Although the previously captured NPC did not know the location of the specific headquarters, he did know the location of the Divine Race, and according to his own guess, the headquarters should be Not far from the Divine Race.

Based on the information provided by that guy, I quickly found an area where the atmosphere was obviously different from elsewhere. The surrounding construction sites are a chaotic and busy scene, but this area has a guard post in front of the Foreign Domain, and the interior looks relatively stable, not as chaotic as elsewhere. Of course, the most important thing is not the atmosphere here, but the cold and depressed atmosphere that I feel in this area of ​​Foreign Domain.

"Ghost God?" My brow wrinkled as soon as I felt the breath, because I was so familiar with the breath. This is the breath of "Ghost God", one of the Japanese Divine Race forces. As the one with the largest amount of God coefficients in Japan, Ghost God can be said to occupy a considerable share of God World in Japan. Although this race is not very prominent in terms of high-end martial power, the Ghost God race has one of the biggest advantages compared with the general Divine Race, that is, quantity.

The Divine Race of the whole world, except for the slightly more crowded Celestial Court in China, is almost always scarce. Moreover, the large population of Celestial Court itself exists in response to the population of China, so it is also said that there are more people. However, Japan’s Divine Race, or Ghost God family, is the only special case in the entire God World. Even Japan’s Great God Tian Zhao belongs to the same divine system as other Divine Races. There is only Ghost God. The line is as fertile as the mouse. If it weren't for the fact that most descendants of Ghost God have various flaws, this god system might have unified the Divine Race of the whole world. Think of Celestial Court’s official staff member of only more than 8,000 people and it is already known as the world’s number one Divine Race. The total number of nearly 100,000 of the Ghost God clan in Japan should be able to reach the average strength of the average Divine Race. Don’t unite the world yet?

However, although Ghost God has a large number of factors, no matter how many are Divine Race, it is also subject to system rules? Why does Ghost God appear here? Is this obviously out of compliance? Although I also know that there are special ways to bypass system regulations and allow Divine Race to enter the territory of other countries, but that method generally requires a high price. Although the Japanese and Russians are somewhat connected, they are not good enough to wear one. The point of the pants, besides the Japanese and the Russians, it is a matter for the players on both sides. What's the matter with Divine Race? Even if Guishou Nobunaga and Frozen Banshee are so good that they can sleep on a bed, that's their relationship. It doesn't make sense for the Japanese Divine Race to help foreigners for the sake of Japanese players?

I was thinking about why Ghost God might be here, and suddenly I heard a bang cracking of a wooden board, and then there was a thumping sound of heavy objects falling on the ground. I realized the danger in an instant. The eternity instantly turned into a war sword and was crossed in front of me. In the next second, the cargo pile in front of me blocking the guard's line of sight was completely blasted away by a huge force, and a huge blade passed through. The flying cargo pile slammed into my eternity with a loud bang. I immediately felt a soreness in my arms, and the whole person kept resisting on the ground and slid back seven or eight meters before stopping.

The opponent's blow was blocked by me, and without stopping, he stepped across the already arrived cargo pile and appeared in front of me. The previous big knife swung fiercely and hit the top of my head again. Down. I was blocked by the cargo pile before and I didn't even see what was attacking me. Now I can see the situation clearly.

The guy in front of me who is attacking me is a Ghost God, who is more than four meters tall and nearly two stories tall. A black Japanese warrior armor, a long-horned iron helmet on his head, and a standard ferocious-looking grimace on his face, except that the grimace of an ordinary Japanese warrior is a mask. This guy has his own face like this.

The weapon this guy uses is a long knife. The structure is similar to Guan Yu’s Azure Dragon Falling Moon Blade, except that the blade of the Azure Dragon Falling Moon Blade is very wide, while the blade of this knife is very wide. Narrow, it feels like a standard Japanese sword with an extra-long handle. However, although this guy's sword is not as wide as Guan Yu's, because he is more than four meters tall, the weapon in his hand is also unusually large. The whole long knife is more than six meters long from the tip of the knife to the end of the long handle, which is a lot longer than that guy's height. Even if such a weapon looks thin, it is not at all thin, but because it is too long, it looks thin, but in fact it weighs astonishingly.

Seeing the big knife with the whistling wind smashing down above my head, I hurriedly lifted the eternity to the top, and only heard a loud noise. Suddenly sparks flying in all directions above the eternity, My hands trembled for a while, and my legs were slammed directly into the ground by Juli.

When I felt that I was suddenly shorter, I knew that my feet must have been pressed into the soil. I took advantage of the opportunity that the opponent was bounced off by me. I first pulled out a leg, but I haven’t When I got the second leg out, didn't expect that guy's third attack came again. That huge long knife was rounded by the guy and thrown over like a big broom. As soon as I saw the situation, I simply bent my waist forward and wiped the big knife from my back with a whining sound. As soon as the big knife passed, I hurriedly pulled the other leg out, but before I ran the other side's fourth strike, it arrived again. I hurriedly put Eternity upright in front of me again, holding the hilt with one hand with two hands, and with the other hand against the side of the tip of the sword, I took another blow with the spine of the sword. However, this time the opponent obviously used more force. Although I took a pose, I was still flying off the ground a little bit by a huge shock, but soon I touched the ground again, and then slid back for a long time like the first time. Only then completely stabilized the figure.

In the field, I was fighting with the Ghost God, but the president of a Russian guild was asking the frozen Banshee next to him. "Who found this high level NPC? Why is it so powerful? It can connect to Ghost God with four tricks without losing the wind?"

Frozen Banshee has not had time to answer yet, follow the other person beside her A beautiful woman cursed: "You idiot, Purple Moon pretended to be! Even if you can't break the camouflage, do you always know Purple Moon's weapon forever? Except for his perverted weapon, in this world there is How many deformable weapons?"

When the beauty was explaining, a rays of light flashed across my body. After the rays of light flashed from head to toe, I had gone from high level The image of the NPC was restored to its true colors. Seeing my appearance, the surrounding Russian players suddenly exclaimed, and many people even instinctively started to step back. Frozen Banshee could only shake her head helplessly when she saw this phenomenon. She also knew what everyone was afraid of, so she didn't scold her, otherwise she would be even more embarrassed.

"I said I smelled the smell of a mouse. It wasn't that my nose had a problem." Ghost God, who slashed four times in a row like lightning, stopped after seeing my real body. . He slapped the incredibly heavy knife to the ground, and the guy began to say in a low, muffled voice.

I stared at this big guy who looked quite powerful in his armor for a while, and then said: "Don’t think that a dog nose can be arrogant. You’d better be humble in front of me. , Be careful that you don’t even recognize your mother when I hit."

"Hmph, the little dwarf dares to be arrogant." After speaking, the guy suddenly lifted the long knife, and then moved away. Looked towards me and ran over here.

Although the distance between us is not close, this guy’s size is really a huge advantage. He ran a few steps away from the distance, and then slammed a long knife to my head. A heavy hack. I knew that this guy had amazing brutal power before taking a stab, and then I would be an idiot. With a slight twist, I slid directly to the side for half a step, and then the knife slammed into the ground next to me with a slight difference, followed me with a small jump and stood on the back of the knife, and then followed the knife. Shannon ran up all the way.

Seeing that I stepped on the handle of my knife and ran over, Ghost God hurriedly lifted the knife from the ground and wanted to throw me off, but I used his power to raise upwards. He jumped up directly, jumped to the top of his head in one step, and then turned around and pierced the eternal fierce heart fiercely on the top of his head. All the Russian players around were stunned, including the other Ghost Gods standing beside the frozen Banshee, who instinctively took a step back. The gigantic Ghost God that was pierced by my sword swayed several times after standing for a few seconds, and then fell forward, slamming a burst of dust on the ground with a thud.

I watched the guy's body as if walking down the stairs while the Ghost God fell to the ground, and I happened to stand on the ground when he fell to the ground. After turning around and taking a look at the huge corpse, I said disdainfully: "hmph, the ability is not great, the tone is not small."

No one dared to speak up when I provoked me. The same is said by others that it is arrogant, and I am just explaining the facts, after all, I have the ability to despise the fallen Ghost God and others do not.

"Arrogant guy." The scene was cold for several seconds before a Ghost God standing beside the frozen Banshee walked out of the crowd. This is also a personal Ghost God, but this guy is much more normal than the guy before. The height of this guy is about 1.85 meters. Although it is already considered tall among ordinary persons, at least he is of normal size. Like the giant before, this guy is also wearing a Japanese warrior, but he doesn’t have a helmet, and his head is covered with a slightly tattered bamboo hat, and his face is hidden in the shadow under the hat, and the light is clear. But he couldn't see his face at all, and could only see a pair of dark red eyes with occasional flames.

Different from the previous guy's straight body and steady gait, the guy in front of me is slightly bent forward when he walks, and his legs are rarely fully straightened, slightly squatting. It feels that when he walks, he is slightly forward, instead of walking. All this shows that he is completely different from the previous guy’s battle method. Although he is wearing a warrior armor, his behavior is closer to that of a ninja, and the six overlapping Japanese swords on his left waist also fully illustrate him. Fighting style.

"Expert." Seeing the guy's walking posture, I first praised him. My usual style is to either irritate the opponent to make him lose his square before the battle, or praise him to make him proud and complacent. The guy in front of him is not suitable for irritating, but praise him for better results.

After I finished complimenting, the guy in front of me still kept his previous posture and gradually approached me, but he didn’t answer me, and because I couldn’t see the expression, I didn’t know what he was thinking, just Judging from his external performance, this guy has not been affected at all. This kind of cold killer person is the most difficult to deal with, because they are always in an extremely sane state, and as long as a person does not lose his reason, even if he is stupid, he can always have some ideas, even if it is a little bit of thought. It's enough to cause me trouble.

"It seems that you are still an activist, so I will not waste time. Now that you have discovered my whereabouts, it seems that my purpose of spying on intelligence is impossible to achieve. Then I will Let's go first, bye." After I finished speaking, I suddenly turned around and spread my wings to take off. Seeing that I was about to run, the Ghost God immediately silhouetted and jumped to catch up, but what made him didn't expect was that I turned around but didn't stop, but turned 360 degrees in one breath and turned back directly. , And the eternity has been put in place. As a result, in his surprised eyes, I turned around again and pierced his heart with a sword. The guy hurriedly drew his knife to block, the two weapons between the calcium carbide firelight collided with their respective sides, making a crisp ping sound, and then the two of us crossed over and slid out more than ten meters before stopping. .

"What's the situation?" a Russian guild player asked the people around him.

The person next to him also shook his head. "No, the action is too fast and safe to see!"

"Ghost God seems to have suffered a loss." On the other side, an assassin professional Russian player replied, but he saw puzzled gazes from both sides Later he added: "My profession also depends on speed. Dynamic vision is somewhat better than yours. I can barely see that they got a dozen or so swords right at the moment they passed by. Ghost God's knife is good. The elephant broke. But I didn’t see exactly how they made the knife. Both Ghost God and Purple Moon moved so fast!"

Just after the guy just finished speaking, the Ghost God He retracted the freeze-frame posture of holding the knife, straightened his body and put the knife in his hand back into the scabbard. Then, when all the Russians didn’t know what he meant, the guy suddenly fell forward. The ground never moved again.

After the guy fell, I also retracted my attacking posture and straightened up. I muttered to myself: "Sure enough, it's an expert, I thought I didn't hit it!"

Just after I talked to myself, the surrounding Russian players couldn't help thinking in their hearts: "Experts were both killed. Purple Moon is really a pervert. I hope we won't fight again after this time. Chance!"

Of course I can’t hear the voices of the players around me, so I straighten Eternity straight forward. "Hey, over there, do you want to come together? Or ask your boss to come out and say something to me?"

Just when the Russian players were puzzled, the people behind Banshee were frozen Another Ghost God suddenly walked out of the tent. This is a Ghost God with a normal human form. It is almost indistinguishable from a normal human except for a long silver white hair. In addition, this guy has a delicate and pretty face and a Japanese warrior robe that is very red and white. , I almost regarded this guy as the famous anime character "Inu Yaksha" in Japanese anime. Of course, this guy is somewhat different from that anime character, at least this guy doesn't have dog ears.

"Purple Moon is indeed Purple Moon. Before I came, Amaterasu greeted us and let us be careful. Didn't expect still underestimated your strength."

"You Don’t be humble. Although Amaterasu let me beat me last time, I guess he must have told you how badly he was beaten by me, so you mistakenly estimated that my strength is normal. It seems that your strength is better than that. Amaterasu is even higher. It is said that you should also belong to the main god Level 1. How could a high level Divine Race like you run into our Chinese territory? You have crossed the border. Celestial Court is not the Russian Divine Race. Even if you are a powerful god, people can call out thirty or fifty at will. It is a matter of minutes to deal with you. Are you afraid of being killed?"

" I'm afraid, of course I'm afraid. In this world, who wants to die? But instead of suffocating to death, I would rather die more easily."

"I don't understand."

"Hey, Purple Moon. This is our camp. You a spy is here to interrogate our guests. You don't put us in your eyes, right?" The beauty standing next to the frozen Banshee She seemed to realize that there was a problem with the conversation between me and the Ghost God, so she interrupted our conversation aloud.

For her sudden interruption, I just squinted at her and said disdainfully: "Yes, I just don’t put you in my eyes. Except for these Ghost Gods and the ice-bound Banshee himself Besides, who of you can catch my trick? Stand up if you can catch him. I admit that he deserves my attention. If it doesn’t work, just let me go and don’t talk too much."

" ..." The woman wanted to refute, but as soon as she opened her mouth, she was caught by the frozen Banshee. It's a bit exaggerated to say that few people here can catch my trick, but it's not far from the truth. Even if the woman rebutted, it was pretty much the same. If she could take a move and be hacked to death by a 2nd move, it would be basically the same as dying with one move. It would be embarrassing to say it, so it's better not to argue.

The Ghost God who dressed like a dog Yaksha suddenly followed my question and said: "Japan is almost completely occupied by you now, and if we lose our faith, our abilities will be greatly reduced. Rather than When the time comes to be a stray dog ​​wagging around and begging for mercy, it’s better to fight it now."

"What if things are not what you think?" To be honest, I don’t want to kill the Ghost God in front of me, because To me, they actually have meaning. Japan will definitely be managed by the Japanese in the future. Although Masaka Matsumoto is mine, the Japanese will not know. Except that the top leader is my undercover, Japan is still Japan. They need their own Divine Race to provide faith and basic protection. Besides, I don’t want Celestial Court to be too strong. It’s not good for me, so it’s not a good thing to help Celestial Court to cut all the Divine Race around. It’s not a good thing to leave a few nails to let Celestial Court step on it will not affect us. Benefits, on the contrary, are more helpful to us.

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