. Anyway, I am not an official staff member of Celestial Court for the time being, so I have no relationship with Hongjun Sect Lord. Besides, the set of things he just said just explained my theory. I haven't received any education from him, so I don't need to salute.

"In that case, we might as well use the Gate of Truth to find out where the Demon is?" Jade Emperor asked.

Hongjun Sect Lord looked towards me and said: "That Magical Artifact belongs to Purple Moon. Don't you ask him what I do?"

Listen to this Then the gods turned their eyes back, and I didn’t wait for them to ask, and I said directly: “Although the Gate of Truth is a very important functional building in our guild, if it’s such an important thing, it’s okay to call it. Yes. Of course, the difficulty of getting the answer for Gate of Truth is linked to the difficulty of the task, so everyone must help to complete the task. Also... before we find Demon, should we deal with Nanaozuka?"

"You know you won't forget that thing." Jade Emperor said with a smile: "In fact, we sent someone to move the Qixiong Tomb back before you came back, but you also know that, That soul gold is also an extremely important resource for our Divine Race cultivation, so we hope to get more soul gold to help cultivation. This..."

"Soul gold is a cultivation Saint for you Grade is the same for us, so there is not much difference between us on this point. I just hope to get the share that I deserve. In addition, I hope you can understand that if it wasn't for me to take the initiative for the sake of the overall situation The report found the Demon and Soul Gold, but mine was privately in advance. Although it is possible to release the Demon, the Soul Gold I obtained will definitely be huge. Since I have suffered such a large loss in advance and saved Celestial Court You are still using this to exploit my interests. Is it a bit unreasonable?"


I don’t know what I said about Jade Emperor After receiving the conversation, I was planning to take advantage of the victory, but who knew that the Tathagata on one side suddenly opened the mouth and said: "Why are you playing a rogue like the monkey back then? Although you discovered the soul gold first, But we, Celestial Court, just give you some. If you want to let Celestial Court hand over most of it to you on the excuse that you once had the opportunity to be greedy for ink alone, then it’s not right. If you really didn’t report it, but Mining soul gold directly, then the risk you have to take is definitely not small. After the Demon is released, my Celestial Court will indeed lose a part of the profit, but don't you have any loss yourself? So your report is just a defense Everyone’s interests, you are also good, not me Celestial C Ourt family gains. It is indeed unreasonable for you to want to divide more on this basis. "

"Well, even if I defend everyone's interests, I will defend it anyway. For the sake of this article, how much do you plan to give me? Thirty percent or forty? "

"What? Thirty or forty percent? "Jade Emperor looked at me with a deliberately surprised look and asked: "Do you know how big the Qixiong Tomb is?" Thirty or forty percent? This is what you said too? "

"Why can't I say it? I discovered things, and I also participated in the subsequent demonization operations. As participants in the event, Celestial Court and I are in a cooperative relationship with Level 1 and others. Even if my contribution is less than yours, one third will always be have it? "

"no no no, too exaggerated! "Jade Emperor shook his head like a rattle. "Too much. "

"Then how much do you plan to divide? "

Jade Emperor first stretched out two fingers, and then added another after thinking about it. "Three hundred kg." How about it? This is a big deal. "

When I heard the number reported by Jade Emperor, I didn't answer at all. I got up directly from the chair, and then the king and Ye Ying appeared by my side as soon as I stretched out my hand. I saw this. When the two appeared, the gods didn’t figure out what was going on, but I quickly let them understand what I was going to do. I saw that I grabbed the saddle on Ye Ying’s back, and then the king grabbed my waist and moved up. With a throw, I used the power of his throw to flip directly onto the back of the night shadow.

Seeing me climb the night shadow, if the gods don’t understand what I’m going to do, they won’t show up here.

"Purple Moon! "Jade Emperor shouted sternly.

I didn't pay attention to him at all. I raised my hand to take the king back, then waved back to say hello, and then Ye Ying looked towards the previous step and stepped into the void. In the middle, the following great gods all ran over from where they were standing, trying to hold me back, but it’s a pity that Ye Ying’s dream movement belongs to the special ability. Fog.

"Are we really asking too hard? "The Jade Emperor looked towards Hongjun Sect Lord with some uncertainty, and the other party just shook the head, and I don’t know whether it means ignorance or not too much.

Because of my sudden departure, the scene Suddenly it became a little silent. After a long time, Azure Dragon suddenly said: "By the way, Purple Moon is gone, so how do we use Gate of Truth? "

Don’t mention that the people present have not remembered yet. Everyone has responded to the mention of Azure Dragon. After all, Gate of Truth is something of our guild. If I really don’t let them use it, they too At best, there is a way to destroy it, but it is basically impossible to use it. Therefore, Azure Dragon One raised this matter, and all the gods present were stunned. In the end, Supreme Taoist responded quickly, searching around and asking the crowd. : "Where is Yinxue? Didn't she leave her job in Purple Moon's guild? Let her talk about it. "

Listening to Supreme Taoist's words, everyone began to search for Yinxue's silhouette, only to hear Bi Ling said: "No need to look for it, she left early." Yinxue was originally a member of the Frost Rose League, and now she is just a fake name in Celestial Court. It is true that she and Purple Moon are more intimate than you. Besides, Purple Moon saved her life when she dealt with Demon before. With Yinxue's personality, she naturally wanted to return this life. You just ran away Purple Moon so harshly. Can she stay and conspire with you to find Purple Moon trouble? By the way, Divine Beast and the four Sacred Beast are different from the three guarding nations. We are equal to Celestial Court and have no affiliation. I can't accept your previous behavior. You should discuss the next thing yourself, and I won't participate. "Bi Ling and the Golden Heavenly Dragon are a pair. After Bi Ling walks, the Golden Heavenly Dragon naturally follows along.

The three Divine Beasts are all passed away, and the rest of the great gods are each other. You look at me, I see you a little not knowing what to do, not because they think they can't beat Demon without these three, but they are wondering why so many people will run away with such a good condition.< /p>

In fact, this question is still a question of position in the final analysis. If you and a classmate you don’t know well now share the huge sum of money that you two have discovered one after another, if you find it first, you will get 80% or even nine of them. You won’t mind if it succeeds. After all, you have too many points. But the other party will be dissatisfied because he has too few points. At this point, you must feel that your distribution plan is reasonable from your own standpoint, and the other party You may think that the reverse is more reasonable. This contradiction in consciousness is not a question of who is smarter and who is silly. It is purely the result of different positions.

Now these soul golds are like Nabi A huge sum of money, as the one who discovered it first, because of the strong and weak relationship between the Frost Rose League and Celestial Court, I was forced to make a concession in the smaller part. However, Celestial Court simply ignored it. At this point of my concession, they even want to take all of the soul gold. I guess if it weren’t for my position in Celestial Court, plus I can often do things for Celestial Court that they can’t solve on their own or are not easy to get started. It is estimated that even the three hundred kg will not have it.

Although soul gold is quite expensive, don’t think that the amount of 300 kg is a lot. You must know that Dao Soul gold is not only similar in color to gold, The proportion of this thing is not inferior to that of gold. 300kg of cotton may not be small, and 300kg of soul gold will definitely not exceed the volume of a few bricks. Think about the size of the magnificent Qixiong Tomb? Just divide it for me. The size of the brick? When I beg for food?

I don’t even bother to talk to them about Celestial Court’s stingy behavior. The basis of the negotiation is that the requirements of the two parties may be unified. For example, Celestial Court costs 70%, and I want 40%. Everyone argues for a while, and finally settles at 35%. This is called negotiation. Now it’s fine, Celestial Court said directly: "We want 90%. Nine-nine-nine...Nine-nine, I'll give you one point, zero, one percent. "How can I talk about this?

Suffering, I rode Ye Ying directly out of Celestial Court, then ran back to Isinger and jumped to the Sino-Russian battlefield.< /p>

When I got to the defensive line, our Defensive Array field no longer existed. It was not broken by the Russians, but our army had turned into a full-scale offensive state.

When formulating the strategy of blocking across the board and opening a channel to lure the enemy deep, the purpose was to consume a large amount of the Russians’ battle strength. Finally, when they were cut in two by the Yellow River, they came to a half-crossing attack, and finally the Russians’ vitality. A large number of them were wiped out on both sides of the Yellow River, and finally took advantage of their few remaining opportunities to chase them all the way back to Russia. Although we have not been able to implement the plan to lure the enemy into deep, the strength of the Russians can be said to have been damaged by more than half. And in the current state, even if the commanders on the Russian side have a collective head short-circuit, it is estimated that they are unlikely to go forward. Moreover, their original plan was to release the Demon to make trouble for us, and they took the opportunity to take advantage of it. , Now that even the Demon is gone, they are even more impossible to move forward.

After the gang of Celestial Court gods and I evacuated, the god of war and Rose made a full-line attack plan. , And the Russians also decisively turned into a full defensive state. Obviously they also know that it is impossible to push forward.

"Purple Moon? Why are you back so soon? "Seeing me appearing in the logistics center, Rose looked at me in surprise and asked.

I helplessly told Rose about the Celestial Court situation. Rose was also quite surprised. After a long time, she was surprised. Then he said: "It seems that we still underestimated the appeal of Soul Gold to the Divine Immortal of Celestial Court, but don't be too sad. Although those soul gold is also very useful to us, it is not a loss if there is not. On the contrary, I felt that the Celestial Court plan should continue to be implemented. "

"Plan? Which plan? "

"Find that Demon's plan. "

"You mean let us find that Demon by ourselves?" "

"Yes. "

"But what am I looking for her for?" "

Rosé said: "We must first look at her situation before making a decision. If she can communicate, then try to persuade her to join us. In any case, she was raised by Demon with soul gold. Even if her body is broken now, with her soul strength, her cultivation speed will definitely be many times faster than ordinary creatures. So, if you can pull her at this time, it is tantamount to getting a powerful helper in the future. "

I thought for a while and said: "Although what you said makes sense, I think this probability is minimal. On the one hand, Demon seems to be irrational, and on the other hand, even if she is still wise, do you think she will listen to me who beat her like that? "

"It depends on your eloquence. "Rose said with a smile: "Isn't it your specialty to reverse black and white?" "

"Do I have such a specialty?" "

"Nothing? "

"Well, I admit that I can do it, right? But it's probably not easy to find Demon, right? This kind of task is definitely very difficult. Without the help of the Celestial Court gods, I guess I might not be able to do it alone? "

"You don't have to worry about this. Rose said: "Because dealing with that Demon is one of Celestial Court's missions, Gate of Truth will certainly not restrict entry to Divine Race personnel to help complete the mission. This has been confirmed when you got the attribute transfer. As long as the mission is related to the Demon, there is no restriction on entering personnel. "

"So I can bring Vina and them all?" "

"Why not? "

"It makes sense, I'll go to them for help. "

"Wait. "I was caught by Rose when I was about to run.

"What's the matter? "

"Don't be in a hurry, now you go to the front line and show me a face before you come back. "

"Why? "Rose just wanted to explain, I suddenly opened my mouth and said: "Oh... no need to explain, I understand. "

In fact, the meaning of Rose is very simple. It is to use my prestige to scare the Russians. I used to bring the great gods to mess up the Russian barracks, and my super tribulation thunder is also straightforward. After killing so many Russian invaders, it is estimated that those guys are still immersed in fear of me. But then I fell with the Demon because of the skill punishment, so they thought I would not come back for the time being. If I appeared in their position now, do you guess they would flee collectively?

After leaving the supply point, I rode the night shadow to chase the large group that had set off in advance and ran over, because The Russians have not yet entered the retreat state, they are just defending in place, so our troops have not been able to advance much. However, with my arrival, the entire battlefield has immediately changed.

"Rush over to me. "A player from our guild led a team of pegasus cavalry toward the front of the Russians. However, the team was running and suddenly heard a loud explosion sound. The center of the running horse team burst into force. A group of Fireball was picked up, and several cavalrymen were thrown off the horse directly, and the running horse fell to the ground without even humming.

The player who fell to the ground was on the ground. As soon as he got up, he accelerated to the front of the Russian army and ran over to the front of the Russian army. The cavalry behind him who could still stand up followed his footsteps. However, just after he ran to Halfway through, another arrow flashing blue suddenly flew in front of him, and it accurately nailed into his chest, and then in the player's incredible eyes, his entire body was gradually spread. The ice layer that came was covered. With the death of this player, the group of NPC cavalry behind him was not spared, and several Fei arrows put these NPCs on the ground one after another. However, just in those After the NPC fell to the ground, another player rushed past them with another group of NPCs.

"Hurry up, release arrows, don't let them come close. "On the opposite Russian position, the players who commanded the battle were shooting arrows desperately while shouting to their companions to speed up. However, their efforts did not have much effect. As soon as possible, many players and NPCs from our guild followed suit. Falling on the way to charge, but more people stepped closer to their position step by step over the corpses of their companions.

"Have you made a mistake? Where are our reinforcements with so many casualties? "A player standing in one of our square positions pressed the communicator in his ears and shouted.

The voice of the military god explained: "The short mobile angel supporting you in this area just You hit a long-range artillery shell from the back of your side, and it has now been recovered. The second support sequence is being prepared. Please hold on for a while. "

"Our people are all dying. Persevere. Let the people behind you persevere. I'm going to die! As the player said, he pointed towards the long sword inserted on the ground and pointed forward: "All of you rush to me, you don't believe that you can't break the red-haired ghost's position. "

Following the shout of this player, more players rushed forward with their direct NPCsquad, but they were required to go through the dense rain of arrows against each other’s artillery and magic attacks. , It’s almost impossible if there are no casualties. The charging crowd keeps falling while running, but when one person falls, someone behind will make up for it. In short, the charging team doesn’t mean to stop at all. .

Seeing that the two sides get closer and closer, the players in the guild running in the front can even see what the opponent’s commander is shouting, but at this time, the opponent’s shield Zhen suddenly opened a seam, and then a cart was pushed to the front of the position.

"Not good, it's a magic cannon. Lie down quickly. "As the player yelled, the people behind almost instinctively fell to the ground.

This magic cannon is a new weapon of the Russians, and the ammunition it fires is a bit similar to miniaturization. The magic crystal cannon, but different from the magic crystal cannon is that this kind of magic cannon does not use magic crystal but liquefied magic crystal. And because of the use of liquefied magic crystal, this kind of magic cannon saves energy conversion The device does not generate excess heat. Because of these characteristics, the Magic Cannon can fire shells at a speed that the Magic Crystal Cannon can’t match. If you don’t understand its firing principle, you might even think of it as a rapid fire at first glance. Laser cannons, the density of shells that are almost in a line is indescribable. In crowded places, using this thing to sweep around can easily bring down a large group of people, and our staff suffered a big loss because of the previous I have developed the habit of lying down as soon as I heard the magic cannon.

Although everyone squatted down quickly amidst the shouts this time, the expected blow did not happen. When everyone desperately fell to the ground and lifted the head to determine the direction of the magic cannon, they suddenly saw a red object spinning over their heads, and then inserted the magic cannon. After that, the double-headed long sword inserted into the cannon body was lightning flashed, and the whole cannon directly turned into a large fireball with a bang. Not only did it fail to injure our personnel in front, it even turned it on. The Russians around the cannon brought down a large area.

As the cannon exploded, the double-headed sword that hit the cannon flew with the shock wave of the explosion, but it was not It flew indiscriminately, but flew backwards along the path of the arrival. Everyone's eyes quickly followed the weapon to look back, and it happened to see me reaching out to catch the spinning weapon.

" President Purple Moon is back! President Purple Moon is back. "Seeing that it was me, everyone in front didn't lie down anymore, and jumped up from the ground.

I rode on the back of Ye Ying and shouted to them: "Follow me and open a passage. . "

"Yes. "The crowd responded loudly and immediately gathered. After I ran over, they immediately followed me and rushed forward.

When I saw me rushing from the front, the Russian shields on the opposite side retreated in shock. , But when they retreated, there was contact. Just as Yekage and I were about to collide with the shield formation, a huge silhouette flashed in front of me. Vajra's two fists clasped together and slammed toward the ground. With a hammer, only a bang, the group of Russian men who supported the shield formation were shocked into flight, and after their feet were off the ground, I rode Ye Ying through Vajra's body and pierced one head. Entering the shield formation. The eternally changing hook and sickle spear was pulled among the flying crowd, and directly spotted blood holes in the necks of several Russian big men. After I rushed over, these talents were holding blood. The necks fell to the ground one after another.

Because of my reasons, the Russians’ defenses that were still intact were finally broken through. The defense in battle is the same as the levee against floods, as long as there is one Execution mouth, then this gap will be bigger and bigger, sooner or later the entire levee will be finished. Of course, the premise is that no one is going to plug the hole. But now that I am here, who can plug the gap? ?

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