"I am not a Mongolian." Hearing I identified her as a Mongolian, the other party immediately yelled in Chinese, but this excuse did not distinguish her relationship with the Mongolian. On the contrary, it confirmed my guess.

"No need to quibble." I looked at her and said, "Although you just used Chinese, you can't learn the Chinese accent. You will know that you are not Chinese anymore. , If you are really not a Mongolian, what is your rebuttal? Anyway, you are not a Mongolian. Wouldn’t it be better to let them become a scapegoat? Then the only reason you are so eager to defend is that you are a Mongolian and don’t want us to know you The identity."

"Kasan, don't pretend, these people are very smooth, we have been exposed!" The muscle assassin said to the female mage aloud. He didn't even start the translator, he was just talking in Mongolian.

"It's good if you are willing to admit it." Frozen Banshee looked at the people and said, "Say, what do you want to do here?"

The strong warrior said: "You guys The Russians and the Chinese are sandwiching us in between and constantly oppressing our living space. Isn’t it normal for us to resist?"

"Since you say that...!" I looked at the warrior He said with a smile and stopped for a while, and then continued: "Then we don't have to play any kind of righteousness. Get them, and you will be the next one." When I spoke, I was pointing to Frozen Banshee, but Frozen Banshee just glared at me but said nothing. After I finished speaking, I said to the four people again: "Well, now that you know your identities, then you are useless. Should you just solve it yourself or let us send you on the road?"

"hmph, want to keep us, don't be delusional." The mage suddenly raised his hand and threw a red object that looked like a billiard ball at in the sky, but the thing just flew up less than three times. Mi Gao suddenly exploded into a large cloud of red smoke. However, after the red mist dissipated, there were no fewer of the four people present.

The four Mongolian players present each have a sword around their necks. The swords are the king, Lingling, the small dragon woman, and Mila. All four of them are now flushed, and I don't know if it is angry or ashamed.

"Idiots must have a limit!" Looking at the four people, I deliberately sarcastically said: "All of you present are Peak characters from China and Russia, even if the four of you represent Mongolia's high-end martial power. For those of us who represent China and Russia’s high-end martial power, should we maintain a minimum of humility? Even the gun god guy dare not say harsh words in front of me. You guys who have never heard of the names dare Tell me harsh words, what are you saying you are not idiots?"

"hmph, since you have been arrested, you have to scrape you all the time if you want to kill, so you don’t need to insult us anymore." The female mage said angrily .

"Insult? no no no, this is not an insult. I'm just stating the facts."

"hmph!" probably knows that I can't argue with me, the female mage is finally coldly No more sound after snorted. But speaking of which is really funny. A few of them came to provoke a deadly battle between us and the Russians. This strategy was originally correct, but their behavior was unusually funny. First of all, their detonating explosives to stimulate our behavior is totally unnecessary. The Russian invasion of Legion is now all on our country. Even if they do nothing, can we still watch the Russian army stop on our country and leave it alone? I really don't see any benefit for them to do blasting like this except for putting yourself in. In addition, their reaction after being restrained is also funny. The Russians are now invading us. As a special operation team sent by a third country, they have no position at all. But after they were caught, they behaved like martyrs, and they even put on an aggrieved expression. What they didn't know was that we invaded their country and caught them martyrs of the Great Patriotic War.

The funny shook the head, I really have nothing to say about this unreasonable brain damage, and directly waved to the king and them, four fountains of blood flew up, and the four heads rolled down to the ground.

"Okay, the trouble has been resolved, I think I should go."

"Why? Are you planning to leave after making a mess of us here?" Bing Feng Banshee stared at me with an expression of who owed her millions.

"Can you still stop me?" I glanced at the four corpses on the ground and said: "Don't be mistaken, I'm not at the same level as the four guys on the ground. You're welcome It is said that you are the same as they are to you. There is no threat at all. If you understand, let me leave, and then we all will see the truth on the battlefield. Otherwise, we will fight here again, anyway, you will even Going together at best is to create some trouble for me. If you are not afraid of death, I will stay with you to the end."

Frozen Banshee looked black after hearing my words. The reason why she was so angry was not because I said something wrong, on the contrary, she was angry because she knew that I was telling the truth. Before, she always thought that she could compete with me head-on, but now the facts have proved that not only she can't do it, even if the experts from all over Russia can't do it. My personal battle strength surpassed them too much, which made Banshee Frozen feel quite desperate. Although a national war cannot be supported by one person alone, the role of a super expert who is no stronghold one cannot overcome on the battlefield is too exaggerated. Imagine that as long as I exist, the country we are fighting against simply cannot guarantee the safety of any place. I can break through on the battlefield to any place I want, whether it is a logistics convoy or a command center. Nothing can stop me anyway.

The existence of an expert like me is not only a huge impact on the battle situation, but also a huge blow to the morale of the entire Russian invasion of Legion. However, even if I knew how much influence my presence would have on their next battle, the ice-bound Banshee still couldn't order me to be intercepted. If I don’t stop me, I will return to my own formation. In the following wars, I can still unscrupulously destroy their battle formations, but if they intercept me, they will not be sure of victory, but the loss is certain, and absolutely Can't be low.

Because of the difficulty of making a choice, Banshee Frozen couldn’t say a word in the end, and I was naturally impossible to stand there and wait for her to figure it out slowly, so I just turned around and walked after watching her for a long time. Got out. The surrounding Russian experts and the few Japanese Ghost Gods watched me leave but didn’t know whether to intercept them. If ordinary people stopped, they would stop them, but the problem was that none of them could say that I was able to do it before. They don't want to take the responsibility of the first shot. As for those Ghost Gods in Japan, they won't even interfere. Anyway, it is the Russians who are fighting with us. They are only here to support the Russians. When it comes to the relationship of interests, they are not in their turn.

No one took action on the expert here, and the surrounding low-level Russian players and NPCs were even more afraid to move. In the end, they could only watch me swaggering to the exit of the protective cover. Those in charge of guarding the gate saw me approaching and they were all nervous to death. They all assumed a defensive posture and kept backing away as I approached. They dared not return to the door until I completely passed through the protective cover. .

I greeted the military god when I came to scout the Russians. Although the people in the guild are very relieved of my strength, it is one thing to be assured, but it is another thing to be fully prepared. Therefore, even if they knew that I would have nothing to do with Hong Yue, they still sent a few groups of experts. They squatted at the exits of the protective shields of the Russians, waiting to pick me up and leave safely. However, those responsible for the response did not wait until I was chased by a large group of Russians, nor did they see me slip out of the protective cover silently. To their surprise, I actually brought a bunch of familiars slowly out of the exit of the protective shield like a demonstration, and the Russians behind them actually looked more nervous than me.

I didn’t know my situation and those responsible for responding didn’t dare to expose their whereabouts. Now seeing me walk out of the Russian military camp with such a high profile, these responders can no longer squat. , One by one ran out of the hiding place and rushed directly to my side.

"Chairman, you are also very awesome, right? Why did you just come out like this?"

I said with a smile and played with a smile: "I was found. Anyway. I can’t hide it anymore, so I just asked Frozen Banshee if she wanted to chase me down, and then she thought about it for a long time and didn’t say anything. I think it’s a bit silly to wait so long, so I just come out."

"That's OK?" A young Wanjia exclaimed in surprise.

The person next to you said with a smile: "If you are as powerful as the president, you can also go around in the Russian military camp and walk out. Make sure that no one dares to stop you, anyway. No. It's okay if you don't stop it. If you really stop it, it will not only kill people, but also damage a lot of things. A fool will stop it."

"That's right! The strength of the president is too strong! That bunch of long hairs can’t stop it at all."

As I withdrew the familiars that followed me, I asked: "Are you here to meet me?"

Besides A player took out a notebook and said: "Yes, but also record the entry and exit of the Russians by the way."

"Anything to find?"

"Yes." The previous player who asked me to do this replied: "The god of war has counted the situation of us squatting at several doorways, and it turns out that the Russians seem to be transporting troops abroad."

"Transporting troops abroad? "I didn't understand what he meant.

The player handed me the notebook directly, and then explained when I flipped through the records on the notebook: "The vertical row in front is the number of people who left the shield, the type of troops, and the time, and the row in the back is The number, type and time of their return."

"Why are the number of troops coming back so much less than the ones that went out?" The information on the record is clear, and you can immediately find out what is wrong when you look at it.

The player replied: "We don't know where the troops are. Anyway, the military god said that they weren't killed by us. So we guessed where the Russians were hiding soldiers secretly."


"A good move. The Russians want to open the battlefield!" I thought about it and asked, "Is there a backup on the data military god?"

"Yes. , We report every half an hour."

I nodded and said: "Then you continue to observe, I will go back first, you don’t have to follow me."

"Yes."< /p>

After leaving those few members, I rode a bird back to the army, and then I found Hong Yue and Rose. Seeing my appearance, Hong Yue immediately asked: "What was the result of the reconnaissance?"

"It's complicated."


I'm nodded, Then I talked about the Ghost God family, the magic array, and the Mongols that I saw inside the protective cover. After listening to what I said, Rose suddenly realized: "This damn Emperor Empress’ soil monument, every time it only shows a general reminder, is it exactly the same as if you didn’t say it! If you didn’t find the problem this time Maybe we are still kept in the dark!"

"Why is there something about the Queen's Earth Tablet?"

"The Queen's Earth Tablet can't be displayed in advance Is information vital to our future?"

I nodded and said: "That’s right! We were told by the Empress’ earth monument before that we had cracked down on the small actions of the Japanese against us several times. Is it?"

Rose said: "This time is the same. In fact, yesterday morning, a picture of unfathomable mystery was displayed on the Empress’ soil monument, which showed a bunch of giant Japanese Divine Races and a few A normal-sized Japanese Divine Race sailed on the sea together. The intelligence analysts of our guild were all confused by the scene at the time. They had no idea what the Empress’s earth stele was suggesting. But everything is clear now. , It seems that the Empress’s monument was telling us that the Japanese Ghost God tribe was secretly supporting the Russians."

"It’s not too late to know now." I said, “At least the Empress’s monument shows The thing that can help us analyze in advance some seemingly unrelated information. But this time I want to talk about not the things that I have detected, but the information recorded by the groups of members you sent to pick up me. From the records Seeing that the Russians have been secretly sending troops out of the barracks, do you know where the people who went out went?"

Ross hook the head said: "Although this area is our Chinese territory, But the Russians came from there after all. Besides, the nearby domestic forces were all concentrated here to take part in the blockade operations. The squads sent by the Russians were mixed in the transport team every time, with a few to a dozen people at a time. I don’t see much change at all. We don’t even know that the Russians are secretly Tibetans if it weren’t for the messages sent by the members who responded to you!"

I frowned and said: "The game is different from the reality. , The battle strength of the army cannot be measured solely by the number of people. Although the number of Russians currently hidden outside is quite large, they are actually only a small number of people compared to the number of people needed for a war. If the Russians spend so much effort Just to hide an insignificant army from the outside, this is impossible. So I guess that the missing must be experts. The Russians should have hidden an elite army. According to the general rule, this army should be far above average. Level battle strength, and mobility and concealment capabilities should not be low."

"If this is the case, wouldn't it be more difficult for us to find them?" Hong Yue asked.

"No, I didn’t know it was really hard to find before. Now that we know it now, it should be quite quick to find it." Rose said, "Anyway, this is our Chinese land after all. Home court advantage is not just for fun. If the Russians only send a cat to the ravine, I can't say that they will be found, but after all, this is a team of thousands of people. Even if they are scattered in multiple areas , Each squad must have at least dozens of people. It is absolutely impossible to find a clue."

I thought about it and pressed the communicator and said: "Military god. Search our guild. The team sent out to see where the Russians had been, and asked them to follow the area where the Russians passed. Must show me the hidden troops. Don’t underestimate these thousands of people. The battle is at a critical moment. If there is a powerful team of thousands of people suddenly inserted into the battlefield, it can change the situation!"

"Understand, I will arrange it right away."

After explaining the situation of the military god to investigate the situation there Then I said again: "Okay, the search is handed over to the military god. How about our strategic arrangements?" Hong Yue quickly reported: "Basically, it's done, now we will do it. It’s just waiting for the Russians to take the initiative to turn around and come back to attack our line of defense. However, it seems that there are some minor issues that you need to deal with yourself."

"Small issues?"

"Actually, It’s not a problem.” Rose took the topic and said: “The two small guilds participating in the coalition have a small conflict on defense issues. One of the people in the small guild withdrew from the alliance without our dissuasion. You are not there. , We don’t know exactly how to deal with these two small guilds."

Hong Yue added: "In fact, the small guild left behind will be wrong first. They should be responsible for this matter. But the problem is that the other guild did not listen to us and left the alliance directly. If we do not punish them, our alliance will not be stable in the future. Everyone will follow them as an example and take the withdrawal of the alliance whenever something happens. But if they were to punish them, the fault was not with them, as if emotionally it didn't make sense. After all, they are victims!"

I didn't hesitate after I understood the situation. No matter who is at fault, from the perspective of the alliance, the guilds who withdrew from the alliance must be punished. Regardless of their ten thousand reasons, as long as they withdraw from the alliance, they are destabilizing the alliance. At this time, the alliance is equivalent to the state, and the anti-alliance is equivalent to the anti-state. Even if they are Dou E, I have to use them. What I am worried about now is that the image of our guild will be damaged if they are operated on. After all, if this matter is legal, it cannot be reasonable.

"Then, you should adjust your defenses first, and plug the gap caused by the two guilds participating in the dispute. Don't use the guild you left. Take them down first. How to deal with it, wait for me to understand the situation on the spot."

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