Bringing such a gang of great gods to deal with a few Russian players is completely slaughtering ants with a sledge knife, not even killing chickens. However, compared with this group of Russians, the real trouble should be the Demon sealed in the Qixiong Tomb.

"Okay, the problem is solved, what shall we do now?" Vermilion Bird looked at me and asked.

I thought about it and suddenly thought of the Imperial Teacher, and then I looked around. The great gods around me looked around curiously as if I was looking for something, but after watching for a long time, they didn't find anything worthy of attention. In the end, Vermilion Bird couldn’t help but ask: "What are you looking for?"

"Imperial Teacher."

"Imperial Teacher?"

"Oh , Is a skeleton I came back to be a guide. He happened to be the Qin Country Imperial Teacher who supervised the construction of this Qixiong Tomb. He must know the structure of this Qixiong Tomb. I want to ask if there is a way to quiet this thing. So that in case the Demon inside is still asleep, don’t we just pick a big bargain?"

"It makes sense." Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning listened to the people around him immediately. Waved: "Everyone, hurry up and find it."

"No need to find, no need to find, I am here." We were talking when a rock next to him suddenly shook a few times, and then two skeletons. Lifted the top stone and climbed out from below. I took a closer look, isn’t this the resurrected Imperial Teacher and the general’s skeleton?

"Why did you run under the rock?"

Imperial Teacher saluted them to Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning and answered me: "It's such an adult. After you left, The red-haired ghost who helped Rakshasa Country ran back. Although the general and I knew that Qin Country no longer existed, my descendants of Yan and Huang were still of common origins after all. Tell the adults about the Qixiong Tomb, it’s okay, but if it’s the foreigners, We will never reveal a word even if we die again. Of course, we don’t want to die here easily, so we hurriedly hid them as soon as we found them coming in. Fortunately, these guys stared at Nanto Mound as soon as they came in. I didn’t search this place carefully."

"Okay, don't talk about this." Vermilion Bird asked impatiently: "You supervised the construction of this Qixiong Tomb?"

"Yes, I have been here since the day that Nanaozuka started construction, although of course I am still young, but I have seen some of them. And after I finished the apprenticeship, I was completely responsible for this, speaking of which is right here. Master doesn’t know as much as I know."

"Do you know how to open this thing?" I cut directly into the subject and asked.

"Open?" The Imperial Teacher was taken aback for a moment, and then said: "The original seal of Demon was to prevent her from coming out. How could I open it again?"

"That means there is no Entrance?" Vermilion Bird asked.

"Of course not. We didn't plan to let her out again, do we leave an entrance for her to escape?"

"You guy wants to die?" By the Imperial When Teacher said that, Vermilion Bird was immediately annoyed.

I quickly grabbed Vermilion Bird, and then said to the Imperial Teacher: "Tell me about the construction process of Qixiong Tomb. How did you build it? When did Demon put it in? It's always impossible at first. She put it there and poured the melted soul gold directly on it?"

"That's not it." Imperial Teacher replied: "When the Nanchio Tomb was first constructed, the real Nanchio was cleared out of the ground. The flat ground is as large as the mound foundation, and the uneven places are all made of stone mixed with rammed soil and poured with a special adhesive solution. Then the second part is to pour the soul gold with a thickness of up to ten meters on this completely flat ground. A platform. After the platform is completely solidified, we placed a cage made of soul gold in the center of the platform and stunned Demon into the cage."

"The cage is fixed. Is it on the foundation?" I interjected.

"The cage is independent and has no bottom. We first put Demon on the foundation, and then buckled the bottomless cage on Demon, so that she was completely enclosed in it."

"Then what?"

"After that, the array is used to form a special fusion structure, and then a semi-melted soul gold solution is poured into it to form the Nanao mound that everyone sees now The superstructure. Then..."

"Wait." Hearing this, I finally found some ways.

Imperial Teacher was taken aback by my sudden shout. After a long time, he cowering asked: "What do you want to ask, my lord?"

"You just said Qixiong Tomb The upper department is cast as a whole, isn’t it?"

Imperial Teacher nodded and replied: "Yes. The palace-like structure in the middle was cast as a whole, the outside doors and windows, etc. Things were all carved out later. Before, it was a whole piece of soul gold."

"The outside things don’t matter. I just want to know, can the upper Nanchiong Tomb and the lower foundation be separated? "

As soon as I said this, the surrounding gods also reacted. According to the Imperial Teacher, this Qixiong Tomb is actually not impossible to open. It is actually equivalent to buckling an iron bucket on an iron plate. On the surface, the iron drum is sealed, and there is no entrance or exit, but what if the whole iron drum is turned over? Of course, the volume of the Qixiong Tomb is much larger than that of an iron bucket, and according to ordinary people's thinking, it is to find the door first. No one would lift the whole building just because they want to enter a certain building, right? But we are different now. There is no way for Nanao Tomb itself, so I have to think of some other way to get in. Secondly, among the great gods present, there are many powerful existences that can move the mountain. No matter how big the Qixiong Tomb is, people can even move the mountain. Isn't it possible to move this Qixiong Tomb?

Imperial Teacher was stunned by my question, but he quickly reacted and said in a disbelief: "Of course the divisions are separated, and they are not connected together. However, the Demon was also strong as an ox at the beginning. The Master was afraid that Demon would remove the top cover of the Qixiong Tomb, so he added a tens of thousands of mountains array inside the Qixiong Tomb. Therefore, the weight of the Qixiong Tomb is probably only that of the Sky Force. It’s just a move."

"Hey..." Black Tortoise said disdainfully: "Optimus is a fart, and I can push the strength of their whole body with one finger. Let me do it. "

"I'll do it." Black Tortoise just finished the Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning, and said aloud: "It's not difficult to open this Qixiong Tomb, but it must be quiet. Black Tortoise, you have enough strength. Yes, but with your hard work, the mountain shook the ground, even if the Demon fell asleep, it woke you up."

Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning is a veteran in the influence of the Celestial Court after all. When he spoke, Black Tortoise could only be nodded with a smile. In the end, the job of lifting the roof of the monster's house was handed over to the Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning. For others, this is similar to moving a piece of furniture at home, at best it can be considered a little bit more effort.

In order not to disturb the Demon inside, before Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning started, I asked Zizhu Fairy to add a soundproof cover to the Qixiong Tomb, and then used a layer of Spirit Sealing Array to remove the magic of the outside world. The fluctuation was also blocked, so that the Demon in Nanto Tomb would not be awakened by the environmental changes that occurred when the Nanto Tomb was opened.

After all the preparations were ready, Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning used his special skills, and did not see how people chanted the mantra. The Qixiong Tomb suddenly floated up, and it seemed that the movements were very gentle. , As if a person was holding a balloon, it felt as if the Qixiong Tomb had lost weight at that moment.

As the top of Nanto Tomb continues to rise, the internal situation of Nanto Tomb has finally appeared in front of us. However, when we saw the situation inside Nanao Tomb, everyone present, including the Imperial Teacher himself, was all dumbfounded.

"This..." Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning immediately threw the lifted ceiling onto the ground next to him after seeing the scene inside the Qixiong Tomb, and the inside of the opened ceiling The scene is also fully presented in front of us.

According to the Imperial Teacher, after we opened the top cover of the half-pyramid and half-palace structure above, what appeared below should be a cage standing on a flat base. However, what we see now is not a cage, even a large hole with a diameter of more than 500 meters appeared in the foundation, and the inside of the opened roof is actually missing the boss, as if it was eaten by the insect from the inside. The same as an empty apple.

After seeing the big hole, I and the surrounding gods immediately showed their divine ability. The Imperial Teacher only felt saw a flash, and all the people around were on the platform, and he was the only one left. The skeleton general was still standing in place.

Before, because of the angle problem, we couldn't see it completely, but now on the platform, we can see it thoroughly. There is no problem with the ceiling of Nanao Tomb. Although there is a large part missing inside, it is not perforated. The key issue is the foundation below. The solid foundation that was more than ten meters thick is indeed not too thin, but the problem is that the foundation is entirely made of soul gold. To the cultivator, this soul gold is like a cake. Demon is sealed in the Qixiong Tomb. There is no way to absorb others' souls to strengthen itself by eating people like normal Demon, but the soul gold is formed by the compression of the soul. In other words, eating this food is more effective than cannibalism, so Demon has been feeding on soul gold. Originally, the foundation was really thick enough, but no matter how thick the foundation was, it couldn't hold people from taking the foundation materials for food. What's more, Demon has eaten for more than two thousand years.

Looking at the big hole in the center of the foundation that stretched into the rock below, we were all dumbfounded there. After a long time, I was the first to react and quickly descended to the hole below, and then released white waves. "Quickly, smell if there is anything close around here?"

White waves sniffed quickly, then turned around the hole and said: "The smell here shows that there is only one creature. I stayed here for a long time, and the smell of this creature is everywhere around."

"When did this creature leave, can you smell it?"

"From Based on the analysis of the odor concentration and the concentration of metamorphic substances, the creature left for no more than an hour at most."

When the white waves appeared, the scene immediately became confused. Everyone thought that the clue was completely lost. It didn't expect that Demon had only left for less than an hour, which meant that there was hope. I quickly greeted the great gods around me: "Don't be in a daze, follow me quickly, but don't let that thing go out!"

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