I looked at the Imperial Teacher skeleton and tremblingly asked: "Are you sure your monarch sealed Little Princess in it?"

"Of course , I personally hosted the ceremony on the day of the seal. What’s wrong? Is there anything wrong?"

Seeing that the other party hadn’t reacted yet, I had to patiently guide him: "Why did Little Princess become Demon?"

"Because of soul gold."

"So how does soul gold make people become Demon?"

"By letting you touch it People who absorb a lot of soul energy, and then when the energy exceeds the control of the soul, they will become Demon."

"Well, in this case, people will absorb Soul Power, so how about Demon? Can it also be absorbed? "

Being guided by me like this, the Imperial Teacher seems to have a little eyebrows in mind, but it hasn't fully reacted. It's just a mechanical replied: "Since humans can absorb it, Demon should do. And according to the strength of the soul. Analyzing the principle of Soul Power, it seems that the Demon that absorbs Soul Power should absorb the energy of soul gold faster than ordinary people."

"Well, since Demon can also absorb the energy of soul gold, then even An ordinary person who has been exposed to soul gold for a long time will become a strong as an ox Demon, but after becoming a Demon, what will happen if he continues to be in contact with soul gold for a long time?"

"Oops..." The Imperial Teacher finally Reacted. Soul gold is a super tonic for Demon. In fact, wild monsters can eat people mainly by absorbing human soul energy for growth. Low-level monsters cannot actively extract souls, so they often eat meat together, while high-level Demon only absorb souls and no longer eat meat. Since this soul gold is compressed from the soul, it is a high-purity super tonic for Demon. Putting a monster in a prison made of supplements, what can be the result?

"Damn, your Master and the monarch must have been kicked by the same donkey." As I said, I turned around and ran back, and the Imperial Teacher had to run with me. Ask.

"My lord, what are you running?"

"What are you running? Go and call for help! Your monarch and your Master are just two idiots. It’s such a monster. I’m sure that this thing will definitely be Heaven and Earth turning upside down Heaven and Earth Reverse when it comes out. This kind of thing is not done by ourselves at all."

"But you, my lord I can’t figure it out. Who else can figure it out?"

"You don’t care about this." As I said, I stopped suddenly, then looked up at the top of my head and said:" You said this was ordered by your monarch to seal it?"

Imperial Teacher didn't expect I suddenly changed the subject, first looked up at the top of the cave for a moment, and then nodded and said:" Yes. Even though there was a big hole here, it was directly connected to the outside."

"What is the seal on this? How thick is it?"

"It was made of stone and The rammed earth structure is not too thick. My lord..."

I snapped my fingers out of Mira before I finished talking about the Imperial Teacher’s words, and then raised my hand to the top of my head: "open For me, a hole comes out."

Mila raised her head and glanced at the top of the hole, then opened her mouth, and the hole above her head was blasted out by a red light. A big hole with a diameter of more than 30 meters was instantly blasted out. , The falling mud and stones hit the Imperial Teacher covered head and sneaked away like a rat, but I didn't have time to talk to him and jumped directly on Mira. "Take me out."

Along with the screaming a dragon roar, Mira immediately opened her wings and gave a fierce blow, and her huge body rushed towards the entrance of the cave directly against the falling rocks and mud. Past. I only heard a thud. The opening of the cave, which was originally only more than 30 meters wide, suddenly became larger. Mira directly led me through the middle, and then spread my wings and flew high into the sky. I didn't wait for Mila to be ready, so I jumped directly from her. Summon picked up Mila after flying out of the bird to catch me, and then let the bird fly towards the nearby city at his fastest speed.

"Master, are you in a hurry to go to Transmission Formation?" Asuka asked while flying.

I nodded and said: "Yes, most urgent, hurry up."

"If you are really urgent, why not just use the teleport ring?"

"En?" Asuka's words stunned me. Yes, I was so confused just now, I forgot that we have a teleportation ring. I slid the bird back directly and activated the teleportation ring in the air, and then I rolled out of the Transmission Formation outside South Heaven Gate in the next second. Since I was in motion before the teleportation, I didn't grasp the inertia well when I came out. As a result, I fell directly in front of South Heaven Gate in a very embarrassed posture.

The gatekeeper Four Great Heavenly Kings was surprised to see me rolling and falling out of the Transmission Formation. After all, besides the Monkey Sun of the year, I was the second great guy who dared to face Celestial Court. Besides, Monkey Sun is stupid and bold. Although his strength is very strong, he is not well-versed in the world, at best he is a little clever. But I am different. According to Celestial Court's internal statement, I am a formidable person. Not only is the martial power value high enough, but my intelligence and power are not low. On these two points, Monkey Sun is incomparable to me.

However, because my image in Celestial Court is so strong, they will be even more surprised to see me fall out of Transmission Formation in such a awkward manner today. As soon as the kings saw me falling, they greeted me and wanted to help me get up. Then they asked me what was going on. But what surprised them was that I jumped up from the ground without waiting for them to help, and then yelled: "Don't get in the way, it's an emergency." I rushed into Celestial Court.

Because I don’t know the specifics, Four Great Heavenly Kings can’t say anything. Anyway, I’m the Celestial Court under the name Divine Immortal. I don’t need to report when I enter and exit the South Heaven Gate. They don’t need to stop me.

After I rushed all the way into South Heaven Gate, regardless of the Divine Immortal and fairies who looked at me in surprise along the way, I rushed directly to the Soaring Firmament Treasure Palace, and then took out a loud speaker and shouted: "Jade Where is the emperor? Come to Soaring Firmament Treasure Palace, the most urgent. All the Divine Immortal that I heard came to the meeting, no matter how slow we are, we will all be over! Hurry, hurry, don’t sort out your images, your life will be gone. Run!"

When I shouted like this, even those who were not in a hurry had to speed up and rushed over. In the end, Jade Emperor was out of breath by the two heavenly generals. The arrival of the Soaring Firmament Treasure Palace.

As soon as the Jade Emperor came in, I found that the following Divine Immortal was almost there, because there is a communication array in the Soaring Firmament Treasure Palace directly connected to the communication magic weapon of the Divine Immortal, so I am like this When I called out those Divine Immortal, they arrived right away. Many people even directly used Immortal Technique to send it back. What's more funny is that someone actually appeared after wearing a set of underwear. .

"Aiya, my Purple Moon Great Immortal! What kind of crazy are you making?"

"Go crazy? How can I go crazy with you? It's the most urgent The major event! If we don’t hurry, we’ll be over together!"

It doesn’t sound like a joke to hear me, but the Jade Emperor and the others are also serious. "Dare to ask what is so urgent?" Taibai Jinxing, who was next to Jade Emperor, asked.

I didn't talk about Demon, but first took out a piece of golden. "Do you recognize this thing?"

All around Divine Immortal squinted first, and then Supreme Taoist replied: "This is soul gold, which is composed of three immortal souls and seven mortal Compressed souls. Although this thing is powerful and useful, it is a great inverse to create this thing artificially. May I ask Purple Moon Fellow Daoist where this piece comes from?"

"To be honest, I don't know exactly how this thing came from, but if nothing happens, it should be something left over from the Shangu War before the Celestial Court was established. But this is not the point. The point is that there are many more things. I A ruin was found in the lower realm, with an area equivalent to a small city. Its overall structure is entirely composed of soul gold, and its size is simply unheard-of."

"What? There is a city as big as soul gold. ?" Even Supreme Taoist couldn't sit still now. In the end, Xiuxian is to refine soul, and soul gold is pure soul energy that has been purified, which does not contain will and memory, but has peaceful energy. As long as one's soul can bear it, it can increase cultivation base by directly absorbing soul gold. , And the speed is extremely fast without any side effects. More importantly, even if the absorption of soul gold reaches the limit, as long as it does not exceed the tolerance limit, it can be digested slowly. After the soul gold energy absorbed in the body is stabilized, it can be absorbed again. The gold is enough. In theory, the existence of a trivial ant can be cultivated into a power that is stronger than Hongjun Sect Lord within a few months. Such a terrifying thing is actually as big as a city. Even Supreme Taoist can't sit still after hearing this news. The other Divine Immortal has green eyes, and the Soaring Firmament Treasure Palace instantly becomes a wolf's den. .

"Enough." Following the angry roar, the Soaring Firmament Treasure Palace instantly became quiet, because the roaring person was Hongjun Sect Lord. Originally, I just wanted to find the Jade Emperor and the others, but didn't expect even the big boss to come out.

After angry roar shocked the Divine Immortal who lived there, Hongjun Sect Lord immediately said to me: "Purple Moon, since you have found such a treasure, why not hide and enjoy yourself, instead ran to Celestial Court is here to warn you?"

The Divine Immortal also reacted when Hongjun Sect Lord said. Everyone is thinking: "Yes. This soul gold is a huge treasure for anyone. Ordinarily, I should hide it and enjoy it when I get the treasure. Everyone knows the truth about being undisclosed. Even if you want to show off, there is no road to warn you? The warning means there is a crisis. What kind of crisis can you find a lot of treasures?"

When everyone is wondering, I just said a word All their doubts were solved. But after they understood it, all the doubts just now turned into fear in an instant. Because what I said was: "The problem is that the pile of soul gold was built into a prison by two idiots, and you have also locked up a Demon whose ordinary person changes."

"What did you say?"

Divine Immortal and Demon are both cultivation soul energy. This soul gold Divine Immortal knows that they can use it, and Demon can naturally use it. Just now everyone was thinking that as long as the soul gold is enough, they can cultivation to the level of Hongjun Sect Lord in just a few months, but now they suddenly heard that a Demon was sealed in a prison made of soul gold. Where is this prison? That is heaven! A closed environment is not subject to external interference. A boring place is more suitable for cultivation. Besides, there are still cultivation Saint Grade such as soul gold. The strength of this Demon is not rapid progress, right?

When thinking about the cultivation speed of the Demon, these Divine Immortal quickly thought of another question, but in the end it was Erlang Shen who reacted the fastest and asked: "How long has the Demon been sealed inside?" "

"I don't know." My first sentence disappointed the Divine Immortal a bit, but the next words scared them all to death. "However, what I can be sure of is at least not less than two thousand years. No accident should be more than two thousand two hundred years, less than two thousand five hundred years."

"Two...two thousand... Two hundred years... more than?" someone asked repeatedly in disbelief.

I said with great certainty: "In the vicinity, I resurrected a pair of laborers who were responsible for the construction of the thing. One of them was the Qin Country Imperial Teacher who supervised the construction of the thing. According to him , That thing was completed before the Qin Dynasty unified China, so..."

"Qin Dynasty stuff? No wonder you said it must be more than two thousand years old!" Erlang Shen said in a trance.

Hongjun Sect Lord is also frowned and said: "If relying on pure soul gold for auxiliary cultivation, the strength of this Demon may already be thousands or even tens of thousands of times that of mine. Even if the entire Celestial Court is connected. It may not kill him!"

"No no no, you are worried that it is a bit too much." I said aloud.

I heard that Demon had been in the experience for more than two thousand years, and Divine Immortal who was present had an expression ready to do something for himself. But hearing what I said, their attention was immediately focused.

Seeing them staring at me so excitedly, I also explained directly: "Everyone knows that my guild is also very good at doing research, so naturally I am also very good at the power of soul gold. Clear. However, although the Demon has been sealed in it for more than two thousand years, the analysis by Hongjun Sect Lord just now is not completely accurate. The Demon should not be as strong as you think."

"Quickly talk about it, why is that Demon not as strong as we thought?"

I carefully explained: "First of all, this Demon is not a mountain spirit, cultivation success. The demon was later sealed in soul gold Among them, it is the Demon that the youngest daughter of the Qin Country monarch at that time was infiltrated by soul gold energy. This Demon was transformed from a person and just formed. The initial stage must be blurred, and even if the consciousness stabilizes later He is also different from the general Demon, because he was an ordinary person before and didn’t understand the cultivation method at all, so even if he became a Demon, he wouldn’t understand how to use soul gold at first, and at most he would absorb a small amount with his breath. It's just the free energy from the collapse of the soul gold."

When I heard what I said, the Divine Immortal kept nodding their heads. Soul gold is indeed a cultivation Saint Grade, but the premise must be that you understand cultivation. If it only depends on natural absorption, the speed must be incomparable with active cultivation.

I want to understand the key, those Divine Immortal tensions suddenly relaxed a lot, but some people still asked: "Even if the Demon at first doesn't understand cultivation, it's like the lifespan of the Demon in the mountains has grown. Afterwards, you will naturally understand some methods of vomiting. This Demon has been imprisoned for more than two thousand years. Even if it is a Demon that grows naturally in the outside world, it will be difficult to deal with after a thousand years, not to mention that it has grown in the soul gold for two thousand years. What?"

After hearing that Divine Immortal asked, I immediately said, "Of course, this is indeed a problem, so I hurriedly called everyone to find a way. Of course, I called everyone to think if We are willing to pay for the cost, and we should be able to shake the Demon."

"But the Demon has been cultivated in the soul gold for two thousand years, even if Early-Stage does not understand cultivation, even if he only comes after he finally understands cultivation And cultivated for one or two hundred years, the strength is incredible!"

"I also thought of this, but there is another reason for me to think that Demon will not be too strong."


"What else is there?"

"The reason is in the mind." I explained: "Generally, Demon is originally a mountain animal or plant, even a spirituality stone or Something else is dead. But no matter what it is, these things know that they are not humans, and they don’t feel anything when they become Demon. They just think that they have become stronger. But humans are the spirit of all things and suddenly become Demon. For other creatures, it’s progress, but for humans, it’s a step backward. That Demon was originally Princess, born in the Imperial Family, naturally spoiled. In addition, she is a little girl again, but her psychology is actually immature. Suddenly she became Demon. After that, Early-Stage was furious and hurt people because of the loss of control of the soul after the demonic transformation. Later, as the absorbed Soul Power rose, she would gradually recover some of her sanity. At this time, she felt that her changes would inevitably be very sad and hesitate. She found that she was imprisoned in a closed space, naturally more helpless and scared. In this state, she was naturally impossible to cultivation, but the energy absorbed by nature would quickly overload her soul again, and then she would lose her sanity again. If she has not been able to find a way to cultivation and control her emotions, this kind of rationality and madness will alternate, and then she may actually have not learned how to cultivation until now. "

"In other words, Demon may have only stayed in a pile of soul gold for two thousand years, but there is actually no cultivation to absorb the energy of soul gold? "

"Almost. However, this kind of guessing is only based on guessing. Although the probability is great, it does not rule out the occurrence of accidents. Moreover, it is uncertain whether this process can be cycled for a long time. Maybe he did have this kind of situation, but he regained her sanity and learned to control her emotions a long time ago. Or maybe she only learned this recently or simply didn't learn it. It is possible. "

After listening to what I said, the expressions of Divine Immortal at the scene were all unsteady. They now very much hope that my conjecture can just be the truth, otherwise we will all be in trouble.< /p>

If that Demon really started cultivation early, not even long, as long as she has planned cultivation for more than two hundred years, then the whole bundle of pieces present may never have tried her. Even hers The personality is relatively good and will not kill. As the ruling system of God World in China, Celestial Court cannot tolerate a creature that is not in the system suddenly climbing on top of itself. So no matter what attitude the Demon finally adopts Facing Celestial Court, in short, as long as she is stronger than Celestial Court, Celestial Court will absolutely not tolerate her. Moreover, the opponent has super strength and gentle personality. The probability is really not high. You have seen a few people who are completely unconstrained. Doesn’t show animality yet? Since the law of the jungle is called the law of the jungle, it means that it is the law of nature. The rational behavior of higher creatures is only the result of our own restraint. That Demon has been sealed for two thousand years, no matter how good the temper is I’m suffocated, so the probability that I want to be good is infinitely close to zero.

Of course, apart from Celestial Court, I actually have troubles myself. Celestial Court is worried about my status, and I am worried about us. The property and relationship network of Celestial Court. Now my cooperation relationship with Celestial Court is basically normalized. Although it cannot be said how harmonious, at least the general transaction behavior is not a problem. As long as both parties have a profit, cooperation is easy. But Suddenly I switched to a Demon to be the leader of God World in China, and my network was all in vain. When the time comes, I started all over again, and the cost would be huge. In addition, Demon has never been safe. The existence of points. This Little Princess’s changing Demon has been detained for more than two thousand years. When the time comes Princess, her temper and anger exploded together, and then quota her strength, that would not harm the players in China to death. Huh? Although we can’t say that it’s China’s Sovereign, at least it’s a leader. I must bear the losses directly or indirectly when China is hit, and this is not what I want to see. So once the Demon comes out, we find that we can’t control it. Live with her, the problem is completely troublesome.

After understanding the seriousness of the matter, Celestial Court’s Divine Immortal didn't dare to delay any longer, after all, that thing could run out at any time. It would be best if she could control or kill her when she had just left the prison, otherwise we would be really in trouble when she showed up and adjusted her various abilities.

Hongjun Sect Lord, as the highest-ranking existence here, directly said: "It's no use dealing with these Demons. It's no use going there. It's better to choose among the high level Divine Immortal."

The Jade Emperor hurriedly asked for instructions: "Then who should we let go?"

Hongjun Sect Lord pondered for a moment: "In this way, let the guardian of the four parties and the guardian of the country go together, and I Let Yuanshi and Laozi help out together. Let’s find some experts at Celestial Court."

The Jade Emperor immediately said, "All those who go are super powerhouses. If they are too weak, they will get in the way. That's better. In this way, let Taishang lead the team and send Yueji, Zizhu, and Wukong together? Oh, yes, you can also bring Tathagata with Phoenix."

Now Buddhism is destroyed, the original Buddhism remnant Most of the forces became members of Celestial Court. Although Dainichi Tathagata was originally the top-level existence in Buddhism, it belongs to surrender here, and naturally has to be lowered to a certain level, so it is not surprising that he is in the action group. Besides, even those at the level of Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning went, letting him participate is definitely an act of saving face, and most people don't have a chance to participate yet.

The Jade Emperor and Hongjun exchanged at that time, and finally determined a team of more than 30 people. Although I don’t know nearly half of them, none of them are moving between raising their hands. Lord of mountains and filling seas. If all the battle strengths of Celestial Court are added together and counted as 10,000, there are at least more than 3,000. It can be said that Celestial Court has sent out one third battle strength. If this group of people can't solve the Demon, then Hongjun must take part in the task himself. In fact, he wants to come this time, but unfortunately the system has regulations. He is the boss. He can't get out if he doesn't suffer a loss, so he can only wait at home for support at any time.

Now the battle strength of the entire Celestial Court is 10,000. The 30 or so people I took away accounted for more than 3,000, Hongjun alone could account for more than 3,000, and the rest It looks like there are more than 3,000 people bundled together. However, because the 3,000 or so are all scattered battle strengths, they are also served as food. Therefore, even if the Celestial Court has 10,000 battle strength, the most that can be used to deal with Demon is more than 6,000 and close to 7,000, and the rest It's completely used to scare children, and it won't work if you run into big friends.

Although everyone knows that this task is the most urgent, it takes time to convener. From the fact that this group of people can account for the battle strength of Celestial Court one third with more than 30 people, it can be seen that these people are definitely high-end martial power of Celestial Court, and such people are generally not very good. Even if they are used for tasks occasionally, they will not call so many people at once, so it takes a long time to find all these people.

When I left Celestial Court with this group of people and teleported to the city closest to the Nanchiong Tomb, it was already more than an hour after I left the Nanxiong Tomb. I can't say anything more about this speed. It would be hard to be able to find people all over Celestial Court in so little time.

After we came out of the city closest to Qixiong Tomb, we took off directly moved towards the destination and flew over. Fortunately, there were no people in the city because of the battle on the front line, otherwise I would bring such a large group of people. The great god must be scared to death when he appears on the street. As long as the players on the road throw two Appraisal Techniques casually, they will find that none of the guys behind me are below level 5,000, and some of them are perverts reaching level 10,000. It is estimated that if anyone hits their idea, they don’t need it. Fight back, and the counterattack attribute alone can kill the existence below level 1,000.

"Purple Moon Fellow Daoist, is that right here?" Primordial Heavenly Venerable asked while looking down.

I nodded pointing to the big hole on the ground and said: "Yes, that hole was punched through when I came out."

"There should be a large cave below. ??"

"Yes, the seven male tombs built with soul gold are on the lower level of the cave below."

Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning After listening to my explanation He turned to the Xuan Martial Dao next to him: "Remove the upper layer of soil, we will be able to deal with it a little later."

Black Tortoise nodded, and then pointed downwards, just listening to the boom, A ring of smoke suddenly exploded on the ground below, and then I saw that the whole piece of land covering the previous Underground City drifted off the ground slowly, and then with the movement of Black Tortoise's finger, the piece of land floated up. The land flew into the nearby forest and fell suddenly, smashing the entire forest underneath in an instant.

Without the upper cover, the Underground City below instantly became a city built in a big pit. Although its height is underground, it does not count as an Underground City without a roof. It seems that my plan to use this to build an Underground City has also failed.

Now that there is no cover above, we can clearly see the vertical well located in the center of the original Underground City. I pointed there to Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning and said: "From here to the side, there is a big cave, and the thing is built in it."

Black Tortoise asked aloud: "How about I move the surface of the ground, and then raise the thing below as a whole?"

"Don't!" Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning and I called out almost at the same time, making Black Tortoise froze. For a moment.

I think Black Tortoise doesn’t seem to understand it and explained: “Then Demon has been blocked for more than two thousand years, or it may be sleeping now. If we can quietly open Nanao Mound, if we happen to meet Demon in Sleep, don’t we save trouble? Even if Demon is not asleep, we don’t lose anything, don’t we? If you rashly raise Nanao Tomb and the ground shakes, then Demon will definitely be awakened, when the time comes rare opportunity It's gone."

"Yes, you still think more, then let's go down and have a look before talking?"

This time, I and Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning arrived There was no objection, and then under my guidance, everyone filed into the cave where the Qixiong Tomb was located, but... as soon as we came in, we immediately discovered something that almost scared our souls away.

As soon as we entered the crypt below and turned around the turn that obstructed our vision, the gold and jade in glorious splendor immediately appeared in front of us. It was this that scared us to death. At that time, there were several Russians standing on the Qixiong Tomb, and what made us even more terrified was that these people were holding explosives in their hands.

The soul gold is not strong, and even if the shell of the Qixiong Tomb is strong enough, what sound insulation effect can the all-metal thing have? When the time comes, awaken the Demon inside, or make her go violently, then there will be fun! So, after seeing those people, my first reaction was to yelled them: "Don't move."

"haha, President Purple Moon, you have a big frame." The Russian standing under the Chiao Tomb heard my voice and turned around, and then said to me: "We know that you can fight very well, and it is also a region's Overlord, but we are not under yours. Do you want to order us? Is it the wrong object?"

I understand the reason why these people are here when I see the speaker, because I have seen this guy in front of me, who is in the second echelon of the Russians. I can also guess why they appeared here before contacting the situation. Needless to say, they must have been transferred by Frozen Banshee. Although they said they wanted to rest in the passage, I killed the first echelon. Although they don't want the second echelon to take their credit, but the failure of the mission must be reported? And the ice-bound Banshee knew the information after they were attacked by me. He must have contacted the remaining second echelon, and then they turned around and found it back. Of course, they came back just in time for me to go to Celestial Court to report the letter. As a result, they found the Qixiong Tomb in advance. As for why they bury explosives, I probably guessed that. They must be unable to find the door to enter, so they plan to blow a way out.

This Nanao mound was originally used to imprison the Little Princess's changed Demon. When it was built, it was not planned to let the Demon inside come out, so naturally it didn't even install the door. Without a door, skills such as unlocking would not be used, and it is no wonder they would think of using explosives to force a way out.

"Don't move, there are monsters inside." I cried out.

"hahahaha..." Hearing my yelling, all the Russians laughed.

Looking at those Russians who laughed wildly, I suddenly understood.

When tracking these Russians before, I suspected that according to the system setting, foreigners should not be able to receive tasks related to their own history. But the Russians actually received a mission about the Qin Dynasty, which makes me very strange. But now everything is clear. The Russians didn't take this task for any benefit, they had long known that Demon was sealed here. Their purpose is not to gain any benefit, but to release Demon to cause us trouble.

No wonder they were able to receive this task, no wonder they laughed wildly when I yelled out Demon, no wonder the ice-bound Banshee was willing to use the Russian national forces to hold us back. It turns out that all the cruxes are here. It turns out that they don't want to get benefits at all. It turns out that they are creating a man-made disaster for us. In this way, the reactions of the first echelon when they found me should be all acting. They didn't want to create before me. They were just giving me a reason to enter there and release Demon on their behalf. These insidious guys. Thanks to the fact that I found the Imperial Teacher and asked me the truth. Thanks to the recognition of soul gold, otherwise I would really trouble myself this time!

"A group of rats are so arrogant." Azure Dragon said in a very flat tone and said to the White Tiger next to him: "Should we get them down first? This looks weird and scary! "

Azure Dragon is certainly not afraid of those Russians. What he is afraid of is that these lunatics will wake up Demon. White Tiger naturally had the same idea, so after hearing the words of Azure Dragon, without the slightest hesitation waved, the group of Russians on the opposite side instantly left the ground and all were rolled up by Xiao Xuanfeng and flew towards us. . However, after discovering that he was restrained and taken off the ground, those Russians who were holding the bomb immediately threw all

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