Yes. Beast Tamer is an unbalanced profession, the only unbalanced profession in the huge balance system of the entire game. Of course, this kind of imbalance is not a simple imbalance, but a BUG unique to the trainer that is not a BUG.

In "Zero", all classes can be balanced by cross-balancing, but the trainer is a little out of control. The main reason for this out of control lies in the limitation of the number of familiars in "Zero" itself.

The main body of "Zero" is a financial bomb, and its main function is to absorb funds. Therefore, in order to ensure the ability to absorb funds, various items in "Zero" have always been scarce but powerful . Familiars are no exception. As a special equipment that can assist players to greatly improve their battle strength, their abilities have always been recognized by many players as the most powerful. However, corresponding to its powerful performance is its scarce quantity. Although the number of familiars that each player can have in the entire "Zero" world is roughly fixed, that is to say, the total demand for familiars is fixed. But because of the irreplaceability of the familiar, many people dare not easily recognize the master. This makes many people obviously have the Familiar Egg in their hands, but they do not have the Familiar to use. Because it is impossible to find a horse by riding a donkey, everyone wants to find a top-level familiar one at a time. This makes many players buy high-level familiar eggs in large quantities on the one hand, and constantly look for higher-level familiar eggs on the other. With the improvement of player level and overall strength, the monster eggs that appear later will only get better and better. This forces those players to keep buying and waiting. It can be said that this perverted cycle will not end as long as "Zero" is still in operation and as long as there are higher levels in "Zero" open, then it will not end, but in the process of this cycle, Longyuan Group can continue Draws incidental funds such as taxes and handling fees from transactions.

Although this way of deliberately strengthening the circulation of various items and pets to promote expert renewal is just a means of making money, since it is using the rules of the game, it will inevitably be Have an impact on the game itself. One of the most prominent is to enhance players' desire to purchase various items. "Zero" has been continuously strengthening the effects of various items.

The ability to strengthen item effects seems fair, but in fact it is unfair. It seems fair to say that it is because you can use things like equipment and others can also use it. "Zero" is not solely enhancing the equipment of a certain type of player. It is to comprehensively strengthen the equipment characteristics of all races and occupations, making players pursue high-end equipment. This is understandable. After all, everyone can get high-end equipment. If you can't get it, you can only say that your luck and strength are bad, no wonder others. But the problem is that Familiars are an exception.

Equipment can be worn by individuals. Although the warrior has warrior equipment and the wizard has mage equipment, in any case, the variety of game implosion equipment is roughly average. Therefore, this equipment enhancement will not cause the player's strength to be significantly tilted. But the familiar is different. Although the familiars can be carried by players regardless of their occupations and races, the amount they carry has become a special bug for the trainer. The number of familiars with other professions is usually between one and three. Good luck people can carry four to five, but the trainer will usually not be less than six.

Some people may say that although the trainer carries a lot of demons, the demons are not easy to deal with after all, so they are still balanced. Yes, it is true that the familiar is not easy to deal with, but it is different if the external factors are included. The external force here refers to money and social relations. Although we are fighting and gaining familiars in the game, the players who play the game are not isolated individuals. They will have their own network in the real society and the society in the game. If a player is rich in reality and has a wide range of friendships, then he can use money to buy magic pets, use relationships to ask for friends, and exchange with acquaintances. Of course, you can say that renminbi warrior buying equipment has the same effect, but even buying equipment is actually fair. You can buy a full set of warrior equipment, and I can also buy a full set of wizard equipment. Although the people who spend money are indeed much better than those who don’t have the money to buy equipment, they can’t be the first in the world, because the rich are not the only ones. You can buy one, and others can buy it. Even if you are the richest man in the world, the top equipment in the game does not need to spend all of the wealth of the richest man in the world. As long as people's funds exceed 100 million, it is enough to buy a set of top equipment, and such a person has at least tens of thousands in the world. Therefore, buying equipment seems to widen the gap between players, but in fact it still can't make the world number one. Only the trainer is different.

Warrior can buy equipment, so can wizards. Of course the trainer can also buy it. On the surface, the animal trainer himself does not have any battle strength, and the purchase of equipment seems to be of little use. It seems to be a disguised balance of the animal trainer's strength. But it's not like that at all. That's right, no matter how good the equipment is, the animal trainer can't make the animal trainer stronger. Of course, this refers to the genuine animal trainer. It's another matter for me to have a part-time main combat class. The equipment of these purebred animal trainers really can't let them go head-to-head with the warrior or the wizard, but why their equipment must add its own attribute?

The battle strength of warrior and mage comes from themselves, their equipment strengthens their own attributes is to strengthen their own battle strength, but the trainer himself does not have many attack skills, strengthening himself is really useless. But the problem is that since the equipment of the trainer is for the trainer, don't the designers think that the trainer does not need to strengthen his attributes? This is obviously impossible. Therefore, the equipment of the trainer is usually either with supplementary skills or attributes that can strengthen the familiar. Some Divine Item-level animal trainer equipment can even increase the amount of familiars carried. In this way, warriors and wizards can buy equipment to strengthen themselves, and so can beastmasters. But trainers can buy magic pets to strengthen themselves, but other professions can't. After all, people can bring a class of magic pets, and you can only bring two or three at most. Even if you buy it together, you can’t buy an animal trainer for general occupations. This is an attribute limitation, and it’s useless even if you have money.

In addition to the advantages in purchasing magic pets, the trainer has many advantages, such as leveling speed.

If the magic power is sufficient, the wizard’s leveling speed is very fast, but considering that the magic power of the wizard is usually not enough, the average leveling speed of the wizard is actually not as fast as the warrior. After all, although people don't have the mage to gain experience as quickly in unit combat time, they can fight for hours at a time without stopping, and the mage's continuous output can be more than 20 minutes. However, compared with the trainer, whether it is a mage raised by a team of magic potions, or a warrior who is more capable of self-reliance, it is all clouds. Because the trainer can hang up.

Yes. You can just hang up. Although "Zero" does not have a plug-in, it is not impossible to hang up, because once a familiar gains loyalty, all of your familiars can continue to fight even if you are offline or dead. Of course, being able to conduct unowned combat on the battlefield can naturally be used to hang up when leveling. As long as you find a relatively safe area, and then assign a rough task to the familiar, then you can do what you should do. Of course, professions such as warrior and mage can also hang the familiars, but you only have two or three familiars, and there are a large group of them. Can the speed be the same? Also, using the Familiar to hang up does not mean that you can hang up. You must meet at least two prerequisites before hanging up. One, you must have at least one familiar with loyalty. Second, your familiar must have at least a high level of intelligence.

Loyalty is the advanced performance after intimacy reaches the top level, and intimacy seems to be something that anyone can improve. After all, the trainer is a professional who relies on magic pets for food. It's as if you can raise a dog, and a circus trainer can also raise a dog. But in terms of dog training skills, can you compare with others? Anyway, as far as I know so far, among the people who have the ability to hang up with demon pets, with the exception of one who is not a trainer, the rest are all trainers. After all, it is too difficult for players who are not trainers to increase intimacy.

Even if you have a loyal familiar, intelligence is a big problem. For a familiar to fight without a master, it must at least have the ability to independently process various battlefield information. Although the familiars that can fight have not low battlefield instincts, they are just instincts after all. Under the guidance of the owner, the familiar can certainly rely on a little basic instinct to fight, but if the owner is not around, what if it encounters a hostile player? To fight or not to fight? What should I do if I encounter someone else to rob the blame? What should I do if I meet a boss? None of these can be judged by combat instinct. Familiars without high level intelligence can't fight in this situation at all. Although high-level pet trainers can have them, as well as other professions, high-intelligence pets are not Chinese cabbage. In "Zero", the familiars are difficult to deal with. There are fewer high-level ones, and they are even harder to find if they are both high-level and smart. However, the trainer is different from the general profession. The trainer relies on the pets to eat. We have a series of auxiliary skills that can strengthen the attributes of the pets in all directions-including intelligence. Therefore, assuming that using a pet to hang up requires a pet with an intelligence of more than 80, then you have to find a pet with an intelligence of more than 80. The trainer only needs to find a pet with more than 60. Anyway, after the intelligence is strengthened, the value is enough, and Innate can basically make do with it if it is not too bad. This is the advantage of the trainer.

In fact, the superiority of the trainer in on-hook is not limited to the first two. The first two are only necessary prerequisites for on-hook, not all factors. The animal trainer also has a different requirement, but has a great influence on the hang-up feature, that is, the animal trainer has many familiars. The number of familiars of low-level animal trainers is not obvious, but the amount of familiars carried by high-level animal trainers is usually not low. When the number of these familiars is large, you can match the abilities of the familiars. For example, like me, my familiars have both a meat shield and a firepower for damage output, and they can also be equipped with auxiliary professions and logistics nurses. Relying on one's own demon pet alone seems to have formed an attribute comprehensive leveling squad, let alone how strong such a team's battle strength is, its survivability alone is enough for others to envy. There are only two or three magic familiars in general classes. If they are all attacking, they can only wait for themselves to recover slowly if they are injured, so the leveling speed will naturally not increase. If the trainer's auxiliary familiar is present, the injured familiar can continue to fight, and the efficiency is very different.

Combining these factors, it can be said that the trainer is inherently better than other professions. Of course, as I said before, this feature of the trainer is actually a BUG that is not a BUG. The reason for saying this is because although the animal trainer may become the strongest profession beyond other professions, the weakness of the animal trainer is also obvious. Poor survivability, obvious weakness, scattered battle strength of the pet, and low maximum damage. These series of attribute problems can be said to be the weakness of the trainer. But it is undeniable that as long as you have a way to overcome these weaknesses of the trainer, then you will become the peak character of all professions. Even if other professions overcome their own weaknesses, they will eventually become first-class experts. To become a Peak character requires manipulation and luck, but as long as the trainer can overcome his weaknesses, even if you have average operations and average luck, then The same can be a top expert. It's just that compared to the difficulty of other professions Early-Stage, the profession of animal trainer can be said to be more difficult, so there are so few animal trainers in the game.

In general, the profession of beast trainer is a bit like some martial arts cheats. It is difficult to learn and difficult to master, but the potential is unlimited. As long as you can learn it and drill down, it's only a matter of time before you can grow up.

Frozen Banshee They are indeed experts in Russia, but none of the present is a trainer profession, which determines that they do not understand my combat capability. When plotting against me just now, they only thought of a sneak attack on me, but they didn’t expect to sneak attack on my demon, and in the end, they would fight both sides suffer with me in the case of a sneak attack. When I questioned Bingfeng Banshee's dignity and her integrity, she knew in her heart that all her face was lost this time. But she couldn't admit it, otherwise she would not be able to lead the Russian players in the future.

"hmph, all's fair in war, but you Chinese invented something, don’t say you don’t know."

"Okay, if you want to say that, then I won’t Let’s talk about it, but since you know what all's fair in war is, you should know what single force subduing is."

"I'm afraid you don't have the ability."

"Usually I do not have the ability, but now...?" I said suddenly took out a yellow crystal.

Seeing the ice-covered Banshee in my hand, I was taken aback for a while. She knew that I was holding a detonating crystal, which is just like a bomb remote in the game, and there are very few people who don't know it. However, although she recognized the detonating crystal in my hand at a glance, she didn't realize where I put the bomb. It's just that although she didn't react for a while, she finally understood after a moment of stunned.

Seeing her turning her gaze to the array of dream monsters next to her, I knew she had guessed the location of the bomb.

"How about? How long do you think after I blow up that thing, how long will it take you to make another one?"

The ice-bound Banshee can only be binocular when I hear my words Fire-breathing stared at me, but she couldn't do anything with me. Grabbing something from me is a matter of seeking skin from a tiger without even thinking about it. As for bomb demolition, don't even think about it. The reaction time of the detonating crystal is only a few tenths of a second, and it will never exceed one second from the time I crush the crystal in my hand to the explosion of the bomb on the other side. Even if some of them can dismantle the bomb, it is impossible to complete it in one second. What's more, they don't even know where the bomb is. It's not enough to find the bomb in one second, let alone dismantle it. But don't rule out the bomb. Once that thing explodes, the magic array in front of you will be completely destroyed. When the time comes, their killing move will be completely scrapped. As for why the ice-bound Banshee is so sure that my bomb can explode the entire magic array, this is actually a good explanation. Because the liquefied magic crystal vapor bombs I buried were simply snatched from the frozen Banshee. Of course she knows how big the formidable power of the bombs she produced, and she can be sure that what I buried must be the bombs she was robbed, because she has never seen it on the battlefield so far. If I put The thing was handed over to the guild, so she should have seen it a long time ago. The fact that it has not appeared until now only means that I took all the bombs with me. So, what kind of bomb is buried under the magic array now, do I have to guess?

"What do you want?" Frozen Banshee reluctantly prepared to negotiate terms.

I smirked and shook my finger. "Who told you that I want to negotiate terms with you?" As I said, I smashed the crystal in my hand when the ice-bound Banshee was about to pounce.

a loud explosion sound, a magic array node behind Banshee and Banshee icy suddenly sprayed up a flame of tens of meters high, the ground was completely lifted, and the magic array node that had already been erected was instantly Go to the west.

"I killed you!" Seeing that I detonated the crystal, the ice-bound Banshee rushed up angrily, but when she was about to rush in front of me, she suddenly stopped with an emergency brake. In front of me.

I shook the second crystal in my hand and said, "Actually, I accidentally messed up the pocket of the crystal, so I don’t know which one is responsible for which explosion point. Guess Where is this one in my hand specifically responsible?"


"Hey... pay attention to your tone, if it makes me unhappy, then But..." Before I finished talking, the second explosion sounded in the venue, and the huge shock wave instantly lifted a cargo storage pile up, and nearby people were killed and injured by flying construction materials. A lot.

Frozen Banshee's angry eyes turned back from around the explosion point, but she was also stunned when she saw my expression. Because I was still standing there, and the expression on my face was surprised and inexplicable.

"You didn't detonate it?" Frozen Banshee asked tentatively.

I looked at the crystal in my hand, and then quickly opened the Phoenix Dragon space and turned a bunch of crystals out of it, and soon I found a cracked crystal in it.

The detonating crystals correspond to one after another, and are generally divided into detonating end and receiving end. The detonation end is relatively large, crushing or inputting magic power can cause the other end to explode. But if the receiving end is destroyed first, then the initiating end will also be reversely affected, but the initiating end will not explode, but will only crack, letting the user know that it has failed. The pile of detonating crystals I took out just now corresponds to the explosion points under the magic array. Now that one of the detonating crystals is cracked, it means that the explosion just now was caused by the explosion point, and the explosion point first exploded and reversed the explosion. Detonating end.

Seeing the cracked crystal I found out, Banshee Frozen turned around and loudly shouted to his subordinates: "Hurry up, there is a third party nearby."

The opponent detonated. The explosives I buried are unlikely to be unintentional. Unless the explosion is the result of a low-level creature with no intelligence accidentally hitting the bomb, otherwise he must have a clear purpose. And this purpose is most likely to provoke the battle between me and the frozen Banshee.

Since the other party wants to provoke a fight between me and Frozen Banshee, no matter if he is directed at me or Frozen Banshee, as the victim, I am impossible to let him go.

I also raised a hand immediately after Frozen Banshee turned back and gave the order. Compared to the gang of Frozen Banshee, my familiars cooperate much better than them. I just raised my hand, and Ling immediately waved back. "Search."

The command of only two words is a bit quicker than the command of Banshee. Although there are not many people on our side, we are more professional. The White Waves bypassed the Ghost God and the Russians and rushed to the vicinity of the explosion first, then lowered his head and smelled it a few times, and then immediately ran in one direction. Ling pointed to the other side. Lucky suddenly flapped his wings and slowly left the ground. Following the ground, a big hole burst open. The Blazer’s huge body flew out from the ground and was caught by Lucky in the air. Fortunately, he began to flap his wings vigorously and took the Trailblazer to fly over to the white waves.

The pioneer is an underground creature. In terms of the speed of the ground, he is indeed world-class, but no matter how fast he drills under the ground, it is impossible to compare with the creatures on the ground. After all, the air and soil Resistance is not a concept at all. The Blazers who were caught by luck were quickly brought to Bailang's side, and then luckily followed Bailang. Bai Lang chased for a long distance and suddenly raised his head and yelled. Fortunately, he immediately slapped his wings twice over the Bai Lang and threw the Trailblazer down with his paws loose. The trailblazer adjusted its posture in the air, like a fish thrown into the water. After its head touched the ground, it slammed into the ground, and then saw the ground slamming up and quickly. Moved forward.

As the Blazers moved at high speed under the ground, another bag suddenly appeared in front of the dirt bag on the ground. Obviously, the previous sabotage guy was forced out by the Blazers.


As I shouted, Vajra suddenly appeared next to me. He stood upright first, then straightened his chest, his strong arms slammed his chest against his chest, making a dull sound of dong dong dong, followed by him suddenly jumped up, a few ups and downs reached those two. A dirt bag in front. As soon as he landed on the ground, Vajra raised his right arm violently, then clenched his palm into a fist and slammed it down against the ground. Hearing a bang, the surrounding ground immediately turned up a circle of dirt waves around the place where his fist fell, and the front of the two moving dirt packs was when it hit the edge of the dirt waves. After a violent pause, after a second or two of static on the spot, the dirt bag began to turn to the other direction and ran.

Although it only paused for a second or two, the Blazers were not slow in pursuing them. Moreover, the distance between the two parties was not far away. The hesitant Blazers immediately caught up. On the ground, we only saw two soil bales fuse together quickly, and then suddenly slowed down, followed the ground to bulge up a big bale, and then suddenly sank to reveal a super big pit. Many nearby Russian players all fell into the pit, and the people next to them hurriedly reached out to pull them out, but they didn’t know what was in the bottom of the pit, and those who fell into the pit suddenly started screaming. , And then they were dragged into the ground one after another.

Because Banshee Frozen also wanted to know who was plotting against both of us at the same time, Banshee and I stopped attacking each other very tacitly. Now that she saw her all falling into the pit, Banshee Frozen glanced at me first, and after I stretched out my hand to make a beckoning gesture, she immediately ordered a few words to the person next to me. A group of Russians quickly pushed a cart to the side of the pit, and then threw a huge iron ball into the pit.

Those who finished throwing the iron ball didn't even want the car, and immediately ran away, and I quickly ordered the Blazers to dodge. About five seconds later, I just listened to a loud explosion sound. Dust tens of meters high was suddenly lifted up from the ground. Following the ground, it was like being hit by bombs in circles, one by one at intervals of one meter. The circle exploded continuously, and the earth circle flying above the ground continued to extend outward one circle after another, and a huge circular area with a radius of more than one hundred meters could be regarded as a complete stop.

To be honest, I am really interested in this bomb made by the Russians. Although the formidable power of this thing is not necessarily great, the effect is very good. If one throws a coin into the opponent's city while assaulting Fortress City, that would be awkward.

After the blast, I immediately contacted the Trailblazer. From the information returned by the Trailblazer, the Trailblazer was just a little dizzy from the shock, but at the same time, the Trailblazer also sent back a message to prove that the hostile creature was not killed. , Just got hurt. With the trailblazer's IQ, it seems a little troublesome to describe the types and images of hostile creatures, but I still probably understand the characteristics of that creature from his description.

It was not the player who attacked the explosion point, at least not directly by the player. The creature that was pursued by the Trailblazers was very strange. It had a maggot-like body, but on the head it had dozens of ring-shaped tentacles almost as long as the body. I have never seen such a creature before. Before the Blazers caught it, I wanted to rely on this appearance to determine that the murderer was probably impossible.

After waking up a little bit, the Blazers drilled up from the hidden deep soil and continued to entangle with the monster. On the ground, I had made lucky to throw the rose vine and my guardian steel claws into the pit. side.

The pioneer is not the only underground creature around me. Although Rose Vine is not very good at fighting under the ground, it still has some support capabilities. What's more, the Blazers said that the opponent has a lot of tentacles, and Rose Vine is least afraid of having more tentacles. Who has more rose vines than tentacles? As for Steel Claw, although he is not a familiar, nor an underground creature, he is good at digging holes after all. Even if he can't fight under the ground, he should still be able to help dig out that guy.

Frozen Banshee probably knows that my familiars are better than her men, so after seeing my familiars go down to the pit, she withdrew her to the side to avoid misunderstandings. Although our two sides stopped fighting for the time being, it was just to clarify the contradiction between us and to take advantage of the water. The hostile relationship between us has not changed at all. It is impossible to act together. Therefore, in order to avoid one side being wary of the other side and influencing each other, it is better to let only one side take the action more efficiently.

Originally, the strength of the pioneer and the creature was basically the same. Now that the creature is injured by the bomb, the pioneer has got three helpers (Purple Moon and Silver Moon each have a guardian steel claw), The battlefield situation immediately tilted.

There was a tumbling tumbling in the earth pit on the ground, and suddenly eight or nine tentacles stretched out of it and slammed my two steel claws. But before the tentacles drag the steel claws down, Vajra, who was waiting a long time ago, suddenly pinched the two steel claws together with their tentacles with one hand, and then saw Vajra slamming. Power, dust burst out from the dirt pit, and a huge monster was forcibly pulled out of the ground by Vajra.

"Squeak..." As soon as the thing was pulled out of the ground, it uttered a harsh scream. The people around couldn't help covering their ears desperately, but that was the case. Few people were dazed by the shock.

"Throw it up." I sent the command directly and remotely. Vajra immediately got the two steel claws out of the monster's tentacles, and then threw the monster violently towards in the sky. Seeing that huge monster flew into the sky.

Throwing a creature that is good at burrowing into the air is basically the same as when a fish goes ashore and a dry duck goes into the water. After being thrown up, the guy desperately waved his tentacles in the air, but there was air around him, and he couldn't touch anything.

Just when it was about to lose its ascending power and was about to fall, Ling suddenly raised his hand and shot a light bullet. With a red boom, a big hole was directly blasted through the monster’s earth-brown shell, and a large amount of yellow mud-colored liquid flowed out of the monster’s body, but I had a protective aura to protect it, and I didn’t touch it at all. It was the Russians nearby that got a lot of light.

The monster that was hit by magical direct strikes was no longer able to send out the harsh sound wave attack. As soon as it fell, Vajra caught him, and then Vajra directly and luckily took the monster’s tentacles under my order. Unplugged it. This monster's body is just like what the Trailblazer reported, except for the tentacles, there is only a maggot-like link-shaped body. Now without the tentacles, it doesn't even have any means of attack, and it won't be possible to attack. Of course, this does not mean that it has no other means of attack. In fact, there is a big hole in this guy's head. The tentacles grow out of the hole, and there are circles of sharp teeth inside the hole. However, without the aid of its tentacles, its fleshy body really couldn't play the role of these teeth, so it was ignored by us.

After pulling down the monster again, several giant familiars immediately controlled the monster, and then Ling walked to the monster's body, then gently put his hand on the monster's body and closed it. Eye.

Almost the moment Ling closed his eyes, the monster let out a heart-piercing howl and struggled violently. However, although its Final Struggle is very powerful, there are too many high level familiars nearby. No matter how hard it is, it is impossible to reach the point where it can compete with power creatures like Vajra and Lucky.

Looking at Ling pressing his hand on the monster and carefully feeling the monster's thinking, I knew that I could not disturb Ling at this time, so I always endured silent. But although I knew it, Banshee Frozen didn't know what we were doing. She couldn't help but ask: "What are you doing?"

"Hush." ​​I first signaled Banshee Frozen to keep quiet. But after seeing her dissatisfied expression, I thought that tracking down third-party personnel might require their cooperation, so I explained in a low voice: "My familiar can read the brain memories of captured creatures. Don't disturb her now. Let her take a closer look at who is causing us trouble."

My voice hasn't fallen yet, and suddenly I felt a huge energy wave erupting not far behind us. . Now the people around here are all experts, and everyone's reaction is not slow. The energy burst has just appeared, and most of the people on the scene have turned their eyes away.

Almost the moment we turned our heads, we saw a blue beam of light rising into the sky, directly pointing us towards the enemy's direction. Lucky and plague took off almost as soon as the beam of light appeared. The people at Banshee Frozen reacted a little slower, but it was only a second or two slower. However, although the starting difference is not big, the explosive power of giant dragon is unmatched by players. So in the end, luck and plague arrived near the pile of building materials several seconds earlier than those Russian players.

In order to save time, Lucky and Plague did not leap over the pile of materials at all, but directly lowered the head before hitting the pile of materials and hit the hard crown and the sharp dragon horn directly on the head. On that pile of building materials. The plague rushing

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