In any case, Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning is also a super god, except for Hongjun Sect Lord in the Celestial Court, he is the best. Seeing that Demon was about to rush into the Russian army's position, Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning suddenly raised his hand and pointed forward, and saw a blue Gang suddenly shot out of the Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning and flew towards the upper side.

From Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning to the moment the light ball flew over Demon’s head, it only took a few tenths of a second, and we didn’t watch until the thing stopped seven or eight meters above Demon’s head. It turns out that the light group turned out to be a blue sword. After the sword was in place, immediately pointed the tip of the sword at the Demon running at full speed below, and then saw the Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning next to us pinch a sword art and pointed at the Demon. "Falling rain."

With the command of Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning, the blue sword on top of the head suddenly had rays of light bursting, and then I saw that the tip of the sword suddenly flew out densely packed. A large piece of blue lightsaber. These lightsabers are different from the floating sword. Although the two are almost the same in appearance, they are easy to distinguish, because the lightsabers are not physical at first glance.

As soon as the lightsabers left the sword, they slammed into the ground at lightning speed, and they continued to disperse during the flight, although the lightsabers were still overlapped when they left the sword. Together, when they finally hit the ground, those lightsabers have formed a huge circular coverage area with a diameter of more than thirty meters. We saw that Demon was suddenly knocked to the ground by a dense rain of swords while she was running, and a large densely packed hole appeared in the area near her like a cardboard sprayed by a shotgun.

I originally thought Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning would use the worst skills to attack. Didn't expect that sword rain can only cover a circular area 30 meters in diameter. Although within this range, the Russians in front of a few stations were barely circled, but the proportion of “injury” is too low. However, just when I was complaining that Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning would not choose skills, this old man actually did a pretty ridiculous thing.

I saw Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning commanding the sword to bang for a few seconds and then suddenly shouted: "Aiya, the magic is out of control, everyone is lying down!"

Heard Heavenly I didn't even realize what was going on with the shout of Lord of Primordial Beginning, I saw that the sword in the sky suddenly seemed to be drunk and swayed in the sky. But it doesn't matter if it shakes, the key is that the sword rain spewing from the tip of this thing hasn't stopped for a moment. With the sword floating around in the sky like drunk boxing, Russia below is suffering. The magic weapon of Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning is used to cut down Monsters, eliminate Demons, and deal with ordinary persons. Isn't it the same as using mechanical cannons to beat rabbits? In any area swept down by sword rain, there simply won’t be a living thing left, whether it’s buildings, equipment, players, or devil beasts. Anyway, those lightsabers are just like armor-piercing bullets. What to wear, not to mention people standing on the ground. Even the ground was riddled with holes.

Just as I watched the sword of the Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning spouting there, I suddenly heard the Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning chanting there: "Huh? Why is this sword more manipulative? Are you disobedient? Is there someone nearby interfering with the deity's spellcasting?"

I heard nothing at first, but the point is Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning. I don’t know if it’s not a lot of acting or the reason. In short, read this. It's called a fake. Thanks to me and him as a group, otherwise I'm afraid that I can't help but rush up and knock him to the ground. Of course, what I'm talking about is only this kind of idea, but it is still difficult to implement it.

Taking advantage of the sword rain of Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning to move away from the area where Demon was located, I quickly dragged the Eternal Hook and Scythe gun diagonally to drive Ye Ying to charge up. The Demon in front was not killed by Jian Yu, although she was knocked down, and Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning specially stopped Jian Yu on her for a while, but the defensive power of this guy is really not covered. There are no obvious scars. There was no telling that she had been attacked except for a few black spots on her face.

Just as Demon was struggling to get up from the ground and looked back at our situation, I happened to rush to her. Then Demon just turned his head and saw the huge silhouette of Ye Ying and the hook that I shook out suddenly.

"Charge!" Accompanied by my shout, Ye Ying's speed was abruptly mentioned, and at the same time, the rays of light flashed on my eternal scythe. Before Demon could make any response, the Eternal Hooker shot her in the throat with a sharp shot. However, with the eternal sharpness, that is, the mission, but still failed to penetrate the throat, but with the help of the force of the charge, I easily picked her up and knocked her out more than ten meter away. It wasn't until Ye Ying and I slowed down to stop that she rolled to the ground and slid forward for more than ten meters before she stopped completely.

At the end of the move, I did not give up the attack, but flicked the rein, and Yekage immediately broke out again and rushed forward. Then Demon was dizzy just now when I hit him, and we just got up from the ground and saw us hit it again. With only one sound, when Ye Ying rushed past Demon, I gave her a kick and kicked her to the ground again and slid down the ground seven or eight meters away, while Ye Ying and I were all the same. He rushed forward, and then flew two Russian players who had come to stop him, and then turned around and rushed back.

Then Demon tried to stand up even after she fell to the ground for the second time, but this time she just supported half of her body, and Yekage and I were killed. We didn't use any weapons this time, Ye Ying directly jumped more than five meters away from her, and then landed suddenly with her back as the target. Although Ye Ying can fly, we are deliberately stepping on people now. Naturally, it is impossible to use the levitation skill. With the weight of me and Ye Ying plus one, the impact of this foot is definitely not light. As soon as Demon propped up her upper body, she felt a huge force behind her, and instantly stepped her two hands into the ground like nails, and her face slammed into the ground and sank halfway in. .

After jumping off this time, I did not come back again, but shouted to the great gods behind: "Whoever has a big move, just throw it away, don't be sorry!"

"Haha, I'm the best at fighting." Sun Wukong jumped out from the great god behind, and then threw the Golden Cudgel in his ears upwards and turned into a two-meter-long and one-inch-and-a-half thick stick . Following him catching Golden Cudgel in the air, he swung the stick fiercely in a falling posture, and hit the back of the head of Demon who was still struggling on the ground trying to pull out his hand with a stick.

We only heard a bang. Demon, who had just lifted his head off the ground, was smashed back to the ground again, and the surrounding area was more like an earthquake. The Russian NPCs and players were all shaken by the ground. Throw it up to more than a foot high, and then fall back to the person who fell on the ground.

"haha, monkey, you can also show off with this little effort, let me do it." Black Tortoise suddenly transformed into a real body, and the huge body covered the entire sky. After that, he lifted one foot and slammed on the Demon on the ground.

Before, Monkey Sun’s stick just caused people within a few tens of meters to be shocked to the sky. Although people farther away also fell, they did not suffer much damage. But Black Tortoise's foot is different. We only heard a loud explosion sound, and then we felt that there was nothing in our ears. However, although the ears cannot hear the sound, the eyes are not affected. Black Tortoise just got down, and the ground around ten kilometers around it suddenly sank 20 meters deep as if it was hit by a sledgehammer, and all the people in this area, except us Apart from these people, almost all of them felt as if they had been stepped on by Tyrant Dragon. The high-level ones just spurted blood and fell to the ground, while the low-level ones were killed on the spot.

"Damn, this formidable power...I still don't harmonize!" Monkey Sun also saw that he and Black Tortoise are not of the same order of magnitude. According to the legend, I don't know who these two guys are really good. In "Zero", the Sun Wukong set by the system is just a powerful combatant, but Black Tortoise appears in the form of a regional guard. In fact, the strictly speaking area guards are not some kind of individuals in the game, they should be regarded as part of the rules. No matter how powerful Sun Wukong is, it is also an individual existence, while Black Tortoise partially represents the system rules. Such an existence is naturally not comparable to ordinary people.

We stopped here after Black Tortoise showed off. It's not that everyone doesn't want to continue attacking the Russians. The main reason is that no living people can be found nearby. Moreover, although we were actually attacking the Russian invasion of Legion, in name we used the pretext of attacking Demon to "injury" the Russian expeditionary army by mistake. Now that Demon was smashed by us without knowing where to hit it, it would be hard for us to start without reconfirming the target.

"What about Demon?" Black Tortoise asked us after he retracted his body.

Vermilion Bird replied angeredly: "I don’t know, I’m looking for it. Next time you take the trouble and be careful not to step on the ground, can’t you? Now I don’t even know where the target is, you How can we make an excuse to attack?"

"Stop arguing, Demon is out."

They are arguing over there, and I have found Demon here. Although the attack area of ​​Black Tortoise was very wide, but in terms of damage per unit area, it might not be as good as Sun Wukong's stick, so Demon did not receive a fatal attack. However, although no fatal injuries were received, the few who shot just now are all great gods, and the formidable power is definitely not something ordinary people can carry. Although the skin is rough and flesh is thicker than the average person, this Demon is still a little bit hurt after being ravaged by so many great gods. But... Seeing that Demon could stand up again easily, I suddenly felt a lot of pressure in my heart.

"Isn't it? It's all right?" Black Tortoise didn't seem to believe it when he saw the opponent stand up. You must know that as long as he shot, almost no one could be intact. Even if a single move can't kill the opponent, at least it can cause serious damage. But how does it feel like the other party is just scratched?

"Purple Moon, can you see her strength?" Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning suddenly asked me: "You seem to have something that can see the strength of your opponent, right?"


I nodded and said: "There are yes, but an effective attack must be carried out first. The few attacks I just did seem to have no effect!"

"No effect? "Vermilion Bird said: "Don't you handle weapons with high attributes?"

"No matter how good the weapon is, the user must have enough power to use it. It's like a sword that cuts iron like mud. , If the user can't even cut mud, even if the sword can cut iron like mud, it still can't cut steel? Although my attribute is not weak, you don't look at what monster that guy is. Even you guys The elite Celestial Court have just broken the defense, what can I do?"

"Don't you have a skill that can increase your attributes through the body?" Supreme Taoist said suddenly.

I replied: "Yes, but that skill is limited by magic power. My magic power will not last long. So I plan to save it until the final burst. Now I just want to see the other's attributes. Is it too wasteful to start up?"

"Use this." Supreme Taoist passed a bottle gourd directly after I finished speaking.

I took the bottle gourd questioningly and asked, "What are you doing with Immortal Pill?" The modern Supreme Taoist is famous in Celestial Court. He gave me a bottle gourd at this time. Needless to say, he also installed Immortal Pill.

Supreme Taoist saw that I took the bottle gourd and was pouring Immortal Pill out, and explained: "Don’t you say that the magic power can’t hold it? Use this to hold it. If the magic power is bottomed out, you’ll just eat one. Ask me for it."

When I heard Supreme Taoist's words, I was immediately surprised and took an Appraisal Technique on the Immortal Pill in my hand. Before, I thought this was just an ordinary enhanced Immortal Pill. Listening to the Supreme Taoist, is this infinite return magic pill?

"Damn, is it really unlimited return to magic pills?"

Infinite return to magic pills, just listen to the name to know what this thing is. Regardless of your current state of mana, whether it is full or empty, you can fully restore your mana in an instant as long as you eat one. Note that it is full in an instant. Although there are a lot of drugs in the game, there are not a few that can restore a lot of magic. But there is a problem that most medicines cannot avoid, and that is the response time. It's better like the magic potion. After all, few people will use magic continuously. No matter how fast you release the magic, the two spells will always be a little bit apart. So the recovery speed is so slow, but the medicine that recovers the blood is different. If medicine does not have a limit on the speed of recovery, theoretically as long as you bring enough medicine bottles, as long as your opponent can't beat you by one move, then you are invincible. Because as long as you are injured, you can take medicine. Anyway, people can't kill you with a single knife. When you take medicine, your blood will be full, so naturally they can't help you. However, the above situation is actually very difficult to happen. The main reason is that the medicine has the setting of recovery speed.

General medicine, whether it is to restore magic, restore blood or restore physical strength, any medicine that can restore attributes is basically divided into three major levels. Level 1 is slow recovery medicine. This level of medicine has two attributes, one is the amount of blood returned, and the other is the speed of blood recovery. For example, a medicine with a blood return of 300 points and a slow recovery speed of 3 points per second. After you eat it, you won’t immediately regain three hundred points of blood, but only add three points per second for one hundred seconds. This medicine can be said to be the most common medicine in the world. The advantage is that it is cheap, but the disadvantage is that the blood recovery is slower. Of course, this medicine classification is just a big category. In the slow recovery medicine, there are actually high level goods. For example, the Essence Condensation Pill that our guild only sells to elite players is a high level magic medicine. Although the Essence Condensation Pill also recovers in seconds, its recovery speed is as high as 3000 points per second, and it can last for 20 seconds. As long as you don't throw big moves, you can usually keep up with the consumption rate.

Level 2 medicine is an instant healing medicine. The characteristic of this medicine is that there is no attribute of recovery speed, only the amount of recovery. As long as you take the medicine, you will be able to restore all the nominal values ​​of the medicine in an instant, without waiting time. In high-intensity battles, this medicine can undoubtedly save lives because it does not require recovery time and can quickly replenish the needs.

Level 3 medicines are mixed medicines. This category of drugs is actually a mixture of the first two. Generally, the value is recovered at one time at the moment of eating, and then how much is recovered continuously according to time just like the first type of medicine.

Although the above three classifications are divided into one or two Level 3 points, in fact, it cannot be said that a certain Level 1 must be better than another Level 1, because each level also contains high level drugs. Different from low-level drugs. For example, on the surface, it seems that an instant recovery medicine is better than a slow recovery medicine, but if one is a slow recovery medicine that recovers 10,000 blood per second and lasts for 100 seconds, the other is a medicine that instantly recovers 5,000 blood. Needless to say, the former is better. This is the level gap. Of course, in most cases, instant recovery potions are still more useful than other potions, but the better things are, the harder it is to get them. This iron law is also applicable to medicines.

Although instant recovery medicine is more difficult to get, who is Supreme Taoist? They specialize in drug control, and basically they represent the peak of our Chinese medicine refining. Drugs that are difficult for others to obtain may not be difficult for Supreme Taoist to obtain. As for the infinite return magic pill in front of him, not only is it an instant recovery potion, it is also a rare level.

What is the rare level? It is a medicine with an additional attribute after the normal medicine attribute. For example, most medicines are used to restore blood and demons, and some rare medicines can restore two attributes at the same time, and some have attributes such as increased attack power or defensive power within a certain period of time after taking it, and even some After the medicine is consumed, there will be a short-term invincible state.

The bottle gourd that Supreme Taoist gave me is a rare medicine. Originally, the normal infinite return magic pill is to ignore your upper limit of magic power and instantly return the magic power to full, but the bottle gourd's infinite return magic pill in front of you actually has two more attributes at the back, and the contents are: return to the last ten The mana value does not decrease within minutes, and after ten minutes, the mana consumption rate is halved until the existing mana is exhausted (not counting).

Such a medicine pill of Heaven Defying Level, Supreme Taoist actually gave it a bottle gourd, this girl is so rich! At present, I use Divine Domain combination, and rely on my own magic power to last about 25 minutes. If I use this medicine pill, it means that every time I take one, I can add an hour to the combination time. Even if Demon is abnormal again, I won't be able to fight with her one day, one night after I enter the state of merging, right? There are more than twenty-four Infinite Return Magic Pills in this bottle! haha, make a lot of money.

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