"Red Ling." The feather man and I said the name at the same time.

"Yes, it is Hong Ling. God also knows that ominous beast?" Featherman asked in surprise.

I don’t know how to answer this guy’s question anyway. I can’t tell my family that there is also a Demon Beast called Hong Ling beside me, right? And I have a very bad guess from this weird person’s narrative, that is, the Hong Ling they said might be the Hong Ling when they were not detained by the Celestial Court, which means that the place where we are now should be In ancient times many years ago, Celestial Court was probably just established or not yet established at this time. After all, Hong Ling was still called ominous beast instead of Divine Beast at this time. In other words, Hong Ling at this time has not yet reached her peak form.

Listening to our name, gold coin immediately leaned forward and asked in a low voice: "I said the president, why do I listen to him as if it were your demon pet?"

"Shhh, I will explain to you in a moment." I first let gold coin be quiet, and then I turned to appease those who summon us. Finally, in their delighted eyes, the three of us left the altar and headed towards the mountains behind. Walked in.

"Can you tell me now?" The NPCs who saw us off at the back could no longer see us. Gold coin finally couldn't help asking.

After a little thought, I told her and Zhenhong the general situation of the whole thing. After listening to my explanation, Zhen Hong said with a little surprise: "You mean the ominous beast we are going to deal with. Maybe your beast hasn't become the form before Divine Beast?"


"Then what are you worried about?" Zhenhong asked, "Anyway, there is an identical existence around you. Even if the two are evenly matched, we will assist you. Your familiar can definitely defeat her previous body. Can you say that this battle is completely without suspense."

"No, you didn't figure out the situation." I said, "Hong Ling is My Familiar, but she is different from my other Familiars. She just occupied one of my pet's position, and then got out of Celestial Court's control. At first, she was willing to be my Familiar, but she did a scene with me. It’s just a transaction, and my other pets are the real submit to me pets."

"So what?"

"So for a while, we didn’t get into complete The red ling of the body fights, it is possible that the red ling of my side will not participate in the battle."

True Hong asked a little surprised: "Even if she doesn't participate in the battle, can it be impossible to get a demon with your strength? Pet? Not to mention that they are still incomplete."

"no no no, you don't understand. Hong Ling is different from ordinary creatures, she is the only one."

" The only one exists?" Hearing these four words really red and gold coin were all shocked.

In "Zero", creatures generated by system are generally divided into three different types: unique existence, special existence and universal existence. It is better to understand the universal existence, which is a kind of ordinary creatures that exist in large numbers in the world. For example, humans are universal, and dragons are also universal, because they are not unique.

Special existence is related to universal existence, but they are not exactly the same. A general special existence is a special existence in a race, such as luck and plague. Generally speaking, they belong to the giant dragon race, but they are both dragon king attributes at the same time, and among the giant dragons, the dragon king belongs to a special existence. Strictly speaking, most of my familiars belong to special existences. After all, they are not kings of a certain race, or creatures of the gods, so they can all be regarded as special existences.

The last and most special thing is the only existence. This classification refers to the kind of creatures that do not have the same family, or whose own changes are relatively large, and the same family can no longer be classified as a species. The only existence I know so far are the four Sacred Beast, Bi Ling, white jade Qilin Silver Snow, Golden Heavenly Dragon, Black Qilin, Red Ling, and Vajra before becoming a spiritual master. Among them, Vajra and the four Sacred Beasts are regional guards, Biling and the three of them are China's national guardian beasts, the black Qilin belongs to the Wannian evildoer, and the red Ling and the black Qilin seem to be of the same nature.

Think about these guys who can be classified into the category of the only existence, and you can think of the existence of the group as the only existence. Is one of these messy?

gold coin looked at me with some fear and said: "If you say so, aren't we going to deal with an equivalent to a region guard of one level?"

" Regional guards?" Zhenhong also exclaimed: "They exist like Azure Dragon?"

"It should not be that strong." Listen to me, Zhenhong and gold coin are slightly relaxed, but I followed closely and said: "But it doesn't make much difference."

"No, it's not right." Gold coin suddenly realized something. "Things should not be that bad."

"Why do you see?"

Gold coin immediately said: "Remember the difficulty of the task before we came in?"

< p> "Yes." Zhenhong reacted immediately. "The difficulty of the mission is B+. How could we run into a regional guard? If there is such an existence against us, then the mission must be at least 2S+ or higher. It might not necessarily be able to reach 3S-Rank. "

"What you said makes sense, but it's useless for us to guess here. It's useless to say nothing if we don't find the underage red Ling."

"Then you don't have to talk to Hong Ling next to you first? If she is willing to help, then this task is neither B+ nor 3S-Rank, it will directly become F-."

< p>"It is unlikely, but I can try."

Since the decision was made, I did not delay, so I just released the red feather. As soon as he appeared next to us, Hong Ling didn't wait for me to speak, and said directly: "You don't need to say, I heard everything in the training space just now."

"You listen to everything. When I get there, I will explain it slowly. But, are you going to help?"

Hong Ling looked at me and laughed. "Anyway, I am also your favorite. Although I have said before that we are just an agreement, but you, the master, treats me well. Even if I am a friend, I should help, right?"

"putting it that way are you willing to help?"

"Of course."

"Ha, it will save trouble." I said, "You can do it , You who are underage must be very easy."

"No, you understand what I mean." Just as I was excited thinking that the task was solved, Hong Ling said suddenly: "Although I can help, but only when you encounter mortal danger. If you don't have mortal danger, then I won't take action. However, although I will not take action, I can tell you how to fight the immature me. . After all, that’s me. Who knows my own weaknesses better than me?"

"I think now I understand how the B+ task came about."


The difficulty of the task calculated by system has never been wrong. Since it is B+ this time, it must be so difficult. Although Hong Ling refused to make a move, it was the same for her to move her mouth. She told us about our weakness. I was working with other familiars. It shouldn't be a difficult task to get Red Ling. That's why the system gave us a difficulty of B+, not even the A-Rank task.

Ominous beast, as an independent category, is different from Divine Beast and demonic beast. Divine Beast are creatures that have reached the point of self-sufficiency, so the offensive is very low. Unless you actively provoke others, you rarely hear that Divine Beast will take action and hurt people. Demonic beast is different from Divine Beast. They also need to devour other lives to enhance their strength or maintain life. So compared with Divine Beast, demonic beast is more offensive. However, because demonic beasts also have emotions, and they usually understand some causality, they will not attack other creatures rashly. Therefore, although demonic beasts are offensive, they are not attacked by everyone. Compared with the previous two creatures, ominous beast is completely different.

The reason why ominous beasts have a fierce word in their name is because they are very cruel. These guys not only need to devour other lives like demonic beasts to maintain their own survival and development, but they also have a very serious problem, that is, they have almost no self-control. In fact, compared with the demonic beast, the IQ of the ominous beast is not low at all, and even the intelligence of the ominous beast generally surpasses the demonic beast. However, high intelligence is high intelligence. The impulsive instinct of these guys is simply something uncontrollable. Even if sometimes they know that they can't attack the creature in front of them, they will still follow the instinctive cry to launch an attack. Moreover, unlike demonic beasts, which have basic concepts of good and evil and feelings and like to live in groups as a family unit, ominous beasts are generally lonely and have almost no emotions. These guys have almost no other thoughts in their heads other than the desire to be strong, so even if their intelligence level is not low, their behavior is very weak. This is not because they are stupid, but simply because they are too strong instinct.

The strong demand instinct and aggressive impulse make the ominous beast extremely cruel. As soon as a creature enters his range of activity, unless he is unable to go away for some reason at the time, he will definitely pounce immediately. Go up and launch an attack, and once the creatures in the range of movement are dead, they will quickly change places, which is the main reason why ominous beasts are hated by people. After all, even if the demonic beast likes to hurt people, at least people have a fixed area of ​​activity. People are afraid of being hurt by the demonic beast. At worst, they just don’t go to his area of ​​activity. But ominous beasts will run around, even if they can’t hide, this is where people hate ominous beasts the most.

"Listen, my current weakness is mainly the tail." Hong Ling followed us to the mountains, while saying: "My tail is my source of strength, if you want to hurt me , I have to cut off my tail. This is the only weakness other than the head. As for the heart, this position instinct is also one of the weaknesses, but apart from you, I suggest that Zhenhong and gold coin should not be considered."

"Why can't we?" Zhenhong asked.

"Because you don't have the master's offensive ability." Hong Ling said very don't give face: "My body is very big, and it is still on the premise of not using the Transformation Technique. If you use it Like spells like Heaven and Earth, I can also change the size of my body at will. The maximum size can be magnified ten times, and the minimum can be reduced to the size of a newborn mouse. But in order to increase the attack power, I generally do not It will become smaller, but will directly become bigger. Moreover, even if I don’t get bigger, my body is not too small. With your weapon length, even if it can penetrate my fur, it will never reach my heart. So here Basically it’s not a critical point for you."

"So what about other weaknesses?" I asked: "You don’t have only such defects, do you?"

Hong Ling Yao He shook his head and said: "My flaws are naturally more than that, but the problem is that I don't know what stage I am now as a minor. If I have just been cultivating several decades, then needless to say, you just go up alone within three. Moves can tell the winner, but if I am close to being promoted to Divine Beast status, then even if you bundle all three together, don’t expect to get it done without an hour. I have to be there to guide you. How to fight, otherwise you may have no chance of winning at all."

"That’s right! I don’t know what level it has evolved, so I’m not sure what weaknesses there are." I thought about it and said, "This Well. Let’s wait until we see your incomplete body! I hope she hasn’t evolved to a very strong state."

As the ancestor of Heavenly Fox, Hong Ling is my only existence, but She has a lot of inheritance in this category, so we are very sure about how to judge the strength of the underage Hong Ling. Fox Race is the same whether it is ominous beast, demonic beast or Divine Beast. If you want to know how strong they are, just count how many tails they have. The number of tails represents the level, and the twelve red feathers are the highest record so far. One more tail is equivalent to crossing a stage, and whether it is the peak of a certain stage or just entering a certain stage, just look at the shortest tail, because that one must be the tail that grows after being promoted. Its length represents the status of the Fox Race individual's strength. It is similar to the player's experience bar function, and the opponent's strength can be clearly judged from it. Of course, the length of the tail mentioned here is calculated in units of the body length of that Fox Race individual.

In the process of Hong Ling's explanation to us, we are also constantly going deep into the mountains. Although the vegetation here looks very lush, it is not too tall and obviously does not belong to the level of primitive forest. Moreover, the small pavilions and stone-paved roads that can be seen everywhere in the mountains indicate that this place must have been a place with a lot of people in the past. After all, according to the ancient productivity level, the roads that can be paved are all prosperous areas. There is no large wild beast in this mountain, and there is no such thing as a mine, so the only explanation I can think of is that it must have been visiting the Holy Land before, so the road was built.

Speaking of which, the scenery here is really good. Zhenhong and gold coin don’t seem to be doing tasks all the way, they seem to be sightseeing, constantly pointing to the strange things on the roadside. Let me see the scene. However, as I walked, I had a sudden stop. "Stop."

"What's wrong?" Both Zhenhong and Gold Coin looked at me curiously, wondering why I stopped them.

While I took out Emiennes summon, I took out weapons and guarded the surroundings and said, "Here we have just walked once, we are going around in circles. Hong Ling is Fox Race, and I am best at Illusion Technique. , We must have entered the scope of her activities."

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