"Do you think that Joseph's bastard's brain made Purple Moon stupid? How can you not get lost without blueprints in this place?" A Russian man who looks like a polar bear He wielded the battle axe in his hand and cleaved the branches and vines along the way and complained.

A mage next to him who was walking while holding a scroll while watching, said without looking up: "Joseph is not crazy, that guy is shrewd."

"Then why is he Do you want to divide the troops? Let’s just have this one. There is only this one on the map. Separate two teams. How can the team find the target without the map?"

"If you say you are stupid, you still don't admit it." The mage put away the map and pointed to the side and said: "Don't go this way, we are off the target, cut over there."

The brawny man asked while changing the direction of the road: "Then tell me something. What is he thinking about?"

"This is not simple? The guy Joseph is actually trying to take credit. He is a commander, and he doesn't have any experience following us as a soldier. He has to be the leader of a certain team if he gains it, but in terms of qualifications and strength, which round will he be the leader?"

"So he wants to divide the team?"

"Of course. There are only a few experts in this league that can lead the team. Others have to stay to tie the main force of the Chinese. Only the five of us can leave. You, me and Cook are In the Golden Triangle, everyone knows that we must be the first team. Natasha has no idea of ​​being the team leader. Joseph knows that he can’t compete with the three of us on his own. Otherwise, he won’t even touch the edge."

"But even if the team is divided, how can he guarantee that his team can get the map? Without the map on the mission scroll, he simply can’t find it. To the goal, when the time comes go on an errand for nothing, is there any benefit?"

"Who told you he was going to rush to complete the task with us?" The mage said: "Joseph Smart is smart here. He knows that he can't handle the task alone, and he will run with us in vain, so he wants to divide the troops. When the time comes, he just leads the team and follows us. During the mission, he just needs to lead the team and follow us. You can come up to help. If the task is completed, he will be able to give credit for helping to complete the task, and he will still share the benefits. Even if the task is not completed, he also has a rhetoric. Anyway, the map is here, and the failure of the task is our main responsibility. He is fundamentally responsible. Nothing. Besides, if there is a chance, he can still snatch the results of the task when we complete the task. When the time comes, the credit is all his, and we have become a vain job."

"So, doesn't he make a profit without losing it?"

"Hey, he dreams about the same." The mage proudly said: "Do you know what Cook did?"

"Yeah, where did that guy Cook go?" brawny man seems to realize now that his important companion has disappeared.

The mage didn't answer the brawny man's question directly, just slightly smiled. But the brawny man below doesn't know. Standing on the tree, I know very well. They just walked all the way and just passed This big tree where I was hiding. With the help of tree trunks and my invisibility, they didn't even notice that I was less than three meters above their heads. I heard their conversation just now. The Russian elite who seemed to disappear should be divided into two teams. This is just one team below, and the guy named Joseph should bring another team not far behind them. As for that Cook, don't even think about it to know that he must be making trouble for the team behind. Although he can't directly attack the opponent's team, since he is an expert who can lead the team, his strength should be good. Even if he doesn't directly participate in the battle, it will be no problem to attract a large group of monsters in the past. As for whether the monsters can kill the second team, that is not something he needs to care about. As long as the second team is stopped, he will deal with the traces of the previous team, even if the guys survive, don't expect to find the whereabouts of the first team.

Looking at this team of Russians passing under me, I cautiously pressed against the tree trunk and waited for them to pass completely. The faint vibration from the forest behind clearly told me that a large group of creatures were moving. Passing by here, obviously that is the strange group that Cook led to attack the second echelon.

As the sounds of the strange group got farther and farther, I was about to set off to chase the first echelon. Suddenly, I heard a noise from behind, so I hurriedly clung to the tree trunk and kept still. . A few seconds later, a silhouette swayed from a distance like a monkey, and then lightly landed on the trunk of the tree where I was standing, less than a meter away from me, and I could even smell the sweat from his body. But this guy is on the move, and he just led the monster to the second echelon, he must be very excited in his heart, so he didn't notice me who was close at hand, but just a little bit on the trunk where I was standing. He jumped to the trunk ahead, and disappeared after a few steps.

"Rose vine."

With a sound of sand, the rose vine quickly appeared on the edge of the tree trunk beside me, then fell from the tree to the ground and plunged into the soft soil. Among. Seeing Rose successfully dive into the ground, I got a little more skillful, and darts and white waves also appeared next to me.

As soon as the dart appeared, it quickly jumped up to the branch, and then disappeared into the jungle in front of it like a lightning, while the white waves jumped from the trunk to the ground first, but he was originally snow-white after landing. Has become a faint shadow. In fact, the phantom I saw was just a projection of the connection between the white waves and my spirit. The real white waves had already been completely invisible, and no one else but me could see him at all.

After releasing three familiars in a row, I turned over the palm again, and the space channel in front flashed again, and the huge body of the sickle shot out from the training space. However, although the sickle is large in size, it is a spider-like devil beast after all, and when it falls to the ground, it can hardly hear the sound. And he moved back and forth among the trees, a few ups and downs disappeared, and his speed was not much slower than that of Bailang.

After making sure that the pet was in place, I started jumping forward on the trunk and quickly caught up with the elite team of Russians in front.

Said it is a small team, in fact, there are not many people in this team. The entire team, including players and NPCs, has about 700 people. It is impossible for multiple people in the jungle to run in parallel, so the team is very long, but you can be sure by seeing how silently they move. This is indeed an elite force.

Although I really want to know what these Russians are not fighting against us on the battlefield and what they are doing here, it does not mean that I cannot attack before they reach their destination. Although the attacking player will leave a name on the opponent’s message prompt, NPCs don’t have this feature, and there are more than half of the NPCs in this team. It would be nice to help them streamline the team before they reach the target location. Idea.

In the elite squad of the Russians, the brawny man and the wizard who opened the way are listening to Cook who has just returned to talk about his attack on the second echelon. When it comes to the highlights, the three of them are all Can't help laughing out loud. However, their laughter did not last long before they were interrupted by a sudden scream.

"What's the matter?" Hearing the exclamation from behind, the three wizards ran back immediately. "What the hell happened? Who was calling just now?"

A player said while carefully guarding the all around jungle: "It's an NPC next to me calling. We were walking just now. Suddenly, a group of white objects flew out from the woods next to them. The object suddenly hung on the NPC, and then instantly pulled him out of the team and into the jungle. The cry was when he was dragged away. Sent."

"White things?" The mage asked in confusion: "Do you know what it is?"

The player hooked the head. "I didn't see clearly, the thing was too fast, and it pulled people away when it stretched and retracted."

"Is it something like a frog's tongue?" Cook asked.

"No, it doesn’t look like a biological structure, and I haven’t seen anything like a hook or a lasso. It sticks, and then it shrinks and pulls people away."


All three of them were confused by this player’s words. Because it’s easy to understand if it was caught by the body of some animal, or dragged away by someone with a rope, but it’s a bit weird to be stuck with something sticky. The three of them thought for a long time but couldn't imagine what it was.

The three of them were worrying, and suddenly they saw the white light flashed in front of them. Then they saw a person not far away screaming and being pulled into the air, and then disappeared into the jungle next to them like lightning.

"Damn it." As soon as the Russian brawny man saw someone being pulled away, he raised his axe and rushed forward. But he only ran two steps before being stopped by Cook.

"Don't chase, the other party is obviously more comfortable with the environment here, and it will suffer if you chase it out."

"What should I do?" Brawny man asked a little depressed.

"The way now is to be careful, as long as you don't get touched by that thing." Cook was saying here, the white thing actually came again, and this time it was even more exaggerated. Before it flew a white ball, even if it stuck to one person, now it flew directly out of the net, stuck five or six people at once, and then pulled it all into the jungle with a swish.

"Impossible!" Cook, who had just taught the brawny man, saw that five or six people had been taken away this time, and they were all gone. Regardless of whether he would suffer, he directly chased after the person dragged by the white line. However, just when he chased for more than ten meters and grabbed a vine to chase the white line, the vine he grabbed suddenly moved, and he didn’t catch it and fell directly from the tree. Go down.

Seeing Cook falling from the tree, the mage and brawny man behind thought he had been recruited, so they rushed over, but they just ran away and Cook stood just a few steps away. I got up and yelled to them: "Don't move, all go back. There are plant devil beasts here."

I was wondering why the other party is so powerful in the jungle, but it turned out to be a plant devil. beast, the mage and the brawny man all showed an expression of sudden realization. Does the plant devil beast dominate or what devil beast dominates in the forest environment?

While making the people around him retreat, Cook himself also retreated, but the attack he expected did not happen. It's not that I don't want to attack him, but that I don't want to expose the fact that I have discovered them. Once my Familiar attacks their players, they will immediately know that I am here. It's okay to meet an ordinary Chinese player in this kind of forest, but if you meet me, the fool also knows that I am chasing them.

However, although I let Cook go, I did not intend to stop the attack on those NPCs. Just as Cook stepped back carefully, there was a sudden noise in the surrounding bushes, and then the bushes on the ground suddenly separated by themselves, but nothing appeared there, but a member of the team in the next second The NPC suddenly clutched his neck and screamed and was knocked out, leaving a blood line in the air. However, the NPC who was knocked into the air suddenly stopped screaming in midair, and his corpse suddenly fell to the ground. The bush not far from the corpse was suddenly pressed out of a pit by something, and then the thing again. Quickly disappeared into the bushes.

"Damn, this place not only has a plant devil beast, but also an invisible monster." Brawny man cursed.

The mage shouted to the surroundings: "All mages turn invisible. Don't let that thing get closer."

"Yes. Ah..." A mage just replied. After that, I saw the white light flashed in the woods, and then the mage covered his bloody neck and fell down, and the people around him didn't even see what attacked them. And just as the people around lost one's head out of fear due to the situation of the mage, the white lines that had been inactive for a while appeared again, and there were more than a dozen NPCs. All kicked into the jungle.

"You can't stand so stupidly." Cook retreated to the mage's side and said: "It's not good for us to start a war here. Everyone, run away. You will be safe after you get out of the forest."

Hearing Cook's words, the wizard immediately yelled leading the team and galloped forward, while the crowd behind was still being swept away by the rattan or white line flying out of the jungle from time to time, waiting for the whole team When he ran out of this jungle and entered a relatively sparse forest area, the original team of more than 700 people had only more than 400 people left. The NPCs in the team were almost halved.

"Stop, stop." Finding that no one was attacked again for a while, the wizard hurriedly stopped the team. "Count the number of people immediately. People on the periphery should be alert, tighten the team a little bit, don't pull it too long."

With a series of orders, the people in the team quickly completed the team and guard work. After carefully counting the personnel situation, everyone in the team had lingering fears about the forest just now. Although they all thought that they might not be able to attack them in a head-on fight, they simply couldn't find the target in the forest, and there was no way at all except to be beaten passively. This kind of battle is personally scary. After all, this kind of unilateral beating and not being able to fight back is too serious for morale.

The brawny man before holding his axe carefully guarded his surroundings and said, “It seems that those things are wild creatures. It's an attack."

"At least it's safe now." Cook said while looking around.

The forest area they are currently in is obviously the peripheral zone of the primitive forest. The surrounding trees are generally no more than ten meters, and the gaps between trees are very large, even if they are small The cars may have been driven in the past, and the most important point is that the ground here is relatively clean. In the previous primitive forest, not only was the ground poorly illuminated because the trees were too tall and dense, but there were also waist-deep shrubs on the ground. People walking on the ground are like wading forward. What is there under the feet simply Invisible. In addition, because the trees in the primitive forest are in the mixed state of the new Old Mu trees, some trunks will be much higher than the ground, and some withered and fallen to the ground rotten trunks will make the ground of the entire forest land high and low, and most people can't be normal at all. walk. In that kind of complicated environment, the average person's battle strength can play one third, even if it is good, so that many players with more than 1,000 levels can't even do the 800-level native devil beast in the forest.

Although this piece of woodland is also a forest now, because it is a new woodland, the ground is almost flat except for a layer of fallen leaves a few inches deep, except that snakes can walk under the leaves. , Slightly larger creatures will be discovered as soon as they appear.

"How far are we from the destination now?" Cook asked the mage next to him.

The mage took out the map and turned it over, and then said: "It should have been here long ago, but when we just ran out, it seemed that we deviated from the direction. Now if we go there for another kilometer or so, we should be able to see it. A river, follow the river out of the forest and almost reach the place."

"Then speed up. The ice-bound Banshee will probably not last long. The Chinese are impossible to wait. "

The mage nodded said: "Then speed up, everyone summon mounts."

Although the mounts in "Zero" have not yet reached the point of popularization, since this group of people It is the elite of the Russians, so there is no shortage of mounts. Soon they all showed their divine ability to release their mounts from infantry to cavalry.

The speed of riding a horse in such a forest is definitely much faster than walking, and I had to put away the familiars and replace them with Ye Ying and follow them quietly. It is more troublesome to track others undetected in this semi-open area than in the jungle. Fortunately, the other party is not three or two people. The traces left by more than 400 people are quite obvious, and it is probably not so easy to lose it.

After putting on the mount and running for less than ten minutes, this group of Russian elites left the woodland and entered a large barren mountain. That's weird. There is obviously a river passing by this ghost place, and there is also a dense forest around it, but only on these hills are barren, which is like a large Gobi.

"Is that so?" Cook couldn't help asking after seeing the barren mountain.

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