Although it is necessary to obtain evidence on the spot, it is obviously not appropriate to ask the parties directly. People are selfish, especially after disputes, everyone must try to help themselves to speak, try to make themselves more reasonable. Of course, those who are obviously unreasonable have to preach that I am not reasonable, but I am a ruthless mentally handicapped child who is not in this range.

Because everyone will reason for themselves, so the two parties who asked the incident must have heard only their own right, and no one would say that they were wrong. Therefore, I think first to ask the third-party personnel in the vicinity to inquire about the situation. Of course, this third party can't just find one or two. On the one hand, I am afraid that they are related to one of the two parties. On the other hand, personal feelings and values ​​will often affect his description of the event, so I have to find a few people to ensure that they are relatively fair.

This is not a major event originally. In the game, everyone is a combatant. It has become a habit to fight and kill. No one cares about the unpleasantness between the two guilds. With my identity, everyone is busy saying that they understand. To the situation. During this period, I mainly asked different people from the three guilds to ask about the situation. There were only four or five people each time. This way, the supplementary content is more comprehensive, and multiple groups of people can confirm each other to avoid memory errors.

It took me less than twenty minutes before and after to learn about bits and pieces. This time the matter is said to be big or small, and it is not small. The two guilds that are in conflict are small guilds, or micro guilds, and the total number of the two guilds plus one is less than two hundred. However, although there are not many people in these two guilds, the involvement is not small. The reason lies in the composition of the two guilds. One of these two guilds is called the Shannan Sisterhood, and the other is called the Baihu League. Just by hearing the name, you know that it is a guild established by girls, because neither of these names is liked by men. Originally, if two ordinary guilds were making such a small matter, Hong Yue and the others would not mention it to me at all. The reason they would want me to decide how to deal with it was because of the people involved in these two guilds. Everyone knows that it is normal for the MM in the game to find a boyfriend or a husband in the game, and these two guilds are all female guilds, so naturally their boyfriends will be a very large crowd. These men are distributed among different guilds, and some are even high level players from a certain guild, thus forming a network of influence. Therefore, on the surface, this is a conflict between the two groups of MMs, but in fact, if the fight really starts, there will be absolutely no fewer people involved. Just because this matter can be big or small, Rose and Hong Yue finally handed it over to me, because once the matter became serious, it would be a huge damage to our entire defense system.

After understanding the situation, I thought about it and decided to discuss it with someone first. If it's really appropriate for me to come here for things like fighting, but the problem is that female members are involved, then it's not something I can think of and understand. As a male, my way of thinking is inevitably different from that of females. Maybe I think that things that are reasonable will be completely unreasonable to women. So in order to avoid thankless things, it is best to find someone who can help you. However, this specific candidate has to be considered.

Originally, there are quite a few women among the senior members of our guild, but many of them are not suitable for this job. First of all, although Rose is my wife, I have to say that she is actually a Wu Zetian-type woman. On the ability to please men, she is definitely one of the ten great experts in the guild, and at least can be ranked in the top three, but at the same time she has the characteristics of a strong woman, like to play many things between applause. How many women like Wu Zetian can you meet in your life? So roses are simply not suitable for this.

Except for the rose, neither Asura purple clothed nor true red is suitable. They are in the same situation, except for the growth of a woman's body, they are basically a man. It’s better to ask them about women’s thinking patterns than to find a big pot of rice. Although they are men, they are at least more careful. They may also understand women’s thoughts in some aspects.

The only female core staff left in the bank are Hong Yue, Woma, Gold Coin and Somei.

Although Su Mei is a genius child, the side effect of her high IQ is that her thinking cannot be used as a reference for normal people, so it is useless to ask her. Woma is a tech freak and a foreigner, so he doesn't even think about it. Finally, Hong Yue and gold coin, although these two girls have a special habit, but they are basically normal women, you can refer to them.

Looking back, thinking about the number of core female members of our guild, more than half of them are abnormal, which is really sweaty!

Although they decided to ask Hong Yue and gold coin for reference, both of them have extreme personalities, and the reference value is actually not too great, so they have to find someone to help. Finally, after thinking about it for a long time, I decided to ask Bailing, Bingbing, Bingling and Ziyue for help.

Although Bailing has been married to Ying for several years, she is already considered a veteran young woman, but she is a relatively normal woman after all. Although Bingbing is too pure, purity can be regarded as the commonality of women, but there are more women and fewer women, so Bingbing can also be used as a reference. As for Bingling, she is actually the most suitable adviser, because I think her personality is most in line with the thinking mode of modern women, with some dominance in her gentleness, and she can choose her boyfriend's attitude wisely to ensure absolute control over her boyfriend. Strength, this is probably a common feature of modern women or their yearning, so it is very representative. As for Ziyue, this girl is a little confused. How many is one of the characteristics of women?

Originally based on the size of our guild’s property, it would definitely take some time to find all these people, but now it’s luckier. Because of the homeland defense war, they are now all in the line of defense, as long as Let the military god forward a notification and that's it.

After more than ten minutes, I waited for them to reach me, and I quickly told them about the matter, and then waited for them to understand the situation clearly before I said: "Let you come here to help me out. Give an idea. What do you think I should do to make people in both guilds feel that I am doing it reasonable? Of course, the preconditions cannot be modified. Both guilds must be punished."

" You just because of this?" Bingling asked me with a deliberately exaggerated expression.

"What's the matter? This is a major event related to the existence of the alliance. How can I listen to your tone as if this matter is not very important, why is it not worth it to trouble you to come?"

"Aiya, I didn't mean that." Bingling explained: "I mean you actually came to us to discuss such a simple question. Although this matter is very important, is the question actually very simple?"< /p>

"Simple? Where is it simple?"

"We are not simple when we go, but it is very simple when you go." Ziyue said, "Although I am a female, and many women are here now Talking about feminist ideas, but the social atmosphere is there. Basically you can understand that a group of women are easily led and preached by men, but they usually cannot accept the leadership and preaching of women."

"Why? "Looking at the group of women around them all had their very clear expressions, I started to wonder if I had an intellectual problem.

"This is not simple." Gold coin finally couldn't stand it anymore and reminded aloud: "Everyone is a woman. Why can't I do what others can do? So if a woman comes out Reprimanding another woman is usually not accepted by those who are reprimanded. Of course, what I am talking about is a situation where there is no affiliation. Mother training daughters or teachers teaching students can not be used as a reference. However, if the person responsible for pretending to be a black face is Men and women usually accept the reprimand from the other party, especially when the other party is rational and behaves very tough. This is a personality problem. Except for some women who are strong women, I think most women should be the same as me, even though they are yelling Women’s rights, but we actually still think that men are stronger than women."

"Women really think men are stronger than them?" I asked with some uncertainty.

Hong Yue replied: "Of course. Although I don’t want to admit it, as a close friend, I don’t want you to misjudge. Except for a few exceptions, women do tend to think of men. Better than themselves. For example, after a danger, women usually seek shelter from nearby men. This is not only a character problem, but also a psychological problem. If women really subconsciously think that they are stronger than men, they will not Seeking asylum by men, but considering how to protect the men on the side of body protection. There is also feminism. The reason why this idea is proposed is because women are in a disadvantaged position compared with men. In the final analysis, proposing feminism is to fight for women. Rights, and if women are stronger than men, what rights do we have to fight for? It should be that we give rights to men, and what are we fighting for?"

"I think I understand. Then you guys Does it mean that I can do what I should do?"

"Except for a tough attitude, there is nothing else to pay attention to." Gold coin said: "If the average man does this, it probably takes a little effort. , But you don’t need to worry. For most women, you’re a silly name! Just like the beautiful school flowers on campus are absolutely alluring to the boys in school, most women are longing for you, so you They are easier to accept what you say. And the tougher you are, the more you can show your masculinity, and they will admire you more."

"I'm a bit sorry for what you said!"

Ziyue patted my shoulder and said, "No need to be sorry. Brother, what do you think! What does a man rely on to attract women? Body, appearance, intelligence, athletic ability, personality traits, knowledge, power, money, career, What kind of status do you lack? In addition to your personality may not be suitable for some women, can you find any shortcomings?"

"It looks seems...not really!" As Dragon Clan, my body is the product of genetic adjustment, so innate talents such as figure, appearance, intelligence level, and athletic ability must all be at the Perfect level. In terms of knowledge, although my university was not finished at the end, with the help of electronic brain memory and Dragon Clan special learning machine, my knowledge has actually been equivalent to the sum of the knowledge of professors in all departments of a comprehensive university. Too much. After all, the professors don't always remember some things that are not commonly used, but my electronic brain never forgets. As for rights, money, career, status, these things are naturally incomparable with the world’s top rich and national leaders like Father, but we are also a brigadier general officer, and I will take over the whole thing after immigrating in the future. Of the immigration fleet. Such a position is not enough, so I can only say that there is a problem with the other party's brain. In the end, the only problem may be personality. After all, I am a normal creature without schizophrenia, so no matter what my personality is, there must be only one personality anyway. The character is like vegetables and radishes. You can’t say who is good and who is bad, you can only say that radishes and greens have their own love. If people don’t like your character, it doesn’t mean that you have a problem with your character. If they like your character, it doesn’t mean that your character must be fine. So apart from my personality, I can really get a full score for all my attractiveness to women.

Hong Yue said with a smile: "So ah! Since you admit that you are very attractive, what are you afraid of? Just like in reality beautiful women are always favored, you are a famous grass Women will also receive special treatment."

"Damn, you knew this a long time ago, so you encouraged me to go with Rose, right?"

" Have you found out? The level of intelligence is really not low!"

I have determined that the point of action is not how I contact them, so the rest is the specific negotiation. Since there is a negotiation, there must be a sequence. Originally, from the perspective of the distance, I should be the first Shannan Sisterhood. After all, they did not leave the alliance, but were transferred to the rear to rest. But after thinking about it for a long time, I decided to talk to the White Fox League first. Although they are the aggrieved party, from the perspective of the alliance, they have destroyed the overall integrity of the alliance, so the punishment for them must be prioritized before consideration of others. This is like a robber and a robbed civilian. From a logical point of view, everyone must be inclined to help the civilians to fight against the robbers, but if the civilians suddenly take refuge in a hostile war with their own country after being robbed. The country, but the robbers stayed to participate in the defense war, so who do you help at this time?

Of course, the White Fox League has just left the front and has not taken refuge in the Russians, but as part of the defense system, their sudden withdrawal itself has already had a major impact on the overall situation. Therefore, their actions actually caused us no less harm than their direct refuge in the Russians. As for the Shannan Sisters’ Association, although it is wrong for them to bully others, they are still members of the Alliance. To us, they are like family relatives. Although it's not right for a relative to beat someone, but being on the side of righteousness rather than the side of emotions, how many things can you really do? Besides, our alliance is the national defense system. Our alliance is equivalent to the country, and there is no morality between countries. The principle that the international community has always adhered to is that countries only abide by the law of the jungle, that is, do not consider anything other than benefits.

Even if the Shannan Sisters’ Association is at fault, they are still members of our alliance. The punishment I am tolerant of them is equivalent to publishing such a message to all members of the alliance. "Any member of the alliance, no matter what mistakes you make, as long as it does not affect the overall interests of the alliance, we will deal with it leniently." The punishment of the White Fox League is also publishing information, but the content is: "Those who have defected from the alliance, no matter what you have The reason-execute without any mercy."

With these two pieces of information, I believe that what happens in the future alliance guilds will definitely have to be weighed and dealt with. At least everyone will not think about leaving the league as soon as they come up.

After calling up the information of the White Fox League from the God of War, I directly used Transmission Formation to reach the city where the White Fox League is located. At this time, the general guild would consider closing the city to prevent others from approaching, but unfortunately, as I said before, the White Fox League is just a miniature guild, and she doesn't even have her own city. The headquarters of the White Fox League is located in a city jointly built by players called Starry Night. This kind of city is different from the guild city and the system city, it should be counted as the third type city.

The system city is a city established by the system, which has been established since the player first entered the game. Such cities are usually very large, usually either large or medium-sized cities, and small system cities are very rare. The guild city is the second type of city, which is a city independently built by a certain guild. The guild has absolute power to manage the city and can determine all the development plans of the city, as long as it does not exceed the limits of the system rules, you can toss it as you please. The Starry Night City where the White Fox League is located is a third type of city jointly established by the power of multiple guilds-a joint city.

It can be said that the joint construction of a city is an excessive product. Its management system is actually similar to the system city, and it is managed by many NPCs set by the system. Before such a city is established, you must first find a nearby large system city to declare, and then wait for you to build the city, and the city that accepts the declaration will send a large number of NPCs to manage the city. And these NPCs will also have a large number of guards.

Different from a fully guild-built city, the construction of a joint city is much less difficult. First of all, because multiple guilds are jointly building, the funds can be shared, and each guild only needs to contribute a part. Secondly, because the co-built city is a semi-system city under the system city, you can apply to NPC for construction guidance during the construction process, and you can also buy building materials from the corresponding city that are half the market price. Finally, after the construction of the city is completed, the city will be protected by the NPC troops sent by the city that received the declaration. Therefore, compared to the pure guild city, it is relatively easier to pass the monster siege by building a joint city. After all, there are a lot of free NPC troops that don't need money, and those small guilds can defend the city with only half of their troops.

Of course, although the construction of joint cities is easy, the benefits are definitely not as good as guild cities. After all, less input means less output. However, the joint construction of the city is a little better-there is no need to pay city construction fees, and a part of the funds can be allocated from the city tax. Although the amount is small, it is an income after all, and there is no need to spend money on system cities.

The White Fox League is a miniature guild. After establishing this Starry Night City in partnership with several other small guilds, it became its headquarters. Just because they are not the only guild here, they can't do things like closing Transmission Formation. But this saves me a lot of things.

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