In fact, my guess is not far from the result. The Transmission Formation set by the Russians is actually a kind of dream manipulation array. Its main function is to pull people into their own mental dreams, and then kill them in the dream so that the external entities die together. Of course, this ontology means that the game character is not a real player.

According to the ability of this magic array, it should draw me into the world within the realm that I know well, that is, the reality and the illusory world within the realm. However, in the original plan, although I would still be drawn here, my own attributes should be completely deprived. In other words, I should actually be thrown on the streets of New York in a casual outfit with the physical fitness of an ordinary person, and I should not be able to activate the same skills in the game as summon and other things.

But now there is an unexpected situation, that is, the Russians didn't know that I would infiltrate their camp, and the female Ghost God actually activated the magic array ahead of time to save her life. Although this half-finished magic array already has the ability to run, it is half-finished after all, so although it pulled me in, it didn't remove the abilities that I depended on for my life. As a result, I appeared on the streets of New York in the full form of Purple Moon. I should have appeared here as a mortal without an ID, but now I appear here as a Demon God.

Although the Russian magic array had a little accident and failed to deprive me of my strength, they did not get nothing, at least they trapped me. Of course, whether this place can keep me trapped, no one dares to pack a ticket, at least the Japanese and Russians are not sure. They have suffered a lot in this kind of thing before, so they should be better. memory.

Just like the Russians and Japanese Ghost Gods thought, this place can really trap me, but not forever, because they are so anxious to get me in. If the Russians do a comprehensive ability survey on me and carefully analyze all my summon creatures, they should first separate me from Yekage and then pull me in. Because Ye Ying has another name-Nightmare.

What is a nightmare? A nightmare is a demon in a dream. It takes pleasure in playing with other people's dreams. It can absorb the spirit strength of the dream owner in the dream and eventually kill the dream owner. To nightmare, dreaming is like hunting by wild beast. Regardless of whether a wild beast can hunt successfully, at least no one has heard of any hunter trapped to death by the hunting ground, right? So if you want to trap the nightmare with your dreams, just like burying earthworms alive or submerged goldfish, it is purely an expression of intelligence that has not yet been fully developed. Even though the dream in front of him came from a super huge array of monsters, the nightmare was a nightmare after all, and even with so many restrictions, it was just a little obstacle to him.

"I think I know where we are." After observing the city, Yeying and I said almost at the same time.

"You know?" I looked down towards Ye Ying in surprise. "Isn't this New York?"

"Yes and no." After Ye Ying gave a brief answer, he explained to me: "The basic structure here is New York, but it is not in reality. New York, but a New York in a dream."

"New York in a dream?"

"Yes, this is New York in a dream, a completely dreamy world . But the rules of this dream world are the real version, everything will not surpass the existence in reality. However, looks like we are an exception."

"Damn, then we are not invincible here. Are they?"

"Baga, aren't they invincible there anymore?" While Yeying and I said we were invincible, Lian was also scolding the female Ghost God loudly. "Aren't we working hard to build this thing to trap Purple Moon and kill him? When you are good, throw him in completely. Will he become a Demi-God existence over there? Even Purple Moon. His IQ is lower than the average human standard. He can destroy more than 30% of the environment in the dream by the most stupid way to make the entire dream collapse. With his current strength, I think this array can trap him for three hours at most! Your head What's in it? You can come up with such a stupid plan. If you are not good at dominating the array, I really want to choke you on the spot!"

"Don't worry, don't worry!" Female Ghost God was Lian She was nervous when she scolded, but she was always the leader of the array, and there was always some remedy. "I have a way to generate powerful enemies in my dreams to deal with Purple Moon."

"Then you don't want to do it?"

"Isn't there always no time!" Female Ghost God While mumbling, I walked to near the shiny array and started preparing to do it. At this time, I didn't need the female Ghost God to mess with me in my dreams, and I was already in trouble.

Just when Ye Ying had just figured out where we were, we suddenly heard a dong dong dong noise, and the sound seemed to be getting louder and louder. Just when Ye Ying and I were puzzled, a rotating propeller suddenly appeared under the floor in front of us, followed by a light helicopter rising from downstairs.

"Listen to the rider on the roof. We are the New York City police. Please leave your mount immediately and lie on the ground with your head in your hands. Don't try to resist."

" What is this? Why is there such a big movement?" Ye Ying looked at the helicopter in front of her curiously asked.

I glanced at the helicopter depressedly, and then said: "This is a kind of transportation, similar to a magic flying vehicle, but the working principle is different."

"It turned out not to be a devil. Beast. I said how I can’t feel the magic wave! But the people on that thing are telling us to surrender, what should we do? Fight back?"

I thought about it or shook the head. "Don't attack if you don't block things. I haven't figured out what is going on in this world yet. For the time being, it's better not to cause too much damage. Don't always think about attacking these things. Are you a nightmare? Hurry up and study. How can we get us out?"

"Get out?" Ye Ying thought for a while and said: "Under normal circumstances, it is easy to get out of a dream, but it is difficult to get in. Part. But what we are now entering is not a dream of a certain creature, but a virtual dream created by the magic array, so it is easy to enter but harder to get out."

"That is to say Not going anymore?"

"That's not it." Yeying shook his head and said: "Generally, there are two ways to force a dream. One is to wake up the master, and the other is to destroy the dream."

"You just said that this dream originated from the magic array, so the first method is useless. So how to realize the second method?"

"So I asked Don’t attack the thing in front of you."

"You can destroy the dream by attacking it?"

"Destroying this thing in front of you of course won’t work. But I’m a nightmare, and my cultivation method is In the dream, the dream world created by the owner of the dream is constantly destroyed. When the things in the dream are destroyed, there will be psychic energy overflow, and I can absorb this energy to strengthen myself. If I am absorbed too much, I can even directly in the dream Killing the owner of the dream in the dream. Of course, the projection of the dreaming person in the dream can also be killed directly and quickly, but this magic array is not a creature, it has no projection here, I want Destroying it is impossible. Therefore, we can only use the most stupid way to destroy anything here. When we destroy, the magic array will collapse like dreaming creatures and overflow a lot of energy. I can absorb them until the outside The magic array stopped running due to lack of energy. As long as the magic array stopped, we would naturally go out."

When Ye Ying said that, I looked towards the helicopter in front of me again:" Then I'm sorry, you're unlucky." I said that when I flipped my wrist, a red light blade flashed past, and the helicopter was instantly hit in the air into a ball of Fireball and fell to the ground.

"Oh damn it!" At this time, a large number of police officers were already surrounded downstairs. Seeing the sky turned into a large Fireball helicopter, the police officers below immediately screamed and fled, but still Before they could run far, the wreckage of the burning helicopter crashed to the ground and smashed a police transport vehicle into a pile of scrap iron.

"Asshole, who is the one on the top of the building?" The high level police officer who was commanding and dispatching at the scene complained and shouted to the people around him: "What about the commando? Why hasn't it arrived yet? "

Another police officer quickly replied: "There was a brother who fought with the Mexican Brother Xi drug criminal on Seventeenth Street. The commandos were all over there. I heard that there were three rounds of helicopters. They were all shot down."

"Our helicopter also fell. Tell them that if the commando team is not coming, notify the FBI or the National Guard. Anyway, I will see one in five minutes. A fully armed commando is here."

"I will notify the headquarters immediately."

The police officers downstairs were in chaos, but I closed my eyes on the top of the building. It's not that I'm thinking about the problem, but I'm cooperating with Ye Ying to feel the composition of this world. According to Ye Ying, dreams are incomplete. When you dream, there are many laws in reality or things that must exist that may not exist in the dream. But what we see now is clearly a complete vision, which has a completely logical system. Ye Ying believes that this perfect world should be just the appearance. Most of the things we see are the outer rules set by the magic array. They are not the main body of the dream, and it is useless to destroy it too much. What we really need to destroy should be the key points in the dream, which is the core of the dream, and now I am shutting down all my senses to help Ye Ying find this core.

Almost seven minutes later, the police officer downstairs finally successfully called the commando, and at the same time, Ye Ying and I opened our eyes at the same time.

"This damn array of demons will really cause us trouble!"

"Are those things important?" Although Ye Ying found the foundation and core of dreams, she was completely I don't know what it is, because he lacks knowledge about reality.

In fact, the dream formed by the magic array has only three core things that are extremely important. They are money, technology, and weapons. The three items here are just the broadest generalization, not the literal relative meaning. For example, money. In reality, money is currency, but the core money we found actually refers to a series of items that can be quickly converted into liquid funds, such as banknotes, securities, stocks, futures delivery certificates, precious metals, jewelry, and antiques. Of course, these items are either currencies themselves, or they can circulate in place of currency, and belong to a category of items with small size and high value. The technology mentioned by as for here does not mean pure technical materials, but the sum of scientific research personnel, design materials and production equipment required to produce high-tech items. That is to say, no matter if I kill the technicians, destroy the production equipment, or destroy the record items of the technical data, anyway, as long as it can affect the production of high-tech items, it is considered to be destroying the subject of the dream. As for the last weapon item, this is quite clear, referring to weapons in the literal sense, but not all weapons are the core of dreams. For example, the guns used by the policemen downstairs are not counted. According to my understanding, the weapons contained in the core of this dream should be heavy weapons, such as airplanes, tanks, battleships, or nuclear weapons. Basically, rifles and individual missiles are not within this range.

Although there are many items included in the above three items, I feel that trying to destroy any of them is basically tantamount to a war with the whole world. Let's not talk about attacking those heavy weapons. The two points of trouble with money and technology are basically enough to be classified into the inhuman camp. There is no other way to move these things except to fight with all mankind. Fortunately, my attributes are all on me, as long as Lao Mei doesn't bomb me with a nuclear bomb. Of course, even if they really use nuclear weapons, I don't think I will die because I just tried it. In this dream, I can still summon the training space, the phoenix dragon space, and the gate of the earth, and my other familiars can be summoned by me. It can be said that as long as I see a nuclear attack, I can hide inside the gate of the earth. Anyway, as long as I am not directly hit by a nuclear weapon, the radiation after a nuclear explosion is completely useless to me. when the time comes As long as I can survive the explosion of one or two nuclear weapons, I believe the US government will not continue to use nuclear weapons. They are unlikely to find that I am not afraid of nuclear weapons and still have to fight against me. It is estimated that by then the probability of their choosing to surrender will be greater.

"Night Shadow."


"Let’s start with money destruction first!"

" No problem, anyway, I don’t know this world, so I will listen to your arrangements."

I nodded and pointed forward: "Then the first goal is there."

Holding my finger, Ye Ying immediately activated and ran towards the edge of the building, and the maintenance passage door behind us was suddenly knocked open by the police after we activated. But as soon as the people inside rushed out, they saw Ye Ying’s front hooves stepping on the railing at the edge of the building, looking towards outside, and his back hooves following the railing, we jumped out of the building as a whole. Jumped out into the air.

Seeing our amazing behavior, the assault team members who rushed in even forgot to shoot. They all watched in amazement as Ye Ying jumped out of the roof in a very magical posture. Seeing Ye Ying leap more than 20 meters with a very handsome step, many commandos behind them all made regretful sounds. Of course, they are not sorry for me, but for Yekage. Anyone who likes equestrianism knows that a steed that can cross 20 meters in one step is definitely not much cheaper than a Rolls-Royce. What a pity it is that a steed is about to fall to death? Many of the commandos on the field went to the racecourse to bet on horse races during the weekend, and many people were wondering how much the horse would win if it could participate in the race. It's a pity that such a good horse is about to die. What a pity.

In the stunned and regretful gazes of those commandos, the inertia of Ye Ying flying out of the roof has been used up, and his body began to fall, but just before everyone thought we would fall all the way downstairs. At that time, Ye Ying’s front legs fell first, and then seemed to step on something in the void, his body stopped falling and began to slide forward, followed by his hind feet and fell on the invisible platform, and then the front feet were off the ground. With a quick kick on the rear hoof, Ye Ying completed the second take-off in the air. After that, everyone felt that their eyes had a problem, because the dark horse that was so horrendous was galloping all the way through the air and leaped over a distance of nearly a hundred meters and landed on the roof of the opposite building. .

"Report the situation, what happened on the top of the building?" The sound of inquiries from the headset finally pulled everyone in the commando back from their dumbfoundedness.

"Uh...he ran." Captain of the commando thought for a long time before he figured out how to describe what he saw. However, the three words "he ran" obviously did not allow the people below to understand what happened.

"He ran away?"

"Yes, he ran away."

"You told me he ran away?" The officer in charge below It almost roared out in a roaring voice. "You went up with more than one hundred people and blocked the exits of the stairs. You told me that he ran? Okay, I believe you and he ran, then you tell me how he ran."

" This... he jumped off the building. He jumped a hundred meters from the top of the Bole Building to the top of the Morgan Building on the opposite side.” Probably realized that his words are a bit like mental disorder madness, so this Captain quickly He added: "What I said is true. I don’t believe you can watch the footage recorded on our helmet camera when I get down. But I don’t think that guy jumped over, his horse seems to be able to run in the air, or Flying, anyway, he can move off the ground for a certain period of time. I don’t know how he did it, but he really did it."

The police officer below wanted to curse as soon as he heard Captain’s words. However, a message that had been forgotten by him suddenly popped out again so that he did not scold him. In fact, when he first arrived at the scene, someone reported that the criminal was riding a horse along the outer wall of the building, but he regarded this as some people’s madness at the time, or because the people at the scene were violent. Abnormal remarks made by frightened crime. In short, he didn't take this news seriously at all. However, now he had to reconsider the truth of the previous news. The commando personnel are all elite combatants and will not be scared by the enemy to the point of nonsense. What's more, the Captain also said that there is a video to prove that what he said is true, at least he said what he saw To the situation. And if that guy can really run up to the top of the building along the vertical exterior wall, then what is impossible to jump over a hundred meters wide to reach the top of the opposite building?

After trying to understand the context, the police officer immediately ordered the commando to withdraw first, and then notified the headquarters to dispatch helicopters for reinforcements. However, he did not say that I would fly, only that the criminals had air vehicles. . His report like this is mainly because he doesn't want to be regarded as a mental disorder by the people above, at least so that he can get a helicopter quickly.

I have to say that the city’s safety construction in Old America is well done, and within a few minutes, three helicopters flew over. One of them was a reconnaissance aircraft with a spherical camera pod. , The other two are troop transport helicopters. One of them even has a 12.7mm general-purpose machine gun at the side door. Generally, this aircraft will only be deployed to deal with serious violent crimes. It can be said that this is already available for the police department. The strongest martial power is. If you want a more powerful aircraft, you have to ask the military to participate.

Three helicopters, equipped with the special commando team, and the agent in charge of the command, chased in the direction where I was. It was not easy to find me on the ground, but it was easy to find me in the air, because my black armor was very easy to recognize in the air.

When the people on the three planes found me, Ye Ying was leading me in the air, and the commandos and helicopter crews were almost confused by the sight. A commando exclaimed: "Look, the horse is flying."

"Strange, why doesn't it have wings?" Another police officer asked.

"Idiot, have you ever seen a horse with wings?"

"Isn't there a flying horse in Harry Potter?" The police officer was scolded very much before. Not convinced.

The agent scolded angrily: "That's a novel, this is reality!"

"So how do you explain that?" The police officer pointed to several hundred meters and was running outside. Jin Ye Ying asked. When the agent glanced at us, it suddenly became dumbfounded. Whether Harry Potter was a novel or not, he couldn't explain the scene before him anyway.

Just when they were arguing about why we could fly, Ye Ying suddenly dived towards the ground and rushed down. It's not that we were shot down, but that we got to the place.

I just said that the first target we will attack is money. Although in this world it can be said that there is money everywhere, but when I want to destroy the little money that ordinary people carry with them, when should I get it? So the target of my attack is not the money carried by the pedestrians, but the vault of the bank. The money in this place is relatively concentrated, and it is the easiest to destroy.

"Damn, he went to the Silver Mansion at the Imperial court!" The people on the plane screamed immediately when they saw the target I was descending. The Bank of China Tower is one of the most important financial centers in New York. Not only is it crowded with various important financial companies upstairs, but more importantly, there is a huge vault on the basement floor with money in it. But it is piled up like a mountain, if this is attacked, it would be terrible.

As the police officers chased down on the plane with fear, I had already dived with Ye Ying to the door of the building. As soon as Ye Ying hit the ground, I jumped off his back. It's not that I don't want to ride Ye Ying, but Ye Ying's height is too exaggerated. When riding him into the building, he has to hit his head. It's better to get off the horse and save trouble.

After taking back the night shadow, I moved towards the door and walked in. The bank guard at the door saw my strange costume and immediately put his hand on the handle of the gun. At the same time, he reached out his hand to stop me from moving forward and shouted: "Sir, please stop."

Of course I won’t. I took care of them and walked directly into the door. Several guards immediately pulled out the guns, but before they fired, I raised my hand and waved. Several Death God guards appeared beside them like lightning and trampled all the guards to the ground. Then these long guys talked to Anubis. The guards of Death God, who resembled Si, killed all the guards at the scene one by one.

Based on the few people killed during this period, I have roughly figured out the power of this world and my power. The ordinary person battle strength here is approximately equivalent to the battle strength of the rookies between Level 10 and Level 10 in the game, which means that ordinary person may not be as strong as the battle strength of players in Novice Village. Those policemen and commandos have guns, so their attack power is slightly higher. They can match the damage of level 200 players, but their defensive power is still Level 20 rookie level. Even if they wear body armor, defensive power No more than five Level 10 players. It can be said that the battle strengths of the people I have come into contact with are all too low to calculate. Before I was in the Russian camp, most of them were level eight or nine hundred personnel at any rate, but there was no way for me to run around in the camp to get me. All of them were people below level one hundred. If you want to stop me, it's similar to hand-to-hand combat with Tyrant Dragon. It's pure courting death.

Because of the death of the guard, the scene was immediately messed up. The reaction of ordinary person and the reaction of bank staff are have nothing common with each other. Some ordinary persons squatted down on the spot, some ran out, and some drew out their weapons to resist. Of course, I didn't care about the one who drew the gun, and was brought down by the Death God guard.

The response of the bank staff was slightly better. They also knew that they raised their hands and surrendered and shouted not to shoot. But I was not at all interested in their reaction. I grabbed a professional by the neck and pulled him to my side and asked, "Where is the safe?" Although I know this is the Bank of China Building, I don't know the safe. where. The vault is usually made of alloy. If I don’t find it, even if I blow up the building, when they dig out the vault, the money in it will not decrease in the slightest. What I want is to destroy money, not to kill people, so bombing buildings is useless.

"Don't move." Just as the staff member was about to tell the location of the vault, a pretty good voice suddenly appeared behind me.

According to this situation, the Death God guards should directly kill the owner of the voice, but when the Death God guards planned to do so, Ye Ying suddenly came out to stop them. I looked at Ye Ying curiously waiting for his explanation, and Ye Ying quickly leaned over to whispered me: "This woman has a strong dream core energy in her body. She is a special existence."

"Special Exist? Can killing her drastically destroy the dream?"

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