"What do you want me to say?" Xueying finally succumbed in my fierce eyes.

I raised the transmitter in my hand. "Does this need to be asked?"

Xueying looked at the transmitter in my hand, then lowered her head and thought for a while, and finally said as if she had made a lot of determination: "No, I am not I will tell you."

"In that case, I think I probably already know something." In Xueying's stunned eyes, I said to the remaining dozens of the White Fox League: " Let’s talk about your thoughts. Die with her, or admit your mistakes? This is the last chance. I count to three. If you don’t want to admit your mistakes, get ready to die with her."

A little out of my expectation, the remaining fifteen people showed exceptional determination. They didn't even think, so they raised their arms and glared at me, completely resisting to the end.

I didn't count them at all when I saw their expressions. Anyway, I count them in vain. "Since your goal is so clear, then I can only say sorry." As I said, I threw the launcher into the Phoenix Dragon space, and then raised the Eternal Scythe Gun with one hand and pointed it at the front. A red arc flashed, Xueying quickly reacted and flashed to the side, but behind her there was a scream. When she turned her head, she was seeing one of her good sisters looking down at her body in surprise, and then a thin red line suddenly extended from her forehead. The red line gradually extended downwards, running through her whole body, and extending to between her legs, and then listened to the popping sound of the bang water, the girl suddenly broke into two pieces from the middle and softened.

Although fighting and killing in the game is commonplace, such shocking scenes are definitely rare. In fact, in "Zero", it is rare to cut off the limbs and head or cut off the body. Most of the battles between ordinary players are superficial wounds. An incision on the skin is a very serious injury, while injuries such as cutting off limbs or severing the body generally only occur in two situations-super-strong attack And Ultra Grade attack.

Assuming that a player's defensive power is fixed, then let others attack him. If the attacker's attack power just reaches the critical point of breaking the defense and not breaking the defense, then the attack state at this time will be called a balanced attack. If the attacker's attack power can kill the attacked person with just one hit, then the attack at this time is called a second hit. Balanced attack and second strike are actually very important data in the game, especially when the team cooperates to siege the super boss. If you can play a balanced attack, it is equivalent to calculating the defense value of the BOSS. It is a very important attribute for the team decision-maker to measure the BOSS defense value without attribute display equipment, because whether the team can kill the BOSS, and how to match the team, it all needs the BOSS. defensive power for reference.

As for the second strike, this attribute is actually very useful, but it is not against the boss, but against the small monster group around the boss. If you can hit the second hit, you can calculate the monster group's comprehensive defense and health. This can not only be used as reference data, but more importantly, the person who can hit the second has the ability to quickly clean up the little monster. This is very important for the subsequent siege operations. important.

In addition to estimating BOSSattribute, balance attack and second strike are also the dividing line of battle strength in the game. If the attack effect is lower than the balance attack, it is not breaking the defense, and the attribute between the balance attack and the second strike is a normal attack. If your attack power surpasses the second strike, it is a strong strike. But if your attack power can still make a second shot after dividing by three, it is not a strong attack but a super attack. As for the Ultra Grade attack, this refers to an attack that can hit more than six seconds, which is considered an Ultra Grade attack.

Although strong strikes, super strikes and Ultra Grade attacks can kill opponents in seconds, they have completely different meanings in the game, and the effects they display are also different.

The second hit is also commonly referred to as the second kill. It will not assist any special animation effects in the game, but will cause blood spray during normal death. In addition to killing opponents instantly, the effects of strong attacks often also have shock retreat and highly traumatic effects. For example, the corpse will be beaten to tatters, and some even have a tendency to break.

Super strong strike is a higher level attack than strong strike, its lethality is naturally stronger, and the effect in the game is often to cut off a certain part of the opponent’s body with a single knife, or to cut it off. The effect of cutting half of the body. As for the Ultra Grade attack, this one is more exaggerated. Because the attack power surpasses the defense too much, the person who is attacked will have different effects because of the attacker's different attack methods. For example, if a mage makes an attack, it will usually blow up the enemy to pieces. The Ultra Grade attack of the archer usually shoots the opponent's body into a fist-sized hole, and also knocks the corpse into the air, as if the opponent was hit by a truck. The warrior's Ultra Grade attack form is a little more complicated. The general performance is to cut where to cut. You can directly cut the opponent's body without considering where to be cut. Anyway, once you hit it, everything is in the end. Of course, if the warrior deliberately controls it, special effects such as shattering, retreat, or internal injury can also be played, but the premise is that you have the ability to play Ultra Grade attacks and have that control.

Just now, this MM was split from the top of the head along the bridge of the nose all the way down from the middle. This position is already the line with the highest total defense on the body. Being able to cut the whole person open from this angle, and there is no effect of flying the opponent, it can only show that my attack power not only reaches the level of Ultra Grade attack, but also exceeds the large section. Of course, this can be seen from the corner of the attic that was cut off behind the girl. Anyway, the attic is also a building. It doesn’t matter if you can cut a person into two pieces with a single blow. If you can cut a house into two pieces, it’s not something ordinary people can do. Besides, my attack is to wear a person first. I cut off a corner of the house, and after the attack, it disappeared. If there is something in front of it, I would have to destroy a lot of things.

"Even if you see such a result, do you plan to continue to resist?" I asked the remaining members of the White Fox League.

"I would rather die than surrender." Xueying suddenly yelled and rushed towards me. But before she rushed to me and Qian Yeying snorted and sprayed out a cloud of hellfire of purple black, her clothes really fell off. Xueying, who lost one's head out of fear, backed away in a hurry, her companion desperately helped her put out the fire, but instead of extinguishing the fire, she took herself with her.

Looking at the remaining women desperately rushing to help put out the fire, I couldn’t help but say, “You can even say the least resistance at this level. I’m really very I want to know if you are too stupid or really great. Also, you'd better not touch the fire, and let those who have been exposed to the fire burn to death, otherwise you will all be burned to death without me."< /p>

"hmph, we are not as cold-blooded as you." An MM from the White Fox League scolded angrily.

Looking at them like this, I simply put Eternity into a ball and put it back in the storage slot, and then lay on Ye Ying’s neck and watched them fighting the fire there as if watching a play. "I said you don't understand it or not?"

"What do you mean?" The cold-blooded MM who said I was fighting the fire asked rhetorically.

I stretched out two fingers at a moderate pace. "First, the basic common sense of team warfare: Unless the number of personnel on your side exceeds the need for combat, that is, there are too many people to attack at the same time, and you can only queue up to join the battle, do not rescue your personnel except for professional nurses. Otherwise, the loss will only be greater. Second, common sense of the rule: Hellfire does not need oxygen to burn, and does not emit heat, so it cannot be extinguished by sprinkling water to cool down or burying in sand to isolate the air. And the inflammable materials of hellfire are everything Lifeform, especially Soul Body is the most. You can’t extinguish the fire if you use Water Element spell to smash or hit things like this, and you and the water itself are both fuel. What you are doing now is actually pouring gasoline on them. It makes no difference."

When I heard my words, the few MMs who were fighting the fire stopped in shock. It's not that they believed my words, but they just discovered that the fire is indeed burning more and more, and it seems that even the water produced by the Water Element spell they threw is burning up. But they obviously didn't really understand this strange phenomenon just now. Now that I say this, they immediately understand why they can't always put it out.

Seeing their reaction, I immediately asked amusingly: "You won’t really let me get it right? I don’t know the attributes of Hellfire. I really doubt how you got to this point one by one. Level. Although many MMs are accustomed to carrying upgrades, but you should know something if you see too much? Hellfire is not a rare thing, Dark Element mage is all genius. You can't even destroy this thing, If I run into a Dark Element mage, wouldn’t the group be destroyed?"

"hmph, don’t worry about it." The MM who scolded me before screamed and asked: "Quickly, what about hellfire? Extinction?"

"hahahaha!" I really laughed this time. "You really have no lower limit on IQ! I set off the fire, and you actually asked me how to put out the fire? Then you might as well order me to commit suicide, maybe I really committed suicide when I got hot?"

I'm so direct, even if the other party is stupid, they know that I'm talking irony and mocking her. But maybe she was really anxious. Although she knew her behavior was stupid, she still asked: "Quickly tell me how to put out the hellfire?"

"I told you all about it. They can burn them to death. You have to ask. What if I tell you? Don’t say that you can’t use that method, even if it works, do you think you can beat me if you put out the fire?"< /p>

"How on earth are you going to put out the fire?" The MM continued to ask as if she hadn't heard what I said, and she seemed to be crying anxiously from her expression.

Although I am here to enforce the punishment, the punishment is punishment anyway. It is somewhat inappropriate to cause others to cry. This is the same as treating a male enemy to be able to kill but not to humiliate, and to treat women. Players, I always think that they can be killed, but don't make them cry.

"Well, because you want to help your sisters so piously, I tell you, but you don't expect to save them. The most common way to extinguish the hellfire is to use Light Element’s purification or blessing spell is used to offset it. In addition, there are other methods for occupations in various countries. For example, Chinese Taoists can use fire-gathering art to draw out hellfire, and evil occupations such as wizards can consider using evil dominance. Or sacrifices and other spells to transfer hellfire. But unfortunately, there is neither a light mage here nor any profession that can transfer hellfire, so I said it’s useless to tell you. If you didn’t save it before, it’s also She burned to death by herself, and now it seems that you are about to reduce more than half of the staff." At this point, my voice suddenly began to turn cold. "But don't think this is over. I told you before that fighting against our Frost Rose Alliance will not have good results. After that, our guild will send a hunting team to hunt you down between the resurrection points. As long as you don’t go offline, I promise you can meet again in Xinshou Village within three weeks at most. So now, goodbye to you.” I snapped my fingers as I said, and the king and Sha Yezi appeared beside me. . "Leave it to you."

The king gave a sword-raising ceremony, then turned around and rushed to the MMs without saying a word, and Sha Yezi rushed without even saying hello. Passed.

If you have the two of them here, you don't need to worry about them at all. If the various player attributes in the game are converted into percentages, and the average is set to fifty. The equipment of this group of MMs can at least hit 80 points or more, and their level can hit more than 60 points, but the fighting skills and various combat knowledge are below 30 points. If you put it together, this group of MMs is comprehensive The battle strength can reach forty points at most. In other words, the overall battle strength of this group of MM is lower than the average player. The king is very high in battle strength among my pets. Isn't it the same as playing against little girls who can't even reach the average player's battle strength?

After handing over those who resisted to the end to the demons, I myself left the attic platform and went to the street outside. After scanning the frustrated group of MMs, I said, "Okay, the above things have been solved almost, now it is your problem. As I said before, I didn’t intend to really Punish you, but you have to give me a step down. As the leader of the Alliance, lax law enforcement is destroying the Great Wall. I know that this time the Shannan Sisters will bully you first. From start to finish, you all have reason. , But have you ever thought about it? Once you leave the alliance, then you are not a member of the alliance. No matter how fair the regulations are, they are only the ruling rules used within a group, which are used to protect the members of the group that comply with the regulations Once you withdraw from the alliance, then you will no longer be insiders, and at this time, it is useless even if you account for the reason, because the reason is spoken within the group, not with outsiders. To treat people outside the alliance, ours The attitude is to ask the other party to acknowledge allegiance. If you don’t acknowledge allegiance, you will hit their acknowledge allegiance. You don’t want to be that kind of existence, do you?" Long, we all want to understand these things. Before, I followed Xue to leave because she was the president, and everyone was angry at the time. Now that we want to make this decision is indeed impulsive. Now that we have decided to leave the White Fox League, It means that we know that we regret it, so you don’t need to tell us any more truths. Tell us directly how to do it? Although we are all women, we have to bear it. We have to bear the consequences for what we do wrong. We are mentally prepared."

"Very well, you have a very good idea. To be honest, if you can figure out this earlier in the plenum, you don’t have to make it like this. But you can at this time It’s not too late to understand. Since it’s all up to the point, you give me a step down, and I won’t let you suffer. First of all, the apology is affirmative. You have to apologize to the entire league, and I will treat you as The punishment for those who stubbornly resisted will be shown to other guilds. In addition, because you are the first guild to have such incidents, I will explain this when you apologize and tell everyone that your punishment has been done. It has been reduced, so that other guilds will neither feel that my punishment is too light nor underestimate the rules and regulations of the league. As for the punishment for you, I will try my best to get you some nominal punishment, and try not to Let you suffer substantial losses. In addition, those who leave here can re-establish a guild. Anyway, all of you are acquaintances. It's just that changing the name of the guild and adding a few people will not affect you much. As for speaking, The problem with the guild station... I will first attack the original White Fox League so that it will be forcibly disintegrated by the system, and then I will help you with the anchor city of Starry Night City Please help you transfer the guild station of the White Fox League to the head of the new guild, so that you will not have much loss. What do you think of my arrangement? "

"It's all up to you. "

Saying this is equivalent to accepting my arrangement. But I think they will accept it as long as they are not stupid. After all, my arrangement is not so much punishment as it is no punishment, except for an apology. There is almost nothing at worst. If they don’t accept it anymore, it’s really ignorant. But the main reason for my light punishment this time is that they are the victims themselves. If they were the first to cause trouble, I would never be so polite.

After arranging their punishment, I took out the previous transmitter and asked again: "Now you are no longer a member of the White Fox League. , Then, I hope you can tell me where did you get this thing. ”

The launcher in my hand is the launcher they used to strike Jingjing’s shield when I first arrived. Originally, this launcher is nothing at the worst, although this is a The single-soldier magic crystal steam missile launcher is also export-oriented, but the problem lies here. Although this thing is export-oriented, our guild has not sold one so far. It is not that no one bought it, but we still Did not start selling. But because of the need to resist the Russians this time, we have previously distributed some magic crystal steam missile launchers to some large and medium-sized guilds, and this launcher is one of them.

What I want to know most now is that when we provided the launchers, we explicitly warned the guilds that got the launchers. These launchers can only be used to resist Russian invasion of Legion, and they can’t be resold for any reason or form. Other guilds. But why did the White Fox League have these launchers in their hands, and they were still in their hands after they left the alliance? Did they steal it? Or did some guilds take our warnings to their ears ?

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