"What's the situation?"

When a group of us chased out the Transmission Formation, we were immediately stunned by the situation. It's not that we saw something incredible. In fact, there is nothing special near us. It's nothing more than a group of people. But...the problem is that the number of people in this group is a bit large. To be exact, it should be called vast crowd, anyway, it looks like a black head.

"Huh? President Purple Moon, are you back?" A player close to us was surprised when he saw me, and then enthusiastically exchanged greetings with me.

First, I greeted him politely. Although I didn't know him, since they greeted me first, I had to respond. After I said hello, I asked in passing: "Did you just see a woman coming out of here?"

"Woman?" The man was surprised by the look I asked, and then he looked towards the side After giving two steps, he stretched out his hand and gestured back. I looked through the direction of his finger and found that there was a large group of female players standing in front of him. There were at least several thousand people in this number. Moreover, these thousands of female players seem to be collective members of a certain guild, and there are also scattered players in the crowd around them who are walking out, and of course there are female players in this group.

The situation is obvious. This is the frontline transfer point for the confrontation between our army and the Russians. This kind of place is like a traffic center. The flow of people is not normal, and what’s more terrible is that a large number of people came to this place. As a result, the road was congested. The entire transmission hall was densely packed. Are people.

"Broken!" Seeing so many people, Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning said with anxiety: "Then Demon does not have Monster Qi, and there are so many people here. Once we let her mix into the crowd, we can't find it. Get up!"

Hearing the words of Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning, the other great gods around shook their heads in disappointment. Let them and Demon work so hard that they don't care, but in this situation, they can't kill all the ordinary persons here. Is it simply impossible for them to find the Demon?

However, as they frowned one by one not knowing what to do, I suddenly reacted. He raised his head and glanced at the fountain in the center of the small square outside the Teleportation Hall. In the center of the pool was a sculpture about three meters high. My peng sound spread its wings fiercely, and the whole person rose into the air in an instant, and then lightly landed on the tip of the sculpture.

Originally, there were people everywhere around the Teleportation Hall, and the crowd was chaotic with noisy voices, just like a vegetable market. However, the moment I stood on the sculpture, the surrounding area was like a city suddenly attacked by an EMP weapon, and it was completely silent in an instant. Everyone's eyes focused on me on top of the sculpture. All the people present only participated in the battle against the Russian invasion, so naturally no one didn't know me. Seeing me in such a position at this time, they would naturally be curious, so everyone stopped and watched me waiting for my next move.

After seeing the surrounding quiet, I first added a amplification magic to myself, and then shouted at the crowd below: "Attention everyone, just now a Super Demon has mixed into the crowd, this one Demon doesn’t have Monster Qi, and looks the same as a human being, so it’s extremely difficult to identify. Now, please help me to go offline for 30 seconds. As long as the street is free for me to find my target, I will go on a new line. After going online again, whoever finds that I am talking to me Fight against the target, please stay away from the target immediately, that Demon is extremely dangerous. Okay, now, listen to my countdown. Three, two, one, offline."

As I shouted, the whole street There was a large number of people missing in the last moment. Although the streets were not all players, after all, players accounted for the majority. Now these people all went offline all of a sudden, and the whole street immediately became haunted, with only a dozen NPCs scattered sparsely on the streets of several hundred meters long. I looked over from here, the whole street was totally obvious at a glance.

"There." Without the crowd blocking, we immediately spotted the Demon. Before, if we were not sure if she really had such a strong strength, now we don't doubt it at all, because with so many people just now, Demon has actually gone to the end of the street. If we are ten seconds late, it is estimated that she should be out of town.

At the moment we found the target, the other party also found us, and then she started to run forward desperately, and I simply jumped directly on the sculpture, and the person was still in the air and opened easily. A space door. Ye Ying rushed out of the space door like lightning, dropped his head and crossed over me to catch me accurately, and then accelerated and rushed forward.

Yeying is still running here, and I have taken Eternity in his hand on his back. This time Eternity directly transformed into the shape of a heavy hook and sickle gun, and then I slanted across my side and quickly rushed towards the target.

The Demon ran to the city gate and looked back at me, and then found that I was rushing past at a very fast speed, and immediately fell forward in fright. Seeing this good opportunity, I naturally wouldn't let it go. I pressed Ye Ying's stomach, and Ye Ying immediately speeded up and rushed forward. I lifted the hook and sickle slightly to the back, then shook the gun body like a polo, and swept the tip of the hook and sickle violently towards Demon who fell on the ground. Even though she looks like a very weak girl now, I still used my full strength without hesitation, because I know that weakness is just appearance, but even Hongjun Sect Lord may not be able to get this girl’s real body. Super Demon, being soft to her is purely his own courting death.

Ye Ying sprinted so fast, it was almost an instant from when I let Ye Ying speed up to when we caught up with the Demon. The other party just fell to the ground at this time, and the person was still sliding forward with inertia, so I rushed to her like lightning, and then the hook of the hook and sickle scanned her body accurately and caught one of hers. arm.

Originally with the eternal sharpness, I thought that even if it couldn't hit her hard, at least I could get her arm off. Who knows that after Eternal hooked her arm, nothing happened. On the contrary, it was like a crane hook hung on a steel rope, and it was completely hung on it in an instant, and then as the night shadow continued to rush forward, I A huge force from his hand was forcibly pulled from Ye Ying's back. Of course, although I was dragged down, the other party was not much better. Our impact dragged me forward on the ground for more than ten meters. After I landed, I slid forward with me. They were separated.

Although I did not fall lightly this time, but fortunately, I have good physical fitness and did not have any serious reactions. I just stopped for a second on the ground and recovered. But in fact, even if I don't recover, there is nothing at worst, because just after I recovered, I saw a fiery-red silhouette flashed past me.

Vermilion Bird rushed to the Demon's side like a bolt of lightning, and then violently inserted the flame long spear in his hand into the Demon's back before the other party got up. As a result, as soon as the long spear hit Demon’s body, a horrible flame exploded from the tip of the gun, and the Demon was completely enveloped in the flame. As the flame appeared, Vermilion Bird’s gun was also there. It sinks a little bit.

"Good Vermilion Bird." The great gods behind saw that Vermilion Bird was inserting her gun into the Demon's body, and they immediately cried out.

The golden Heavenly Dragon suddenly shouted: "No, Vermilion Bird will come back!"

Although the golden Heavenly Dragon shouted earlier, it’s a pity that Vermilion Bird did not have time to dodge. The thing is that she didn't plan to dodge at all. At first she thought that this trick would be able to get the goal, who knew that when she desperately pressed her flame long spear down, she suddenly felt a huge force slam into her body, and then she did everything. I no longer know.

We only saw Vermilion Bird nearby and it became a meteor in an instant, but instead of falling from the sky, it took off from the ground and soared into the sky until it was no longer visible.

In previous battles, we often beat people into the air. After all, everyone’s strength in the game was super strong, but the weight did not change much, so it’s actually very easy to beat people into the air. But even if I blow people away, it's just flying a few meters or tens of meters. Even if my power is abnormal, it would be an exaggeration to be able to blast people out of several hundred meters. But the Demon flew the Vermilion Bird to a completely invisible place, and this distance did not fly out laterally, but flew up into the sky. How powerful is this to beat Vermilion Bird to the sky?

"Vermilion Bird!" Azure Dragon looked up at the Vermilion Bird disappearing into the sky, then lowered his head and glared at the ground where the flames hadn't completely disappeared.

A female Fairy looked up at Heavenly Dao: "I'm going to get her back." She jumped up and shot into the cloud disappeared instantly.

Seeing that someone was chasing Vermilion Bird, Azure Dragon moved towards the Demon angrily and walked over. At this time, the front city gate no longer looks like a city gate. Although the flame of Vermilion Bird deliberately controlled the range, the southern part of Vermilion Bird’s fire is not a normal fire. Even if the range of formidable power is controlled, the entire city gate They all collapsed, and the surrounding ground completely turned into lava. The reason why Vermilion Bird was able to press the gun to the ground a little bit was not because the tip of the gun penetrated Demon’s skin and deep into her body, but instead pressed Demon into the melted ground. That’s why everyone saw the gun. It sinks a little bit more sharply.

Azure Dragon, they and Vermilion Bird can be said to be a four in one. Although the four Sacred Beasts do not live together, they are a group. Now that Vermilion Bird has been shot, Azure Dragon is immediately on fire. I saw him drag an arcing lightning ball towards the Demon step by step. The ground he had stepped on seemed to have been burnt, and it was all charred.

However, although Azure Dragon looks arrogant, it is a pity that it loses even worse, and it even hurt Chiyu. I saw that he was dragging a lightning ball to go there, but the lava in front suddenly rushed out of a silhouette, not toward us, but ran out of the city gate, apparently trying to escape. How can Azure Dragon let her run away at this time? As soon as she saw her running away, he threw the lightning ball at her immediately.

The Demon ran, and when he looked back, he was immediately taken aback by the flying lightning ball. She crossed her hands in front of her, and then screamed loudly: "Don't..."

Just listen to the buzzing sound, and with that "don't", the lightning ball seemed to hit something. Things suddenly turned around and flew back a long way. Azure Dragon threw the lightning ball and was planning to wait to see the effect. He didn't expect his own lightning ball to come back. Unprepared, he was directly hit in the chest by his own lightning ball, and then the whole person was blown out. Because he was standing in front of us at this time, he who flew backwards all suffered. The few great gods who could not dodge were all taken over by Azure Dragon, and Azure Dragon's body was flashing randomly at this time. As long as they touched anyone, they would immediately be blown up by the electric smoke. Although all the gods were present, the lightning ball was thrown out by Azure Dragon after all. The formidable power of that thing cannot be calculated according to the general electric ball, and its formidable power can definitely hurt these gods.

Compared with the battered and exhausted gods, I am a blessing in disguise. Because I fell from the back of Ye Ying just now, I would still be sitting on the ground. As soon as I saw Azure Dragon flying towards this side, I simply lay back and let it go, so I was not affected.

The Demon on the opposite side seemed a little surprised when she shot the lightning ball. She looked at her hand with a little surprise, and then seemed to be unable to react a little, but she obviously didn’t like to be horny. People, if they can't figure it out, they don't immediately think about it.

"Hey, Azure Dragon, are you okay?" Black Tortoise pulled up the Azure Dragon, which was full of arc flashes and smoke, although Azure Dragon still has electricity, but most of the electricity is It has been released, this little residual electricity is nothing to Black Tortoise whose skin is rough and flesh is thick.

Azure Dragon was pulled up just to see the Demon turning and running away, so he immediately pointed to the front yelled: "Leave me alone, don't let her run away!"

"Don't worry Okay. I can't run." As I said, I jumped up from the ground, grabbed the Ye Ying who had just ran back, turned over and rode up, and then urged Ye Ying to rush across the front fire sea and chase the Demon. past.

Actually, I don’t want to charge in front of these great gods, but I can’t charge now, because the front is our military camp. If we let Demon disperse our camp, then this time the Russians The action basically achieved the goal. Of course, if Demon really confuses our camp, I also have a remedy. at worst, I will unite with the great gods behind to drive the Demon into the Russian camp. Anyway, this Demon didn’t deliberately stare at us and cause damage, as long as I drive her to the Russian side and ensure that the same is corpses everywhere across the field.

Speaking of driving this Demon into the Russian camp, I suddenly thought of a second counter. Didn’t Russia’s Divine Race and Celestial Court sign an agreement not to allow Celestial Court to participate in this guarding battle? So, what if Celestial Court "injured" "some" Russians in the process of destroying Demon?

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