Although the Russian Divine Race no longer exists, their agreement is still valid. Celestial Court was restricted by this agreement and watched the Russians invade but couldn’t help. In the end, it was not easy. Finding a way to get Monster Race into the war is also thanks to a loophole in the protocol. However, although this agreement limits Celestial Court's direct action against the Russians, it does not limit the issue of accidental injuries. As long as the main target of these great gods is not Russia, the accidental injury is not within the scope of the agreement at all, so it is not considered a violation of the agreement. Moreover. That Demon is so powerful, as long as we can drive her to the Russian barracks, even if we don't accidentally hurt her, Demon's own lethality is enough for the Russians to drink a pot.

Although I thought of a good way, we must first find a way to let the Demon pass through our direction safely. While letting Ye Ying pursue desperately, I activated the crystal communicator and joined the military god.

"What's the matter?" Martial God asked as soon as the communication was connected.

"Use the Tower of Babel to lock me down."

"Wait a minute." After speaking, the military god paused for a few seconds before continuing: "Okay. You are chasing What?"

"Did you see the white clothed woman in front of me?"


"That's a super Demon, now The image is just a disguise."

"Have you dealt with it alone?"

"I am alone? You can see who the gang behind me are. I can't do it alone."

When the military god heard what I said, he immediately moved the screen backwards. As a result, he happened to see Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning following me. Although the Army God did not know Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning, he knew all four Sacred Beasts. When Bi Ling and Yin Xue were also there, the Army God immediately understood who they were behind.

"It seems that this Demon is powerful enough. There are so many great gods."

"What is the big Divine Prediction? I saw an old man with a diaphragm behind me. Man?"

"I saw it."

"That is the existence of Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning, the second only to Hongjun Sect Lord in the Celestial Court."

"Even he is here? Putting it that way. The Demon in front must be very tough."

"Yes, so I plan to send her to the Russian camp to talk to her The decisive battle, when the time comes, no matter who accidentally hurts anyone, it’s no harm to us, isn’t it?"

"You want to let the Celestial Court god help us kill the Russians by the way when you attack her? "

"That's right, but before that, you have to throw our people away, at least clear a way for us. I don't want her to kill in our camp."< /p>

"At your speed, I may not be able to evacuate everyone before she arrives, but I will try to evacuate people and materials to ensure that the damage is minimized."

"Then You do it quickly."

After explaining that the military god evacuated the personnel, I began to signal Ye Ying to slow down. Now we have chased to a place not far behind Demon, and my purpose is to drive her to the Russian side. I didn't plan to fight her right now, so I can't surpass her.

Seeing me slowing down, the Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning behind them quickly caught up. I quickly stopped them and told them what I thought.

In fact, to help players in the country deal with foreign invaders, this action is good for Divine Race in all countries. After all, what Divine Race needs is Power of Faith, and Power of Faith can only be obtained under the religious system of the country. It is like if the Russians occupy the land of China, then the Power of Faith on the newly occupied land will inevitably belong to the Celestial Court. all. Therefore, the Divine Races of various countries are hoping to participate in the local defense war. Like this time, the Russian Divine Race lied to the Celestial Court to sign the agreement. It was not the Celestial Court that they didn’t want to participate in the war. So when the Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning and I talked about my thoughts, these guys immediately expressed excitement that this is a good way. , Demon will drive Demon to the Russian side first, and then they will use that kind of large-scale spell to attack Demon, so that they can "injure" as many people as possible.

With this plan, our speed naturally dropped to a speed similar to that of Demon, so that we can continue to drive the target forward without prematurely contacting her or being thrown away.

After leaving the city that was just used as the transit point, there is a small area of ​​woodland outside, and then we will pass through this woodland to our position. When we were out of the woods and barely able to see the opposite position, I quickly contacted the military god again and asked about the evacuation of the troops in front.

"The evacuation situation was not as fast as expected. So far, I have only evacuated the one third personnel. The main reason is that the section of the road you are going to pass is not held by our guild. The guild on the side is a small guild with very poor quality of personnel. I gave three orders and sent people to urge them. Their speed of action is still slow."

"That's it. What about the materials?"

"You don’t need to worry about the materials." The military god said: "Strategic materials are all in charge of our guild. They haven’t been sent until the fighting time, and you have to go through. There is no material hoarding point in the area, so don’t worry about this. In addition, I have also prepared a part of the engineering unit in the vicinity to stand by. If you break the fortifications, I will be able to ask the engineers to repair them all as soon as you pass. "

"That's fine." I said: "That Demon just woke up from a deep sleep. Although he is very strong, he doesn't seem to be able to use methods, so there is no formal Demon except for his exaggerated physical fitness. That kind of destructive power, it is estimated that as long as we can clear out the 50-meter-wide passage in front of us, it will be enough for us to pass. She does not seem to intend to drill into the crowd."

"If it is only a fifty-meter passage Then there is no problem. Now the width of the cleared is more than 50 meters."

"Okay, anyway, you try to get them as far away as possible and wait for us to pass before closing the line of defense."< /p>

I cut off the communication after I finished talking with the military god, and then let Yekage speed up a little bit and chase him closer to the Demon. The reason for getting close to her is to force her to speed up through our position, and to prevent her from going forward.

As I speeded up, behind Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning, they also started to disperse according to the previously negotiated formation and formed a half-moon chase line with me, faintly enclosing the Demon in the middle. , So she has to contact us first if she wants to change direction, and watching her keep running, it can be seen that she actually does not want to contact us directly.

Almost at the same time we completed the chase formation, Demon had already ran into our previous position. However, at this time, there was no human hair on the position except for some fortifications and scattered discarded materials. It is more difficult to evacuate people from this area, but it is not difficult to clear a passage. Now we are walking through this unmanned passage, and after moving 100 meters to either side, we can see the densely packed Defensive Array line, which is composed of people who have just withdrawn from here.

The retreating crowds on both sides looked at us, a group of more than 30 people chasing a woman, and they were very puzzled. After all, this Demon didn’t have any Monster Qi on her body, and her appearance was completely human. So as long as she doesn’t use mana, she simply can’t tell whether she is Demon or not, otherwise we wouldn’t have mistaken her for an ordinary person many times before.

Although the players who withdrew to the two sides may not know all of these great gods, they can still recognize a few of them with special images. Even if these great gods cannot be recognized, they are impossible to recognize. So since even I have to chase with these great god formations, then one can imagine what level of existence is being chased. However, although they guessed that the woman in front should be not simple, they just can't see which is not simple. After all, from the image, there is no threat at all!

Although it is not clear why a seemingly ordinary woman needs so many experts to chase, but since the above said it is a very dangerous goal, it is good not to get close. On the defense line several kilometers thick, all the guards just watched us run over without doing anything extra. I finally relaxed when the Demon passed through the front of our army's defense line. You must know that there are so many people who have got water in their heads this year, especially in games. It is said that if you don’t know what is going on, people will suddenly return to abnormalities, just like a mental disorder. When I ran through the long line of defense just now, I was not so much staring at the Demon as I was staring at the players on both sides, for fear of which head short-circuited and suddenly ran out to intercept the Demon. I don't care if you die, I'm afraid that if the Demon kills the guy with the short-circuited head and then kills the guy in our camp, it will be miserable.

After we were driven all the way out of the line of defense, Demon obviously realized that she would be more dangerous if no one was around. After that, her running speed began to increase significantly, and she planned to turn around and return to our line of defense, thanks to The chasing circle like the mouth of the bowl we arranged in advance wrapped her in the center, so she had to move in the direction we wanted.

Just chasing that Demon all the way, we didn't accelerate to overtake her, nor did we slow down to pull the distance, we just pressed her and ran forward. In the beginning, her running speed was only slightly faster than that of the ordinary person, and Ye Ying only had to walk in small steps behind her. But later, I didn’t know if it took a long time to run. She seemed to have summarized some physical characteristics, and the speed was obviously getting faster and faster.

Although Demon has been sealed in the Qixiong Tomb for so many years and has not learned anything, after all, she has absorbed so much soul gold, and the demon power in her body must be very strong, but she does not know it. It's just how to play. In the run of this section of the road, she must have summed up some power methods from sports. Although it is not necessarily the use of demon power, at least she has begun to instinctively learn to do things in a way that surpasses human behavior. This is not a good sign, at least we don't want her to fully understand her changes.

In fact, after chasing after her for so long, we can roughly understand. This Demon seems to have gradually regained consciousness in the Qixiong Tomb, that is, the Little Princess's thoughts returned to the Demon's body, but her soul collapsed once after all, so the memory may be a little confused, but the behavior pattern is basic The above is the behavior pattern of Little Princess.

The reason why the current Demon is not so good is mainly because this behavior pattern is at work. Because of Little Princess's memory, now this Demon seems to think of herself as Little Princess, and Little Princess was an ordinary person before she became Demon. The ordinary person naturally has its behavior pattern. For example, an ordinary person does not think that he can run faster than a horse, nor does he think that he can lift a car with one hand. Suppose an ordinary person is suddenly anesthetized in reality, and then he is secretly modified to give him a speed faster than a horse and the power to lift a car with one hand, but he does not let him know. So in a short period of time, his behavior will definitely not exceed the scope of an ordinary person. It is not that he can't do it, but that he doesn't know he can do it.

Now this Demon is also in the same situation. She thinks she is the weak Little Princess, so although she has the power to support the mountain and lift the mountain and the mana that can level the Celestial Court, she does not know that she has such power, and she will not use it at all. However, after running for that period of time, no matter how stupid she was, she should have discovered that her strength was actually very strong. And once she started to learn to adapt to this power, her speed naturally increased.

When we chased the Demon all the way to the vicinity of the Russian position, her speed almost made Ye Ying enter a sprint state. Although this speed is not very fast for us, it is already as different as heaven and earth compared to her previous speed. This speed of progress also made us truly realize how terrifying the Demon in front of us is.

The Russians knew that the incident had been revealed after the accident in their first and second tiers, so their camp had already entered a Level 1 alert state. It's just...If Frozen Banshee knew that this would be the result, she would definitely not issue the previous order for the entire army to guard.

Because of the above order for the entire army to be on guard, the Russian defense personnel have long noticed the group of us who rushed over and the Demon in front of them. But because the Demon has a Chinese face, and our running formation is strange, it doesn’t look like we are chasing and killing the Demon in front of us. On the contrary, it looks like the Demon is leading us to attack the Russians. The same camp.

Because they regarded Demon as a person on our side, the Russians without the slightest hesitation sounded the alarm and took the initiative to attack the Demon. I saw the tops of the two bunker-like buildings on both sides of the entrance of the Russian camp suddenly rise up. The shape of the part that rises from the building is very complicated, and it seems to be some kind of complicated magic application device. But the Russians didn't let our doubts stay for long, because while we were still guessing what it was, the things on the top of the two bunkers moved at the same time.

I saw that the top of the two machines first rotated to open a round hole, and then an olive-pit-like red crystal rose from the center. Of course, the olive pit is just the shape of this thing. In fact, the two crystals are three to four meters high, and the diameter of the thickest part in the middle is probably close to 1.5 meters.

In fact, the two crystals just look like crystals. They are not real crystals. This can be seen from the inside of them. Unlike ordinary crystals in a completely solid state, the two red crystals seem to be liquid, and there seems to be some bubbles floating to the top from time to time.

After the two suspected crystals were completely raised, the two machines below immediately issued a rumbling sound, and then the liquid in the two crystals above seemed to boil. It began to roll violently, and as the liquid in the two crystals rolled, a red ball of light appeared at the tip of the crystal and began to gather more and more.

"What is that?"

Divine Immortal of Celestial Court has almost zero research on magic weapons. After seeing these two things, I feel very curious, so Azure Dragon, who is closer to me, asked directly.

Although I don't know that thing, the performance of the Russians before fully illustrates a problem, that is, the Russians are far ahead of other countries in the world in the study of magical energy. From the kind of protective shield that appeared when we were fighting with the locals in Indonesia, to the liquefied magic crystal weapons used by the Japanese, to the machine that I found in Russia that can communicate with God World, none of these things It does not mean that the research on magical energy in Russia has reached a very high level. Judging from the research results of our guild, although the research starting point of magic weapons is very high, as long as the results are produced, all are powerful equipment. Therefore, I am pretty sure that these two things are definitely not ordinary stuff.

"Be careful, everyone, this thing is very difficult to deal with, and it may also hurt Divine Race to some extent."

The gods who were originally present didn't care much about this thing, but when I heard it When I said that, I used some protective spells on my body one after another. They were not afraid before because they didn't know the power of magic weapons, and they had confidence in their own strength, but they also knew my strength. Since even I said that this thing might hurt Divine Race, they naturally wouldn't dare to ask for a bigger one. After all, even if you can't die, it would be quite shameful to be injured by mortal things.

Just as we were paying attention to the two crystal towers, the two crystals suddenly flashed at the same time, and then the top light ball instantly turned into a beam of red rays and hit in the blink of an eye Demon running at the forefront.

Those who saw the beam’s attack were shocked, not because of its formidable power, but because of its speed. Although there are many ray weapons in "Zero", in order to take care of the balance of the game, most of the ray weapons in "Zero" actually do not travel at the speed of light. Although their speed is relatively fast compared to ordinary weapons, they are actually also The speed of a bullet is about the same as in reality. As long as you can master the advance, you can still block or avoid it in theory. However, the ray emitted by that thing just now did not fly according to the previous standard, but flew completely at the speed of light. Almost at the same time that the beam was emitted, the Demon running in the front was hit.

Although the beam emission speed is amazing, but I don't know if the formidable power of the thing is not very good, or the Demon is too strong. The moment the beam hit her, the beam exploded violently on her body, but after the shock wave and flames passed, it was useless except for leaving a piece of scorched earth on the scene. The Demon was still white clothed in good condition, and he didn't even burn his hair.

Then Demon was also a little surprised that he was okay. Although she has the strength comparable to Hongjun Sect Lord, after all, her mind is still in the state of Little Princess, so according to her understanding, she should have been killed just now. But the fact is that not only was she not dead, but her clothes and hair were not even burned to the slightest. This result surprised the Demon, and also surprised the great gods behind me.

Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning looked at me with some uncertainty and asked: "Didn’t you say that this thing is dangerous? Doesn’t it seem that formidable power is not good?"

"Have you forgotten the previous Vermilion Bird's attack? Was the formidable power of Vermilion Bird's Nanming Lihuo very small? But what was the result?"

Thinking about the previous Vermilion Bird's attack, everyone's suspicion immediately Solved easily. After all, Vermilion Bird is one of the four Sacred Beasts. Since her Nanming Lihuo can melt the specially-treated ground under the city gate into a lava pool with just a little bit of remaining power leaked out, its formidable power can be imagined. NS. However, even with such an attack, it didn't even hurt a single bit of Demon's hair. It can be seen that Demon's defense is really strong enough to pervert. With such a defensive power base, it is not surprising that the attack just now produced no effect. After all, even if the formidable power of that thing is great, it is still not more than Vermilion Bird's Nanming Lihuo. But even Vermilion Bird's Nanming Lihuo didn't work, let alone the attacks of these two crystal towers.

Although the scene, including the Russians, was dumbfounded, the two crystal towers seemed to be automatic devices, and they were turned on again immediately after the first blow. As the ball of light on the top of the tower reached its limit, the two rays hit Demon again in no particular order. However, just like the previous time, this attack had no effect at all except to burn the ground in pitch black.

After being attacked twice in a row, Demon realized that the attacks of the two things in front of him were useless to him. He thought of the boring feeling when he was hung by the wicked man riding a horse behind him with a scythe. Pain, she immediately chose to move forward.

Unfortunately, I don’t know what the Demon’s heart is doing. Otherwise, if I knew that I had a strong pain when I attacked the Demon with an eternally changing hook near the city gate, I must Will be very excited. Because the pain also represents damage. Although the eternal attack on this Demon can't stop everything like ordinary things, at least there is normal damage, and this also means that we can kill her. The most terrifying enemy is the one that can't be hurt at all, and as long as it can hurt, even if the effect of each attack is very low, we can also use the method of playing the BOSS to kill her by little by little. Unfortunately, I simply don't know anything about Demon's psychological activities. Fortunately, I didn't think we couldn't beat her, otherwise it would be a big loss.

Seeing that Demon started to rush into the Russian camp again, the great gods and I immediately followed along, and the Russians on the opposite side were even more sure that this Demon belonged to our group. After all, it can be said that we chased her over before, but now that the other party is attacked and running here, it can only show that she and us are in the same group, otherwise it can't explain why she insisted on attacking forward. The reason for the rush. Even if the attack couldn't hurt her, ordinary people wouldn't be stupid to pick it up, right?

Anyway, the Russians regarded Demon as their enemy, so various attacks fell one after another. The first is a large dense rain of arrows flying across the crystal tower, but none of the people present, including us and Demon, would be afraid of the rain of arrows fired by an ordinary person. The Demon directly held her head and rushed forward as if she was scared, but every time an arrow hit her, it would be bounced away like a steel plate, and the gang of gods behind her were all divine. ability. A genuine immortal sage like Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning directly added an eggshell to himself, and all the arrows hit this layer of energy cover and all slid to the side. Black Tortoise and the other god who doesn't know what Divine Beast changes are amazing defenses. They completely treat arrow rain as spring rain, and in my opinion, those arrows hitting them are indeed no different from raindrops hitting people.

Except for Black Tortoise and the god who doesn’t know what Divine Beast is, everyone else has their own way. There is a layer of storm around the White Tiger that is constantly spinning, and all the arrows will be blown out of sight as soon as they hit the storm circle. Azure Dragon is a ball of lightning. All the arrows turn to ashes before they touch him. The Vermilion Bird who had just been rescued was also full of flames, and the rain of arrows that flew down evaporated directly before it fell on her. The remaining guys also have their own ways, only I don't have any good defensive skills. But although I don't have many defensive skills, I don't lack defensive equipment. The mercury shield on the Divine Dragon armor naturally forms an umbrella above my head. All the fallen arrows are stuck in the middle by the mercury shield, and then become a barrier against the arrows behind. As a result, my mercury shield is more The stronger the shot, the more it turned into a huge mesh wall composed of arrow shafts and mercury.

Seeing our group of people rushing closer and closer, the Russian division on the opposite side also began to act. A large swath of spell slammed down, but this time it was not as good as last time. The rain of arrows hit us at any rate. This time the spell just flew in mid-air and was thrown out by Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning in a pocket that was thrown into it. Then Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning moved his finger and the bag again Flew back to the hands of Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning.

Looking at the Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning casually taking away all the opponent’s spell attacks, I am envious of the bag and drooling, but it is a matter of the Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning. Although I am greedy, But I also know that some things cannot be taken.

Seeing that our group is not afraid of anything, the Russians on the opposite side are also anxious. However, just when they were about to think of other ways, our Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning suddenly made a move. Haha, the distance is almost there, now is a good opportunity to "injury by mistake".

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