"It should be right here." The wizard said after holding the map for a long time.

The brawny man looked around and said: "But the area of ​​this place is not small! Didn't it say where it is on the map?"

"If you know, you don't need to bring it. Many people have come to look for." Cook said and threw a shovel to the brawny man. "Go and dig around. Since there are tasks, there must be clues nearby."

"Hey, that's true. My big bear has actually fallen into being a miner!"

"What? Do you despise miners?" Cook asked in a bad tone.

"hehe, I'm not talking about you." brawny man said and raised the shovel in his hand forced a smile and said: "Dig pits, dig pits!"

In brawny After man and Cook started digging the pit, the wizard also asked the others around to start digging the pit together. It’s the first time I have seen more than 400 people digging a pit together. Although there were more people in Isinger digging trenches than now, I was robbing materials all day long, and I didn’t even see the scene of digging pits. .

I have to say that although these Russians’ methods are a bit stupid, the effect is good. It took more than two hours to dig from the afternoon to the evening, and the group of people finally found a clue at the last minute of the sun setting.

When an NPC went down with a shovel and did not shovel the stone, it bounced the shovel instead, and there was an echo similar to the sound of metal crashing from the ground. "Leader, there is a situation here." The NPC called out immediately after finding that the situation was not right.

After more than two hours of digging, Cook and the others have long been bored. As soon as the situation was heard, everyone threw the shovels and rushed to the shouting NPC.

"Did you find anything?"

"I don't know for the time being, but I didn't shovel it with a shovel just now. The underside seems to be metal."

< p>"Metal?" The mage quickly called the brawny man over. "Bear, you come to dig."

"Good." Brawny man quickly took the shovel and started digging, but when he went down, he shoveled metal, reminding him of Cook After digging along the topsoil, he lifted up a large area around it.

Originally, Cook thought that what they dug would not be too big, but what they didn’t expect was that as the big bear cleared up, the exposed part of the metal under the ground turned out to be a lot. Part of the door panel.

"This seems to be a door?" Big Bear said, looking at the small area he dug out.

"There must be a tunnel below. This is probably the tunnel entrance." The mage said: "It seems that we have found the right. Everyone, go up together and dig out the entrance. Quickly."

Under the order of the mage, the stronger people around began to dig the soil, and the okay mage lit the lighting technique to illuminate them. With the efforts of a few people who started digging, the ground was quickly opened up, but they were more and more frightened by the digging.

Originally, the wizards just thought that what was dug out just now was only part of the door. Everyone thought that the whole door could be dug out and opened it soon, but as everyone dug, the exposed part was It shows that the size of this door is a bit scary. The reason why they thought it was a door before was mainly because they found the door knocker, but now they discovered that it was not the door knocker at all, but the cosmetics on the door. This huge pure copper door panel is neatly inlaid with huge door knockers in horizontal and vertical rows at intervals of one meter, just like the kind of copper nails inlaid on the gates of ancient Chinese palaces, except that the copper nails here are all hung. ring.

"Is this thing for giants? This is too big?" Looking at the part that has been dug out, Daxiong said in surprise: "According to this volume, there are at least three Ten meters wide!"

"No, we are standing in the wrong direction." The mage said, "Thirty meters is the height of a door panel. The gates of China are all double-leafed door panels, and The height of the door is generally slightly shorter than the width. The door panel should be 30 meters high, and the width of a single door panel should not be less than 40 meters, otherwise it would not conform to the Chinese building habits."

"Then the door is more than eighty meters wide?" Daxiong asked in surprise.

"This is not necessarily the case." Cook said: "Although building habits generally won't change much, this thing is a gadget from thousands of years ago, and the ghost knows what specifications it is built according to. ? But one thing is for sure, this door is definitely not too small."

The fact is like Cook said, this door is really not too small, and after they completely cleared the door It was discovered that this door was not built in the way they imagined it. In fact, this door is neither opened horizontally nor vertically, but opens in four directions. It was confirmed that the entire door was composed of four door panels, and the middle door gap happened to be a horizontally H-shaped door, and the door was not an ordinary opening and closing door panel, but a retractable one. At the bottom of the gate is a whole door panel with a width of 100 meters and a height of 30 meters. This door panel is opened downwards instead of opening inwards or sliding left and right. Above this bottom door panel are two door panels 50 meters wide and 30 meters high. After the two door panels are combined, they are exactly the same as the one below, but they are composed of two panels, and the opening method is to slide to the two sides. As for the top door panel, its structure is exactly the same as the bottom one, but the way it opens is to rise.

The four door panels consist of a rectangular gate with a width of one hundred meters and a height of ninety meters. However, the gate is not erected on the ground, but according to the trend of the hillside and the horizontal plane. It is inclined at ten degrees, and it is covered with a layer of soil and rocks. The previous NPC dug was actually the top of the door, where the soil layer was the thinnest, so after digging two shovels, it hit the door panel, and the bottom of the door was almost buried more than two meters deep. If it hadn't been for the upper door panel to extend all the way down, it would not be easy to find it from the bottom of the door.

In order to dig out the door completely, Cook and the others have been digging from the moment the sun sets to more than ten o'clock in the middle of the night, thanks to their large number of people. Otherwise, it would not be so easy to dig out such a big door completely.

After finally opening the door completely, the wizard immediately looked for the door with a map, and finally he found a small hole in the middle of the top of the door. This small hole that can't even be inserted into a human arm is too small for the size of the entire door, so that you can't find it without paying attention.

The wizard immediately rolled up the map in his hand and turned it into a scroll when he found the small hole, then looked down towards the hole and stuffed it in. When the scroll was completely submerged in the hole, there was only a sound of metal crashing, and the copper rings hanging on the copper nails on the door suddenly stood up collectively.

"Okay, the door has been activated, the next is the unlocking problem." The mage stood up and said.

"Don't tell me this is a combination lock." Cook said with a bitter expression looking at the copper rings that stood up. However, even though he didn't want this, the mage still told him an answer he didn't want to hear.

"Yes, this is a combination lock, but a three-dimensional combination lock, which is much more difficult than opening a safe." The mage said, pointing to the copper rings and said: "These copper rings Now they are all upright, but we can manually tilt the rings up ninety degrees, or down ninety degrees, or twist the copper ring to make the copper nails under the copper ring follow a certain angle. There are also those copper The ring itself is also scaled. Rotating the copper ring changes the scale displayed on the connection point between it and the copper nail, which is also part of the code."

The big bear exclaimed after looking at one of the rings: "Damn, don't you? The high, middle and low angles of the door knocker are equal to three probabilities, and the rotation angle of the copper nail has six gears. The combination of the two is 3 times 6 equals 18 possibilities. The copper ring itself has one more possibility. There are thirty-six scales in the circle, corresponding to the previous 18 possibilities, a total of 648 combinations can be formed. This copper nail has 648 combinations, and there are a total of 89 times 99 on the entire door, a total of 8811 copper nails, even if this door does not You need to turn the mechanism in order. With just these 8811 copper nails, you can make more than 5.7 million combinations. Even if we don't do anything, don't expect to open this door for a lifetime!"

"It's not a quilt. Don't count on it even for a thousand lifetimes." The mage said, "Because this door requires a copper ring that turns in order, and the order is still interleaved. Where do you want to go in one order? It’s useless to turn to."

"Such a complicated lock? How do we open it?"

The mage smiled triumphantly and took out another roll from his body. Bamboo slips, and then asked two NPCs to fully unfold it and said with a smile: "In complex locks, it’s not a problem to have a password."

"Damn, if you have a password, don’t tell me earlier, I will pay I thought I wanted to try them one by one!"

Cook said next to him: "If I don't have a password, I won't be able to try them one by one. I might as well just blast the door faster when I have that time."< /p>

"You can't blow up." The mage said: "This door is connected to the protection array. Brute force cracking requires the presence of three main Divine Grades or more to work together to have hope. We are definitely not destroying it. Yes. If you have Purple Moon’s eternal sword, you can consider it. I heard that there is a cutting rule on that thing, which can cut everything."

"Damn, his sword is worth a treasure house. , There is no need to open this door if there is that thing." Daxiong urged: "You should read the password quickly and I will open the door."

"Don’t worry, this door cannot be opened by yourself. Yes. Wait for me to arrange the people first."

The arranging people mentioned by the wizard is to let two hundred people stand on the door, and then instruct them to guard a few copper nails around them before listening. Command to turn the copper ring. Although there are more than 8,000 rings on this door, most of them are useless. Only 1,000 of them are needed to open the door. On average, each person needs to turn five rings. This way, the workload can be smaller, and because of some The rings need to be rotated at the same time, and some have time intervals, so you can't open the door even if you know the code by one or two people alone.

After seeing everyone standing up, the wizard stood in the distance holding a loudspeaker and shining on the Code Book and shouted: "Toke, go forward and grab the ring on your left. Harves , Go down one frame, yes, that's the ring, grab it. I count one, two, three, and you two will let me press the ring down to the level of the door panel. The door knocker should lock automatically. After the rotation is completed, Harves You have to turn the copper nail under the ring two squares clockwise immediately, and you will stand up as soon as you finish turning. Toke, as soon as you see Harves standing up, you should immediately adjust the scale of this ring to eighteen. It can be reversed, but you only have five seconds. All door knockers will automatically return to their initial state after the timeout, and the ones in front will be turned in white. That Locker, pay attention to the ring by your feet, that's it. Wait a minute As soon as Tok finishes turning, you must immediately push the ring up until it is parallel to the door panel, and then quickly turn the scale on the ring to thirty, then stand up and tell Harves aloud that you are done. Harves, you see When Locker signaled, immediately restore the ring you just turned to the zero-scale state, and then push the copper ring up again to make it stand up. Only you have to run as fast as you can to the ring on your right side. Next, push it up, and then tell Xiwei loudly. After you hear Xiwei..."

The wizard guided these players step by step, and it took nearly an hour to change the order. To clarify, but the action may be too complicated, and moreover, two hundred people are required to interact. The error rate is really high. Knowing the order, they still failed to open the door after trying more than ten times, and every time as long as someone turned the wrong one, all the previous steps would be zeroed out. The level of complexity was simply abnormal.

In the beginning, someone made a mistake, the wizard could use a loudspeaker to call people everywhere to correct the mistake, but later he even screamed hoarse, and the more than 200 people were also involved. Dizziness. Big Bear complained next to him: "We should have known that we shouldn't agree to the squad, otherwise we have a thousand people standing up, each responsible for a knocker, so that the steps are much simpler."

" The beauty of thinking, even if we don't have a team, we will at least reduce the staff by hundreds of people after passing through the forest, but more people can really be a lot faster." The mage said and sent all the remaining people up. Previously, only 200 people were sent because he thought this was a good arrangement. He didn't expect that he underestimated the accidental error rate after the crowd was large, so he hasn't completed it yet.

After putting all the people on the scene into battle, each of more than 400 people only needs to be responsible for two to three rings, which is much simpler for everyone. But even so, they still tossed five more times to complete the correct steps. When the last person successfully turned the copper ring, there was only a bang, and the gap in the middle of the door suddenly bounced back, and then the four doors began to rumblingly slid to all sides.

"Come down, come down!" Seeing that the door finally moved, the mage hurriedly screamed with excitement in his hoarse voice. But even if he didn't call, these people would not stand still. After all, when the door opened, the vibration was very obvious, and the fool would stand there in a daze.

As the door slowly slid open to all around, a light purple smoke rose from the door, and then quickly spread to all around. Cook cried out as soon as he saw the color of the gas. "Go back and cover your nose. There may be a problem with the smoke."

I don’t know if the smoke itself is not a problem, or if Cook called it in a timely manner. In short, after ten minutes, the smoke will disperse completely. , None of the Russians fell.

"It looks like there should be no problem. Let's go in now?" A player said to the three of Mage and Cook.

Okumamoto came here with the intention of going in immediately, but before he could speak, he was preempted by the mage: "No, pay attention now. The NPC troops immediately set up a line of defense to guard. The player divided me into two. Go off the line to eat and go to the toilet, and then come back to camp here to recover from fatigue, and we will wait tonight to explore the underground passage."

In fact, making such a decision, the Master himself has nothing to do. They paid for the suffering untold hardships, and finally found this place. Now they have to go in and explore to complete the task. At this time, who doesn't want to go in and complete the task right away? But the mage couldn't make such a decision. He had to suppress his desire forcibly and let everyone go offline and rest first. After all, in the original plan, they should have entered this underground passage last night, but because of many accidents, they have been tossing until now. Although the sun has not risen yet, it is not far from the sunrise. In other words, these people have been online for more than 16 hours, and there will be various dangers waiting for them after entering the underground passage for a while. In case someone is forced out of the game by the system because of physical fatigue reaching the warning line in the battle, it is not worthwhile. So even if he knew the danger of waiting one more day, the mage still gave the order to rest. As for why we should camp in the game instead of sleeping directly in reality. Once the camping state is sleeping, people are still online, and the NPC in charge of vigilance can wake them up at any time once they discover the situation. Secondly, the auxiliary sleep system of "Zero" itself is better than the sleep effect in reality. Even if camping in the wild cannot achieve the effect of sleeping in the city, it is still much better than sleeping in reality.

Standing on a mountain in the distance and seeing the group of Russians building a camp, I immediately understood their plan. After all, I have been following them for more than twelve hours. People like me don't need to sleep, and the online time is too long. They are all ordinary persons, and they must have reached the physiological warning line if they were not offline for such a long time. It is estimated that if they don't sleep anymore, at least half of these people will have to be kicked offline by the system within an hour.

Originally, I saw this team preparing to camp. I planned to sneak into the underground passage to see the situation while they were sleeping. After all, that thing has such a complicated lock inside. It’s definitely not something ordinary. However, before I had time to act, I found a group of sneaky Russians cautiously touching the camp.

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