Looking at the group of MMs shouting and rushing to the stage like primordial people hunting, I was really a little confused. It's not that I have insufficient intelligence, but that the way of thinking of these people is already It's completely beyond the scope of my understanding.

Because I was confused, when I remembered to stop, the fastest MM in this group of MM had already rushed to the rostrum. I looked towards them helplessly. They stretched out their hands and snapped their fingers, followed by a loud dragon roar, and then accompanied by a gust of wind, the group of MMs who had just rushed to the rostrum immediately flew back collectively, with the following The group of MMs were also swept down by the hurricane.

Fortunately, I just flapped my wings and stopped the attack. Then I squatted obediently and honestly behind my back, pressing my two front paws on my left and right, as if two gateposts were protecting them. I.

"Small dragon girl."

"Yes." The small dragon girl's elegant and refined silhouette appeared beside me.

"Anti-gravity field."

"Understand." After receiving my instructions, the small dragon girl immediately walked to the rostrum in a few steps. Below, the MM who was just slapped down by a lucky wing climbed up and planned to rush upwards, but the small dragon girl did not seem to have seen the few people who were already close to her, she just elegantly extended a hand , And then gently turned the palm over. Those MMs who were about to rush to the small dragon woman suddenly felt the gravity disappeared, and then they were surprised to find that nearby people and even the stones and dirt on the ground drifted off the ground slowly with them, despite their desperate efforts. I waved my hands and feet wildly in the air, but it was useless to wave them when I didn't focus on them all around. After all, human hands and feet are not wings, and they may have a little propelling effect in the water, but they are completely useless in the air.

After struggling for a long time, I found that there are ruthless among the totally useless MM, including the woman who is closest to the small dragon girl. She suddenly eyes flash with a cold light, and then threw the long sword in her hand as a hidden weapon at the small dragon girl. But to her disappointment, the sword was blocked by an invisible barrier as soon as it flew in front of the small dragon woman, and then the small dragon woman stretched out her other hand to the sword and gently pointed it. Suddenly, his long sword changed its direction in the air. Then the small dragon female finger flicked forward, and the sword flew back to the MM who threw it at a faster speed since then. However, when she came, the sword was thrown out of her hand, but when she returned, the sword returned to the wrong position, directly inserted through her chest into her heart, and still moved forward and then came out with both ends.

"Dare to move our sister, you and he...want to die!" When the woman next to her saw her partner being killed, she immediately began to refrain from swearing, but was banned by the system, and only a moment of inaudibility If I understand too much. The woman realized that system prohibits uncivilized words after she called, and then she struggled wildly. After finding it was useless, she took out a bow from her body and pointed it at the small dragon. The woman wanted to shoot. But she had been tossing for a long time that the small dragon girl had noticed her actions, she just put the arrow on the bow, the small dragon girl suddenly reached out and pointed at her, and then the finger hooked down, the woman seemed to be suddenly After regaining gravity, she slammed on the ground, followed the small dragon female finger and moved again. The woman flew out of the human-shaped pit on the ground before she could react and swished directly as if sitting on a rocket. I jumped up to the height of several hundred meters, until the whole person turned into a faintly discernable small black spot, and then slammed down again with the rotation of the small dragon woman's fingers. But the previous time it was more than two meters above the ground that only a human-shaped shallow hole was smashed. This time it was pulled down from the height of several hundred meters by the small dragon woman's Gravity Technique. The impact is definitely not much better than falling from a few thousand meters in reality. . Just listening to the bang is like a watermelon falling from the roof of a dozen floors. The woman burst into a pile of red, white and yellow ground meat and spread a large piece of it. The scent of the surrounding MMs was steamed up. He vomited instantly.

Seeing someone vomiting, I immediately understood the reason. This Shannan Sisters’ Association is obviously a guild formed by a group of little sisters. Regardless of whether it’s a gangster or a female gangster, one thing is the same. If they can prove their bravery, they will do it. As a group of female gangsters, these girls of the Shannan Sisterhood are naturally impossible to use the low blood level setting to make people laugh at themselves, so they must have opened the highest level blood level setting like me, so what they saw was probably A picture worse than in reality. Of course, the bloodiness setting in "Zero" is not only limited by the display screen. After all, the brainwave access type virtual reality technology used in "Zero" can truly restore not only the optic nerve signals, but also the senses of hearing, smell and touch. The various senses of the class can be realistically simulated. Therefore, those MMs who turned on the high-blood mode not only saw the picture of their companion being smashed into fleshy flesh, but also smelled the bloody smell of the broken flesh and decomposed into the air, as well as the half-digested food in the human internal organs and those that have been completely digested. The smell of poop at the end. In modern society, influenced by plasma movies, most people are actually very resistant to bloody images, but if you smell those disgusting smells, you can't stand it. What's more, those close MMs and even some people’s faces were splashed with the body fluids sprayed by their companions when their bodies shattered. The nausea is not something that usually clean women can bear, even if these MMs are all sisters. But they are still women after all. It is instinct to resist these unhygienic and disgusting things, and they will not change much because of their profession.

Such a shocking killing scene instantly calmed all the members of the Shannan Sisterhood present. Although there were some people twisting, they were all vomiting. Few people still thought of resisting. of. A gangster is a gangster. Compared with an army with a steel will, they have only recklessness and madness.

"Are you calm?" I asked aloud when I saw the members of the Shannan Sisterhood who were hanging in midair.

It was okay if I didn't ask, but after asking, the scene immediately became confused again. Those MMs who were under control began to struggle desperately, trying to break free as if going crazy, some of them scolded me while struggling. Originally, if in reality, the voices on the court must have been filthy and unpleasant, but because of the restrictions in the game, these women's curses have become a bunch of incomplete sentences mixed together. , Even though they knew they were swearing, they couldn't hear the dirty words. After all, Nuwa, the host of "Zero", has a level of intelligence that is no less than that of humans. Naturally, it is not wrong to judge the meaning of the sentence based on the context. The ways to bypass the shield in the ordinary system are basically useless here.

Looking at those silly MMs swearing and making no sound, I ignored them, and directly signaled the small dragon girl to lift them to an altitude of more than 500 meters, which is now out of the sound reinforcement array. The range is even inaudible.

"Okay, let's let the croaking ducks calm down for a while, and let's discuss our problems." I acted as if nothing happened to the guilds below. Long said: "When I went to talk to the people in the White Fox League this afternoon, I also encountered one thing." As I said, I took out the transmitter I had brought back and put it in front of me. On stage. "I believe this thing is not unfamiliar to everyone, right?"

Seeing the magic crystal steam missile launcher I took out, those guild Chief-In-Charge members have nodded and said they are not unfamiliar. After seeing them all confirmed, I went on and said: "It seems that everyone still remembers. After all, our guild only sent this thing to everyone a few days ago. But..." I deliberately made a long note here. After the guild leaders’ attention was concentrated, they continued: "But in just a few days, someone actually forgot what I said to Siberia."

As soon as I heard my tone, People know that something bad must have happened, but most of them are blank. As expected, the guilds who didn’t transfer the transmitter naturally don’t understand what I’m angry about, so it’s normal to be at a loss, but those guilds that violated my warning are just another expression. Although I haven't said it yet, many people have probably guessed what I am going to say.

Sure enough, when they were worried about them, I continued to say: "I remember when I handed over these transmitters to you, I said that these things are not allowed to be used. It can be transferred to other guilds in any form, and can only be used in this battle against Russian invaders. However, someone took my words to the ears. When I went to the White Fox League this afternoon, the diehard members of the other guild They resisted me, and they used a magic crystal steam missile in the battle. When I released the launchers, they were all based on human hair. Guilds with fewer than 1,000 people did not have launchers. Then I would like to ask everyone, where did the launchers of the White Fox League come from? Why did the missiles that were given to you by our guild, which were supposed to be used to resist Russian invaders, hit me? Who can tell me this? What's the matter?"

When I said something like this, the following guilds broke out with a burst of intensive discussion, and then some big guilds fell silent. They have already thought of what the situation is and understand why it happened. In fact, the more large guilds are, the less likely it is that this kind of thing will happen. It does not mean how formal the large guild system is, but because there are too many managers in the large guilds. If you want to take the missiles to your affiliated households, others will also send them, but if one or two missiles flow out to the past, no guild will dare to flow out in such a large amount, so large guilds On the contrary, the people who did not dare to give away the missile. But small guilds are not the same. Those small guilds have fewer leaders, and the level difference is large. The first and second leaders may have a much worse position. Therefore, the strong leaders among them may be able to fill their pockets, while the large guilds are not. Dare not.

When the people in the following guilds have discussed about it, I continued: "I am also Chinese, and I also know the little problems of the Chinese. The exchanges of courtesy and favor, this is our China. People’s traditions. Personal likes and dislikes go beyond the laws and regulations. This kind of thing is not uncommon in our country, so I can understand the guilds that gave people the missiles. However, although I can understand your motives, it does not represent me. I don’t care about these things. The magic crystal steam missiles are given to you free of charge to resist the Russians. It can be said that these things are directly related to the interests of our guild. When you give away the missiles, you are actually taking our Frost Rose League. It’s hurting the interests of our Frost Rose League to feed your acquaintances. Therefore, I can understand you emotionally, but from the point of interest, you treat our Frost Rose League’s interests. Harmful behavior is unforgivable."

Hearing what I said, the guild below broke out again, but this time it quieted down quickly, because I reached out in advance to stop their discussion. "I know that some guilds may not be convinced, and some guilds have realized their mistakes. I can ignore these now. Although your actions have hurt the interests of our Frost Rose League, but for our country, for the sake of confrontation We don’t need to investigate the Russian invasion this time. I don’t care how many transmitters you sent, or who you gave them. I don’t want to know. I just hope you will send them out after you go back in a while. Take back all the missiles for me, and then launch them all to me in the subsequent battles. After the war, you will return the empty launchers to us and it will be over. This time I will treat them as if it didn’t happen. , I will not investigate who sent the missiles, and I will not hold who is responsible. This should not happen. But..." At this point, I suddenly increased my tone and said: "I have taken a step back now, but if anyone pays it back Dare to play tricks with me, continue to give missiles to others or embezzle them for other purposes. After the war, if I cannot count them, I promise to withdraw and investigate to the end. If the circumstances are serious, refer to the penalties for the White Fox League and conduct a forced guild dissolution. , The recalcitrant personnel continue to pursue and kill until the other party deletes the account or is killed back to Xinshou Village. This is what I said."

My statement like this can be said to be quite tolerant. After all, we do We have been violated by our interests, and we have given up the right to be held accountable in the name of national justice. However, in this world there are always people who don’t know what satisfaction is. It is only natural for others to benefit him, but it would be treason for others to take advantage of him for a dime. This is not a joke, there are such people in this world, and it is not too rare, at least every city can find a large group.

Now there are thousands of guild leaders across the country gathered in this venue. Although this is not all guilds in our country, after all, the number of people is here. With such a large base, I can almost Certainly there must be this kind of guy who specializes in taking advantage of others but not allowing others to take advantage of him, and there must be many such people. Of course, even though these people may snort disdainfully to me in their hearts, no guild at the scene dared to stand up and say that they just didn't buy it. After all, those present were the leaders of various guilds. After all, guilds of the nature of rogue gangs like the Shannan Sisterhood were in the minority. Even if these people were not convinced in their hearts, they would definitely not dare to speak directly. After all, there are few guilds that dare to fight against our Frost Rose Alliance alone.

Wait until the following guild leaders have digested my words, I went on to say: "Then, the issue of the launcher has come to an end. Now I want to discuss your opinions on the Shannan Sisterhood What do you think? Is there any good way to deal with it?"

The people in the small guilds who heard my question were obviously taken aback. Obviously they didn't expect I would ask their opinions. But not all guild people were not prepared, at least the Heat League and the Northern Alliance were still prepared. Almost when I just finished the question, Misty Rain stood up and said, "President Purple Moon, I think a guild like the Shannan Sisterhood is simply a joke. Maybe they do have the idea of ​​resisting the invasion of foreign enemies, but please forgive me speak frankly .Quality like members of Shannan Sisterhood, even if they really want to guard home, defend the country, but there is no obvious change with them except for destroying the unity of the alliance. They are not too many. Better. For such a guild, I propose to expel the alliance. Everyone can vote on the spot. If the guild agrees, please raise your hand."

After Misty Rain finished speaking, I immediately gave him a comprehensive look, and then He turned his gaze to the other guilds below and raised his hand and said: "We Frost Rose League agrees to expel the Shannan Sisterhood."

"Our blood ally also agrees." As a hard-core ally of our guild, Feng Yin Miaomiao would naturally not be willing to leave behind. If it weren't for them to have been too close to our guild, it was not suitable to stand up and propose, the previous paragraph of Yanyu should be said by him.

The Heat League and the Northern League, plus the total number of the three guilds of our Frost Rose League, have already killed one third of the players in the country. Now the leaders of our three guilds have raised their hands. In fact, it is meaningless for the rest of the people to disagree with each other, but it is natural to have to do it for the sake of face, so no matter whether the following guild is true or false, everyone raised their hands anyway.

Looking at the following guilds, raising their hands, I said, "Well, since everyone agrees, then I will now declare the resolution passed and expel the Shannan Sisterhood’s alliance membership immediately. Then , The disciplinary issues within the alliance will stop here for the time being, and then the military god will tell you about the tactical arrangements for the next stage."

I greeted the rostrum after handing over the rostrum to the military god. The small dragon girl and the chili screamed, and then asked them to take all the members of the Shannan Sisters' Association still floating in the sky to the open space behind the venue. Seeing the members of the Shannan Sisters’ Association above their heads descending towards the back of the venue, the guild bosses outside were in a commotion, but I had already left the scene, so I didn’t know what they were talking about. But I think it should be nothing more than lamenting the Shannan Sisterhood not knowing the immensity of Heaven and Earth.

After leaving the main venue, the small dragon woman descended all the staff of the Shannan Sisterhood to a height of more than one meter from the ground. Although it was not far from the ground, it was still floating in the air and still unable to move.

"Have you scolded enough?" I asked, looking at the panting members of the Shannan Sisterhood. Of course, they gasped so anxiously not because they were tired from scolding, but because they were held back. Except for the fantasy part, most of the natural environment in "Zero" follows the general environment of reality, such as the setting of high altitude hypoxia. The flying creatures and players in the game have a way to fight against hypoxia, and the little sisters of the Shannan Sisterhood were pushed into the air by the small dragon girl. They can only Breathe on your own ability in the air. Although the small dragon women don’t put them so high that they are completely deprived of oxygen, it’s impossible to breathe freely. In addition, they are still busy scolding me at first, wasting a lot of air, waiting for them to realize By the time it was difficult to breathe, it was too late.

After breathing for a long time, the little girls finally took a sigh of relief. The more sturdy ones are already struggling to scold me, but I point to that first The Taimei who wanted to scold someone said: "Warn you, don't scold me anymore, or you will regret it."

"Bah, my mother...what do you want to do? Hey... stop. Next, stop, ah..." Amid the screams of the little lady, her body began to rotate in the air, and the speed was getting faster and faster. The strong centrifugal force even flicked her long hair into a straight line with her body and pointed directly above her head.

"Who else wants to experience the sensation of turning 3.6 million degrees in the air?"

"hmph, my mother..." With my previous command, This time, Pepper did not hesitate to turn the little sister who just opened her mouth to curse into a spinning top.

Looking at the two little elder sisters who are about to turn around and can’t tell which is the head and which is the foot, I evilly suggested to Chili: "Don’t always turn in one direction! You can consider it. Rotate on the three axes of XYZ at the same time. I think it should be more interesting, right?"

"I will try." Pepper said and started to do it, and the two in the air immediately changed the rotation. The posture is constantly rotating in the up and down directions, and the other two directions are also rotating. The effect is much stronger than that of the large equipment in the playground.

I was looking at it, and suddenly I saw that the two spinning ball suddenly sprayed a large amount of yellow-green liquid around. I was scared and I hurried back, not because I was afraid of how huge the thing might be. , But too disgusting. Rotating in three axis directions at the same time like them, even if their vestibular function is good, they will definitely vomit, and because of the centrifugal force, what they vomit does not fall to the ground at all, but it is the drying bucket of the washing machine. They were all thrown out, and a pungent, sour smell filled the surrounding area, which made me have to put down the mask.

Originally, the expressions of the members of the Shannan Sisterhood who watched the two circling around were uncomfortable. This would be overwhelmed by the sour smell, and suddenly a few people began to vomit.

"Please, pay attention to the environment? Do you have to bear it even if you want to vomit? Do you guys count nasal mucus?"

The nasal mucus monster is "Zero" One of the more common monsters, looks like a giant Nasal Mucus Insect that walks upright. That thing is not only disgusting, but also has a strange smell on the body. What is particularly annoying is that these things like to spray the yellow-green liquid in the body to attack the enemy. Although the battle strength is not strong, the degree of nausea can definitely be discharged in various monsters. top ten. To describe them with such things is naturally ironic.

The little sisters have always had their own personalities that don’t lose their mouths. When I was so ironic, someone immediately wanted to scold me. Of course, it wasn’t that I was scolded, but there were a few more spins on the scene. Human body top.

"Anyone still want to scold?" Looking at the remaining people, I asked with a wicked smile. After waiting for a long time to see no one speaks, I continue to say: "hmph, the top 100 experts in the world battle strength list. So proud? Do you have more heads or more tails than others? I dignified the president of the Frost Rose League, the world battle strength ranking first, and the highest commander of the alliance. I can't say you two things? Who do you think you are? I’m the Emperor of Heaven or Empress? I’m telling you, even if you are Empress, it’s useless. Jade Emperor has to be polite when he meets me. You dare to be cruel to me? Are you cruel to me? I’m alone. When thousands of people were cut down in the Japanese encirclement and successfully broke through, you were still in the Novice Village!"

"Hey, isn't it just high-level equipment, okay? What kind of expert?" Said a little-minded Taimei. She knew that scolding me would be turned into a human top, but she didn't want to be taken advantage of by me, so she could only say that. After all, it was not a scolding, and even if I wanted to toss her, she couldn't find an excuse.

"High-level equipment is good?" I smiled and looked towards the young lady and said, "Is my high-level looking for a booster to help me rise? If I am equipped, you gave me the level? High is the time I spent, and the equipment is good. Good luck. Besides, knowing that I am high-level and well-equipped, do you still dare to challenge me and your heads are flooded? I know that you are probably a group in reality. Little Taimei. Disrespect for parents at home, disrespect for teachers and classmates at school, disrespect for others in society, and even for yourself. But this is the world of "Zero", and there is no such thing as what you usually clamor for. The abolished rules and laws are not taught to your teachers and parents here. Weak are prey to the strong here, and the winner here is king. You are all weak in front of me, no, the weak are just weaker than me, you even Weak people are not counted. You are just a bunch of waste, scum, and digested excrement."

"You..." When those little ladies heard me say this, they immediately wanted to scold me. , But thinking of the consequences, these MMs forcibly suppressed the urge to curse. However, there are still people who refuse to admit defeat and clamor: "There is a kind of letting go of my old lady, we will have a fair duel."

"Huh? A fair duel? I heard it right? I am. You have scored in the third S-Rank of the self-challenge mode. Have any of you scored above B?"

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