After handing over all the money to the Death God guard, I put away most of the pets and only took the policewoman on the bird and flew towards a nearby military base. Technological power and money can be found in the city, and there are not many guards for those things. It is enough to have Death God guards in charge. But military power is different. Firstly, heavy armaments are hard to find in the city. Secondly, the formidable power of some things is still a threat to the Death God guard, so I must personally take the demonic pet to find it outside the city. Fortunately, there is a real-life distribution map of the US military bases in my electronic brain. At this time, I just need to clean them one by one by clicking on the map.

There was such a large-scale destruction in New York City, and finally the Resident Evil broke out. The military impossible did not respond. When I arrived at the first military base nearby, there happened to be a few fighter jets taking off. Almost at the same time we saw the military base, the two fighter jets whizzed and flew over from both sides of Asuka. The fast ones couldn't even keep up with me. But this is not entirely the speed of the fighter. After all, we are flying head-on with the fighter, so the relative speed is relatively high and normal.

I don’t know if the flying birds are not easy to identify on the radar screen or what happened. Anyway, the two planes didn’t seem to spot us before, so that the two planes were used by the pilots directly after they flew over between us. The eyes spotted us and turned around and flew back.

"There seem to be two tails behind." Asuka's head is behind the body, so it is naturally faster to find enemies behind than in the front.

I looked back at the two fighters. The model is the main fighter of the U.S. military. The maximum speed is slightly inferior to the flying bird, and the maneuverability is even worse by million miles apart. The only commendable is the fighter jet. Attack power and attack methods are excellent, but Asuka's attack methods are relatively single, and the formidable power is much smaller. But in my opinion, this shortcoming is not actually a shortcoming at all, because the attack power is actually of little practical value for fighting between fighters. It's like two empty-blooded players fighting. Both sides will die at the first touch. Defensive power and attack power simply have no meaning at this time. Anyway, as long as they touch the other side, they will force a little blood deduction. Bye. In this case, it is the same whether you are holding Divine Sword or slab, anyway, there is no need for a second click.

The battle between Asuka and a fighter is the same as the battle between two empty-blooded players. The sound pressure bomb launched by Asuka is indeed not as powerful as a missile’s formidable power, but the bird cannot stop the missile, and so does the fighter. Can not stop the sound pressure bomb, the battle between the two is a shot to death. In this case, the formidable power of the weapon is not the key at all, it is the mobility that determines the outcome.

Just after the two fighters circled back, Asuka had begun to accelerate and dive down. However, we were diving well, and suddenly we saw three clouds of white smoke rising from the open space around the military base. Three'standard VI' ground-to-air missiles dragged a long tail flame up from the ground and moved towards us.

Seeing the three missiles, the policewoman who was caught under my arm couldn’t help but screamed, but I didn’t have the time to talk to her. I snapped my fingers directly, and a huge space door suddenly He appeared beside us, and then saw Xiaofeng, who was burning with flames, rushed out of the space channel and ran into the three incoming missiles in front of us. All three missiles exploded with a bang, but the flames rolled back at the moment they just soared, and Xiaofeng carried them down and swooped down together.

After Xiaofeng intercepted three missiles, the fighters behind us also had two air-to-air missiles. As soon as those missiles left the plane, they immediately deviated from the direction and chased Xiaofeng. Past.

Most of the air-to-air missiles carried on fighter jets are thermal radiation missiles, which are self-guided missiles that are tracked by automatically tracking the thermal radiation emitted by the front fighter. The advantage of this kind of missile is that you don't need to worry about it after launching. The missile will chase the target until it hits the target or is detonated. However, this kind of missile also has a downside, that is, it basically does not know the difference between the heat emitted by the aircraft and the heat emitted by other heat sources. It simply chases the hottest thing to fly. As Phoenix, the flame temperature of that body can't be lowered naturally. With such a large heat source nearby, it would be strange if the heat-seeking missile could see other flying objects. Therefore, without exception, the missiles launched by the fighter jets chased Xiaofeng and flew over.

"Damn it!" Seeing that all four missiles were flying to the wrong target, the pilot on the fighter could not help cursing.

The wingman of the plane reminded in the intercom: "Switch to radar guidance mode, that fire bird is not afraid of missiles, and heat radiation missiles are all guided by it!"

"Understood, switch to radar guidance mode. Wait, what's that? Oh damn..." The fighter was switching missile mode and was about to launch missiles again. Suddenly, a black hole appeared in the air ahead, and then a huge Flying rare beast suddenly got out of the black hole and slapped half of the plane's wings. The pilot hurriedly pulled the ejection seat, but as soon as he was shot out of the cockpit, he was bitten by a huge bite. In an instant, he was bitten into a pile of fragments along with his mount.

Fortunately, I shot down an airplane easily and quickly threw away half of the airplane in his hand and spread its wings moved towards another airplane flew over. The airplane was chased and killed by such a big monster and fled in fright. Fortunately, although the size is large enough, but the speed is not very fast, so he did not catch him.

The pilot did not immediately escape after being out of danger. Instead, he went in a big circle and went back around. Then he fired four missiles in one breath and shouted: "You damn it. Big reptile, this is a sweet treat for you. Go to hell!"

Seeing the flying missiles, luckily, I didn’t care about them. The four missiles didn’t miss all the hits, but they were there. When the pilot yelled in excitement, fortunately, he rushed out of the flame unscathed, opened his mouth and shot out a dragon flame bullet, instantly blasting the fighter into a pile of fragments.

When lucky to get rid of the two planes, Xiaofeng on the other side had already landed on the anti-aircraft missile position. Due to its own attribute problems, Xiaofeng is almost invincible in the real world. Weapons invented by mankind are nothing more than flying metals such as bullets or shrapnel, or shock waves or high temperatures to kill targets. Xiaofeng is Hell Black Phoenix, her body is Hellfire, and there is no entity at all. The body of Xiaofeng I usually see is actually a projection of energy, not her real body. The real Xiaofeng is a ball of fire, so the flying metal and shock waves have no effect on her. As for the high temperature caused by the explosion... Has anyone heard that Fire Phoenix is ​​afraid of heat?

Because of these characteristics of Xiaofeng, human-made weapons have almost no lethality on her. We are not afraid that those guns are just defensive power, but Xiaofeng really ignores those things.

While Xiaofeng was clearing the air defense firepower, I had landed with Asuka on the edge of the airport behind the base. On the adjacent runway, a large group of fighters and attack aircraft are lining up to take off, and some helicopters have even taken off.

Seeing those planes that are already preparing to taxi, I beckoned directly, and the group of candle bees flew towards the group of Buzzzz~'s moved towards.

Relatively speaking, among the various weapons made by mankind, airplanes should be regarded as the most vulnerable weapon. Although these guys have terrifying offensive power in the air, their body is really too casual. This is not to blame the aircraft designer. After all, the materials available on Earth are either very light but not hard enough, or very hard but very heavy. It is hard to find a light, strong and expensive material that is not willing to use it. On airplanes, all the aircraft ultimately manufactured by mankind all have a common feature-they will rot at the touch of a touch.

The size of the candle bee is very small, the attack power is also very low, the flying speed is even more flattering, and it can't even catch up with the fast ground animals. However, these scary little fellows have a very good feature, that is, they can self-destruct. The lethality of a candle bee self-destruct is no less than that of a large-caliber cannonball. In the game, I even used them to injure more than a thousand devil beasts. Compared to a devil beast with more than a thousand levels, the body of the aircraft is much more fragile. So...

Boom. A fighter jet that had just flew off the ground suddenly turned into a big Fireball in midair, and the entire aircraft was completely disintegrated before the pilot even had time to activate the ejection seat. Then the engine of an attack aircraft that followed was suddenly light flashed, and that engine and half of its wings were suddenly blown up. The plane with its wings half-stretched left the cannonball in a big maneuver and plunged into the grass beside the cannonball, and then completely stopped moving. Some of the planes further behind have just started up, and some are still in line, but they are not spared. Clouds of Fireball are ejected from the ducts of the planes. After the most important engine parts are destroyed by the explosion, all the planes are piled up. Scrap iron. Although they carry powerful missiles with formidable power, what if they can’t fly even if they carry a nuclear bomb?

The fixed-wing aircraft was annihilated, and the helicopters were almost flying. Those gunships have strong shells and strong firepower. Regardless of speed, they are actually more dangerous than fighter jets. However, the danger is only relative to tanks and infantry, for us it is not dangerous at all.

I released four giant dragons, including lucky, and started chasing and killing helicopters everywhere. Although they can't catch up with the fighter jets, at least they fly much faster than helicopters. The heavy weapons carried by armed helicopters are completely ineffective against giant dragons’ powerful defenses, while giant dragons can shoot helicopters directly from in midair like flying flies. Suddenly, all helicopters near the airport were hit. The scary beast that can't be prevented and can't be run is unstoppable, and no matter how many helicopters they are, they are also sending food.

"Well, everyone moves fast, destroy all the aircraft and missile launchers, we leave here."

This is an air base, and there is no such thing as heavy tanks. What we have to do is to destroy the core of the dream. Those low-level weapons are not included in the core range at all, so even if they are destroyed, they are useless. Of course, while we were doing sabotage everywhere, Ye Ying was busy absorbing his dream energy, and it felt like a whole bunch of us were doing his job for him.

In less than fifteen minutes before and after we wiped out the air base in front of us, modern weapons have no effect on our attributes, and they are all displayed in a strong army without effective means of resistance.

We quickly found an army base after destroying that air base, but unfortunately, most of the weapons here are individual soldiers. Except for some tanks and self-propelled rockets, there are basically not many things with dream energy. After Ye Ying finished absorbing the energy here, he suggested: "I think we'd better get rid of the army base. The technology content of the ground troops is too low and there is not much energy to absorb."

I thought about it. I thought: "Then we will find the navy and air force or the strategic force. By the way, I remember. Air Tian City should also be a good target. The place is full of high-tech equipment."

" That's right, we should attack there first."

In the end, we still did not attack Hang Tian City, mainly because it was not very smooth. Our final method of attack is to fly to the naval base first, destroying all air bases that can be reached along the way, and of course civil airports cannot be spared either. As long as the airplanes seem to have dream energy, they should all be destroyed.

Although we set our ultimate goal in the navy, in the end we did not reach the naval base, but first encountered the American air force. In fact, we have killed so many military bases in the United States in a row. It would be strange if the US government did not react at all.

"Wow, a lot of planes." Looking at the densely packed field of fighter jets ahead, I was shocked. I have to say that there are enough planes in the United States, but it's useless to have more planes here.

With my summon, the small dragon girl appeared lightly beside me. Glancing at the huge fleet of machines roaring forward, the small dragon girl only used two spells to get them all done. The whole process didn't take five minutes.

Actually, the small dragon woman does not use a huge might super spell, but two very ordinary spells. The first spell is clouding, which is the preparation before the rain of the god Dragon Clan, which is mainly used to increase the humidity of the air. However, if you never use the rain falling technique, but keep spreading clouds, the clouds will eventually overlap each other and form a large super cloud.

The American fighter jets lost their direction completely because they flew into the clouds. The ultra-high-density clouds can not only block light, but also radar waves and radio signals. In such a cloud cluster, the aircraft cannot communicate with the outside world, nor can they use radar to navigate, and the visibility of the surroundings is less than ten centimeters. Those aircrafts are flying blindly with their eyes closed. Had it not been for the gyroscope on the plane to help the pilot confirm the heading and flight angle, it is estimated that they would soon collide with each other. However, even if they don't collide with each other, the result is not much better.

After the cloud group wrapped all the fighters, the small dragon girl used another spell-frost drop technique. This is also a large-scale low-level spell. Its role in the game is limited to preparing for the large-scale ice attribute spell in advance. Of course, it can also make the player feel cold. But using frost in this book-filled high altitude would be a disaster for airplanes.

Because the humidity in the clouds is too high, the entire intake duct of the aircraft is inevitably filled with a large amount of liquefied water droplets. Originally, the water will automatically condense in the air and hinder the normal flight of the aircraft, but fortunately, the aircraft also has anti-freezing equipment, so this naturally condensed frost does not have much effect. But the situation is completely different when small dragon women use frosting. The aircraft's built-in anti-condensation equipment and natural condensation can exactly offset each other, and now suddenly there is a stronger freezing condensation, and the anti-coagulation equipment can't keep up with the freezing speed immediately.

Those airplanes that penetrated into the clouds flew and flew, the engine blades were frozen, the combustion chamber nozzles were frozen and blocked, the engine stalled, and the blades were completely frozen on the bearings and could not rotate. The aircraft lost power. Just like dumplings, the oh la la fell from high altitude one after another. Even if the pilot pulled the ejection seat, the frozen cockpit could not be launched out. As a result, they could only fall to the ground with the plane.

Someone may ask, even if the engine freezes, will they not glide and make an emergency landing? No, of course they will, but they can't. First, this is a fighter jet, and its structure is very different from transport aircraft and civil aircraft. The wings of fighter jets are designed for high-speed flight. They provide very little lift, so fighter jets can hardly glide or can only glide a short distance. Second, even if the fighter jet could glide, it was useless because the plane was frozen. Normally, there is not much water vapor at high altitude. The defrosting equipment on the plane can remove the ice, but now there are a large number of clouds outside the plane with a concentration far exceeding the normal standard, and the humidity here is very abnormal. After the airplane freezes in this place, the entire rudder is frozen, and it is impossible to adjust the flight attitude, and the thick ice shell also increases the weight of the airplane. If such an airplane can glide, it can basically only be explained as a supernatural phenomenon. NS.

Because of the need to absorb dream energy, we did not leave immediately after killing the plane, but landed on the ground and waited for all the planes to fall and fall apart before re-entering the road, and absorbed the dreams of so many planes at once Energy, Ye Ying hiccups unexpectedly. After he had absorbed all the dream energy, we were about to leave, Ye Ying suddenly stopped and looked in one direction and said, "There seems to be something with great dream energy approaching us at a very high speed. "

"Things with great dream energy?" I was taken aback for a moment, then suddenly my eyes widened and screamed. "All of you return to the training space or the Fenglong space, quickly, right away."

"What's the matter?" The policewoman who was taken by me for a while now probably understands why I don't want to kill for some reason. She, so she is much more relaxed now than before. Just after seeing us, we have solved more than half of the air force in the United States. She really can't understand what else can make us have such a big reaction. But the boss stared at her as soon as she thought about it, because she suddenly thought of what we were afraid of.

Yes, what we fear is the nuclear bomb.

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