Ye Ying at first said that there are only three things in this dream world with core energy. The money and technology in it are obviously unlikely to move together at a high speed, so the only thing left that can move at a high speed is high level weapons. In addition, according to Ye Ying's inference, the more high-tech and formidable power weapons, the more core energy they contain. According to this inference, the core energy of the big group that can rush at us at a speed exceeding eight times the speed of sound is the only nuclear bomb.

In fact, there is another reason why we judged that we are approaching nuclear weapons this time, and that is that it is more appropriate to analyze it logically. For one thing, we have just killed more than half of the air power in the United States, which makes our harm to the point where it is worth using nuclear bombs. In addition, this place happens to be a large area of ​​semi-inhumane land. Although there are some scattered villages nearby, the loss of this place is very small compared with the nuclear explosion in the city.

Combining the above two reasons, I judged that the probability of a nuclear bomb this time is over 80%. As the strongest weapon of mankind, nuclear weapons are fully capable of causing harm to me and my pets. . Of course, the damage depends on the explosion distance. Even if I was hit directly, I would definitely die, but if I could be within 35 kilometers from the blasting heart, I would only be injured, and death would probably be indestructible. Of course, if there is a distance of more than ten or twenty kilometers, unless the American throws a billion-ton nuclear bomb, I won't even blink my eyes.

Although I don’t know if this nuclear bomb is big or small, but since it is used in the United States, I think it shouldn’t be too big. However, it is better to run farther to be safe.

After taking back all the familiars, I asked Ye Yue to turn the policewoman into a stone statue, and then stuffed her into the Phoenix Dragon space. With no burden around, it's much easier to run. After all, nuclear bombs are large weapons. Impossible is as flexible as air-to-air missiles. It is certainly no problem to get rid of the pursuit of such weapons at the speed of a bird.

"Master, you have grasped it, I want to speed up."

"Understand, you can fly."

After getting my confirmation message Asuka immediately turned on its power, and the huge propulsion produced a terrifying acceleration. I just felt that I felt like I was going to be squashed even when I was on the back of Asuka. In fact, Asuka's ability to generate such a large acceleration is not entirely his own ability, but the result of the help of my many familiars. In fact, there are at least more than ten kinds of buffing magic in Asuka. I don't know about other attributes, but the speed of Asuka has been increased by at least three times. If it were a normal creature, it would be okay to triple the speed, but the speed of the bird was already very scary, and suddenly it exploded more than three times, then it could be described as violent.

After Asuka began to speed up and run, a satellite monitor in the North American Air Defense Command Center suddenly screamed. "Oh my God! The speed of that thing can actually increase."

"York. What's the matter?" The commander in chief heard the monitor's exclamation and asked.

The monitor quickly put the satellite image of his side on the big screen of the base, and saw a real-time dynamic picture from a high altitude on the big screen. In the screen, you can clearly see a silver white object that looks a bit like a small fighter jet moving forward with a long flame. Originally, because of the ratio of the satellite image, it didn’t seem that the speed of the object was so fast, but the computer added a frame around the object, and the computer calculated data displayed on the edge of the frame. Let everyone exclaim.

"Oh my God! Can that thing fly to eight times the speed of sound?" The commander couldn't help but yell when he saw the screen.

"No, he is still accelerating, and looking at this acceleration, his thrust-to-weight ratio is very large, and it is estimated that the extreme speed will far exceed eight times the speed of sound." The monitor said.

"It has been nine times!" other observers added.

As soon as the people in the monitoring room were talking, the speed of Asuka suddenly skyrocketed again, and the speed quickly broke through ten times the phoneme, and then increased steadily all the way, shocking everyone in the monitoring room. His jaw almost fell off.

"Am I wrong? The speed of that thing has reached eighteen times the speed of sound, why is it still accelerating?"

"I don't know!"

"Howard!" The Air Force Commander shouted: "How fast can our anti-air missile fly?"

The officer called replied: "The fastest is ground launch The sun spear anti-aircraft missile has a maximum flight speed of 20 times the speed of sound. It is specially used to strike ultra-high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft, low-Earth orbit satellites, and enemy missiles."

"The guy’s flight path has Is this kind of missile?" the commander-in-chief asked.

The officer quickly calculated and said: "There are two sets of equipment that can be reached. But if you want to launch, you must decide within 30 seconds, otherwise you will miss the launch time."

< p>"Launch immediately, two sets together. Be sure to shoot me down." After giving the order, the commander-in-chief of the base said to another group of personnel: "The nuclear bomb control team, modify the missile track to pursue the target, and try to be caught by the other party. After the shot, it detonated near it."

After the two orders were issued, the two groups of people began to separate and get busy, and the speed of Asuka and I had already broken through 18 times the speed of sound and reached 20 times the speed of sound. . The American Sun Lance missile is just about the same speed as ours at this time, but because the two launchers are in front of me, the missile and I are flying head-on. In this case, the speed is Slightly slower than us to have little effect.

In the North American Air Defense Command, satellite images show that two Sun Lance interceptor missiles have been launched, flying towards me at an angle of more than 30 degrees to my flight path. But at this time, Asuka and I didn't know anything about it. Asuka also has the ability to detect sound waves and electromagnetic waves similar to radar, but these are all detection capabilities used at normal flight speeds. Now this speed is an enhanced speed, and Asuka’s radar system can’t keep up with this speed. It's almost blindly flying, but fortunately, there are no obstacles in the air. As long as you don't hit the bird, you don't have to worry at all.

However, although we did not hit the bird, it was a pity that two missiles flew towards us. Because of the limitation of detection ability, we have no time to dodge by the time the bird finds the target. What's more unfortunate is that the Yankees probably also understand that it is not easy for the missile to accurately hit us in the air at this speed, so they simply used the safest method and directly installed the fixed-point blasting type shot warhead.

The two missiles eventually exploded less than 500 meters in front of our flight path and turned into two large groups of net-like proliferation clouds flying in the air. Then it was not that the missiles hit us, but We headed into one of the clouds. This diffuse cloud cluster is formed by special prefabricated fragments installed in the warhead. These short metal rods with a length of about ten centimeters in the air can bring high-speed rotation for a certain period of time, and then we will be twenty-one times the speed of sound. The terrifying speed hits those short metal rods. Following me and the bird seemed to have been baptism by the rainstorm. There was a jingle and sparks flying in all directions instantly up and down the whole body, and then the bird’s right wing pulled sharply. There was a stream of black smoke, and the whole body suddenly tilted to one side. The huge inertia made us roll horizontally in the air, and I was also thrown out of the bird.

"Damn it!" I flew in the air and stretched out my hand. The Phoenix Dragon Space quickly opened up in front of Asuka, and then Asuka swiftly slammed into the Phoenix Dragon Space, and I was Continue to roll forward and fall down. While I asked Xiaochun to treat the most injured Asuka first, I changed my wings and tried to control my balance. Unfortunately, the huge inertia brought by the previous super speed made it more difficult for me to control my balance in this case. My body can only Helplessly tumbling in the air endlessly.

Looking at me rolling in the sky, cheers broke out in the control center, and even the older commander gave a faint smile.

Amidst the cheers of those guys who seemed to have won the victory, I barely managed to control the tumbling posture. Although it hadn’t stabilized completely yet, at least it didn’t spin around in the sky like a top, and My wings have already controlled a little bit of upward force, at least I don’t have to worry about hitting the ground directly. However, not directly hitting does not mean that there will be no hitting. In the end, after I barely returned to the sliding posture, it was too late to pull up. I could only barely cover my head with my hands and hug myself into a ball, and then use my wings to cover myself. Wrapped up, and immediately after hearing a bang, the egg-shaped me slammed on the ground. After blasting the dirt on the ground out of a ten-meter-high dirt wave, I bounced off the ground again, and then crossed a country road horizontally, broke two big trees, and bounced again on the ground on the other side of the road. , After the second bounce, he flew into a farm next to him in one breath, then crashed through the barn and the farm machinery room and then flew out from the other side of the house, rolling along the ground for almost a mile and then rolling fiercely. I got on a highway, then broke a telephone pole, and finally flew a passing car diagonally across the road and hit a retail store nearby before being blocked by the wall behind the storefront.

Until I stopped completely, the residents of the town ran out to see what happened. Counting from the point where I first touched the ground, but where I stopped now, I rolled at least five kilometers along the way. The entire straight line was full of big pits and various bends that I bumped into. Destroy something. Of course I am not much better myself. I was injured when I was attacked by a missile in the air. At that time, the relative speed between us and the missile was at least forty times the speed of sound. Under such kinetic energy, even I would be injured somehow. What's more, after being beaten down, I still bumped and rolled five kilometers away on the ground. Such a big kinetic energy venting would naturally cause more damage. If it weren't for my wings with the attributes of the shield in them, it would be enough for me to roll around. However, although the injury is not too serious, my head really can't stand it.

Calculating from the moment I was hit, until I stopped just now, I did at least tens of thousands of random flips during this period, and the speed was incredible. Compared with me, the flip training of aerospace pilots and the roller coaster of the playground are all clouds. Now I feel like I'm spinning one day one night on a roller coaster that is a hundred times faster. My head has completely lost my sense of direction and balance, and my stomach is overwhelmed as if it is about to erupt.

"Damn, he flew into the town!" the monitor in the control center yelled.

"If the nuclear bomb is detonated, all the residents in the town will die. Is this too much responsibility?" asked another military officer.

"No, let him continue to lose more." The commander-in-chief said: "The total population of that town is only more than 700. If he is allowed to reach the next military base, at least one military base will be To lose so many people, this is the price we have to pay."

When the commander-in-chief said so, the others immediately began to execute orders. The nuclear bomb control team reported: "The missile will reach the target town in 3 minutes."

"I hope that guy will not fly again in such a short time!"

In fact, let alone flying, now I have a problem even standing up. The dizziness caused by high-speed rotation made me sway from left to right when crawling with my hands and feet. It felt like I had just drunk two kg of medical alcohol. There was nothing left in the entire world.

Although I was dizzy to death, I knew that the nuclear bomb was behind me and I had to leave as soon as possible. Reluctantly supporting the debris scattered around me, I crawled out of the big hole in the wall with difficulty. The one I installed just now seems to be a warehouse. The front side is probably a small supermarket. The inside is now in a mess. Obviously, I flew over here when I first crashed in.

I barely climbed along the floor of the supermarket to the sidewalk outside the supermarket. At this time, my sense of direction and balance had barely recovered a bit, at least I could guarantee that I would not sway on the ground. However, when I was trying to stand up while leaning on the wall, I suddenly heard a bang, and a fire star splashed from the bend of my leg. Although this impact is not a problem for me at all, I am already unsteady now. Suddenly shot in the bend of my leg naturally made me even more unsteady. As a result, I fell to the ground at once.

I looked back angrily at the middle age person who was holding a double-barreled shotgun and pointed at me. I directly took down the eternity in my left hand and turned it into a stick to support the ground. I stood up again, but a long and extremely strong man on the other side stepped up and kicked my self-proclaimed eternity on the ground. As a result, he kicked it up forever, but his feet burned instantly. The purple black hellfire burned his shoes and pants in an instant, and then ran up his body along his legs amidst his screams. In a matter of seconds, he turned into a burning fire. The person cried violently on the ground, but the sound stopped completely after a few seconds. Hellfire is not an ordinary flame, and its damage to people is not comparable to ordinary fire.

Seeing the miserable appearance of that person, the people around no longer dared to come forward and attack them. They took out guns from nearby shops and shot at me. Recovery, the formidable power of these bullets is really not enough. "Darts." As I shouted, the darts turned into a white light and suddenly appeared. In almost one-tenth of a second, all the nearby personnel fell down almost at the same time. Although the speed of the darts in the game is close to the speed of light, the attack power is too low, so the formidable power is not displayed. But here is different. The ordinary persons here are really ordinary and can't be ordinary anymore. At least, it couldn't be easier to kill these people with the attack power of darts. But the problem now is the nuclear bomb behind, not the civilians.



"To intercept the nuclear bomb."




"Take me away."


As the top elemental creature of the flame element, Xiaofeng can almost ignore the killing methods of nuclear weapons, so it is more appropriate for her to intercept nuclear bombs. Although Ivorite is not afraid of fire, he is a constructed creature, equivalent to a robotic creature, so he will be affected by the shock waves generated by nuclear weapons. However, the lethality of the shock wave will gradually decrease with the distance. Besides, Ivorite is only responsible for taking me out of here. If it can't stop him, you can throw him into the Phoenix Dragon Space, at worst when the time comes. Crystal out. As long as the distance is far enough, it shouldn't be a problem to block the blast with the power of the Holy Shield.

In the North American Air Defense Command, the two creatures that suddenly appeared on the big screen surprised everyone. Although they had received reports that the target creature could arbitrarily change various creatures to help fight, after all, it was just Reports, it is difficult to have an intuitive impression if there is neither video nor photo. Now suddenly I saw two creatures appear out of thin air, and one of them was actually bigger than the B2 bomber. This anti-common sense thing was so shocking that even the commander-in-chief was stunned.


"What's the situation?"

The monitor responsible for the observation replied: "The fire bird is flying towards the nuclear bomb."< /p>

"What?" I have only heard of someone evading a nuclear attack, but I haven't heard anyone will meet him. There must be a limit if you are not afraid of death, right? "Are you sure it went to the nuclear bomb?"

"Unless its target and the nuclear bomb are in a straight line."

The military officer next to it said: "Maybe these suddenly appeared 'S creature was remotely controlled by the previous main target. He probably wanted to use this bird for suicide interception."

"Sacrificing a single individual to keep the subject is a good strategy." Control Center The commander-in-chief turned his head and looked towards the nuclear bomb control team and asked: "Can the explosion range of that nuclear bomb cover the main target?"

The person from the nuclear bomb team calculated it and said: "At the current flight speeds of both parties It is calculated that when the nuclear bomb is detonated, the main target will probably be in the level 2 kill range. Under normal circumstances, unless it is a special nuclear explosion observation vehicle equipped with a full set of protective equipment, general ground targets are unable to resist such impact kills. .But the target creature’s abilities are very special, so we are not sure that we can kill him."

"Then only pray that the nuclear bomb will work!"

On the flight path of the nuclear bomb At the top, Xiaofeng flew head-on with the nuclear bomb at his highest speed, trying to get in touch with the nuclear bomb in the shortest time. On the other side, Ivorite also led me to leave the explosion zone quickly at his highest speed.

Previously, when I fell into the town, the nuclear bomb was only 3 minutes away from the town. I was delayed about one minute in the process of climbing out of the retail store. Actually, when I came out of Xiaofeng summon One minute and thirty seconds have passed. So when Xiaofeng and the nuclear bomb collided head-on, it was actually more than a minute after I and Inverite left the town.

Ivorite itself is not a speed creature. The main reason I let him take me to fly is because he is not afraid of high temperatures. In more than a minute, Inverite flew a total of seven or eight kilometers. Although this distance is not far enough for a nuclear bomb, it is safe enough for me.

"The time is almost here." I was hung under Ivorite and I was always paying attention to the scenes Xiaofeng sent back through spiritual contact. I could clearly see the nuclear bomb in Xiaofeng's eyes. .

In the command center, when Xiaofeng collided with the nuclear bomb, everyone watching the big screen took a sigh of relief. Although they saw the explosion of the nuclear bomb, they did not know whether the nuclear bomb could threaten my safety at this distance. The satellite image is extinguished at the moment of the nuclear explosion. Even if the satellite is in space, it cannot directly capture the scene of the nuclear explosion with a highly sensitive lens, because the light radiation at the moment of the explosion will damage the sensitive high-magnification lens. After about ten seconds, the satellite restarted, and the first thing that was printed on the screen was a huge mushroom cloud that was tumbling and rising. But looking from space, the mushroom cloud is not like a mushroom, but like a wave of ripples.

As the shock cloud generated by the explosion spreads rapidly, all the objects on the ground and high near the nuclear explosion area are instantly destroyed by the shock wave. The powerful blast wind pulls up the big tree like a bulldozer by the roots Squash the building and tear it apart. Nothing can stop the blast from advancing, except...

"Oh damn, what is that?" In the satellite image, there is one located eight kilometers away from the center of the nuclear explosion. There, a small black snake was coiled into a disk-shaped tortoise, and the powerful nuclear shock wave was forced to bypass the huge monster like a flood that hit a mountain. The powerful nuclear shock wave has no way to use this thing, and it can't shake it at all.

"Who can tell me what the damn little snake is?" The commander-in-chief looked at the little snake angrily and asked.

A monitor cautiously reported: "Sir, in fact it is not a small snake. The satellite image is switched to the standard magnification after restarting. According to the comparison of the reference object, the snake has almost one It is more than a thousand meters long, and the thickest part of the snake body is wider than the six-lane highway. Its volume is actually more than the sum of the volumes of three aircraft carriers!"

"Damn it, that thing Is it an alien rare beast? How could there be this thing on Earth!"

Although they didn't want to believe it, everyone still had to accept that the nuclear bomb attack was ineffective. This is the United States. A nuclear bomb is invalid. The US government will never try again. Of course, unless they confirm that the whole country is going to die, they will always be impossible to release a second nuclear bomb on their own soil.

Just as the people in the headquarters were in a gloomy mood, a worse news appeared. "Report, found the bird-shaped creature before."

"What? Bird-shaped creature?" Everyone was surprised to focus on the big screen again, when Xiaofeng’s beauty wrapped in flames When silhouette appeared directly above the mushroom cloud, everyone was shocked.

In people’s perception, nuclear weapons have always been mankind’s last resort and the strongest means of killing. It can be said that compared with ordinary weapons, nuclear weapons have been sublimated to a state that is close to belief. They do not need to be used. As long as they exist, they are enough to function. It can be said that nuclear weapons are simply invincible in people's understanding, and they have nothing that cannot be destroyed. If I used Black Flame to block the shock wave of a nuclear explosion before, I used Black Flame’s huge size and the distance between us and the nuclear bomb to survive the sword of nuclear weapons, Xiaofeng, the creature that actively hit the nuclear bomb and survived, then It is a demon-like existence, a blasphemer, and the most evil demon.

"Why did it not die? Why did it not die?" Everyone almost collapsed after seeing Xiaofeng. Being able to survive a direct hit by a nuclear weapon without the help of any protective equipment, and it seems that there is no injury at all, this is simply subverting the basic common sense in everyone's mind.

"What to do? What to do? That thing can't even be destroyed by a nuclear bomb, we lost this time!"

When there was chaos in the North American Air Defense Command, I was waiting Xiaofeng catches up. The information obtained from Xiaofeng just now is that nuclear weapons are not harmful to her. Basically, the killing methods of nuclear weapons are ineffective to Phoenix, so Xiaofeng has basically no problems except for being hit by a missile at first. After I learned about Xiaofeng's situation, I didn't worry anymore, anyway, if there is a nuclear bomb approaching, I just have to let Xiaofeng stop it. As for Heiyan, as long as this guy is bracing himself, his body is no more dangerous than the temporary command of the US government in Crystal Mountain. In fact, in terms of defensive power, maybe Heiyan is stronger than the Crystal Mountain base.

After Xiaofeng catches up with us, I took Heiyan and Xiaofeng back, and then summoned Asuka out again. Although Asuka was injured before hitting an air defense missile during high-speed flight, but there is Xiaochun, this superficial wound is really not a major event. After the nuclear explosion, it took Xiaochun early to heal all the injuries on Asuka's body.

When I was on the road again, the US government was in a meeting. They are discussing whether there is a probability of peace talks.

"Do you think it is possible for the saboteur to negotiate with us?" The strategic air force commander said angrily: "I think we should bring more nuclear bombs to attack. If a nuclear bomb fails, just use ten Yeah, he asked the snake to protect him, indicating that his body is afraid of nuclear weapons, so we can’t give up hope just because of the failure of a nuclear bomb."

"No, Jane, if this is in Japan or It’s China. I don’t mind if you bring ten or one hundred more nuclear bombs to try, even if it’s our ally in Europe. I will not stop you. But here is the United States, this is our homeland. Even if your nuclear bombs can be Destroy the alien creature that did not know where it came from, but have you ever thought about it? What will happen if ten nuclear bombs are detonated in the United States?"

"But that guy is a saboteur, he will Talk to us?"

"This is about to ask Shure Academician. Academician." The president turned to Academician and asked. "Can you analyze it for us?"

"Yes, Mr. President." The Academician, who seemed to be in his forties, stood up and said, "From my career in criminal behavior and social psychology In my research, I can roughly infer the behavioral purpose and general behavioral characteristics of a criminal. The Mr. X we are discussing now, according to intelligence, showed that he suddenly appeared in the middle of the road. At that time, he did not show any damage. However, because he obstructed traffic, two police officers stopped him. However, some misunderstandings seemed to have occurred in the process. Our police officer threatened him with a gun, and then he warned the police officer and refused. The officer ordered him to obediently surrender, and then the contradiction escalated, and then the two sides began to fight. Judging from the footage taken on the monitor at the intersection, he still maintained restraint at the time, at least he did not use huge might to kill nearby people Then he suddenly ran to the roof of the building next to him. From the witness reports, he seemed to be on the roof to confirm his position and observe the terrain. That is to say, he was not willing or unable to be precise. It appeared there under the premise of control."

"What does his subsequent sabotage mean?"

"I haven't figured this out yet. He later destroyed the bank vault. And the behavior of sending monster Legion to sweep the city is very strange, but what I mean is only his behavior of destroying those valuable things is strange. Regarding the behavior of directing monster Legion to kill citizens and releasing that magical smoke to create a zombie, you can Explained that he was saving time. His monster Legion did not actively search for citizens and kill them. Those who were killed were those who actively resisted or blocked the way. The zombie was created to create chaos and interfere with our reaction time. From these behaviors From the top, his purpose is clear, but he did not come for killing."

"Well. Even if he didn't come for killing, why did he attack those vaults and scientific research units? What do the researchers who were killed say?"

"I think he is destroying our social foundation. He seems to be consciously destroying the foundation of our social stability, such as bank vaults. What is money is money, and money is the foundation of the economy. As for scientific research units and researchers, the productivity they determine is the production behavior of human beings. In the end, his destruction of military bases is destroying our military capabilities and political system. It is the basis of politics. Without armed forces, our government has become a display. The combination of these actions makes it clear that he is destroying our social structure. So I judge his purpose is to destroy our social system."

"But if he wants to destroy our social system, how can we talk to him? Let him destroy it?"

"No, you don't understand." Academ ician said excitedly: "The current situation is that if we do not negotiate with him as soon as possible, our lives will be threatened, and the worst result of the peace talks is that the social system changes. Even if he destroys our social structure, since human beings exist, there must be a social way to exist, and he is impossible to destroy all systems. Do you want to die for the current system, or do you want to survive before thinking about other things? "

I have to say that what the Academician said is correct, because what Ye Ying senses is actually the social system of the dream world. Since the dream world is a world, it must have its own rules. Once it is a world, it must have its own rules. The social system here is destroyed, and the world loses its support and collapses as it should be by rights. However, the Academician mistaken one of the most basic things, that is, they cannot exist independently of society. This world is a dream. Once the social system collapses, this world will not exist, so they are impossible to survive. Of course, if they really ask me to negotiate, I will naturally agree. Anyway, they will take the initiative to help me destroy this The world must move much faster than myself. As for whether they can survive the world’s collapse, that has nothing to do with me.

When the senior officials of the US government are busy negotiating a solution, I But I have already flown to the seaside, and I don’t know if it’s because this dream world has only an area like the United States or my good luck. In short, the American aircraft carrier battle groups that are not at home all the time are parked in the port. Compared with the air force and the army, In fact, the navy is the most destructive part. The battleship is big enough, and the high-tech equipment on it is deadly. Destroying a ship is equivalent to destroying the dream energy generated by N multiple airplanes, and one aircraft carrier produces The energy is almost the same as the contribution value of a small base. Of course, in addition to the high energy content, battleship is easier to destroy is also the key. Destroying a base requires me and lucky them to find the target to destroy separately, and sinking an aircraft carrier only needs Black Flame Entangling the aircraft carrier and squeezing it hard.

From discovering the aircraft carrier battle group to sinking the entire fleet, it took us less than five minutes. Lucky and plague are rare beasts. He tears the battleship by hand, while Heiyan squeezes the aircraft carrier into a twist-shaped metal block with no difficulty. As for the night shadow, he has absorbed energy to explode.

When we are in the dream world When slaughter all sides, outside the Dreamland Demon array, Frozen Banshee looked at the gems that were rapidly dimming in front of him and questioned the female Ghost God in surprise. "What's the matter? Why is the gem extinguishing? "

The female Ghost God knew that she was in trouble, so she didn't dare to answer, but although the person next to Lian could not manipulate the dream, she still knew a little bit about the principle. I saw him explain to Bingfeng Banshee: "It should be Purple Moon who found the support of the dream in the dream. He is destroying the core of the dream. Once these cores are destroyed, the dream energy will be scattered. If there is no interference, these dream energy will be gradually absorbe

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