It turns out that pure gold is of course impossible, but the material of this building is more intimidating than pure gold because it is constructed from a whole piece of soul gold.

What is soul gold? Soul gold is to crush and compress a lifeform soul in a way of energy compression. Finally, when the Soul Body is condensed to the point where it can no longer be compressed, if you continue to apply pressure and exceed a certain critical point, there is no physical soul. There will be a sudden state change, instantly changing from an invisible substance to a tangible substance, and this kind of physical substance is soul gold.

Since soul gold is a compressed thing from the soul, its essence is actually the soul, and the soul is, to put it bluntly, a high-density energy body. However, although the energy density of the soul is very high, the compression ratio required to turn it into soul gold is absolutely amazing. An ordinary person who has not undergone any training, whose soul is completely condensed into soul gold, can probably form a grain of soul gold as large as dust. If the Qixiong Tomb in front of you was completely compressed with the soul of an ordinary person, it would be useless to kill all the lower creatures of the world, because the energy is simply not enough.

However, the output of soul gold does not have much to do with the number of souls that are compressed. It should be the strength of the soul that really determines the output. In the game, this kind of soul strength is generally linked to the level. Of course, the strength of different races will be different. For example, the soul strength of undead creatures is generally higher than that of other creatures. After all, people have nothing other than souls. Souls Not strong is impossible to become undead.

Although the soul of the high level lifeform can be compressed to produce a larger volume of soul gold, even if it is the first battle strength list like me, or the Jade Emperor, Dainichi Tathagata or even Anubis For the existence, the compressed volume of its soul will never exceed the original volume of its soul. In other words, even if Anubis' soul is compressed into soul gold, its volume will never be larger than the current Anubis.

The output of soul gold is so low, and the building in front of you is so big, how many souls does it take to squeeze out such a large piece of soul gold? After figuring out the structure and composition of this thing, I was almost stunned by my discovery. It was like someone went hiking on a weekend and accidentally discovered that the whole mountain was just a diamond except for the outer layer of soil. , This kind of shock can definitely make most people collapse on the spot.

"This, did you get this thing in the first place?" I started to tremble when I looked at the Qixiong Tomb.

The Imperial Teacher skeleton explained: "In fact, we don’t know how this thing came from. We only discovered this underground space, and then found the soul gold fragments all over the cave. . Then we used the array to fuse the broken soul gold fragments together, and then made this seven male mound."

"Do you mean this thing is formed naturally?"

"That's not it." Skeleton Imperial Teacher replied: "In the beginning, we don't know what it looks like. It seems that at first it was because the cattle from the nearby farm fell into the hole, and then the villagers went down here to find the cattle. It came. But the fools at the time did not know the value of Dao Soul gold, but thought that this golden light was very beautiful and presented it to the local nobles. The nobles took this thing and transferred it to the monarch, and then my Master found out I took this piece of soul gold from the monarch and explained the origin of this thing to the monarch."

"And then?"

"Then the monarch naturally hoped to mine it on a large scale. When the Master and the monarch arrived here, the people in the village were gone, and the team that came was also attacked by a large number of Demons."

Although the Imperial Teacher's words have not been finished yet , But I already understand the reason. "With the strength of the ordinary person's soul, contact with such a pure Soul Crystal every day, the unchanging monsters have ghosts!"

"The adults are really smart." The Imperial Teacher did not forget to flattery and said: "The thing is As adults guessed. Those monsters were later confirmed to have been transformed by local villagers, and some half-human and half-monster monsters were found during the raid of the village. Later, we learned about those half-human and half monsters. -Monster monsters are actually villagers whose Soul Power is too weak to withstand the power of soul gold and cannot be completely demonic transformation. Afterwards, the Master learned from the villagers of half-human and half-monster that soul gold turns people into During the process of Demon, the villagers who had been half-demonic transformation asked to help them end their suffering, so the monarch sent people to help them understand their lives and built a public cemetery for them to bury. However, the team sent by the monarch took this When the news returned to the palace, I heard that there was a monster in the palace. My Master immediately thought that the soul gold must be caused by the tribute. It turned out that the monster was a favorite of the monarch. That tribute soul. Jin was given to the favored Ji by the monarch as a gift because he had never been able to figure out its purpose. As a result, Chong Ji held the piece of soul gold every day to play and absorbed too much Soul Power, which caused him to lose control of his spirit and become a Demon."

"Is it because of the Demon matter that the monarch ordered to seal up here?"

"It is so declared to the outside world."

"Foreign?"< /p>

"In fact, the truth is not as good as this. At that time, there was indeed a Demon in the palace, but not only one, but four. In addition to the favored girl, there were two daughters and the little Her Highness the Princess."

"So many people have become Demon, the monarch should be more angry? Why do you say that to the outside world? The monarch has the reason to be angry and seal the soul gold."

< p>"There is indeed such a reason, but the monarch only uses it as an excuse."


"Because when my Master hurried back to the palace, the demons Only three Demons were killed, and one Demon did not die. At first, because they simply thought it was the Demon who caused the chaos, the guard goalkeeper killed all the other three Demons. But the Master happened to rush back at this time and told The monarch Demon may have been changed by the people in the palace. After knowing this, the monarch ordered not to hurt the last Demon, but in order to prevent Demon from hurting people, he still caught it and locked it up. Afterwards, the palace carefully checked the identities of the missing persons and those who died under Demon, and finally confirmed the source of the four Demons, and through Demon's response confirmed that the Demon was actually the monarch's favorite little Her Highness the Princess. "

"And then? "

"Then the monarch was very painful. I didn't know it before, but after knowing that Demon was his favorite daughter, he couldn't bear to start. Later, my Master saw that the monarch was really unable to make up his mind, so he came up with an idea and asked the monarch to announce that Little Princess had died at the hands of Demon, and then secretly hid the Demon that Little Princess had become. "

"What about the result? "

"As a result, the monarch accepted the Master's suggestion and made some minor adjustments. The monarch announced that Demon appeared because of the ominous soul gold, so he listed it as an evil thing and ordered no one to touch it. Once discovered, it was immediately sealed and buried. This place where a large amount of soul gold was accumulated was also sealed. In fact, this place we are in did not need to enter from the entrance we dug before, but was directly connected to the outside. The top here was sealed by the monarch, and the passage we dug was built later, with the purpose of secretly building the Qixiong Tomb to seal the remaining soul gold after sealing the entrance. However, when sealing up the soul gold, the monarch discovered that Little Princess, who became a Demon, actually liked to touch the soul gold very much. Therefore, the monarch felt that even if she wanted to imprison Little Princess, it should make her less painful. So in the end, the monarch asked the Master to find a way to melt the soul gold, and built this seven male tomb with soul gold and sealed Little Princess in the tomb. "

"What? This thing is a prison? "

"Almost. "Imperial Teacher said: "Actually, I was just born when the monarch ordered to close this place. Later, when I was picked up by the Master and raised up, I followed the Master in activities here, and after the death of the Master, the task here was handed over. In my hands, the monarch also changed three terms during this period, but because the later monarchs knew the inside story, they insisted on completing the building. After all, no one would use soul gold at the time, only knowing that this thing can make a monster. Such an ominous thing is naturally well sealed. "

"Eh... right? "

"What's wrong? "Imperial Teacher became nervous as soon as I heard that I was wrong.

"Soul gold is a high concentration of Soul Crystal, and the average person's contact time for a long time will become because of the soul energy that his soul cannot absorb. monster. The laborers here are all ordinary persons, and long-term construction of the Qixiong Tomb made of soul gold is not equivalent to long-term exposure to the vicinity of soul gold? You said before that the laborers have reproduced here for two generations. Could it be that all the monsters that reproduced later? "

"My lord is really smart. "Imperial Teacher patted flattery again and said: "At the beginning, my Master found a way to temporarily suppress the impact of soul gold on people, and it can slightly strengthen the soul of people. Adults, you should also know that when the soul is strong, the ability to control soul energy will increase, and the probability of becoming a monster will decrease. In addition, the medicine we have configured has a suppressive effect, so basically the labor has no effect. But what we didn’t expect was that although the first-generation workers did not have any changes under double protection, their offspring had a high percentage of deformities. Some of them had horns on their heads when they were born, and others. There are scales on some areas of the body surface. In short, three or four of the ten children are a little abnormal. When it comes to the third generation, there are even more problems. Many children have their whole body mutated as soon as they are born, and some children are fine at first, but after a few months, various changes begin to appear. For example, there is a child who looks normal at first, but has grown to the size of a normal teenager in just six months, and is strong as an ox. After that, all kinds of messy abilities also appeared one after another, which is why the monarch took away all the children of the third generation. In fact, those children are carefully supervised afterwards, and the problematic ones will be killed immediately. Our country later produced several generals who were enemies of 10,000 people, but they were actually selected from among the children. They have not changed much on the surface, but they are actually strong as an ox impervious to sword and spear, so they can fight so much. "

"I really didn't expect that there are so many secrets in a Qixiong Tomb!" "I was talking, and suddenly it was complexion changed. "Wait, it's not right. "

"What's the matter? "Imperial Teacher was taken aback by me. In his opinion, I am already a very strong person, but my face suddenly turned green just now, even I was so scared, how can he not be nervous?" , What are you thinking of? Scared like this? "

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