Before, the reason why we thought that I could easily solve the Demon after increasing the battle strength was completely because we underestimated the Demon’s fighting instinct. Because since we discovered her, until just before the fight, that Demon showed a very soft personality. Although her own attributes can be said to be top-notch, her fighting skills can only be inferior. For such an existence, as long as there is enough battle strength, it is as easy as blowing off dust to solve her. However, it now seems that everything is different from what we imagined.

The Demon's fighting skills have been improving since she instinctively awakened. Although she killed so many Russians that made me happy, her killing behavior also laid the foundation for her improvement. Creatures with only instincts are the best at summing up experience in actual combat. The Demon has been fighting for so long, naturally, he has been able to understand all his physical attributes. In this state, although she hasn't developed some tricks similar to fighting skills, just using every inch of muscle in her body is enough to make her enter the ranks of second-rate fighting experts. Moreover, this guy also has the kind of basic attributes that are against the sky, coupled with her second-rate fighting skills, this Demon's actual battle strength is even stronger than many first-class martial artists. After all, no matter how powerful a martial artist is, he won’t be able to punch the mountain in a hole and kick the enemy out of the Earth’s gravitational circle with one kick, right?

After petrifying half of the Demon's neck and head, I took the initiative to distance herself from her, and she retreated a distance very cooperatively. Just now, we can say that we didn't get a good deal, so as soon as the match was over, we hurriedly retreated some distance from each other.

After separating from the Demon, I grabbed my broken wall and leaned toward my shoulder. With a flash of red light, the shattered shoulder quickly regenerated at a speed visible to naked eye. After coming out, the arm that was almost completely broken was also connected to the regenerated shoulder and recovered. After I grew that arm safely, I tried to move that arm. After I confirmed that there was nothing wrong, I looked at the opposite Demon and said: "Didn't expect you are pretty good, but do you only have this ability? ""

"Kill..." The Demon on the opposite side seemed to have completely lost her mind. She only answered one word to my words, and her voice was very weird. Not only did it sound not like human voices, but also There is also the rustle that comes out when a kind of rusty metal rubs against each other. It feels as unpleasant as it is.

"It seems that you don't understand human words anymore." I said, pointing forward with the eternal hook gun: "But this is just right, I can kill you without guilt. "To be honest, I still had a pimple when I attacked that Demon. After all, she looked like a little girl, and from the introduction of the skeleton Imperial Teacher, I also knew that this Demon was actually Little Princess. As a little girl who didn't know anything, she was chased and killed after being imprisoned for more than two thousand years. She was really pitiful. However, my sympathy is only for Little Princess's will. Now that the Demon has lost his consciousness, then I have nothing to pity.

Looking at the yellow light shining on Demon's body, I know that she is trying to attack the petrified structure of her body. This is not the same as dealing with obstacles outside the body. As long as you have enough strength, you can lift any obstacles open, but the petrification on your body is part of your body after all, so Demon cannot cut the petrified part and throw it away. If you want to turn those stones back into living tissues, you need methods and skills, which are absolutely impossible to do with brute force. What's more, the intelligence of the Demon in front of him is basically zero, and it is basically a dream to expect her to come up with a solution to petrochemicals with such a brain.

After several attempts to no avail, Demon also lost the patience to try, and suddenly yelled at me to vent his anger, then this guy rushed towards me. It's just that it's completely different from before. I don’t know if it’s because I petrified her head that caused her intelligence to decline further or what is the reason. This Demon didn’t even run over like a human, but put both forearms on the ground, and then faced like a running gorilla. I rushed over.

Seeing that Demon, who looked like a girl, actually ran in this position. I was taken aback for a moment, but I quickly reacted. No matter what causes her behavior to change, in short, Demon's state is becoming less and less human. But this is just right. The less she looks like, the easier it is for me to be ruthless.

Seeing that Demon flew in front of me, I slammed my hand tightly for eternity, the tip of the gun was pressed diagonally downward, and then the Demon rushed in front of me and jumped up to pounce me Suddenly picked up when it fell. The sickle on the tip of the hook and sickle spear accurately against the Demon's belly, and then with the force of my raise upwards, it forcibly broke through her abdomen and penetrated into the body, and followed the forward force of the Demon to move upwards. Then Demon stood up and turned directly over my head.

When Demon was thrown over my head, the sickle blade of the sickle could no longer hold her body, but as she was thrown away from my side, the sharp sickle-shaped horizontal Blade also easily cut a cut that was nearly a foot long on her stomach. It can be said that this kind of incision has almost opened up Demon's entire stomach, but this guy's abnormal physical fitness hasn't reacted to such a serious injury. She knew it hurts when she was sane before, but now it seems that this guy doesn't even feel the pain.

After landing again, Demon first stared at the threat of grinning grin, then looked down at the wound on her stomach, but as her eyes met, the incision in her abdomen was Healing at the speed visible to naked eye.

"Damn it!" Seeing the healing wound, I immediately rushed up. Although I very much hope that I have read it wrong, but the current situation makes me have to admit that the situation I least want to see has occurred. Then Demon actually learned the healing skills.

The Demon’s terrifying health and defensive power have already made us feel a little bit helpless. Now she has actually learned to replenish her own blood. If this continues, I will never want to kill her. NS?

No, this Demon must die, she must not be allowed to leave here alive, otherwise as her power awakens and gradually masters the use of her own abilities, when the time comes this Demon will change more and more Difficult to deal with.

Just as I rushed forward again, the eternal change in my hand gradually shortened, and finally formed a heavy sword. As soon as I rushed to the Demon, I had lifted the sword over my head and slammed it down at the Demon. "Holy sword-ruling."

I saw a lightsaber up to a hundred meters high suddenly appeared on the battlefield and smashed down at the Demon along with my chopping, accompanied by a loud explosion sound. , The entire Russian military camp was stunned by a single blow. Anyone on this straight line in front of the lightsaber attack route, whether it is an expert or an ordinary person of more than a thousand levels, is all a result— -Instantly turn into fly ash.

Now that Demon has learned to heal himself, the tactics he thought of before are no longer suitable for this kind of battle. So I decisively gave up the plan to save magic power and started using powerful skills on a large scale. Even if Demon has learned the healing skills, she still needs time to use it.

With the falling of the lightsaber, the Demon in front was forcibly slashed out of several hundred meters, hitting the edge of the big pit that the Black Tortoise stepped on before, and crashed on the edge of the pit. It took more than ten laps to fly outside the pit before stopping.

After the inertia disappeared, Demon stayed on the spot for another three or four seconds before shaking slightly, and then began to move his arms to support the ground and wanted to get up. However, while she was supporting her and trying to get up, there was sudden lightning and thunder in the big pit in front of her. I opened my hands, as if Spiritual God had come to the world and flew up from the bottom of the pit, at the same time in the sky. A lot of dark clouds also appeared. The dark clouds gathered over the battlefield at a speed visible to naked eye and began to spin, and soon formed a huge black vortex. And at the same time that the vortex was formed, the Demon stood up from the ground as support. It’s just that she just stood firm, and saw me suddenly pointed at her: "tribulation thunder."

ka ka ka bang... A loud noise of pain in everyone’s eardrums accompanied by a shock , A red heavenly thunder as thick as a human arm suddenly slammed down from the black cloud, and instantly blasted the Demon out several hundred meters away. That's not even counted. After the Demon was blown off, the second lightning fell immediately before the person landed, and compared with the previous one, now this lightning is at least twice as thick.

When the second thunderbolt landed, the Demon was not knocked off again, but was forcibly smashed to the ground from the air, and was pressed into the ground several meters deep, of course, the nearby soil soon It was completely evaporated by lightning and turned into a new big pit.

Just as the guy insisted on trying to crawl out of the bottom of the pit, 3rd Thunder followed and fell again, and this time the lightning was more than twice as thick as the previous two lightning bundles. The terrifying lightning was connected from the sky to the ground like a whip, and the powerful formidable power was even more electric. The Russians who hadn't had time to run far, fell to the ground and trembled and trembled.

At my level of two thousand, after using Divine Domain combined, the attack power is already very impressive. Now I not only have this kind of attack power, but also have the ability to transfer the eight strongest attacking gods. Under such circumstances, the formidable power of the skills I used is naturally even more flipped. Although such an attack could not kill the Demon instantly, it was because she was too strong, and most of the Russian personnel next to her were ordinary persons. Which of these people can withstand such a powerful lightning strike? After only three Dao Tribulation thunders, a large number of unlucky people have been put on the ground by induction electricity, and if nothing happens, when the 4th tribulation thunder falls, these people who were put down by induction electricity will completely become one. With burnt corpse. Of course, that situation is exactly what I hope to see. After all, is it inevitable to "injury by mistake" on the battlefield?

Amidst my cranky thoughts, 4th Thunder followed, besides electrocuting all the hapless people nearby, it also smashed the Demon into a deeper ground, and even me I started to feel a little tingling under my feet.

Although one formidable power is bigger than one, the four thunder and lightning are far from the limit of this tribulation thunder. In fact, this skill has no limit at all. Its function is to generate the first Dao Tribulation thunder based on the user’s magic attack power and multiply it by a value. Then as long as your magic power is enough, this thing will continuously increase the output, each time it will produce twice the previous value. Injury power. That is, if it is one for the first time, two for the second time, four for the third time, and eight for the fourth time, ten times can produce a formidable power of one thousand and 24x. Of course, if you want to achieve that formidable power, your magic power must stand up to it. And if you have enough mana, ten times is not the limit. You can support one thousand times a hundred times, and its formidable power will always double until destroying heaven extinguishing earth purifies the world. Of course, the above is only a theoretical attack effect, after all, no one's magic can be squandered infinitely. Even if Divine Races like Ling and Xiaochun have infinite magic attributes, their infinite magic actually refers to the rapid recovery of magic power, and the upper limit of magic power still exists. In other words, the consumption of skills they release each time cannot exceed her own upper limit of magic power, otherwise even unlimited magic power is useless.

Although my magic power is not infinite, my upper limit of magic power is not low. In addition, now I am in a combined state, my upper limit of magic power is definitely much more than the previous Ling and Xiaochun bundled together. Although I don't have infinite magic power, I have Supreme Taoist's infinite return magic pill. The four Dao Tribulation thunders are far from my limit.

Just after the 4th tribulation thunder landed, there was another flash in the sky. The fifth Dao Tribulation Lei followed the tail of the 4th tribulation thunder and fell again, and the formidable power doubled again. This fifth thunder has already hit eight times the damage value of the first thunder, and the Demon, who was the target of the tribulation thunder, had his entire body surface burst by this thunder, and his clothes and skin were all shattered, revealing that one. The golden body under the human skin is like a body cast with copper and gold.

"Did I say that she has turned into a humanoid soul gold." Seeing that the muscles under the demon's Demon Body were actually golden-colored muscles, they shouted at Purple Moon. This kind of body structure clearly represents that Demon's body has been completely soul-goldened.

Although I saw the body structure under the Demon Body table, anyway, the only huge might skill I can use now is the tribulation thunder which is the most cost-effective, so I didn’t stop at all. , Still continuing to support lightning strikes.

Although the formidable power of the tribulation thunder is increased in multiples, the amount of magic power consumed is increased by the number of times. For example, now, the formidable power of the fifth Dao Tribulation thunder is sixteen times that of the first thunder, but its consumption is only five times that of the first thunder. When the tenth, that is, the tribulation thunder with one thousand and 24x formidable power is activated, the magic power I need to pay will be only ten times that of the first thunder. Calculating according to this formula, it can be said that this tribulation thunder is more cost-effective in the later stage, because with the substantial increase in formidable power, the increase in magic consumption is relatively slower. Therefore, the greater the lethality generated by the unit's magic power in the later stage.

However, although everyone knows that the more cost-effective it is in the later stage, the upper limit of magic power is not something that can be added casually, so even if I know that the longer I persist, the better, but the number of times I can persist I still can't change it. After all, my upper limit of magic power is so much. There is absolutely no way to change this. What I can do is to urgently replenish the Infinite Return Magic Pill when the magic power is about to be insufficient.

With the end of the fifth thunder, the thundercloud in the sky suddenly began to decelerate, and the original swirling vortex was gradually disappearing. However, this phenomenon is not that my magic power can't support it, but the normal reaction of this kind of tribulation thunder. In fact, this kind of tribulation thunder is a group of five thunders, and the sixth thunder belongs to the second group tribulation thunder.

In the sky, the cloud that gradually stopped spinning, suddenly began to rotate in the opposite direction after it came to a complete standstill, and the speed was getting faster and faster, and it soon returned to the speed of the previous five mines when it was released. However, just when everyone thought that thing would fall into the red tribulation thunder again, an orange tribulation thunder suddenly dropped in the sky, and its thickness was restored to the thickness of the first thunder. However, although the stoutness has shrunk to the size of the first mine, the formidable power of this mine has not been retracted, but it has indeed delivered 32 times the attack power of the first mine.

In the big pit that was blasted out on the ground, Demon just took advantage of the gap in the tribulation thunder to get up, and was slammed back to the bottom of the pit by the orange tribulation thunder again, and this time She obviously felt great pain. Even with her body that hardly feels pain now, she still feels a strong tingling sensation. However, more powerful is yet to come. After the Six Paths thunder, the seventh, eighth and tenth thunders lined up almost without interval. When the tenth thunder exploded, the entire battlefield trembled violently.

Based on my magical attack power, I multiplied the formidable power factor of the tribulation thunder, and then turned over a thousand and 24x formidable power. The tenth thunder’s attack power is not to mention a million It's more than 100 million. With such a terrifying offensive power, even the remaining power that spreads out is enough to kill any existence below level 10,000.

However, although this attack was abnormal enough, Demon was even more abnormal. She actually just kept screaming miserably during such lightning strikes, but she can still scream, which shows that she has no major events at all. Anyone who has encountered the wounded knows that what can be called is not a serious injury. The kind that is clearly awake but can't make a sound after being injured is really seriously injured. This Demon called so loudly, it was so confident, so the more she called, the more I dared not stop.

At the end of the tenth thunder, I hurriedly swallowed an Infinite Return Magic Pill. Although the remaining magic power is not to the end, it can no longer support the magic power of the next lightning strike, so I must quickly replenish it. At this time, the thunder and lightning also stopped temporarily, because the thundercloud in the sky was changing the direction of rotation as before. When the thundercloud was ready again, the 11th thunder, a golden lightning suddenly landed on the world, and this time the thunder and lightning immediately woven a long spider web on the ground and spread out towards all directions. . The Russian, who was shocked by this terrifying lightning strike and forgot to escape, now remembered that he was going to be unlucky, but it was a pity that it was too late to run at this time. Is it possible for people to run over the electricity?

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