The MMs who left the White Fox League looked at the transmitter in my hand for a while. After a while, the Vice-President stood up and asked tentatively: "Purple Moon President, can you not hold accountable for this?"

"No, I will not only pursue it, but also pursue it. Which guild, group, or individual is responsible for it, I will all pursue it. . Don’t think it’s a trivial matter. One or two transmitters are really nothing, but as long as one transmitter comes out, it’s a serious incident. Now I want you to tell me how many transmitters there are in the White Fox League and where they are from. I want to know everything about coming."

The Vice-President thought for a while and said: "Since you must know, then all right, I will tell you. But I still hope you can try to reduce the problem. Their punishment."

"The punishment is fixed, and the intensity depends on whether the plot is serious or not. In fact, if you don’t say I can find out who gave you things, it’s just time. It may be slower. But if I find out by myself, the punishment will definitely be more severe than it is now. Okay, now tell me what you know, the most important thing is how many transmitters are out of your hands now. "

"There should be only three."

"Except this one?" I shook the transmitter in my hand.

"No, including it." Vice-President explained: "Things are not obtained after disputes, but at first. The purpose at the time was not to deal with you, but to feel This thing is very difficult to deal with, and I want to store it as a special-purpose high level equipment."

"So are the three launchers from one guild or are they obtained separately? It’s your guild. Who did you get it? Where did you get it and when you got it?"

"I only know that one of the three transmitters was obtained by Xueying from her husband. , The other two were obtained by the agile fox, and the other was obtained by Yangyang. As for how they got it, I don’t know how they got it, but if not surprising, they should have gotten it from their boyfriend. I arrived."

"What is the name of Xueying’s husband? Which guild? What are the names of the boyfriends of the other two, and which guild?"

"Xueying Ying’s husband is named Lidao Jianying, the chairman of the Hongwu Society. I only know that the boyfriend of the agile fox is from the Baisha League, and I don’t know his full name, but the fox usually calls him tiger. I just have a little boyfriend of Yangyang. I don’t know."

"What about you?" I looked towards other people: "Who among you so many always knows about Yang Yang and that agile fox's boyfriend, right?"

When I asked, the MM present was quiet for a while, and then a MM bravely stood up and said: "I know that Fox’s boyfriend is the third person in the White Sands League, and his full name is dull. Tiger is a Demon Sword scholar."

Someone took the lead, and the second person who knew soon followed up and said: "Yangyang’s boyfriend is Vice-President of the Flux Club, whose name is Duanshui, professional It's Swordsman."

The people present are all from the same guild, not to mention that the other party is still a classmate who knows in reality, so the situation is quickly summarized. After writing down this information, I returned to the battlefield with the people present, and then held an alliance meeting before the Russians launched a counterattack.

In fact, there was nothing important about this alliance meeting. The main thing was to let the MMs of the "Abandoning the Darkness and Turning the Light" to publicly apologize to all guilds, and of course punishment is also indispensable. However, the content of the punishment I gave them is not severe, that is, let them serve as the almost mortal guards of the outpost in the next Russian counterattack, and they have to perform three consecutive rounds. This is basically equivalent to letting each of them die three times. Such punishment is not too serious or not too serious. In addition, I told you that this is the result of not being punished lightly on their own merits. So this punishment is not too light. In addition, I also announced the dismantling of the White Fox Alliance Leader's guild at the meeting. Although this is due to the stubborn resistance of the other party, the punishment is very serious after all, and it can also block the mouth of other guilds. .

After announcing the issue of punishment for the White Fox League, I turned my gaze to the side of the temporary open-air venue and said: “There is no way for a conflict to be carried out unilaterally. Wrong, but in the final analysis, the reason why they made the decision to leave the alliance is because someone took the initiative to bully them. They decided to leave on impulsiveness out of anger. Then I would like to ask the MM of the Shannan Sisterhood, you Do you think you should take part of the responsibility?"

Because this meeting is basically a public trial meeting in disguise, I specifically included all members of the Shannan Sisters’ Association on the list of meetings, and The other guilds only sent five or six key leaders of the guilds, and only the relatively large guilds would come to a dozen or twenty people to participate in the meeting.

Seeing that I brought the topic to them, there was a commotion in the team of the Shannan Sisterhood, and then two MMs in black walked into the area in the center of the temporary venue. There is a yellow line in the central area of ​​the venue. The range of this line is the range of the loudspeaker array. Speaking here can be heard by the whole audience. After the two MMs entered the yellow line in the year, one of the MMs looked at me and said: "President Purple Moon, we admire your strength, but I don’t understand some things. I hope you can help us answer."

As soon as I heard this, I knew that these two MMs were bad people, but I can't be too arbitrary in this scene, after all, I still have to maintain my image. "You can talk about it, let me hear if I can help you answer it."

When I heard what I said, the MM who spoke before immediately began: "First of all, I want to ask President Purple Moon. Is our Shannan Sisters' Guild a subordinate guild of the Frost Rose League?"

"Of course not."

"Then, is this alliance going to annex our small guilds? "

"Of course not." After I said this answer, I already guessed what MM would ask next.

Sure enough, upon hearing my answer, MM immediately smiled triumphantly, and then sternly asked: "Since our Shannan Sisterhood is an independent guild, the alliance is not a shady for annexing us. Organization, that means we are independent guilds. Then I would like to ask, as an independent guild organization, which guild we have close relationship with or which guild is not pleasing to the eye, it is half the hair of your Frost Rose League Is it related to money?" After saying this remark, the Shannan Sisterhood members behind MM immediately cheered collectively, making it clear that they were embarrassing me.

From the words of this MM, I can hear that she is already suppressing her tone, but what I hear is still very uncomfortable. According to my inference, this MM is usually the eldest sister among the eldest sisters, and she speaks the kind of vulgarity. This remark just now is actually quite aggressive, but considering her language habits, I think this is the result of her efforts to suppress the reasons for seeing today's occasion. As for the girls behind her, I think that 80% of them are little sisters.

"Well! Since you want me to answer your question, then I will answer it to you." When I said this, my voice was already quite bad. Feng Yin Misty and Misty Rain, who knew me, shook their heads, and all the guilds that had been in contact with our guild were also whispering secretly there.

I didn’t care about the reactions of the people off the court. Instead, I looked at the talking MM and said, “You think you are independent, that’s right. You said you have the right to decide who you are close to. It’s not wrong with whom to be at odds. But.” Just as the MMs of the Shannan Sisterhood were full of complacency, I suddenly increased my tone and said: “The fundamental purpose of the alliance is to resist foreign enemies, and it is necessary to resist foreign enemies. It is a Combat Unit with super battle strength. So what kind of unit is a Combat Unit with super battle strength? Some people say it is a high-attribute unit, some people say it is a well-equipped unit, but none of these Wrong, but don’t forget, we can get attributes and equipment, and the Russians on the opposite side can also have them, so our advantage in this area can be offset. However, there are some things we can have, that is cooperation . A unit that everyone dared to give their backs to their comrades around them, and a unit that needs to worry about the comrades walking by their side at any time, even if the equipment and attributes are exactly the same, these two units can Is there considerable battle strength? Then you..." I directly pointed my finger at the MM who was interviewing before. "You asked me if your conflicts with others have a relationship with me for half a dime. I will answer you now, there is no half a dime, but a relationship of tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands or even millions. I am the commander of the alliance. Just equivalent to the supreme commander of this troop. You are all a member of this troop, and your actions are related to me. What's more, you actually fired at your comrades on the battlefield, although you can say that you are private Gratitude, but in my commander-in-chief, in the view of the whole army, you are helping the enemy to kill our comrades in arms and consume our battle strength. And your bad negative example has severely undermined the unity of the whole army. From then on Our first-class warriors who can give their backs to their comrades have become bandit groups and miscellaneous troops that are careful to guard against their comrades."

I’m almost roaring here, and the following The group of MMs still put on an expression of disapproval. I looked at them angrily and cursed: "You did a good job, and your guild did a good job. You did what the frozen Banshee wanted to do but did not do, and you completed the Russian and Japanese fights. This is a feat that players from all over the country have failed to complete without Level 1. Do you think you deserve to be rewarded? How about a certificate of the best citizenship of the Great Japanese Empire and a medal of the greatest slave of Russia?"

"You What is this silly X talking nonsense?" Hearing my sarcasm, the Taimei underneath finally ran away. "Tell you Purple Moon, others are afraid of you, and the old lady is not afraid of you. If it weren't for today..." Halfway through that Taimei's words, a man who suddenly rushed up was overwhelmed.

The man desperately pressed the wife out and apologized to me: "I'm really sorry, President Purple Moon, this girl is no brainer, I don't know what I'm doing on impulse. You adults Remember the villain, we admit our mistakes, we admit our mistakes, we will confess and punish how we deal with it, and it’s okay to apologize to the beauties of the White Fox League, everything is our fault."

pa! The loud applause came out from the sound reinforcement array, and the reason was that Taimei, who had broken free, gave the guy who pulled her a big mouth. That guy probably didn't expect that the other party would suddenly slap himself in public. as the saying goes Don't hit someone in the face, and don't curse someone short. This little sister not only slapped her in the face, but also slapped her face in front of the main leaders of all the guilds in the country. Don't talk about the face when this slap goes down, and she doesn't know where she's lost.

this slap slapped the man who had just rushed out, and covered his face in a daze, but that slap was not slow at all. As soon as she broke free of the man’s control, she rushed towards me, still shouting: "Dare to scold me, my old lady cut your JJ to feed the dog."

These words are sturdy enough, Although standing outside the PA array, because it was so neat, there was still a huge sound of cold breath from outside the field. If you dare to say this in front of so many people, what kind of brains do you have to do such a "genius" behavior? Jackals that dare to challenge tigers are called “overestimate one's capabilities”, and puppies that dare to challenge Tyrannosaurus rex are not “overestimate one's capabilities”. It is a rabies attack. World battle strength The people who are after the top ten in the top 100 are not my opponents. This MM can be regarded as a third-rate expert at best, so he dare to speak harshly to me. There are more and more people who don’t know how many catties and how many taels are.

Looking at the little sister rushing towards the rostrum, Ben and I were not even interested in making a shot, so I stretched out my hand and snapped my fingers. Chili's petite body suddenly appeared next to me, and then as her eyes moved, the little sister suddenly flew up as she ran, and then she turned over in the air and turned into a blanket on her head and feet. Only the invisible hand was held upside down and hung in midair. Despite her screaming desperately while struggling, the big invisible hand still hung her there completely motionless, and under my sign, she also let go of one of her legs, turning her into a single leg. Hanging upside down there.

I was about to say something after seeing that little Taimei was restrained. Who knew someone would react faster than me. I saw that another MM who came out with Taimei suddenly turned around and shouted to the person behind him: "He dared to move our eldest sister, everyone will go together, it’s a waste!"

The more sturdy MM shouted, and all the remaining members of the Shannan Sisterhood started clamoring crazy like doping, while other guild leaders nearby were collectively petrified. To say that they've seen them all without thinking, but it's the first time to see anyone who can reach this level. If you don’t know what a gun is, you’re not afraid that it’s normal. But I've only seen someone kill someone with a gun, but dare to hit the muzzle. What kind of behavior is this?

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