"Master, are you okay?" I was lying on the ground coughing up blood, and suddenly a beam of light flashed around. Xiaochun squatted beside me and asked about my condition, while Ling Ze Bringing a large group of Familiars to isolate the Banshee gang.

The people of Frozen Banshee were shocked when they saw my group of demons. When they jointly raided me, many people were attacked by luck, plague and black inflammation once. Now they are all wounded. Compared with me who fell to the ground, they need to worry more. After all, as an animal trainer, the existence of my personal battle strength has little effect on my overall strength. , But they are all major battle professions, and their injuries will immediately show up in battle strength. So in the previous round of sneak attack, it was not so much that I suffered a big loss, but it was the frozen Banshee and they suffered a dark loss.

I helped Xiaochun to get up while vomiting the blood from his mouth, and then I glanced at the people on the frozen Banshee side. "You bastards are really interesting! You actually used this kind of abuse to sneak attack me. Frozen Banshee, don't you claim that you can beat me head-on? What about your dignity? What about your integrity?"

Banshee Bingfeng was indeed very well-known on the forum before officially contacting me. Many people said that she could beat me head-on, and she herself agreed with this kind of remarks. But after playing against me many times, she finally realized the gap between us. My battle strength simply cannot be dealt with by her alone, let alone contend, she can't even entangle me.

A long time ago, there was a data expert on the forum. The expert analyzed the various professional attributes in "Zero". The final conclusion is that "Zero" uses a three-dimensional professional balance system instead of a large The absolute balance system used by most online games.

The so-called absolute balance system refers to the process from the beginning of the game Early-Stage to the player character training to the top. No matter what profession you choose, its attributes are basically average. In other words, two players with the same level of different occupations, regardless of equipment, skills, and operation levels, their battle strength should be exactly the same. What players really compare in the game is their game time, their own operation level, and their luck when they explode equipment. This balancing method that makes the overall scores of different occupations completely equal can be said to be the simplest and the best balancing system, because it allows players to find no excuses to deny the fairness of the game.

However, "Zero" uses another set of balance theory, which is the three-dimensional cross-type balance theory. The so-called three-dimensional cross balance theory is a special balance method that maintains a balance in a comprehensive score of time, space, and social characteristics.

There are five main balancing methods in stereo balance.

first is the level balance. This feature will also appear in some online games, and its specific performance is what players usually call the upgrade speed. For example, in many games, warrior professions tend to upgrade faster than mages. This is the time balance method. Make it more difficult to upgrade careers with strong battle strength, and use the lag of the upgrade time to reduce the attributes of high attack careers, so that they can maintain a balance with other careers.

second is environmental balance. This balance method can be understood as a geographical advantage. For example, the ice-bound Banshee can almost be tied with me in the Arctic Circle, but when it is underwater or volcanic crater, she might not even be able to beat a second-rate expert. This is a typical spatial balance method. Let certain occupations have certain terrain advantages, and make certain mediocre occupations extremely powerful in certain special terrains. Of course, in turn, making certain powerful compliments extremely fragile in certain special terrains. This also belongs to the spatial balance method.

Third Type Balanced social relations. This balance method is equivalent to affinity attribute. One of the most representative is the Druid. This race will almost receive special treatment from all races except the undead and demon races when facing NPCs. You can choose the task yourself when you take the task, and you can ask more inside information than others before doing the task. It is easy to get help from the neutral forces in the process of completing the task, and you can get more benefits when the task is completed. These are all druid privileges and are a special remedy. Although these benefits will not directly affect the druid’s battle strength, it will make it easier for the druid to do tasks than others, and it is often faster and more rewarding. Over time, it’s easier to get a lot of equipment than others, and there are comparisons. Easy to upgrade. These potential impacts will eventually be manifested in the PK between players, so this is also a balance.

Fourth balance is luck balance. This is easier to understand, and it is the luck of each profession. One of the more obvious is that in all evil professions, luck is generally very bad. The reason I know this so clearly is because my large Purple Moon has suffered a lot in this regard. Recalling the situation when I first entered the game, I can find that my luck has been very bad. Don't look at my high level familiars and high level equipment and think that I am good luck when I encounter a bunch of them. In fact, it is not good luck at all. To understand this problem, as long as you put yourself in the position and think about it for yourself, you can understand it. The acquisition of high level equipment is often accompanied by difficult tasks. The reason why I got high level equipment is because I completed the task, not because I encountered high level equipment with good luck. For example, if you have a life-and-death fighting tournament every three years, you will be given a billion if you win. If you lose, you will be beaten to death by your opponent in the ring. Do you think this is lucky or unlucky? Anyway, I don’t think it’s luck. Ninety-nine of a hundred people will die if they encounter this kind of thing. If I copy my previous experience and give it to others, I can guarantee that with billions of people in the world, there will be no more than double digits who can achieve the same achievements as me. This kind of luck is not worth it.

The fifth clock balance method, and the last main balance method, is the cyclic balance method. This is a kind of dynamic balance, which is to use the player's profession, race, and the different forces to exercise cyclic restraint. For example, if a wizard playing in the water meets a wizard playing in the ice, there is no need to fight even if the expert is at Level 10. It is wiser to run directly. There is also an assassin who will not be anti-invisible, and that is nothing to say, just surrender directly, there is no way to compare. It can be said that this balancing method is one of the most used balancing methods in "Zero". Its effect is similar to that of animal chess, where the elephant eats the tiger, the tiger eats the cat, and the cat eats the mouse. It seems that mice are the weakest, but in turn mice can eat elephants. In this way, can you say that the mouse is the weakest?

Actually, the balance rule in "Zero" is far more than five minutes. The above are just the five most important balance rules. There is no prior and secondary relationship between them, but they cross each other and work together. All players in the entire game are under the management of this large system, and some seemingly weak professions will be strong in some cases. Professionals with fast upgrades have low attack power, professional equipment with strong attacks are not easy to do, well-equipped occupations have poor terrain adaptation, and careers with good terrain adaptability have good luck, and good luck occupations are difficult to upgrade. This cyclical balance is the most basic existence in "Zero", which determines the specific attribute changes of all players in the game.

However, the above occupational characteristics are only for most occupations. There is actually one class exception in "Zero", and this class is-animal trainer. This is the only unbalanced profession in the entire "Zero".

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