I’m looking forward to Ye Ying’s telling me that killing the woman will immediately end this dream, but unfortunately what Ye Ying told me is: "No, you can’t kill her. She is The core connection point, if it is necessary to completely destroy the entire dream, then she must be second only to the dream projection as the penultimate existence to be destroyed, if she is destroyed in advance, then the dream world will be broken down into multiple small dreams. Once This world is really broken down into multiple unrelated small dreams, then you have to shuttle through multiple worlds, until you completely destroy these Small Worlds can you completely destroy the entire dream space."

"So She must live to the end?"


"It's really troublesome!" I reluctantly retracted the eternity into a sphere and put it back on my wrist, and then turned towards that The woman walked over.

Seeing me walking towards her, the woman immediately pointed her gun at me and shouted nervously: "Don’t move."

"Hey beauty, please use the human most Something to be proud of." Seeing the woman still nervously pointing the gun at me, I had to continue to explain: "OK, you won. Now I have to admit the size of the woman's chest and the size of the brain. It is inversely proportional. Did your pair of flesh balls consume all the energy needed for your brain development?"

"What do you mean?" The woman finally said something normal.

"What do you mean? Don’t you understand it? I’m doubting your IQ! I think you should have heard about me from the police station before entering the bank. You should already know it. How did I get out of the assault by the commando. I would like to ask, as an intellectually sound adult, why are you sure that I can get out of their random shooting, but I will be caught by the little one in your hand. Threatened by the pistol?"

The woman was stunned. She glanced at her gun in a little surprise, and then seemed to engage in a ideological struggle, but finally she took the gun and yelled at me again: "I don't know what you mean by this, but stop it now, and your accomplices, those monsters. Let them stop right away, or I will shoot!"

Hear I could only shook the head helplessly when she said, and then casually raised hand said: "Grab her. Be careful not to hurt her."

With my order, the surrounding Death God guards came from The bank guard who had been killed stood up, and walked over to the policewoman. The policewoman saw a group of wolf-headed monsters approaching herself and immediately shouted loudly: "Don't move, I will shoot again!" Then she raised her gun and fired at the Death God guard who was walking in front. One shot.

As the gunfire sounded, the Death God guard paused. He lowered his head and looked towards his stomach, and was punched through a hole at the waist, and a pile of black sand was flowing out of that hole. However, as the black sand flows, the wound is getting smaller and smaller, and in less than two seconds, the wound is completely closed and it becomes invisible. After the wound disappeared, the Death God guard raised his head again, looked towards the policewoman, and then continued to walk towards her.

Of course, the policewoman also saw the rapid healing of the wound on the Death God guard. She was shocked by the scene in front of her, and her jaw almost fell off, but then she saw the Death God guard continue to move forward. Still took the gun and continued shooting. I have to say that human habitual thinking is really powerful. Do your best to tell her to continue shooting at this time. It is meaningless except to irritate the other person, but the habitual thinking still manipulates her fingers to shoot wildly until the gun is no longer in use. Without the bullet, she was still pulling the trigger mechanically.

In the panic, almost all the bullets fired by the policewoman missed, and the occasional shots were completely useless for the Death God guards with automatic healing capabilities. The fastest Death God guard reached the policewoman easily, and then reached out and grabbed her arm. The policewoman quickly pulled the Death God guard's arm into the air and kicked her feet against the Death God guard's chest, but the foot was caught by the Death God guard's other hand just as soon as she left the ground. Then she was brought to me by the Death God guard with both hands flat.

Seeing that the policewoman was under control, I summoned out Fenglong again. "Master, what's your order?"

Seeing Fenglong suddenly appearing, the struggling policewoman immediately stopped struggling. In fact, she was surprised by what was in front of her. However, I did not intend to explain to her, but directly said to Fenglong: "According to Ye Ying's speculation, can you escape the bondage of the dream?"


"Well, you go and get all my pets back."

"Immediately." Fenglong immediately disappeared into the air after answering.

When I was drawn into the dream state before, Jingjing and Lingling were not in the summon space, so I could not summon them directly after entering the dream state. However, Fenglong can cross dreams, and she can appear beside my demon at any time, so as long as she picks it up, she can bring in my demon. Of course, this method is only effective for familiars, and phoenix dragons cannot appear around other summon creatures except for familiars.

Although Jingjing and I are far away, Fenglong uses space to leap anyway, and the speed is amazing. She almost disappeared with her front feet and brought them back with her back feet, but for the time being, I only released Jingjing, Lingling, Xiaochun and Ling.

"Jingjing, Lingling, and Xiaochun, the three of you help to take good care of this woman, don't let her run, don't let her die."

Xiaochun heard My order turned around and motioned to the Death God guard to let the woman down. Probably because of Xiaochun’s Angel Race characteristics, the woman was completely stupid after seeing Xiaochun and the three angels, and she did not show the same struggle and resistance as the Death God guards, after all, in the Christian classics The middle angels are the messengers of God. They represent things like justice and kindness. In short, seeing angels is generally not a bad thing, so this woman's resistance to Xiaochun and the three is obviously lower than that of evil at first sight. The Death God guard. Of course, if they are classified according to their positions, in fact, the positions of Death God guards and angels should be the same. Angels are messengers of God or Light God, and Death God guards can also be regarded as messengers of Anubis. Although Anubis is a Death God, but others are righteous gods anyway, since they are all messengers of gods, their duties are naturally the same.

After the woman was put down, Xiaochun walked to her side and stretched out a hand to her forehead. The woman was a little nervous when she saw Xiaochun wanted to touch her forehead, but Xiaochun's beautiful and gentle appearance made her finally give up resistance. In fact, it's useless if she wants to resist. Don't think Xiaochun always acts as a nurse by my side and thinks that others are easy to bully. You know that the people before me are genuine Goddess of Light, authentic high-level god angels, even if they don’t have the physical fitness of a magical family, they are at least equivalent to a 1,000-level ordinary player, and the strength of this woman is only equivalent to a twenty-odd level. Player, with this physical fitness, Xiaochun can put her down with one hand.

In the woman’s nervous expression, Xiaochun finally put her hand on her forehead, then closed her eyes and felt a little, then Xiaochun took her hand off and turned to me and said, "Master Don’t worry. This woman’s soul strength has only one basic unit. Even if she is completely broken by huge might magic, I can still resurrect her."

Jingjing also said with her shield. "But I don’t think she needs to be resurrected at all. With me, she won’t suffer any harm unless she hurts herself."

"That’s good. Anyway, don’t let her die." I said After that, he turned to Ling and said: "Our goal is below, please help make a hole."

I lowered my head and glanced under his feet, then stretched out his hand and snapped his fingers, a ball of green Smoke suddenly appeared under our feet, and the woman was picked up again by the Death God guards. With the appearance of the green smoke, the crowd in the bank immediately became confused again, because many people's clothes began to fall off, and some people were burned to the ground with their feet, but this only exacerbated their screams. The smarter people immediately climbed to the nearby counter or table and left the green smoke on the ground, but many people still fell into the smoke.

I didn't bother to pay attention to the shouting of the crowd, because I was looking at the ground. The hard marble floor under our feet quickly melted in the green smoke like a first snow of boiling water. The entire ground was quickly burned through, and we all fell into the aisle below.

The difference from the above is that the guards in the aisle below are still armed. These people specialize in guarding the vault. They usually don’t have contact with customers, and they are also much better equipped than guards outside. We were attacked by intensive fire from the front as soon as we fell. However, the dark bombs thrown in Ling exploded. After that, it was completely quiet.

The policewoman held by the Death God guard became very quiet from down here. She had thought of resisting and fleeing before, but she blasted off a group of armed forces in Ling. After the staff, she finally realized that she was impossible to escape safely in the hands of our group. When we just came down, she knew exactly how strong the firepower on the other side was, but all of us here, including the beautiful angel who had just touched her forehead in a white dress, didn't mean to block bullets at all. The people present were either in armor and were not afraid of bullets at all, or they had a layer of light film on their bodies. As for the dark bomb that Ling threw away, the formidable power insisted on being bigger than the 120mm howitzer, and it seemed that people didn't need to prepare at all and could throw one at will. With such terrifying attack and defensive ability, let alone the police, the army will not want to take any advantage.

As the guards were all finished, we walked directly across the wall that was blasted to the front of the vault. The central bank’s vault uses the most advanced electronic security door in the world. Except for this explosion-proof gate that is 1.2 meters thick, the entire vault is protected by a titanium alloy shell that is more than one meter thick. Such a safe vault, it can be said that no one has ever thought of opening it forcibly. Even if there are bank robbers who want to attack here, they are all trying to unlock the vault, but no one has directly destroyed the vault like us.

Actually, we didn’t bother much, but I used eternity to cut three swords on the gate, and then a triangular gap was cut out on the gate, and then I kicked the piece with the gate The completely separated triangle area kicked into the vault, so far all the defenses of the vault were completely scrapped.

"Wow, a lot of money!" Seeing the mountains of banknotes and gold ingots in the entire vault, Ling and Xiaochun couldn't help but yell. Unlike other familiars, they know the value of the money because they have bodies in reality. Guards like Death God will never react to these colorful dollar bills, because they don't know the value of these things.

"Okay, don't look at it, it's not true." I said to Ling and the others aloud: "Let's put the fire on and let us take it out. There are still many things to deal with."

"Understood." After Xiaochun answered, when I got out of the big hole, she raised her hand and threw a white light bomb into it. The burst of light bomb produced super strong light radiation, which instantly burned the banknotes and bearer bonds in the entire vault. As for the gold, it has now melted into the outer shell of the vault, unless I want to get it out again. Re-refine it with the vault.

After we burned the money, Ye Ying immediately ran out and took a few mouthfuls like opium, and then said with great enjoyment: "The energy of this magic array is very powerful, but it destroys such a little dream. The core bursts out so much energy, which is really cool!"

"There will be more waiting for you to suck in a while."

"haha, this time I earned "

After we got the bank here, we immediately walked out of the central bank. As expected, the street outside was already full of armed police at this time. It's just that these guys obviously didn't learn their lesson, they still only took submachine guns and pistols. Of course, there are snipers on the top of the nearby building, but no matter how strong a sniper rifle is, it is still a gun. Even the gun can't penetrate our defenses. Is the gun useful?

"Attention people in armor, immediately put down their weapons and surrender." As soon as we stood at the gate of the bank, a police horn outside rang.

Ling looked around and said: "It's worse than the actual American police." Ling was on field missions with me. She also went to the United States and played against people from the United States. , So she knows the real battle strength of the American police very well. At least those secret battle strengths in the United States are still in the past.

I also understand Ling's disdain. This world is actually a world restored according to the image in the player's brain, so the police battle strength here is constructed according to the imagination of the ordinary person as the player. It's true that things like genetic warriors in the world are impossible for the American government to let the common people know, so naturally there will be no such things in this world constructed by common people's thoughts.



"Clean up obstacles."


< p>After receiving the order, Lingling immediately walked in the direction of the command vehicle. The people on the other side were stunned when they saw the huge pair of wings behind Lingling, but they didn't give up attacking because Lingling was an angel. Following the warning from the person who shouted, the opposing team immediately turned on fire. Lingling was hit by bullets flying in all directions, but she herself was not affected in any way.

To make a visual analogy between our attribute value and the attack power of a gun, that is, we are ordinary persons wearing clothes, and bullets are equivalent to raindrops in the sky. Have you ever heard of anyone who was smashed to death by raindrops? A normal person can only feel a little downward pressure on his body even if he is standing in a super heavy rain, and the barrage in front of him, not to mention the heavy rain, can’t even count as heavy rain, it’s just a little to medium. rain. For Lingling, this kind of density blow is the spring rain, and the lethality this thing does not exist here.

Walking to the front of the police car with the bullet, Lingling directly thrust the holy sword into the ground, and then slammed forward. "Broken." A white arc-shaped shock wave instantly rushed forward starting from the holy sword. All vehicles and personnel along the way seemed to have been hit by the explosion of an atomic bomb, and they were blown out in an instant. The cars and people flying in the air are flying and suddenly become innumerable fragments in the air. The white light just now is actually the sword qi, and the sword qi is smashed and cut. The role of. Although in the game because everyone's defensive power is very high, this effect is not obvious, but the things here are not played, and the result is all disintegrated in an instant.

The police line of defense is built on the streets, roughly enclosing the bank's gate with three sides of a square. But Lingling only made one sword, and as a result, the entire line of defense was lost by one third. This destructive power is a bit too scary.

"Let me come here." Seeing Lingling had killed one of his defenses, Ling directly stretched out his hand and shot, a black ball of light instantly fell into the police crowd, followed by a layer of black mist. It spread quickly. Although the police hurriedly took out the gas masks, the black mist can take effect directly by touching the skin, even if the face is covered up, it is useless.

As the fog spread, within two seconds, the policemen in the crowd began to cover their throats and fell. After a few more seconds, the fallen policemen lost their eyes. 'S got up from the ground again.

"zombie?" Xiaochun glanced at the policeman below in confusion.

Ling explained: "The people here have very low battle strengths. Our attack formidable power is too large, and it is a waste to use them on them. However, the efficiency of ordinary attacks is too low. It is better to make some zombies. Although In the game, the zombie, which is forcibly infected with evil miasma, is a waste, but here I think it can still play a lot. At the very least, the police in the city can't take care of our affairs for the time being."

Because of this idea of ​​Ling, the whole of New York quickly became the land of the living dead. With Ling's mana and without requiring strength, she can pollute most of New York City with evil miasma. Unless she hides in an anti-chemical vehicle or wears a heavy-duty chemical protective suit, ordinary protective measures have no effect on this evil miasma. However, because of the characteristics of the miasma, people hiding upstairs generally will not be okay, but people on the ground are hardly immune.

After spreading the miasma, I summoned a large number of Death God guards. Their task was to help destroy the bank vault. Anyway, the entire city’s guards are paralyzed, and it doesn’t matter if I don’t lead the team.

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