From the Transmission Formation in Starry Night City, the first thing I saw was the empty transmission hall. This co-built city was originally small. Several other guilds in the city went to the front line to resist the Russians. Now there are only a few NPCs in the city except the people from the White Fox League. Transmission Formation is a high-consumption thing, just like an airplane in reality. Although it cannot be said to be absolutely unusable, NPCs generally do not use Transmission Formation unless necessary, so now the entire teleportation hall is empty, almost like a ghost house.

Leaving the transmission hall, the outside situation is similar to Transmission Formation. Although there are NPCs walking back and forth on the street, the flow of people is sparse and looks very depressed.

According to the road map provided by the military god, I quickly found the headquarters of the White Fox League. This is a Chinese-style building, but it is not a late-dynasty building such as the Tang and Qing, but something from the Spring and Autumn Period. The entire first floor of the building is a high platform, which is one floor higher than the nearby buildings from the beginning. The second layer of the building is actually the real first floor, here is a hall that runs through from the front and back. Except for the pillars, only one staircase leads to the second floor. The real functional buildings actually start from the third floor.

Because there were few people on the street, I was more conspicuous riding the night shadow, so the other side found me almost at the same time when I saw the castle-like fortress building. When I got to the front of the building, the other party had all stood by the railing on the edge of the second layer of the building, and the other party's president and Vice-President were standing at the entrance of the elevated stairs.

The castle-style building of the White Fox League actually existed as a family fortress in ancient times, so its defensive purpose is obvious. The high platform on the first floor is not so much a foundation as a city wall, and the passage leading to the platform does not protrude from the outside of the platform, but is recessed inside the platform. Looking up from the entrance on the first floor of the staircase, this staircase is basically a narrow passage like Heaven's Line. On both sides of the passage are arrow towers where people can stand, and the front of the entire castle tower starts from the second layer to the top layer, and archers on any layer can attack this passage. In addition, the small holes reserved on the walls on both sides of the passage are probably not a good thing. The back is either a hidden archer or something like lance. It can be said that if the other party wants to block this passage, if you can't fly and the power gap is not too big, you will not be able to rush up with ten times the number of people. Of course, a person with strong assault force like me certainly doesn't care.

I stood under the stage and looked at the archer on the edge of the high platform and the White Fox League President Vice-President at the top of the long steps. For a while, I couldn't figure out what they meant. This group of people are all standing at the gate, which can be said to be welcoming or blocking. After all, these women are all holding weapons, especially the archer above, with arrows on their bows, and the bowstrings are light. It stretched a little bit, but it didn't point the arrow at me.

"Chairman Xueying. Are you lining up to welcome me... or do you want to kill me?" Since the other party has placed an ambiguous position, I will let them sort out the relationship by themselves. At least I won't let me offend others in the future.

Among the two beauties standing on the top of the platform, the president Xueying, who is wearing a white traditional long dress, said in a very sweet voice: "It's not our decision. It's up to you to make a decision. If President Purple Moon is here to soothe, then we are naturally welcome, but if the President is here to help the slut bully us..." At this point, Xueying’s sweet voice suddenly changed cold and unusually. : "We will fight for the dead."

When I heard Xueying's words, I almost couldn't turn off Yeying's back. What is a fight to the death? Those who know understand that I'm here to deal with alliance disputes, but those who don't know thought this was a group of virgin women resisting the invasion of the flower pickers.

"What did President Xueying say? I'm not a flower thief. Where do you start with keeping the festival?"

"The president understands what I mean in his heart. , I don’t need to explain."

Yes, this beautiful MM who looks very weak is actually a master who doesn’t know how to make money. In any case, people made it clear that they dissatisfied me, and if they didn't convince them what I said, they would not listen. It's better to start as early as possible to avoid wasting time.

"In that case, I'll just say it straight. It's good for the White Fox League to have grievances, but you shouldn't leave the alliance openly, and don't say hello to us. Although the battle has not yet begun, but It's already in a confrontation state. Because you suddenly left, our defense line was directly pierced through a hole. In case the Russian army happened to launch a counterattack at that time, and the area you guarded was the focus of the attack, what should our defense line do? Although the Russians did not take the opportunity to launch a counterattack this time, your example is here. If I don’t punish you, you say to yourself, what should I do next time a similar incident happens? Watching the line of defense collapse? Put in billions of crystal coins. Give you some fun?"

"President Purple Moon, we know that this time our sudden departure is indeed wrong, but Sister Shannan will pick up the matter, and the fault is not with us. You will not punish They, on the contrary, are bothering us. Do you think we are good to bully?"

"hmph!" I was coldly snorted, and then asked, "Good to be bullied? Which guild in front of me is not good to bully? Yes? The Shannan sisters will make mistakes first. I have already investigated this matter clearly. After dealing with your side, I will go to them to settle the account. But if they make mistakes, it is their fault first, so if they make mistakes, you can follow along. Is it guilty? Although the alliance’s system is not a law, for the integrity of the alliance, I must guarantee its absolute authority. Wrong is wrong, no matter if you have thousands of reasons, it’s the same."

" That's nothing to talk about?" Xueying's voice turned coldly and said: "Then let us see the power of President Purple Moon. Anyway, you think it's glorious to bully us girls."

I sneered. After a cry, he put down the mask and said: "Playing with me? You made me simple!" Xueying's meaning is very obvious, she just wants me to be because of the reputation of being afraid of doing hands on women. She didn't dare to start, but she didn't know that there were a lot of things in my position but she didn't need to care about it. It is as if a murderer kills an ordinary citizen even if it is a heinous crime. Back then, Napoleon dared to set up a cannon on the street to strikes the ordinary people's parade, and as a result, they were still the object of worship. There is also an allusion in China saying that killing one person is a thief and killing a million is a male. I don't know if I have killed a million people, but if it is not enough, it should be about the same, so I think I can be included in the ranks of males. So now that you have entered the ranks of males, bullying is not called bullying, but is called great righteousness. So Xueying wanted to use this reputation to scare me. It was a dream at all.

As soon as Xueying heard what I said, and then saw that I even put down my helmet and mask, I immediately understood in my heart that I couldn't hide it today. With a wave of her hand, the archer on the front of the attic almost let go at the same time, and a large swath of densely packed arrows shrouded like a black cloud.

I didn’t even move at all when I looked at the large arrow pressed down by the face of the hood, Jingjing suddenly appeared in front of me, and a huge shield stood on top of my head and shot everything. All the arrows coming were blocked. After a round of arrow rain, the opponent did not stop, and the second wave arrow rain immediately followed, but compared with the previous batch, the launch sequence of this wave of arrow rain was obviously much messier.

Jingjing stood there motionless with her shield on, the arrows shot from the sky constantly hit the light shield and then slid away. In addition to consuming a little bit of Jingjing’s magic power, it could almost be Said to be nothing.

Seeing that the arrow rain is completely ineffective, Xueying waved his hand again, and then let it aside. A player carried something like a rocket launcher and flashed out of her back, and then pressed against us. A missile with a long tail flame flew out of the launcher and hit Jingjing's shield. Just listening to a loud explosion sound, along with the sky full of flames, Jingjing's whole body was blown up and took a few steps back to stabilize her figure, and I was also complexion changed.

I stretched out my hand to put on Jingjing’s shoulder, Jingjing immediately retracted the shield and disappeared in the space door, and then I clamped my legs, Ye Ying immediately rushed up the steps, and jumped across the entire step in one step. The top of the platform. Xueying didn't expect us to be so fast and dodge backwards in a hurry, but I simply didn't come to her. The eternal hook in his hand pierced the shoulder of the player carrying the transmitter, and then the hook was turned, the erected hook just hooked the transmitter, followed me back, and the transmitter was directly separated. The shoulder of that player flew into my hand.

After holding the transmitter in front of me, I skillfully rotated and pinched the handle under the transmitter, and then the handle of the transmitter fell off with a click. Turning over the launch tube, I saw a big hole exposed where the launch tube and the grip were originally connected. Seen from the entrance of the cave, there are several relatively small but complicated magic devices inside. I pulled out one of the small devices and found a row of codes on it.

After seeing that row of codes, I was extremely angry and laughed. "hmph hum, it seems that some people are taking my words as in one ear and out the other!"

Xueying didn’t react much when she found out that I had robbed the transmitter, but she saw me. She probably also thought about what this thing might have reminded me of the expression. "What are you so excited about taking out a broken part?"

"Because this broken part allowed me to find some moths that might ruin the entire embankment." I took the transmitter and shook it towards Xueying. Shaking: "Where did you get this thing?"

"Why should I tell you?"

My voice was cold and severe, "I thought you were victims before." Betraying the alliance is also impulsive, I still plan to teach you a lesson. But since you just took out this thing, things have been completely different. Now I will give you one last chance. Actively cooperate with me to find out the whole thing. sequence of events, return to the alliance and accept the punishment, I promise you will not lose too much. Fight to the end, I will make you unable to stay in China in the future." After I finished speaking, I raised my head to the surrounding White Fox League members loudly and said:" The same is true for you. Choose to withdraw now, and apologize to the alliance in your own name, and then choose to join other guilds in the alliance or join the alliance in your personal capacity. This time, I assume it has not happened. But if you want to stay in this line Yes, and if your president chooses to resist again, I promise that those who stay will never exceed Level 20."

My words are actually very ruthless. After all, this is equivalent to Forcing people to delete the number. Although such a serious threat sounds uncomfortable, it is definitely powerful enough. Even some people who had been very determined began to hesitate.

In fact, if it were a general guild, and if I made such a threat in my capacity, most of the guilds would fall apart in an instant. The reason why the White Fox League has been able to survive until now is mainly because of the structure of the guild. Like most micro guilds, the Baihu League is actually a small group guild, which means that most branch members of the Baihu League actually know each other in reality. The members of the entire guild are originally direct or indirect acquaintances outside the game. After entering the game, everyone connects with each other to form a guild freely. Many micro guilds are established in this structure, and some of the basic components of this structure are based on a certain class or a certain school, and some are based on a certain company or a certain hobbyist circle. Of course, some are based on a large family. Micro guilds like this are common in all countries. Although such guilds are difficult to grow, they are far superior to ordinary guilds in terms of unity. After all, the game identity is virtual, but the real identity is real. For the real relationship, everyone in the game is naturally impossible to betray each other for the benefit of the game, so such guilds are usually monolithic. Of course, whether it can persist to the end depends on the intimacy of the group. For example, a mini-guild formed by a family unit is all from the cousin, cousin, Uncle, and Aunt. Such a guild is definitely indivisible no matter what happens. But for some groups like hobbyists or school groups, such micro guilds are much worse than family guilds.

Although I have not investigated the specific composition of the Baihu League, if I am not mistaken, this should be an Academy classified guild, because in terms of age, the members of the guild are basically college students. , And the other party is all female, and their looks are considered middle-to-high. So I guess this is probably a school-based micro-guild composed of some pretty girls. Such a guild can be said to be relatively united in general matters, but it is not necessarily the case when it encounters the threat I just announced. After all, everyone is just a classmate from the school, not at the same table or particularly close friends. If you make a mistake, I don’t have to follow the funeral, right?

Sure enough. After hesitating for a few seconds, someone immediately shouted: "I will withdraw!"

The first person who called was naturally despised by others, and the eyes of the audience gathered in an instant, but there was After taking the lead, soon the second and third people who withdrew appeared one after another. In the end, more than half of them announced that they would withdraw. However, they are only announcing that they will withdraw, and they have no plans to withdraw. After all, if Xueying didn't plan to fight me stubbornly to the end, the guild would be forgiven, and there would be no need for them to quit.

When no one called out to quit, and everyone turned their eyes back to him, Xueying finally realized that he had to make a decision. She looked around, then hesitated again. After a while, her Vice-President suddenly put his hand on her shoulder and persuaded: "Xue, shall we admit it?"

Xueying glanced at Vice-President next to her, and then still Hesitated for a long time. I can’t keep waiting for her to think slowly, so I urged: “I’ll give you one more minute. If you don’t make a decision, then I will help you decide.”

Can you retreat? Xueying didn't think about one minute anymore, but made a decision less than five seconds after I finished speaking. Suddenly she lifts the head and looked at me firmly and said: "No, I would rather be killed by you back to Novice Village and never admit my mistake."

"Okay, very good." I said and looked towards The Vice-President of the White Fox League who persuaded her said: "What about your decision? She intends to fight with me to the end. What about you?" Seeing that she was about to speak, I hurriedly said: "Don't worry, I can talk about it. Earlier, choosing to follow her means that you have no future in the game. If you feel that your Baihu League should not suffer such a result... I will give you a suggestion." Seeing her waiting for the following expression, I understand. In fact, she didn't want to follow Xueying against me. "You want to help the White Fox League, and you want to help other sisters in the club. This is very easy. My suggestion to you is branch. Split the White Fox League into two independent guilds. You will be the president of the new White Fox League. Those sisters who don’t want to fight against me form a new guild. How about? My suggestion can be passed, right?"

The Vice-President looked at the Xueying next to me after hearing what I said. , And then looked at the sisters standing in the attic again, and finally made up his mind to raise a hand and shouted: "Fenmeng. The sisters who don't want to stay come to the street with me. We won't get into this mess. "As she shouted, most of the people upstairs immediately left the attic and ran to the street outside. They are all people who don't want to follow Xueying against me, and judging from this number, it is much more than the number of people who raised their hands before. The entire White Fox League originally had a small number of people, and now there are less than 20 people with the remaining one plus one. It can be said that their number is almost close to the bottom line of the guild. The latest rule of the system is that a guild must have at least ten or more players to form a guild, but now the White Fox League, including Xueying himself, has only sixteen people left, and four less. It will be dissolved automatically.

Seeing that most of her members stopped following her, Xueying's expression also turned frosty. She looked at me gnashing one's teeth and said: "Are you satisfied now?"

"Don't say as if you have been wronged. To tell you the truth, the previous judgment from the alliance is not counted at all. What major event, as long as you go a little bit, lower your posture, and apologize to other guilds in the alliance, there will be no actual punishment. But since you took out this transmitter, you just offend it. It is no longer the interests of the Alliance, but the interests of our Frost Rose League, and this time it violates our actual interests. So unless you can give me an explanation, I will let you know that the bottom line of the Frost Rose League’s interests is violated. What are the consequences."

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