Facts have proved that people do not run through electricity, but people have brains. Moreover, humans often explode an attribute called quick witted in an emergency, so it spreads across the golden grid After that, many people wisely jumped up when the power grid passed under their feet, and at this time the speed of lightning turned into its shortcoming. If the spreading power grid is slow, then these people will be useless even if they jump up. Unless you have the ability to stay in the sky, you will have to be struck by lightning as soon as you land. It's a pity that the speed of this lightning network is too fast. The grid flashed past their feet as soon as they jumped up, and the grid had already rushed past when they fell. Of course, although there are a lot of people who are quick witted in an emergency, there are more people who react slowly and half a beat. As a result, most of the Russian NPCs and players within a radius of one kilometer are dropped to the ground, and half of them They are already in a half-cooked state.

This is the 11th thunder and lightning that I hit. It has more than two thousand times the damage. Even if it is spread out from the grid, the formidable power is at least dozens of times the formidable power of my usual skill. Isn't the individual trivial?

Looking at the half-familiar people on the ground, those who jump up or fly up are all lingering fears. If they didn’t react so quickly, I guess they would be one of those people lying on the ground. . However, their feelings did not last long, because starting from the second thunder and lightning, the strikes speed of the tribulation thunder has obvious signs of getting faster and faster. After the 11th thunder and lightning hit the ground, the power grid just spread, and the Twelfth thunder and lightning fell immediately.

A lightning strike of 4,096 times the formidable power, this value is enough to kill any ordinary Divine Race in seconds. Although it can't kill the Demon, it is enough to make the nearby people extremely unlucky. Like the previous thunder, this Twelfth thunder also spread out a power grid, and this time not only did it follow the ground, but the power grid spread in the air at the same time. Many people who wanted to learn from the previous jump also spread out. One after another, they were half-baked by the electric current. In addition, due to the formidable power of the attack this time, the power grid has greatly increased, and the coverage area has also been greatly increased. With the Demon as the center, the people within a radius of 1,200 meters were all stunned, and they were all scorched and sucked on the ground.

When the lightning strike of Twelfth Road ended, and even the power grid did not have time to disappear, the thirteenth mine came down again, and this time is more exaggerated than the last time, because the fourteenth thunder and the fifteenth The thirteenth mine is almost half a second interval. The fifteenth thunder and the fourteenth thunder are almost overlapped with one third. This formidable power is absolutely fear.

After these three mines landed in no particular order, the surrounding power grid directly expanded to a radius of 1,800 meters, and I don’t know how many Russians are covered by this range. , I only know that almost one-eighth of the Russian camps are framed in.

In fact, it is not the Russians who are most afraid of, but the Demon in the pit that was directly targeted by thunder and lightning. She was able to resist the previous lightning strikes, but she started to be scared when Twelfth thunderbolt. When the thirteenth thunderbolt came down, her exposed golden body actually began to show a layer of fine cracks, and when the fourteenth thunderbolt came down, her heels and toes turned into powder directly, and When the fifteenth thunder came down, her calves and forearms were also shattered. Originally, with her system, even if she loses her limbs, it is not a concern. Anyway, she can regenerate. But the question is what is the use of limb regeneration? The thunder and lightning in the back are even harder than the other.

Actually, Demon is afraid of me, and I am still afraid of her. Just now when the thirteenth thunder struck my magic power instantly bottomed out, so I swallowed an infinite return magic pill again, and the fourteenth thunder directly consumed more than half of the magic power, and the rest The magic power is not enough to support the fifteenth thunder and lightning. I urgently swallowed an Infinite Return Magic Pill to catch up with the consumption of magic power. This is also thanks to my reaction speed and the replenishing efficiency of the infinite magic pill produced by Supreme Taoist. The average person or the average medicine pill can't match this consumption speed at all.

This tribulation thunder changes every five thunders. Just now the fifteenth thunder ended, the clouds in the sky immediately began to reverse and the tenth Six Paths thunder was brewing, and I He quickly swallowed another Infinite Return Magic Pill and held several Return Magic Pills in his mouth. From now on, I have to thunder and one medicine, and the magic power will not keep up with the consumption if it is slower. Even if you take medicine like this, the remaining half of the magic will be wasted every time, but if you don't eat it like this, the thunder and lightning will end at any time. The Demon in front of me simply didn't die. It would be idiotic not to take advantage of this super skill to kill her at once, or to make her half disabled, and then want to kill her.

Just when Demon was supporting only half of his arms and legs and wanted to crawl out of the big pit to escape, in the sky's tenth Six Paths tribulation thunder was finally brewing. Accompanied by the loud noise that the human heart almost stopped with a tremor, an emerald green shining thunder and lightning fell, accurately hitting the newly supported Demon and smashed all his limbs in an instant.

After making the previous 15 thunder and lightning reserves, this tenth Six Paths tribulation thunder has already possessed the first Dao Tribulation thunder more than 65,000 times the lethality, not to mention the low-level Divine Race. Now, Hongjun Sect Lord didn't dare to take his body hard. Even though this Demon has a perverted power, I have a more perverted attack power. Inherited so many attributes of the great god, if she can’t kill her like this, then I’m really out of luck!

As I said before, the strikes of this tribulation thunder are getting faster and faster. After the tenth Six Paths thunder fell, the seventeenth thunder almost fell after the tail of the tenth Six Paths thunder. Yes, fortunately, I took the medicine quickly, and barely kept up with the speed of mana consumption required by this mine. This tribulation thunder with the previous Dao Tribulation thunder more than 131,000 times the formidable power directly disintegrated the Demon’s body, and even a large area of ​​the head disappeared, except for the remaining eye. Turn, it can be said that she is almost the same as dead.

In fact, this Demon's body gradually disappeared and shattered, not directly caused by the lightning strike, but by Demon himself. In fact, with so many thunders, what she really endured was only the first twelve thunders. Starting from the thirteenth thunder, later she learned how to decompose her limbs to generate demon power to form a barrier to resist the lightning strike. Later, the reason why she lacked an Avatar body every time a Reina Demon dropped, it was because the energy of her body was consumed by the lightning strike and that part of the body was shattered. If she hadn't realized this ability at the end, in fact the fourteenth thunder would have been enough to kill her. Even if this Demon is abnormal, more than 16,000 times the lethality is enough to kill her. It's a pity that she realized this defense skill. Although she needs to consume her body, she at least saves her life.

As the seventeenth thunder smashed Demon's body and a small piece of head, when the green rays of light lit up again in the spinning cloud in the sky, Demon finally Give up completely. She dissipated the resistance, but looked at the sky dumbly, preparing to wait for the final death. According to previous experience, the formidable power of this thunder is bigger than one. The one just now caused her to lose her entire body and a small piece of head. Even if she disassembles herself completely, the formidable power of the next thunder will definitely not be able to stop her. NS. So, instead of spending that matter, it is better to wait obediently and honestly to die.

However, things are sometimes so coincidental. Just at the moment when Demon was about to be completely wiped out, I suddenly inwardly shouted a bad cry, because when the eighteenth Dao Tribulation thunder was drawing magic power from me, I swallowed the medicine a step slowly, so that The eighteenth thunder only absorbed the small and a half of my remaining magic power before, and it was just a small part of it. In fact, I almost swallowed two pills in a row just now. Unfortunately, one tribulation thunder is faster than one, and the following tribulation thunder simply decreases in no particular order. If relying solely on my own magic is nothing, it would be impossible to keep up with that speed by taking medicine like me. After all, no matter how fast I take the medicine, there must be intervals!

Just when the Demon and the great gods watching from a distance thought that the Demon was about to be killed, the eighteenth Dao Tribulation thunder in the sky finally struck. However, after a loud explosion sound, the thunder and lightning seemed to have leaked electricity. When the clouds were just drilled out of the clouds, it seemed aggressive and unstoppable. Who knows that the lower the falling speed, the slower the falling speed, and the lightning is getting thinner and thinner. In the end, When it hit the Demon's only head, only a strand of hair was left, and then it flashed on the Demon's head and disappeared.

The great gods who thought they would be able to fix the Demon in no time saw this situation, all their jaws almost fell off. What kind of thunder is this? Why did you become dysfunctional in the middle of the fight?

"Damn, Purple Moon is not working!" The great gods were complaining there, and suddenly they heard Bi Ling yell. When the great gods moved their eyes, they just saw me fall to the ground. .

tribulation thunder is not so fun, and the side effects of this skill are also very big. Although the game "Zero" seems to have a large gap in strength between players, it is extremely fair. High pay and high return are equated. Skills like this kind of formidable power that are surprisingly low-demand must have a lot of side effects, and now I have side effects, flashing lights all over my body and paralyzing my whole body. The great gods ran over and didn't know how to help me. In the end, Azure Dragon and Yinxue came up to help and carried me down. One of these two came from playing thunder and lightning, and the other was immune to the full energy system. They didn't react at all to the thunder and lightning in me.

However, although they carried me down, they couldn't get rid of the lightning on my body. This kind of skill punishment is usually unhealable, even if it can be treated individually, it is very troublesome. Anyway, the system will not give you the opportunity to throw super skills like do as one pleases everywhere, at least not too much. casual.

"Purple Moon, what did you do?" Yinxue and the others began to ask me about my situation after I was in the Safety Sector domain. "The thunder eye just now seemed to come down, why did it stop suddenly? Is it because your magic power can't support it?"

I wanted to answer directly, but it was a pity that I couldn’t open my mouth at all. I even got numb facial muscles and couldn't speak. Fortunately, I still have telepathy. As my silhouette shook for a while, the combined state was automatically released. Most of the familiars were put away the moment they split apart, and only Ling stayed to help me as an interpreter.

"The master said that the medicine did not keep up with the speed just now, and the magic power was a bit slow, so the eighteenth Dao Tribulation thunder failed to fully form. As for the situation now, don’t worry, this is a skill penalty. It will be fine in half an hour."

"Hey, it's a pity that Demon has only one head left. One more lightning will fix her." Golden Heavenly Dragon exclaimed.

Ling asked me: "Isn’t there only a head left? Don’t you even have a head?"

"Cough...don’t mention it."

Seeing the expressions of the gods around me, I knew the situation was not in seconds. I quickly asked Ling to ask me a question. The result was that Biling replied: "You didn’t see it after you fell, so Demon doesn’t know how to learn. The Spatial Teleportation ability. The only remaining head suddenly disappeared. Although we tracked the space fluctuations, we found that the traces on the opposite side were erased, so..."

"So Then Demon is missing?" Ling asked in surprise.


Looking at a bunch of frustrated gods, I was helpless for a while. I didn't expect to beat the Demon to the head, and even let her run away. This guy is really a scourge, so many great gods have not managed her together. But frustration goes to frustration, and I don't feel too worried in my heart. It was true that Demon ran away, but her demon power came from her soul gold body. In the process of resisting the tribulation thunder just now, she exhausted her body, leaving only her head. In other words, her strength has actually been reduced to less than one-sixth of the original. Although this attribute is still very good, she needs to regenerate limbs and torso, which consumes part of her strength, and the regenerated body is also impossible to have the ability of the previous soul gold body, and its final strength may only be stable at the original seven points. One or so. Of course, she can continue to cultivation to improve her strength in the future, but that will not happen for a while.

Demon cultivation is indeed very fast, but no matter how fast it is, it will not be effective in a few years. Don't expect any big improvement in every one hundred and eighty years. Previously, her strength increased rapidly because she had soul gold for her to eat. Taking soul gold that was even better than Immortal Pill as a meal, the cultivation idiot had also become a great god. However, although the Nanami Tomb is still there, Celestial Court will definitely move the remaining soul gold back, anyway, don't count on Demon. If you want to cultivation on your own, it’s not impossible. It’s just that she used to rely on soul-eating cultivation, and now she suddenly wants to practice on her own. It is estimated that in a few years, she may not even be able to figure out how to practice, let alone improve her strength. Anyway, for us, in the future, Demon’s strength should be stable at about one-seventh of its current strength for a long time, and this one-seventh of the strength can at best be equal to the Taiping Venus and the others, really. Just get up and come to a high level Divine Race and you can fight her for a long time. When the time comes, as soon as she is discovered, Celestial Court will send people around, and she will only have to run.

Since the Demon is gone, there is no point in staying here. The main reason is that the great gods have lost the reason to continue to "injury", and staying still can't help. Fortunately, the seventeen thunders I had previously "injured" almost, and now it is nothing. After I notified the god of war and asked him to inform others that he could launch a counterattack, I followed the gods and returned to Celestial Court first. Anyway, you have to talk to Celestial Court first, and the distribution of the Qixiong Tomb has to be discussed, right? The bones are all gnawed, how can eating meat lose me?

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