Needless to say, the self-challenge competition is a single challenge between yourself and your copy. Generally speaking This is currently the most difficult strength test system recognized by players, and this test system seems to be the only one who has received 3S-Rank evaluations so far. As for the fair duel field they said, it is not actually called a fair duel field, but a full-level combat training platform.

The main function of this full-level combat training platform is not actually used for duels, but is mainly used for experts to train newcomers. Of course, due to the special dueling function of this platform, it is loved by players who are low-level, poorly equipped, and have poor attributes, but who think they have strong fighting skills.

This fighting training platform is specially equipped with a strength adjustment system in order to meet the training requirements of players at different stages of fighting skills in different states. That is to say, those who enter this training ground can set their own attributes at will. As long as you want, you can set your attributes to be stronger than the main Divine Grade Divine Race. Of course, the attribute set here is only valid in the training ground, and it doesn't work as soon as it gets out of the training ground. But even so, many people still like to set their attributes very high to experience the feeling of being an expert. In addition, it is said that my attributes also belong to the attributes with a high setting rate in the training ground. Many players directly call their names and set their attributes as mine as soon as they start the training ground, and then experience the feeling of being number one in the world battle strength list. Of course, in fact, people who are really knowledgeable are not setting themselves as my attributes to experience, but setting their sparring partners as my attributes, so that they are equivalent to fighting a weakened version of me. As for why it is a weakened version of me, this is actually a good explanation. Because a person's battle strength is not only determined by attributes, skills, equipment special functions, and personal fighting skills, all of which can affect battle strength. The training field can simulate only attribute values, but cannot simulate the special functions of skills and special equipment. Of course, there is no way to adjust personal fighting skills.

However, although the training field has a strong training function, many people still use it as a place to learn from. Anyway, the training field has a high degree of freedom. You can set the attributes of both parties at will, and you can also set whether death is effective. Therefore, whether it is a friendly exchange between friends, or a duel between enemy, all can be carried out here.

The reason why these young ladies from the Shannan Sisterhood are clamoring to have a fair duel with me is because they know that their attributes can be set the same as mine in this venue, so that I It will not take advantage of attributes and equipment.

Originally, if I only wanted to expel the Shannan Sisterhood, I could completely ignore them and just get rid of them. However, I remember there is a saying that says so. "There is no rubbish in this world, only resources that are misplaced." Extending this sentence to people, we can understand that in this world there are no good people, but some people stay in the wrong place.

Judging by the values ​​of the general public, these little sisters of the Shannan Sisterhood can basically be regarded as a pile of social rubbish. To put it awkwardly, if you don't consider humanitarian issues, it is estimated that most people would think it would be better for them to die. However, even though these little sisters seem to be useless, I think they are actually useful.

Taimei’s profession is bluntly referred to as female gangsters. Putting such people in a normal social group can do nothing but sabotage them. However, if you think about this issue from another angle, I think they still have at least two kinds of waste utilization value.

First, since they are a scourge, then we can send them to the Russians in the name of the army to destroy them. By that time, even though they were still doing sabotage, because it was our enemy who was harmed, they had played a positive role for us. Using this method can simply and directly change them from "garbage" to "resource". Although the utilization rate will not be very high, even if the effect is poor, more resources are better than more piles of garbage, right?

Second, in addition to throwing them to the Russians, we can also hit them while waiting for the opportunity, and then send people to contact the Russians in the name of their guilds and release false news. To put it bluntly, this method is to turn the little sisters of the Shannan Sisterhood into a group of double spies. On the surface, they have become the existence that is rejected by players from all over the country because of various extraordinary actions, but in fact they are spreading false news for us. Thus misleading the enemy's forces to make wrong judgments based on false news. This method is slightly more difficult to implement than the first method, and it is definitely impossible to complete with the Shannan Sisters alone. Although those little sisters can become "resources" at some point, most of the time they can be classified as "garbage" where success is not enough, so it is definitely not enough to expect them to be double spies by themselves. If we really want to use this method, we must at least arrange for someone to enter their guild, and then use the main members of the Shannan Sisterhood as a cover. In fact, only the few people we have inserted will act as double spies. This way No secrets will be revealed, and secondly, it is not easy to be seen. After all, the gang of Shannan Sisterhood is really "junk", and most people will believe that they are impossible spies after a few days of observation.

Although there are many ways to use waste from the Shannan Sisterhood, there is still a prerequisite that must be settled first, and that is to let them listen to my orders. With the group characteristics of the Shannan Sisterhood, the easiest and most effective way to get them to accept my command is to convince them. If I defeat them with the current equipment and attributes, they will definitely not be convinced. There is only one way to convince them, and that is to defeat them completely under the conditions that they think they will win, and it must be That kind of clean and thorough defeat. There is no room for them to lose, so that they can't find an excuse to persuade themselves not to acknowledge allegiance. Only in that way can the spirit of the Shannan Sisterhood be completely knocked out, and then I will command them to move them, so that I can safely implement the future plan.

"Don't you dare to accept the challenge?" A young lady from the Shannan Sisterhood clamored: "In the end, you still rely on equipment to crush us? Without that thing and your level, you are a Waste."

"Do you want me and you to have a fair duel on equal terms?" I looked at the MM and asked.

"Do you dare?"

"Dare it be my problem, but why should I fight you?" I deliberately guided them: "You admit that I am No matter if you don’t admit it, does it have anything to do with me? Don’t you recognize my strength, I’m not the first in the world? It’s a joke."

The thinking is similar to that of the fire star people, but after all they have lived on Earth for a period of time, and they should know a little bit about the basic things. When I asked them this way, they suddenly became dumbfounded. After all, I'm telling the truth. They didn't get the first place in my battle strength list. To be honest, even if the system Ranking List shows that I am not the number one in the world war, what about it? Just because the list shows that I am second, I really can't beat that number one? Obviously impossible.

Looking at the little elder sisters trying their best to refute my words, I deliberately preemptively said: "In fact, you want to fight a fair duel with me. Even though there is nothing for me to compete with you little fellows. Value, but if you dare to make a bet with me, I don’t mind having a fair duel with you. After all, there will be benefits after winning, so I won’t do it in vain."

"Fear of you Ah. Say, what are you blocking?"

The characteristic of hooligan is to lose or not to lose. Feel free to ask them if they dare to gamble, which is equivalent to forcing them to talk about blocking. For a gangster, the most feared thing is that others say that he has no guts.

With the first impulse to take the lead, the members of the Shannan Sisterhood behind immediately clamored together and asked me what I wanted to bet on. Seeing how they cooperated, I immediately said with an evil smile: "It's very simple. I will fight with you in the fairest way, depriving all of the attributes in the game, and fight with your own abilities only. If I win, you have to fight. Listen to me, you have to do whatever I ask you to do in the future."

"What if we win?" the Shannan Sisterhood asked.

"You win?" I deliberately looked surprised and watched them pretend to be stunned, until the expressions on their faces started to become a little out of control before continuing: "If you win, I I will apologize to you publicly, and be responsible for getting you back to the alliance, and give each of your guilds an elite or above equipment. Is this condition good enough?"

In other things The young sisters of the Shannan Sisterhood may have some brain issues, but they are quite unambiguous in their own interests. One of them responded quickly and immediately shouted: "Then, in principle, we agree, but some details need to be clarified first. You said that the attribute duel in the game is excluded. What is the elimination method? Only the attribute addition is excluded or how is the ranking? Method?"

"No, I mean excluding all. We remove all the attribute values ​​in the game, let the game system read our physical data in reality, and then follow the instructions in the game We are dueling with physical characteristics in reality." Although the game helmet of "Zero" does not have the function of detecting the body, after all, each of us has a general understanding of our own physical strength. The system can read some memory statistics in the brain. Given the specific attributes of each person, although there is no error at all, we are not going to do scientific research, as long as the error is not large. Of course, what I said was actually deliberately taking advantage of them. Think about it, I'm almost like Superman in reality. Even if these little sisters mix in the fitness center and martial arts club every day in reality, they don't even want to do me.

Listening to me about fighting with physical fitness data in reality, those Tai Sisters from the Shannan Sisterhood immediately stopped doing it. "No. You are a man. We must be at a disadvantage in the body with the data in reality. After all, there are few women who can bring down a man one-on-one, let alone you are not an ordinary person."

"Yes, I am indeed a man, but did I say I want to be one-on-one?"

"Why? You want to pick all of us?"

"Please, I'm from the Frost Rose League President, Supreme Commander of the Alliance. Why do you think I’m just like you all day long and have nothing to do? A movie line, I’m hundreds of thousands of one minute, playing wheel wars with you? I don’t have the time! You guys will go together for a while, Otherwise, when will I hit the KO one by one?"

"Okay, you have a seed. What about the equipment?"

"All stripped. Everyone changes the base Set."

This basic set is actually a special weapon for the training ground, but not only this full-level training platform, but all the scene settings that can compete and compete in "Zero" have similar things, just the level. It's just different. The setting of the full-level combat training platform is a relatively comprehensive one. There are various levels of training suits. This basic suit is the most basic equipment for each class. It just reflects the professional gap. For example, the warrior has higher defense and the mage's firepower. The output is strong. Of course, the basic attributes on this equipment are naturally not too high, so there is almost no auxiliary effect except for covering the body.

Listening to me saying that the equipment is completely stripped, the young ladies of the Shannan Sisterhood are relieved a lot. After all, my Divine Dragon suit and eternal reputation are so great that people will be a little worried.

"How do you deal with your pets?" A sister suddenly remembered that I am a summoner. Although my attributes are restricted, if I create a group of pets, they will still lie down. On the training ground.

"I don't want to summon any creatures to help. Is that okay?"

"Okay, this question is over. What about your skills?"

"Apply for the system to turn off personal skills in the fair arena for a while, and only open general skills and professional public skills. No problem, right?"

The so-called general skills are skills that players can learn. For example, riding, this skill can be learned not only by Knight, but also by any profession, but the Knight profession has a bonus to riding. Once it comes up, it is two levels higher than others, and others are at most Level 20 full. Players can learn Level 12 even if there is no special reason. This is the profession. As for the vocational public skills, this is actually a general-purpose skill, but it is only common within the profession. For example, the arrow technique must be learned by the archer, and there is also the magic missile, an introductory skill for the mage.

After listening to my promise, the young ladies of the Shannan Sisterhood immediately whispered and discussed. One of the MMs said: "Attribute uses real data, we gang fight him, equipment with basic suits, skills only use common skills. Are there any restrictions?"

"Venue, venue ah "A MM reminded.

"Yes, the venue." The MM next to me said to me: "What environment is used in the duel?"

"Whatever you want. But it's better to be flat. I don't want to be with you. Play hide and seek."

"Okay, then choose a flat prairie."

"Do you have any restrictions?"

The other party discussed After a long time, he said: "The restrictions are gone, but if you say that you win, we have to listen to you completely. This is a bit of a problem. Do you ask us to be a lady and we have to do the same?"

" Of course not." I said: "I only ask you to act as my subordinates, as long as you do your responsibilities as subordinates, and I will not restrain you from apart from this."

"Then it's okay. Let's start."

"Wait a minute." I was stopped by another person as soon as I was about to start.

"What's the matter?"

"You must wait a while."


"Because we Someone in the guild has been killed by you and has not been resurrected, and some people are dizzy and unable to play the battle strength. Since you want to challenge our guild, we have to keep the battle strength intact."

" No problem. I want you to find everyone."

In order not to leave them a shred of excuses, I am extremely magnanimous. But even if I'm a little bit generous, I don't care. Anyway, I will read the physical data in reality for a while. Isn't I a Dragon Clan but a group of humans?

After putting down all the MMs from the Shannan Sisterhood, let them contact those who had just died in their guilds, and give treatment and comfort to those who were dizzy and dizzy. They were quickly killed. People returned here, and those who were dizzy finally returned to normal.

"Now that you are all here, and the state is full, there should be no problem, right?"

"No problem, start the fair duel space now, we sign the system According to the agreement, the penalty for breach of contract later is set to that the defaulter will be forced to delete the number, and all the property of the defaulter will be transferred to the other party."

"No problem." Anyway, I did not intend to violate the agreement. I am not afraid of harsh punishment clauses. Besides, I won't lose, even if I want to breach the contract, I don't have that chance.

The agreement was finally settled, and then I finally appeared on the full-level combat training platform with the young ladies from the Shannan Sisterhood. When we first came in, this platform was really just a luminous platform, surrounded by endless stars, there was nothing but the platform on which we were standing.

I stood in the center of the platform and shouted over my head: "Change the mode to the duel mode, and the dead will be resurrected off the court immediately, but they must not leave the field before the duel is over."

" Mode confirmation, are there any other requirements?" system hint asked.

"Change the attribute as follows." I quickly reported the arrangement that I discussed a long time ago, and the system quickly accepted our settings, and then I saw a light spot suddenly appeared in the center of the platform, and then light The dot burst suddenly, trying to spread a white shock wave. The area swept by the shock wave immediately turned into green grass, and when the shock wave swept across us, all of our equipment suddenly turned into a silver white basic suit. After the ripples have completely spread, the platform we are on has completely turned into a large grassland, and the surrounding starry sky has been replaced by the horizon and some mountains.

After the diffuse white mask disappeared, the system hint sounded again. "The setting of the duel platform is complete and the rules take effect. I wish you a happy use."

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