As soon as I heard that we had entered the Illusion Technique area, gold coin and Zhenhong quickly assumed a fighting posture, and then attached back to back together carefully guarding the surrounding environment.

Compared with the tension of True Red and Gold Coin, I didn't react that much, because I had already sent out the rose vine when I entered here. Judging from the feedback from Rose Vine, there is no suspicious vibration near us, which means that even if we are in Hong Ling’s Illusion Technique, the other party is not around us, at least not close to us for the time being.

Sure enough, Eminis, who had just been out by summon, wrinkled her nose as soon as she appeared: "Very powerful Illusion Technique."

"Can you get rid of the illusion?" I asked.

Emmenes nodded snapped his fingers, and then the surrounding forests shook suddenly, and the surrounding forests all changed in an instant. Although it looks almost the same as before, but a closer look will reveal a lot There are changes in places, and we have walked in a big circle because of this small change.

Seeing that the illusion was lifted, I let Emenes stand by for the first time, and then I let Yeyue, Ling, King, and the small dragon girl all out. Although the illusion has been broken, since the illusion here was arranged by the incomplete red feather, she must have something to do with the illusion she arranged. When the illusion here is broken, it is equivalent to telling her that someone has entered her territory. With the habit of ominous beast, knowing that someone has broken into her territory is absolutely impossible to hold back, so if there is no accident, that is incomplete The red feather of the body should be here soon. Therefore, we must be more careful after breaking the illusion, because the imperfect red feather may be here at any time.

As a top ominous beast and the originator of the Fox Race system, the speed of Red Ling will not slow down. Almost as soon as I released Yeyue and the others and got ready, a whirlwind suddenly blew around. The originally peaceful forest path suddenly became flying sand running stone. If it weren’t for our higher levels, almost all Can't stand still.

After the gust of wind, Zhenhong and I exchanged glances, and then Zhenhong suddenly rushed out, but she did not find the target, but jumped up and hit the ground with a punch. Then I saw a golden aperture rapidly radiating outward from our center. With the rapid expansion of the aperture, a scream of "Ah" suddenly came from a large tree not far away, and a red silhouette was knocked out from the trunk.

"There." At the sound of the scream, we found the target. The king and Yeyue shot out from the spot almost indiscriminately, and the next second did not wait for that. When the red silhouette landed, the two of them had already rushed under each other.

When the heavy sword in the king's hand is raised, it is directly a diagonally slashing away and a whirling black sword glow. The red silhouette twisted fiercely in the air and forcibly avoided the sword glow by relying on the flexibility of the body, but at this time it suddenly stretched out from the ground. Because the lower body is a long tail, Yeyue can announce to change the length of the upright part to change his height. Like the red silhouette, it is only more than three meters above the ground. Ye Yue only needs to straighten the first half of his body to reach this height.

When the red silhouette saw Yeyue rise suddenly, it flashed in the air and turned into a ball of flame moved towards Yeyue and rushed over. When Ye Yue saw the opponent rushing forward, he immediately sent the two swords in front of him to resist the impact. Who knew that the opponent suddenly penetrated into a Space Crack at the moment of touching the blade, and almost at the same time, the red silhouette that disappeared was behind Ye Yue again. Appeared, and then fell directly to the ground before Yeyue had time to react. Speaking of which is complicated. In fact, the series of attacks just now was just a matter of calcium carbide sparks. Adding a block before and after did not exceed two seconds in total.

The red silhouette did not take the next step immediately after landing. Instead, it first assumed an attacking posture, and then kept grinning at us in demonstrations, seeming to be a little afraid of us.

Take advantage of the opportunity of the other person posing there, we carefully observed the appearance of the creature in front of us. The creature that stopped in front of us now was obviously a fox-like creature. The fiery-red fur and the slender body looked exceptionally beautiful. However, what attracts us most now is not her figure, but the pile of tails behind her.

Why is it a heap instead of a bar? Because the creature in front of her is obviously the incomplete body of Hong Ling, the large row of tails flying behind her clearly tells us that this is an extremely close to complete state of Hong Ling.

"One, two, three, four,..., ten, I have counted a few, how about you?" Zhen Hong asked while counting. Although the tails behind the red feathers are fixed, it is difficult to count the specific number because they are constantly swinging.

"Eleven." I directly reported the exact number. "She has eleven tails. This is already a red feather that is extremely close to the perfect state."

"Where is the shortest tail?" Gold coin heard me say that there are eleven tails immediately. Asked: "How long is the shortest one? Have you seen it? Why do I have the same length?"

"No need to look for it, all eleven tails are the same length."< /p>

"The same length?" Zhenhong asked: "Doesn’t that mean...?"

"Yes, she is already in the state of Level 11 peak, she is away from the twelve articles. The complete body of the tail is just a kick."

"It seems that our luck is not so good!" Gold coin threw out his small purse while talking, and followed thousands of flying. The Sword flew up into the sky like a sea fountain and formed a rotating sword ball suspended above the gold coin's head.

"Hong Ling, see how far she is now? What are the weaknesses?" I quickly asked Hong Ling next to her to help her find the weakness of this incomplete Hong Ling.

After Real Red Ling appeared, the opponent's incomplete body was visibly stunned, and then the fur all over his body stood up, as if encountering an enemy of life and death. It is also true that an incomplete body encounters one's own perfect body mode, and it is strange not to be afraid.

Zhen Hongling glanced at the incomplete comprehension on the opposite side and said: "At this stage, I already possess most of my abilities, but I should have entered the mature stage in this state, and the battle method is also in progress. Switch from hand-to-hand combat to spell attack, but because the switch is just beginning, so you won’t be too proficient in using spell. You can work on this aspect."

"Spell is not proficient?" Really Red said: "That means she must use a fast and powerful attack to suppress her in a hurry?"

"It's almost like this."

I nodded: "Then do it. Ye. Yue, King, suppress it at high speed."

"Understood." Yeyue's arms flashed into six arms holding six snake swords, and then she rushed to that with a flick of her tail. Beside the incomplete Hong Ling, the six-handed snake sword was moved towards the red Ling like a white light curtain she danced.

Seeing that the weapon is about to come, the red ling suddenly light flashed all over his body, and a ring of flames suddenly exploded around her as the center. The powerful impact not only lifted Yeyue out , Even the king who was a step slower was blown back a dozen steps before he stood still completely.

Seeing that this fake red feather has such a strong attack power, I simply pointed forward and shouted, "Heiyan, go up."

a loud explosion sound, Heiyanna The huge body slammed out of the training space, and then slammed into the fake Hong Ling station. Hearing a bang, the fake red ling was knocked out of a big hole in the ground, but the fake red ling first flashed to the top of the big tree next to it. However, after Black Flame hit it, he found that he missed and did not stop. Instead, he swept his tail. With a boom, the big tree where Hong Ling was docked was smashed together with a large area of ​​the surrounding forest. For a while, the forest was everywhere. It was pieces of wood flying around, and even the fake red feathers that escaped were smashed down by a large piece of broken tree trunk.

"It seems that we still have to let large creatures go." Gold coin said.

I nodded directly opened up the training space. "Mila, go and help."

"Roar..." With a loud dragon roar, Mira flew out of the training space directly in the form of a gem dragon, and then directly swept across the forest with a destruction ray. In an instant, a large piece of woods next to it was all lit, and the fire swept over half of the mountain in an instant.

Just as the destructive ray on Mira’s side was extinguished, a loud explosion sound suddenly came from the forest in front of him, and then a fiery-red silhouette jumped out of the flames. However, the little silhouette grew long in the wind after leaving the flames, and when she landed, she had become a giant fox with a body length of more than one hundred meters and a height of forty to fifty meters.

"Attention, this is my Dharmakaya form." The true red Ling beside me said: "In this mode, my spell formidable power will decrease slightly, but my physical attack power will increase significantly, and The attack frequency will be increased, and the battle strength will be stronger than before."

Hong Ling is talking here, and the fake Hong Ling over there has directly sent the flying Mira to the sky. After coming down, the two giant beasts collided into a ball in the air and then entangled and fell to the ground and directly smashed the Banla mountain peak. Following the two big guys, they began to fight frantically on the ground.

Mila is a material dragon, and it is the ruby ​​dragon of the defensive power second only to the diamond dragon in the material dragon. It can be said that hand-to-hand combat is the battle method she is least worried about. However, Hong Ling is obviously not easy to provoke. Although their fur looks soft and smooth and does not look like a strong defense, the problem is that the fur is too slippery. This layer of red fur can not only turn into burning red flames and continuously inflict spell damage on Mira, but it is also completely unstressed like an oil film. No matter how much Mira scratches, it can't tear even a little wound.

"It won't work like this!" Gold coin looked at the two big guys rolling around on the ground and said: "If you hit down like this, the mountain will be flat and you won't be able to complete the mission!"

"What should I do?" I pointed over there and said, "They are so big now that our size can't be used at all!"

"Or put your big pets together Send out, so many people are easy to handle, isn't it?" Really red suggested.

I thought about it for a while. It seems that I can only do that now. "Ling, ask everyone to help."

Ling nodded towards me, then raised his staff and pointed forward. The training space quickly expanded. Lucky and plague, they rushed out of the training space one after another. Hong Ling and Mira rushed up there.

As soon as Victoria rushed out of the space, it was an arrow of fate, but in the end she won a health attribute. The previous attack was completely useless. But even if we didn’t carry it home, although Victoria’s arrow of destiny came out of Oolong, the attribute added to our own people was a good attribute. As a result, the attribute on our side was increased several times in one go, battle strength It can be described as a substantial improvement. However... the result of the simultaneous strengthening of both sides of the battle did not seem to speed up the progress of the battle. On the contrary, the ability to destroy the environment was greatly increased. At this speed, when we control the red feathers, it is estimated that the top of this mountain must be the surface of the moon.

"Really red, can you still use your Wanlong Pentium trick?" I couldn't help asking when watching the group of giant beasts tearing down the mountain together.

Shook the head with a really red face and helplessly said: "No, I only used it two days ago, and the cooling period has not passed."

"Then it will be troublesome!" I After thinking for a while, "it seems to rely on the small dragon girl!" I said to Ling nodded. Ling immediately raised his staff and issued a beam of light. After seeing the light beam, the small dragon girl immediately quit the battle group and flew over us and turned back into a human form and landed beside me.

"What's the matter of telling me to come back?"

"This incomplete Red Ling's battle strength is too strong, so even though she can be dealt with hard consumption, it is a waste of time. Let’s play the killer."

"I’ll play the killer?"

I handed the Azure Dragon reverse scale to the small dragon female Dao: "Use this, no matter what It is said that Azure Dragon and Divine Dragon are more or less intimate, you can activate the skills sealed on this should be much larger than the formidable power I used."

"Then I will try."

The scale that Azure Dragon gave me not only provides the ability to transform, but also allows me to use his original spell without changing my body. The small dragon female is Divine Dragon, which is closer to Azure Dragon in the original attribute, so let her use formidable power only bigger.

After getting the scales, the small dragon girl immediately flew over the battlefield, and then inserted the reverse scale behind her neck, and then she saw a sudden azure light flashed from her head, and with With the flickering of rays of light, the small dragon woman also completed the transformation from a human shape to a dragon shape in an instant.

"Everyone, get out of the way." The transformed small dragon girl yelled at the bottom. My demon pets were already prepared, and they all ran away as soon as they heard the signal. Seeing the enemy suddenly withdrew, the fake red ling below immediately saw the only remaining enemy above his head, the small dragon woman. Originally, according to the instinct of ominous beast, this fake red feather should take the initiative to rush forward at this time. However, this red Ling is now close to the edge of Divine Beast, so her personality is not completely ominous beast, and because she feels the different aura from the female in the sky small dragon, she instinctively tells her Now you will die if you don't run. So, driven by instinct, the fake Hong Ling decisively chose to turn around and escape, but it was a pity that the decision was a little late.

Just as the fake Hong Ling turned and escaped, the female small dragon opened her mouth at the same time. As the small dragon woman's mouth opened to its largest, several fine blue arcs began to flow from her dragon teeth and converged into a blue light cluster in the center of her mouth, and with those blue dots With continuous injection, the light ball is constantly expanding, and finally when the light ball swells to almost touch the upper and lower jaws of the small dragon woman, the small dragon woman closes her mouth fiercely. However, the ball of light was not swallowed by her, but as if being squeezed out by her bite force, it shot out in the direction where Hong Ling was escaping.

On the ground, we saw a blue ball of light like lightning, which instantly spanned nearly two kilometers and directly hit the fake red feather that had run far away, and then there was a dazzling burst of light. white light, after a few seconds, I saw a ring of terrifying shock waves sweeping across the ground like locusts crossing the ground, pulling the big trees in the forest up by the roots, and some towering mountain peaks were instantly flattened in the shock waves, as if those The peaks and forests are all papery.

We were prepared for protection long before the female small dragon attacked. Most of the familiars were sent back to the training space, but Heiyan was left behind. However, at this time, Heiyan had already formed a group, and Zhenhong and Gold Coin and I were hidden in the fortress that Heiyan had set up. Although the shock wave generated by the explosion is terrifying, it has no formidable power for the mountain-like black inflammation. We feel nothing but the shaking of The earth shook and the mountain quivered in the protection of the black inflammation body. No more.

When we came out of the protection of the black flame, the surrounding scene made us startled. When they first came, Zhenhong and Gold Coin praised the good environment and beautiful scenery here, but now it is a post-apocalyptic scene of the world. The surrounding mountains except for the thicker ones have been cut off in half, and the remaining peaks are no longer covered with emerald green vegetation, but replaced by a patch of peaks that seem to be bald. The trees, flowers, and grass were all blown away by the shock wave, and the rest were just tree stumps less than one meter high. It was said that the devastation here is now full of light.

"This destructive power is really not so big!" Zhen Hong said, looking at the doomsday scene outside.

"I would like to know how our goal is."

As soon as the gold coin was finished, there was a plop, and a fiery-red Small Fox was thrown at us. In front of me, the girl who followed the small dragon floated down like Fairy. "Master." The small dragon female directly reached out and handed over the Azure Dragon reverse scale.

I took the reverse scale and said: "This thing really needs Dragon Clan to play all the formidable power!"

The small dragon girl shook her head as soon as I heard me say: "No, the formidable power just now is not a normal situation."

"What is not a normal situation?"

"The formidable power is out of control." The small dragon woman said, "Master, you When I use it myself, the scales seem to control the size of the skill, that is, release the spell according to a fixed value. After the specified formidable power arrives, it will no longer absorb the master’s magic power. But when I used it just now, this skill could not be terminated. It’s not that my reaction is so fast that I pulled the scales off, and I’ll have to become a dragon!"

"I’ll use it myself from now on." As I said, I put the scales away, and then Pointing to the fake Hong Ling on the ground and asked: "How is she?"

"Not dead yet. Just now, she seemed to have resisted my attack with strength, but the formidable power of that attack was too great. , Her mana could not completely offset the attack power, so she was affected a little."

Gold coin touched the cute Small Fox on the ground and turned to ask me: "This What’s the task for this time? Kill her or subdue her? Can you turn her into a familiar?"

"Wait." As I said, I pulled the record scroll from my body and opened it to look at it. Said: "Unfortunately to tell you, the devil has no hope. The task is to give her to the group of people who just came to summon."

Since the task has requirements, gold coin is not really strong. , After all, system will not give us such a loophole for us to drill. If we give up completing the task and really turn this fake red feather into a favorite, the system will definitely cause us trouble, and this troublesome level will definitely make us feel that we have lost more than the gain, so even if the gold coin that is greedy for money is said to be After the mission request, I didn't dare to think of any crooked ideas.

After handing this fake red feather into a coma to the guy who brought us summon, they also gave us a jade token as a reward for completing the task, but after they saw us behind us In that barren mountain, the expression was really complicated. I guess if they knew this would happen, they might rather let Hong Ling wreak havoc here instead of inviting us. But we have completed the task anyway, and what they think has nothing to do with us.

Bring that piece of jade token back to the altar, and the colorful light gate appeared before our eyes again. After passing through the light gate, we returned to the tower of truth, but the jade token disappeared automatically after returning. Of course, we also got a task reward in exchange.

Different from general task distribution points, the feature of Gate of Truth is to customize tasks according to your needs, so the task rewards must be what you requested before. What we asked before was to tell us where the squad that the Russians hid was gone, but now Gate of Truth directly gave us something like Compass, but that thing is obviously not for guides, but for To point out the location of the elite Russian team.

After I got the things, I returned to the front line of the battlefield with Zhenhong and the others. Then I said hello to the military god and asked Zhenhong and gold coin to do their own business. Then I took it alone. The Compass-like thing began to trace the whereabouts of the Russian secret troops.

Originally, we always thought that the Russian squad was hiding near the battlefield and was ready to fight us completely unprepared when the battle was in progress, but it became more and more confused on my way. Originally I thought that the small team should not be far away from us, after all, they still have to support the battlefield. Impossible to run too far, so I was riding the night shadow at first. However, after running a long section of the road, I found that the pointer was still pointing firmly in one direction. Considering the time issue, I simply replaced it with Asuka. But this change didn't matter, but it shocked me as a result. Asuka flew more than 500 kilometers with me in one breath, but he hadn't caught up with the elite Russian team.

"Military god, do you know where I am now?"

"Almost arriving in Xi'an." Military god said in a tranquil voice: "I have been tracking on the coordinate map Is your position."

"Don’t you think it’s weird?"

"No, it’s the emotion of your carbon-based creatures. I’m a silicon-based creature and I don’t have such emotions. . However, based on your current position analysis, the Russian squad is obviously not used for raids in battle."

"I think so. Unless they also have long spears like this. Mount, otherwise we really fight over there and they won’t even have time to come back."

"Since it’s not preparing for a battlefield raid, there should be another purpose, but I’m not very good at dealing with this kind of divergent thinking. Question, do I need to connect Vice-President to ask them online?"

"No. Instead of guessing here, let me find them quickly. After I find them, I will know everything."

"That's what I said." Jun Shendao: "Then you can find them as soon as possible. From our side, it seems that the Russians still have no signs of doing it, but maybe this is just what they deliberately did for us. Fake. Anyway, it’s safe here for the time being, so you can focus on your side."

"Well, then I'll... eh? Aiya, flying over!" I am and As the military god spoke, the Compass-like thing in his hand suddenly turned around one hundred and eighty degrees, from pointing straight forward to pointing straight behind. If it were not for the problem with this way-pointing device, then this phenomenon can only represent one situation-we just flew over the heads of the elite Russians. "Asuka, land quickly. Military god, I think I found them, so I won't talk to you." While I shouted for Asuka to land quickly, I cut the connection with the military god.

Because we have been flying at supersonic speeds, even though we only missed a dozen seconds, the bird still rushed past the boss. But this is also good, at least landing far away from them is not easy to be found. Anyway, I have this tracker in my hand, so I am not afraid to lose it.

When the bird dropped his speed to a safe range, I put him away, then opened my wings and glide and landed in the dense jungle below.

In the real world, due to large-scale development, there are very few large-scale forests in China. However, there are not so many industrial and commercial activities in the game, and agriculture seems to be very rare. It seems that what everyone eats comes out of thin air. Anyway, I have rarely seen farmland. However, because there are no such farmland and factories, the forest has become the main landform.

When I glide to the top of the forest, I put away my wings, lightly placed a little on the canopy of a big tree, and then jumped to the big tree ahead, in the chaotic branches After jumping back and forth several times, I landed on a branch that was only four or five meters above the ground. In this primitive forest, this height is only the bottom of the trees. After all, the big trees here are rarely less than 20 meters.

In order not to leave footprints, I just jumped back and forth between branches of this height. Anyway, there are branches in the jungle. After running a short section of the road, I finally found the silhouettes of the elite Russians, and they were walking towards me.

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