"I said, I said, take that thing away." The skeleton I was stepping on screamed desperately.

I did not remove my finger, just stopped my finger in front of him and said: "Either say it now, or I will let you know what pain is not to live. You decide for yourself."


"I said I said that we are really the laborers who built the Qixiong Tomb, but we are not ordinary laborers. We are the foremen here, who are responsible for supervising the work of other laborers. As for fooling you into saying that the entrance is outside, That's because we want to get the treasures in Nanto Mound by ourselves. I..."

The guy slammed his finger on his forehead before he finished speaking, and followed that guy. I was shaking violently as if I had been electrocuted, and the strong I stood up and almost didn't hold him down. For a skeleton to explode with such great power, it must burn the soul. After all, skeletons have no muscles. Their power is Soul Power. If you want to explode beyond the normal value, you must burn the soul to do it. But this guy didn't burn his soul to get me off, he actually didn't intend to burn his soul. The situation just now was actually caused by the side effects caused by my mental burn contact with his Soul Fire. He was not actively burning his soul, but passively being burned by me, and the burst of energy in turn increased his power. Of course, this kind of power is impossible and lasting, after all, the soul is not simply used to burn.

After pressing for a few seconds, I found that the guy was almost unable to hold on, so I released my finger, and the Soul Fire of the other party has become a cloud of smoke-like objects on the skeleton. His head rolled and merged, and after nearly one minute, the chaotic cloud of smoke reunited and ignited the Soul Fire again with a bang.

"Do you want to tell the truth now?" I asked with an unquestionable tone.

"I...I just told the truth, I'm really..."

This time I simply pressed my finger into that guy’s eye socket, and then That guy instantly broke out with a more serious struggle than before, and he suddenly lifted me off him. Because my escaped soul burned and lost its support, it stopped immediately, but I immediately called out a bunch of Death God guards and pressed the guy to the ground again, and then burned the soul again before his Soul Fire gathered again. Up.

"Ah..." I don’t know if it’s lucky or unlucky. That guy actually restored the Soul Fire at the last moment I touched him, but his Soul Fire was immediately ignited by my soul. Burning to poke out again.

I gave him a chance before and he didn't cherish it. This time, I just let go of my fingers after pressing his soul to the point where he burned it. However, because it burned too badly, it would take at least ten minutes for his soul to gather again, so I simply walked to the side of another skeleton. The Death God guards wisely ran over and pushed the opponent to the ground like a tiger, and then I raised the finger that was burning with the flames of extinguishing fire and asked: "Your companion has already been burned by me. The soul is broken, so do you plan to try the pain of being burned a little bit like him? Maybe you don’t know what kind of pain it is. I can tell you that it was something you never thought of before Pain, because people will be unconscious after being overly hit, but the soul will not be unconscious. Even if you are burned into a chaotic state, you will still feel pain, and it is the kind of intense torture that hurts your heart. I used this method before. Crazy with three angels and two demons. With the strength of your soul, I think your resistance can last at most for an hour. So are you planning to accept this hour of torture that is more painful than death or just tell me what I want to know What?"

The Soul Fire in the skull’s eyes beat violently for a long time, during which various colors flashed alternately on the Soul Fire many times, and finally the Soul Fire finally became completely Pure white, and then the skeleton said: "I am the guardian mage who suggested the construction of the Qixiong Tomb. The one you just tortured was the Qin Country General Wu Dun who was responsible for the construction of the Qixiong Tomb."

"Then The previous wind bead?"

"The wind bead is not a key at all. It is just a prop used to make wind tunnel traps. We just hope that you will be blown into it because you fetch the wind bead. In the soul smashing formation, it’s a pity that you are too strong to succeed."

"Then why did you run just now?"

"We want to hide in the real In the Nanto Mound."

"The real Nanto Mound? Is that thing here?" I finally heard what I wanted to know the most.

"Yes." The sudden answer was not from the undead on the ground, but from the hole behind me. At this time, those who can come from there are not doing what he wants except for the first echelon of the Russians.

"Is it early?"

"Early without you." The wizard who led the team looked at me and said, "We have arranged for this plan for so long, and even use it The whole country has come to cooperate with our acting to attract your attention, but didn’t expect it to fail in the end. Purple Moon is Purple Moon. Sure enough, the name is not in vain."

"My name is not in You haven’t seen anything about vain. Now the name is not in vain should be our guild’s intelligence gathering ability. I can’t find your actions by myself. But having said that, how do you know our country’s mission? What about? It seems that this kind of task related to the national history process will not be released to foreigners? Could it be...?"

"If you can think of it, guess by yourself, I don't know it anyway. I told you." The other party saw through my intention to deceive him, and Cunning directly stated my intention.

"Actually, do you know it is meaningless now." I motioned to the Death God guard to let go of the skeleton first, and then threw the crystal powder into his eye sockets, and his Soul Fire instantly ignited After the raging flames, the extra part even sprayed out of his eyes. However, with the fire, his broken arm grew out very quickly, and the skeleton on his body also gradually changed to a metallic texture, but unfortunately, the color only changed a little and stopped. Obviously That little crystal powder is not enough to make him evolve from a gray skull to a metal skull. "Take him first." I whispered to the skeleton and instructed the Death God guard to climb up the cave wall with the skeleton that hadn't recovered.

Seeing the two skeletons and my Death God guards climbing on the wall, the people on the wizard's side immediately wanted to step forward nervously, but I moved a step in the middle to block them all Come down. "Hey hey hey, they are ranked first in battle strength at any rate, okay? Don't take me as the air, or you will suffer."

I’m talking about the Imperial Teacher. The skeleton has climbed to the top of the cave. Because of the crystal powder I added, his physical fitness is obviously much better than before. Pulling open a piece of rock on the top of the cave, a hole was immediately exposed on the wall of the cave that could allow a person to barely drill through. The skeleton swiftly got in from the hole, and then my Death God guard followed him and crawled in one after another.

Seeing that the skeleton and the Death God guard disappeared on the wall, the Russians below were immediately anxious, but as soon as they wanted to move, I suddenly took another step to the side and blocked them. He immediately retreated timidly. In group fights, these people are not afraid of me, but heads-up is different. As long as they are not completely stupid, few people outside the top ten in the battle strength list will think that they can head to me.

"Want to go there?" I hooked my finger at the guy who was about to rush forward. "You can defeat me. Come on, youngster, don't be afraid of failure, and have the courage to challenge. Come on, defeat me and you can pass. If you are scared, there will never be a day to defeat me."

The guy who was going to rush forward just now was relatively young in the team. The seventeen or eighteen-year-old youngster was at the time when he was full of enthusiasm. Now I can't help it anymore when I am excited. He suddenly yelled and rushed up with his weapon. Ku Ke, who was standing next to him, stretched out his hand and did not hold him. The next second was a flash of red light, and the guy was blown up into a pile of flying all over the sky in an instant. The blood sprayed out Cook, who was chasing it out, with a full face.

"hahahaha, it's so nice to be young, he really believes it if you just say a few words."

"You demon!" Cook couldn't help yelling.

I sneered at Cook and said, "No, I am not a demon. I am the Demon King, the demon among the demons. If you don’t want to die in my hands, it’s better to leave me alone, especially not Step into my sphere of influence again, otherwise I will let you know what a real demon is. By the way, you are probably going to die here this time, so I suggest you start attacking now, anyway, wait for me. I’ll kill you all."


"Don’t you, me, are we enemies? The enemy should look like an enemy .Come on, attack me as much as you want, I will let you die very happy."

"Don't be bully intolerably."

I raised my hand with a red light. Threw away instantly blasted the guy who interrupted into a pile of rotten meat. "What did the chiefs say, what do you guys say?"

"Wait, it's dead. Let's go together, fight with him." A guy yelled and rushed up first.

I put it down on the ground and praised: "Yes, it's for this kind of spirit. What about the others? Is this the only man among you?"

The remaining members of the first echelon who were able to get the law down by my excitement finally all launched a charge, but it is a pity that I am not incapable of summoning the Familiar. I am not afraid of group fights when my strength is not limited. Those guys rushed forward to my Familiar and rushed forward, and the people on both sides quickly collided and a melee broke out. But the difference is that my familiars are either super-large or super-level. Each of them is extremely terrifying. The entire battlefield is almost a one-sided massacre. Within ten minutes of the battle, there is only one corpse left on the scene. Of course, the corpses belonged to the other party. There were almost no casualties on my side except that Ling was bruised by a demon-breaking arrow on his arm.

Settling the shrimp soldiers and crab generals, the other party only has the three chiefs left. Of course, it doesn't make any sense to me whether they are alive or not. They can't do anything anyway.

"Kill them." Seeing that there were only three people left, I didn't even have any interest in doing hands, so I waved my hand to let the pets settle down, and I myself had already walked over to the previous cave wall.

Looking at my three familiars gradually surrounding them, the mage in the middle suddenly shouted: "Wait a minute."

"en? Do you have anything else? "I turned my head and looked at the three guys and asked.

"We want to talk to you about a deal." The mage said.

"Are you crazy?" Big Bear and Cook looked towards the mage in surprise and asked.

The mage quickly explained to the two companions: "If we don't make a deal, we won't get anything. There are at least some benefits from trading with Purple Moon. Do you want a little benefit or not at all?"< /p>

After listening to the mage's words, the two gradually calmed down. As the mage said, if they make a deal with me, they may still get some benefits, but if they resist firmly to the end, it doesn't make any sense except to kill themselves once.

Seeing that the two companions accepted their opinions, the mage once again said to me: "Purple Moon, President, I know we are not your opponent, but you won’t get any benefits if you kill us. ."

"Oh? Can you get it when I trade with you?"

"Of course." The pet moved quickly to the middle and blocked me behind thinking that he was going to take out some weapon, but the guy took out a scroll and a gem from his body and said: "Since you can follow us here, you should I also know what is inside. But even if you get it, it’s useless because its core is not there."

"putting it that way, is the thing in your hand the core?" I looked at the gem and the scroll and asked.

Mage nodded and said: "The gem is the core, and there is an incantion on the scroll. But you don’t want to rob, because even if you grab your hand, you can’t get anything, because of the incanation on the scroll. It is written in a very special kind of text. The NPC who issued the task when we accepted the mission taught us how to read these texts, and you can’t read these texts, so you can’t use incantion correctly. There is no incantion even if you take it. When it comes to gems, the treasure can only be a bunch of useless garbage. How about? Come and make a deal with us? We don’t want much. Forty-six, you take the big head, we only need the small head, if we agree, we will Let’s go in and open the treasure together, and then we’ll help you read the incantion. How about? Make a decision?"

When I heard that guy’s words, I stretched out a hand and said, "If this is the case, then you Leave things to me. Anyway, according to your statement, things are useless. If what you say is true, you shouldn't be mind giving me things first?"

After hearing what I said, the mage only hesitated for a while and walked towards me, while Big Bear and Cook grabbed him. He looked at the two of them and said: "Don't worry, he can't understand anything for him anyway."

The two of them thought about it for a moment and then let go of their hands. The wizard saw that they let go and walked over. Passed the scroll gem into my hand. After I took the gemstone, I didn't look at it carefully, but directly handed it to Ling who was next to me to hold it, and then I took the scroll again and unfolded it in front of me.

The mage has been staring at my face nervously since he handed the scroll to me. When he saw my brow frown, he immediately smiled triumphantly, and then smiled and asked Said: "How? You can't understand it? Tell you, I have identified this thing a long time ago. It is neither a Chinese character nor an ancient Chinese character. Even if you are a Chinese, it is useless. You don't understand this thing at all. . Come and cooperate with us? We only need 40%, you get the big head. How about? Agree? You don’t have to lose this deal. You can get at least half of the deal if you cooperate. If you don’t cooperate, you won’t even get the root hair. This account You should come here?"

In the mage's proud smile, I finally raised my head, and then suddenly I slapped the mage out. Big Bear and Cook immediately wanted to rush to help, but they just stopped when they made the posture to move, because there was a blood hole in each of their necks, and Ye Yue was remaining calm and composed while behind them. Handling pressing affairs wiped the blood on her double snake sword.

After the two guys were killed defenselessly, I beckoned and led the demons, turned and walked towards the hole in the wall, but after only a few steps, the mage suddenly rushed. I used to hug my leg and shouted: "Purple Moon, president, you can’t go! You can’t read incantion without me. It’s useless to open the treasure without a spell. What I say is true, don’t you Go, trade with me!"

Looking at the mage holding my leg and kicking him under the wall in front of me, I took the scroll and said "You idiot actually ran to verify whether this is a Chinese character. I think you should learn Chinese history first. Our China is not a country with the same short life span as your Insect. We are the only one of the five ancient civilizations that has not been dated. One. There are so many kinds of characters in Chinese history that we have not studied clearly yet. You actually said that you have checked that this is not Chinese. Okay, I will let you know the wide-ranging and profound of our Chinese culture. . Yes, this thing is indeed not written in Chinese characters, nor is it any kind of ancient Chinese characters used for communication. The thing recorded on this thing is Ding Wen, which is only used for magical artifacts and funeral objects. Text. You can understand it as a text written for the dead, and it is written specifically for the ancestors who passed away. In Chinese ethics, this thing is a sacred text used to communicate with ancestors. So it will never appear in daily life. In ancient China, only specialized priests would write this kind of text. Most people don’t know this thing at all. You would be so stupid to find someone to identify whether this thing is Chinese or not. Come out?"

When I heard what I said, the mage was almost ashamed. Before, he was confident and hoped to use the incomprehensible incantation to force me to share the treasure with him. As a result, I can actually recognize the text, which is tantamount to instantaneously making his utilization value infinitely close to zero. And what makes him even more depressed is that he actually handed the things directly into my hands like this. If he had known that I had recognized this text, he would never give it to me even if he destroyed the things in the first place. After all, he would give it to me. The original intention was that they could also get a part. If they didn't get it at all, of course they would rather I not get it. After all, it is now a hostile relationship, so let us get it better than destroy it. Now the mage regretted that he couldn't wait to slap himself in the face.

Looking at the way that guy regrets, I really don’t bother to kill him myself, but if I don’t do it, naturally there will be a demon to help me do it for me. The king walked over and grabbed his hair with one hand, and pulled the sword around his neck with the other hand, and then threw him on the ground like a chicken, letting him kick and die gradually.

After I put away the scrolls and gems, I put away the familiars. The hole in the wall is relatively narrow, and the large familiar will definitely be unable to get through it. Besides, it is inconvenient to bring so many people around. After putting away the pet, I walked to the edge of the cave wall by myself, followed the protruding rocks on the wall and quickly climbed to the top of the cave. As for the cave, it seemed that I had a bit of effort to drill through. Fortunately, this hole is just made up of rock. It is easier to drill the hole by cutting through the protruding rock easily.

In fact, the only thing that is really narrow in that hole is a short section that is more than one meter long at the entrance. After passing through that section of passage, the hole at the back begins to increase gradually and climbs three or four meters forward. After that, he can crawl on all fours instead of crawling forward. After advancing one or two meters further, the height of the cave can even make people walk inside with bending down, and the cave ten meters away is so wide that it is no problem to play high jump inside.

After walking along this passage for more than 50 meters, the passage suddenly turned a 90-degree right-angle bend to the left, and when I turned the corner, the scene in front of me Suddenly I was stunned there.

Although the part before the curve gradually opens up, it is still a passage, but the part after the curve cannot be described as a passage at all. This is simply an Underground City, and it is also a kind of super metropolitan Underground City. Its area is so large that I can't see the opposite cave wall without starting the observation aid.

"My lord, you are here at last, are the matters over there finished?" The Imperial Teacher skeleton who was rewarded with some crystal powder by me before ran over to flatter me when he saw me at the corner. .

"Where is this place?" Looking at the huge Underground City in front of me, I was in no mood to pay attention to this former Imperial Teacher. Those old-style buildings and neat streets all excite me. We must know that this place is on Chinese territory, that is to say, it can be occupied by us and built into our own city, and the city in front of us is obviously basically completed. All we need to do is to carry out some small transformations and then It can be used directly. Not to mention the treasures here, the city alone is worth the fare.

However, after seeing this city, I regretted killing those three guys. Because I really want to know whether the original purpose of their Russians is the treasure or the city. You know this city was built underground. In "Zero", there is a rule about urban cities-except for exits and vents, cities without other ground buildings do not enjoy urban territorial circles.

According to the system explanation, this rule should be a punitive rule. Because Underground City is significantly easier to defend against a monster siege than a ground city, and Underground City is inherently better defensive, which all belong to Innate's advantage. However, if everyone repairs Underground City, the style of the entire game will be broken. Therefore, in order to balance the Underground City, the system gives the Underground City such a rule.

General cities will have their own territorial circle after they are established. If the city level is high enough, the people in this city can get some special attribute bonuses within this range. In addition, the urban territorial circle has a more important function, which is to divide the boundary line. When two guilds build two cities in a relatively close area, the system will automatically divide the boundary line according to the territorial circles of the two cities, so that you can more clearly know where and whose territory is. Similarly, in a country-to-country war, city territories can also be used to mark and occupy the territories of other countries, and this is also the most important role in building cities in other countries.

The Underground City can be different. It has no territorial circle. Except for the city, the land above it does not belong to its territory. This attribute makes Underground City unable to be used to occupy the territory of other countries, and it is not suitable for dividing boundaries between guilds. Even the supply points of high level leveling areas are not suitable for Underground City. After all, the high level ground city can provide some attribute assistance for level-levelers, but the underground city can't provide anything. Such a city is naturally not suitable for training in the leveling area.

But... Underground City does not have the problem of territorial circles. At this stage, it may be a very useful attribute. Because if the Russians occupy this Underground City here, then because Underground City does not have a territorial circle, the surrounding guilds will never find that their territory becomes smaller. In other words, they will not know that there is an additional Russian city here. On the contrary, although Underground City does not have a territorial circle, if the Russians occupy it, the interior of the city is indeed Russian territory. In other words, the Russians can use their domestic Transmission Formation to send here at will, and then as long as they leave from the exit of Underground City, they are equivalent to crossing the border into our inland area. This is simply equivalent to establishing a super teleportation point within our country. If such a nail is inserted in the country, it is definitely not a good thing.

Repent and regret, no matter what, people have been killed, and there is no chance to regret it. Besides, even if they were not killed, most likely would not tell me the truth, so it would be useless if they didn't kill them.

The skeleton Imperial Teacher immediately replied very politely after I asked him: "This is the place where the workers lived when the Nanto Tomb was built. Because Nanto Tomb is very large and cannot be completed in a short time, so We have built a city here to facilitate the living and working of the workers."

"What? This place is not a Chixiong Tomb?"

"Of course not." Imperial Teacher Skeleton replied: "Nanxiong Tomb It's a building, not a city. Of course, the actual volume of the Chixiong Tomb is actually comparable to that of the city, and the construction is much more difficult than the city. Otherwise, it won't take three generations to complete it."

I nodded and asked: "Since there is a city here, there should be a lot of workers?"

"Well, I am not quite clear about the specific number, but there should be about 150,000 people, right? "

"150,000 people? Then why did I only find thousands of your skeletons over there?"

"Oh, that's it." The Imperial Teacher explained "We at first recruited many people to come and work. Some of them were originally families, and some of them got married here and gave birth to offspring. They worked here all their lives, and their children became The laborers who built the Qixiong Tomb. After they died, their bones were buried outside the Qixiong Tomb to provide lifelessness. Their sons continued to work here and became a new family, but the children of these families died after weaning They will be taken away to raise them outside, so they won’t know what’s going on here. And as children are being sent away, the population here is declining due to the death of the elderly and various accidents, and in the end there is nothing left. About 20,000 to 30,000 people were laid down, and these people are already old. Most of them died in the last few years of the construction of Nanto Tomb, and after the completion of Nanto Tomb, a total of several thousand people remained."

"Thousands of people in the place where I found you?"

"Yes." The Imperial Teacher said: "I was ordered to go there with the general to kill the last Labor, so no one knows what's going on here. But..." Speaking of this, the Soul Fire of the Imperial Teacher began to flash indefinitely, obviously emotionally fluctuating. "But...but in the end I didn't expect that the official who accompanied us was a dead man. He used to complete the task as an excuse to drink celebration wine with us. Who knows that he used poisonous wine, In the end, even he himself was poisoned to death with us."

"so that's how it is. Putting it that way, you died very unjustly." When I said this, suddenly the conversation changed and asked. "But since you were killed by the monarch, why do you keep the secret here for him?"

"We don't have one!" This is not only the Imperial Teacher, but also the general skeleton just now. Cried. After this time, his Soul Fire had already recovered, but because he was burned too badly, his reaction was a little slow. But what I said just now made him think that I was going to punish them again, so he quickly denied it.

"No? Since you don't want to hide, why did you trick me into the fake entrance?"


" What about this and that? Do you want to taste how powerful the soul burns again?"

"No, it's not." When I heard that I was going to burn with that soul again, the two skeletons immediately frightened their souls. . "We are not trying to help the monarch conceal the secret here, but we just want to use the treasures in the Qixiong Tomb to resurrect."

"Resurrection?" I suddenly became nervous when I heard the two skeletons, not because the baby was too Good, but too bad. For people in reality, resurrection can be said to be like a fantasy story, but don’t forget that this is a game. My wife, Rose, is the resurrection of the mage, life and death of human flesh and bones is called a supernatural event in reality, it is simply commonplace here. If the things in the Qixiong Tomb were only capable of turning skeletons into living people, then the value of utilization would be too low. "The things in the Qixiong Tomb are used for resurrection?"

"no no no." Perhaps they heard my dissatisfaction, and the two skeletons shook their heads quickly. The Imperial Teacher Skeleton, who has a stronger soul, quickly explained: "Resurrection is only one of the functions. The things in the Qixiong Tomb are very powerful. How can they only have the function of resurrecting this? In fact, the ability to resurrect the dead is just the most important thing for that thing. Basic ability only."

"That's pretty much the same. If it's something that can only resurrect the dead, wouldn't I be in vain? Okay, now take me to see the Qixiong Tomb."< /p>

"Okay, please come with me, sir."

The Chixiong Tomb is actually not hidden, or it is not hidden at all. Right in the center of the Underground City in front, there is a large hole with a diameter of more than 30 meters. At the entrance of this hole, there are two spiral staircases like the double helix structure of DNA spiraling around each other and extending to the bottom of the hole, but I did not intend to go down this staircase. You know that it's something from the Qin Dynasty. It's a miracle if it doesn't fall out for so many years. It would be strange if I stood up and didn't collapse.

Fly directly from the center of the cave to the bottom of the cave, pass a very wide arch through a thin stone wall, and then a huge underground space appears again in front of it, and in this underground space is actually erected A...a...a building that I don't know what to call it.

The first thing that can be determined is that this building is very large, and the area has exceeded the scope of a small city.

The base of the building is square, with things like arrow towers erected on its four corners. The space behind the arrow tower is the main body of the building. Its structure looks a bit like a Mayan pyramid, but it doesn't look like it. Although the lower part of the building shrinks upwards in steps like the Mayan pyramid, this structure only extends to half of the building, then suddenly becomes a vertical extension, and finally expands outward at the top of the building. Great Accomplishment created something similar to a roof. On the whole, this thing is like cutting off the Maya pyramid in half and placing a tower on it that looks like a castle tower. However, this building is not the usual wooden structure of the castle tower, but all metal.

Although many people now regard the castle tower as a Japanese-style building, the thing is not native to Japan at all, but authentic Chinese goods. In fact, the Tianshou Pavilion is a very popular architectural style during the Spring and Autumn Period and Warring States Period in China. However, the domestic architectural style changed later, but the Japanese retained this architectural structure intact. In the end, many people did the Chinese reverse. Think of this thing as a Japanese building.

I’m not surprised to say that the seven male mounds used the style of the castle tower. After all, they can be matched in historical periods, but what’s the matter with this all-metal structure? Although China was able to smelt bronze at that time, it was obviously not bronze. In fact, looking at the whole building of gold and jade in glorious splendor in front of me, I have always had a question in my heart-this thing is not pure gold, right?

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