The MM who was brought down by me quickly got up under my provocation, but her efforts can’t get anything, because no matter how much she puts in, she also It's definitely not better than my reaction speed, so she can't do anything at all except being tipped over again and again.

Although this MM who has studied Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and military killing techniques surprised me a bit, the overall strength of the Shannan Sisterhood is still expected. Except for this Kung Fu MM, everyone else is an ordinary person, or even inferior to an ordinary person. In any case, this is a bunch of little sisters. The street fighting style of fighting is of no use to me, and the remaining 20 people are almost brought down by me in the blink of an eye. Compared to the previous decisive battle with weapons, this time the speed is simply unimaginable.

"Are you taking it now?" Looking at the members of the Shannan Sisterhood who lay on the floor, I asked while putting on my armor. By the way, this damn system is really stingy. Before the start of the game, he helped us to change the combat uniforms very quickly. After the game, the system refused to help us with the equipment because the battle was over and the system did not provide additional services. Switch back. I have to wear things back by myself. If ordinary people still don't think that, my Divine Dragon suit has so many parts, it takes at least ten minutes for a person to wear it on his own strength. Fortunately, the game is over, I directly brought Ling and Yeyue summon out to help me put on clothes. It's always faster for three people to be busy together than if I were there alone.

Although the young ladies of the Shannan Sisterhood on the ground knew that the battle was over, they did not immediately get up and put on armor, but looked at the stars in the sky in a daze. By the way, this damn system changed the scene back to the previous white ground plus Endless Starry Sky the moment I knocked down the last member of the Shannan Sisterhood, and the game scene didn’t let us for one more second. use.

Hearing my question, those MMs first looked at me, and then they got up together as if their souls had suddenly returned to their place and got together and started to discuss something there. I don't care much about their reaction, anyway, I am just thinking of using waste. If they really fail to appreciate somebody's kindness, I don't mind sending them all back to Xinshou Village.

While those little sisters were discussing issues there, I concentrated on putting on armor with Ye Yue and Ling, waiting for me to put on all the equipment and I was about to put on the helmet. , The little sisters on the opposite side finally discussed the result.

"Purple Moon President."

"en? Have you discussed it?"

"Yes." The president of Shannan Sisterhood. Although I haven't figured out what her name is, the prestige of this girl in the Shannan Sisterhood is first-class. These little sisters of fearing nothing in Heaven or Earth don't care about me, a Japanese player called Demon King, but they are very in awe of her.

"Have you discussed any results?" I looked at the big sister and asked.

The other party paused for a while, and then said very seriously: "We have discussed it. Although our Shannan Sisters' Association is just a group of hooligans in your opinion, we also have our insistence. Hun Jianghu People who are not allowed to do anything else, credibility is absolutely not to be lost. Since we said that we will listen to your command, we will not go back. If you have any instructions, please say, as long as it is not excessive, we will do it."

"Didn't expect, do you guys have a good personality." I said with a smile: "If that's the case, then I'm not welcome." I said, holding out a finger and said: "My request is actually It's very simple. After you leave this space, you have to switch to a face that is very contradictory to me while you scold me while leaving, and show that you are breaking with the alliance."

The other party hears I was taken aback at first, and then I seemed to think of something. "You mean we want us to pretend to be out of the alliance, and then induce the enemy to come in contact with us, right?"

I almost fell off my jaw when I heard what the other party said. "You...can you figure it out?"

"Why don't you understand something so simple?" The little sister said triumphantly: "It's all acting like this on TV, haven't you seen it? ?"

"I...!" I really want to say I haven't seen it. It seems that I haven't watched any TV series since the age of ten, but this is not clear at first, and there is no need to explain at the same time, so I can only change the subject and say: "Well, since you understand, it will save trouble. The mission of your guild is actually very simple. It is to act as a double spy. You have to show extreme dissatisfaction with the alliance, dissatisfaction with my ruling, and then leave the alliance. After that, you can carry out some small robbery and sabotage in the country according to our instructions. Activities. But this specific destruction, wherever robbed, anyone has to listen to the command, do not attack the forces of your own country casually. Of course, you are free to fight back when someone else actively attacks you."

"Then there will be other countries. The saboteurs come to us?"

"Yes, when the time comes, you just pretend to accept their purchases, the price can be high, and you want magic pets and equipment from them, anyway, what is the value? What, don’t be too soft. Later you can tell us the operational tasks they have arranged for you, we will tell you how to do it, and we will occasionally give you some information. You have to sell this information to those who cooperate with you. Foreign forces."

As soon as I heard that I could work hard for equipment and sell information, the group of young ladies immediately became excited. "Haha, I like this job. You said it earlier! I knew it was such an interesting job. I didn't need you to bet with us, we just participated."

Looking at the other party, I blamed you for not With the expressions I said earlier, I scolded them all over in my heart. These little sisters all count donkeys. They don't walk and retreat. They don't squeeze their tempers. They will sit down and listen to me. But I definitely can't tell them this, I have to pretend to be inadequate as I thought, and be polite to them.

After some discussions, I quickly made various arrangements, and before I finally left, I paid them ten crystal coins for each of their guilds. Although this is not much more than money, it is a profit after all. Besides, this is my salary, which is paid monthly, which is a stable income. In addition, I also promised them that all the materials they used to blackmail foreigners would belong to them themselves. As long as they could get it, they would earn it. This promise is equivalent to the current performance pay in the workplace. Bonuses are paid based on the results, and the benefits are better, and vice versa.

After I finalized the connection method and how to coordinate disputes, I left the training platform with these little sisters. Although these little sisters are the masters of the standard society, their acting ability is not inferior to those talented students from the professional academy. They may be inferior to those highly talented students in some professional abilities, but when it comes to the level of natural acting, they are definitely top-notch.

We just came out of the training platform, and these little sisters kept cursing me with fear and hatred. Some people even made the move to rush up and come back with me. Of course, these "impulsive" people are always surrounded by a few "calm" people, so in the end none of them rushed up, but foul-mouthed and left.

Although we are all Chinese in this alliance, I am almost certain that there must be spies from Russia, Japan, and even Americans and European countries in this alliance. So today I kicked the Shannan Sisterhood out of the alliance with such a big fanfare, and surely the guilds of those countries will know immediately when things break out. It is precisely because of this that I have to show to the spies, so that they really regard the Shannan Sisterhood as being expelled from the Alliance by me, so that the talents behind the spies will feel relieved to come into contact with the Shannan Sisterhood.

Fixed the issue of the Shannan Sisterhood, and I returned to the conference site. The specific arrangements for the battle have basically been announced, and the military god announced the adjournment of the meeting after having separately explained a few things with the last few guilds. As soon as the guild leaders heard that the meeting was over, they took their own task arrangements and ran to command the troops to quickly deploy. The guilds that had no changes in their tasks also had to make arrangements for supplies, so the scene quickly disappeared. People.

"How about, the plan is sent down?"

Military god nodded said: "The plan has been arranged, but when we can fight it is not our decision. "

What the military god said was actually the abnormal reaction of the Russians. Ordinarily, at this stage, our guild is still in a state of two-front combat. Although the Japanese must have told the Russians that our main force has been withdrawn, anyway, the Russians have penetrated into the hinterland of China. They stop here suddenly for no reason? It was like a robber who finally opened the door of the safe, but at this time he heard the voice of the owner returning home. At this time, no matter whether the robber rushed into someone immediately, or rushed into the safe to get money, I don't feel surprised. The strange thing is that the robber stopped in the owner's house and neither continued to snatch the money nor leave. What are you doing right now?

Originally, because of the last time I explored the Russian military camp, I have figured out the purpose of this group of "robbers". They were looking for a helper to help in the fight, and they planned to change the theft to a clear robbery, but now the helper was killed halfway by me, but they still didn't leave or rob, instead they just squatted there and didn't know what to do.

"Did our guild’s intelligence network spread out?"

While packing up my things and walking with me to the Transmission Formation, the military god said: "Our horses have been scattered long ago. I went out, but so far I haven’t got any information. If the elites hidden by the Russians are used as battlefield wonders, they are impossible and arranged too far away from us. After all, this is China, and they don’t have a Transmission Formation. Use, the battlefield maneuverability is definitely not comparable to ours. If they are too far away, they will not be able to return in time, and they will not function as a surprise. But if they are too close, they will always look for impossible No. But now we just can’t find them."

Listening to the report from the God of War, I frowned while meditating and said: "This way. You immediately contact Zhenhong and gold coin to the Truth Tower. Wait for me. "


A few minutes later, when I reached the door of the Tower of Falling Truth, Zhenhong and gold coin just caught up.

"President, what do you want us to do?" Zhenhong doesn't know the purpose of calling them here, but she probably knows that I definitely need them to help find some kind of answer. After all, there is only one Gate of Truth in the Tower of Truth, and the only function of this thing besides changing equipment is to use it as a fortune-teller.

Standing outside the gate of the Tower of Truth, I looked up at the towering Tower of Truth, and then said: "The elite troops hidden by the Russians are still unclear. I must find a way to figure this out. The whereabouts of the troops."

"Understood. You want us to help fight the Gate of Truth mission, right?" Gold coin asked as he walked to the gate of the Tower of Truth first, and then stretched out his hand fiercely. Of a push. "What are you waiting for? Let's go in."

With the promotion of gold coin, the three-to-four-meter high and half-meter thick pure copper gate outside the Tower of Truth finally slowly opened A small seam for people to pass through. Zhenhong and I walked through together, and the door closed automatically and slowly again.

There are no extra decorations inside the Tower of Truth. There is only a platform similar to an altar. After walking up the steps to the platform that is not too high, you can see the golden gate standing in the center of the platform. This huge door made of unknown metal is composed of two door panels and a door frame. The center of the door panel is embossed with a large number of mysterious runes and patterns, and in the center of the two doors is a huge ruby. Exuding bright radiance.

Before I walked to the gate, I put a hand on the gemstone, and then said: "Request to open the task of answering."

"Ask your question, request Trial." An old and majestic voice instantly resounded through the entire Tower of Truth, and the shocked people's heads were a little dizzy.

"Our guild has investigated that the Russian invaders who are currently invading our country have separated an elite force of about 1,000 people, but we can't find where they are. I want to know their current location. ."

As I finished asking the question, the ruby ​​above the gate immediately dimmed and then lit up again, and at the same time a layer of golden rays of light lit up around the gate. After about seven or eight seconds, the old voice said again: "The answer already exists, and the difficulty of the mission is B+. Are you sure you want to know the answer?"

The difficulty of the Gate of Truth mission is determined by the system according to the player The difficulty of the task is determined by the required difficulty, but the difficulty of the general task will be lower than the required difficulty. After all, Gate of Truth is a prop. If the cost of using it is higher than not using it, then fools will use it.

I thought the task of searching this time would be very difficult. Didn’t expect it was just a B+ level task. According to the Gate of Truth’s task division from 3S+ to F-, B+ level can be said to be not What a difficult task. I previously completed a 2S+ level task alone in Gate of Truth. In contrast, B+ is too simple. I had known that I would not call Zhenhong and gold coin anymore. But since they have been called, I can only take them with me.

"Yes, Gate of Truth, I am sure I want to know the answer."

After I shouted out for agreement, the ruby ​​on the Gate of Truth flashed suddenly, and then the gem A bright line appeared in the center. As the bright line extended up and down, the whole door finally slowly opened a small slit inward, and then I stepped forward and pushed it lightly, and the door was immediately completely opened, revealing A colorful light curtain.

"Let's get started." As I said, I walked into the gate first, and then entered the light curtain. It was not the first time that True Red and Gold Coin did the Gate of Truth mission, so they quickly followed up.

After passing through the light curtain, we froze for a while, because it was not an empty environment. On the contrary, not only were there people here, but there were also a lot of scary people.

In fact, the three of us are now standing on a huge altar. Behind the altar is a deep mountain, and in front of the altar is a large group of people kneeling on the ground. This group of people are all wearing Chinese-style commoners, and they look like peasants in ancient China. I counted it roughly, and at least no less than 100,000 people kneeled within the range I could see. The part that was obscured by mountain road turning and other problems was still invisible, but it seemed that there were still many people behind.

"Thank you for coming!" With a loud cry, a weird man dressed like a bald chicken directly prostrate oneself in admiration prostrate oneself in admiration in front of us, and then the others behind him They also completed the same action, and then the group of farmers below fell to the ground line by side like a wave.

"President, what's the situation?" Zhenhong was completely taken aback by the situation in front of her.

Gold coin responded quickly and directly said: "It looks like they are doing something to invite God, and in the end the three of us are invited."

"God Are we counted?"

"We don't count, but the boss must count." Gold coin gave me a push: "President, you are the real King Yama, and it is not wrong to say that it is Divine Immortal. Huh? Besides, you can kill the gods. These guys are asking us for nothing more than helping to chop off a weird thing, and directly responding to us after finishing the business and going home."

I nodded, and then take a step forward. Standing in front of the feathered man who took the lead, he said: "What can you do if you invite us?"

When I heard my words, the strange man immediately said: "Go to the gods. Recently this There is an ominous beast in the mountain, which continues to harm the people nearby. I really can’t bear to watch the suffering of the Li people, so I ask God to come and eliminate evil."

"No problem, since you waited for the incense, I would naturally want to For the sake of common people’s safety. Tell me about the shape and appearance of the ominous beast, what abilities it has, and your usual activity habits. The more detailed the better."

When you hear this, those few follow the feathers. The guy behind the person began to introduce everyone talking at once. The gold coin and the real red didn't respond much, but the more I listened, the more things were wrong, I just felt the hairs all over my body stand up.

"Stop it."

The person who answered didn't know why I called to stop suddenly, and looked at me with a sincere expression of fear. "What's the order of God?"

"Does the ominous beast you mentioned have a name?" I asked carefully: ", it should be her. Is she? There is a name called Red..."

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