The Russian player I rescued was scared by our high level staff and was a little confused. Although I was behind cover, he still ran all the way and fell. Somersault, if it wasn't for the system to not deduct blood because of the character wrestling, it is estimated that this kid would have to become the first player in the game to wrestle and die.

I couldn’t stand behind that guy anymore. In the end, I had to go up and support him and drag him so that he could keep up with the other people who escaped. In the end, the team we attacked even disguised me. Only eighteen NPCs and three players including this NPC successfully returned to the entrance of the shield. We need to know that before we launched the attack, this team had more than 1,300 NPCs and more than 50 players, and now that the rest is said to be annihilated.

"How did you do this?" Seeing me assisting the Russian player to return, the Russian player guarding the goal was obviously taken aback. Because our side is the first team that was attacked, there is no team returning from the other gates, so this guard would be so surprised.

As soon as the guy I was supporting saw the convenience, he immediately rushed over and grabbed the opponent's hand and shouted: "Quickly, inform the leader that our enemy has launched an attack."

< p>"Assault?" The player was stunned for a while, and then he realized what he meant by attack, so he hurriedly led the player into the protective shield, and then I and the other returning personnel were released one after another. Into the protective cover.

When I passed through the so-called protective shield door, I realized why Hong Yue said before that mosquitoes could not enter the protective shield. It turned out that the damn protective shield door was actually a protective shield. As Hong Yue said before, this protective cover cannot be individually set to implement any rules for a certain part. The passage rules set for it are universal, that is, if a certain position is set to allow players to pass, it is equivalent to Let the entire shield allow the player to pass. For this reason, the Russians did not dare to allow players to pass through the protective cover outside, but opened several doors on the protective cover. The location of these doors is the gap of the large protective cover, here is equivalent to no protective cover to protect, can let any matter through. Originally, our scouting mosquitoes were small in size. With such a door, our scouting mosquitoes can be attached to a player’s hair and get in. After all, although the Russians can station heavy troops at these doorways, no matter how many people do. Can't stop the mosquitoes. However, now when I actually walked through this door, I finally understood why the scouting mosquitoes could not get in. It turned out that there was a protective cover inside the door. The inside shield is different from the outside. It allows players and NPCs to pass, but it does not detect mosquitoes in the pass range. Players entering from the entrance of the outer protective cover can easily pass through the second protective cover. Although the mosquitoes can pass through the first protective cover, they cannot pass through the second protective cover. As for our spies, they will be the first. Road protective cover blocked. With these two protective shields complementing each other, it can be said that it is absolutely foolproof. However, there are always exceptions, at least I got in.

At first, I was worried that many people would come to check when I entered that door. For this reason, I did a lot of preparations before I came, but what I didn’t expect was Russian management It seems quite confusing. The guards at the gate really looked like many people, but after I went in, I discovered that the guards were commanded by three relatively independent units, which meant that there was almost no coordination between them. When the group of us came back, the guard didn't even know which guild we belonged to. The result was a random check on the registration form and put us in.

When I followed the returning personnel into the shield, I immediately saw a large construction site. Yes, it is indeed a large construction site, but it is still quite a lively construction site. Almost the entire Russian Expeditionary Force has been involved in construction work. A large number of people are busy building a huge project there, but because of the construction schedule, it is not yet clear what kind of building it is.

The players who came back with me were basically all injured. They seemed to be rushing back to their lives. As soon as they came in, they went to their own camps. Only one of them was considered more competent. Before we left, we greeted our group of NPCs and asked us to return to the NPC camp to report to the high level NPC management staff.

After the more conscientious player left, the only people who came back with me were the NPCs around me, but their positions were lower than mine, so even if I show a weak spot now It doesn't matter, as long as I don't show my original image and let the NPCs recognize me as a hostile person, they will definitely not attack me. In fact, these NPCs didn't even pay attention to me. They almost immediately turned around and ran towards the NPC camp after the player gave the order.

Now it’s okay. All the people who came back with me ran away. On such a super large construction site with nearly tens of millions of people mixed together, even if the Russians knew that I had come in, they might want to find It’s not so easy for me, even more how they don’t even know I’m coming in.

Seeing that the people around didn’t pay attention to me, I found a larger cargo pile and got into it. Then I activated the camouflage skill and changed the image of an NPC. Now it’s even the same as the previous gang and me. The Russians who came in together come back and they can't even think about finding me again.

As soon as I got out of the cargo pile, I started walking in this large construction site. In fact, such a large construction site belongs to N many different guilds under construction, and the chaos in it is naturally conceivable. In such a chaotic scene, I guess as long as I don’t act like a born thief sticking one's head around to look for, or silly yelling that I am Purple Moon, no one will find that I have a problem. This is like a stranger suddenly mixed in at a wedding banquet. The man’s relatives think he is a member of the Fang Family, but the woman regards him as a member of the Nan Fang Family. As a result, no one knows that he has nothing to do with the new couple. . In a wedding, only two people can mix in with strangers. What's more, there are at least hundreds of guilds here. As long as I don’t tell myself, who knows which guild I belong to?

With no one coming to question me at all, I walked around this large construction site very smoothly. Although this is only a small part of the entire construction site, with my electronics From the information recorded in my mind, I am ninety-nine percent sure that the large construction site that the Russians are building is a super magic array.

Almost as soon as I discovered the true nature of this thing, I was shocked by my observations. The size of the magic array in front of me is almost larger than that of a large city. According to the operating principle of the magic array, its volume and formidable power are generally increased by multiples and powers. In other words, two versions of the same magic array are constructed with different volumes. If the volume of the larger magic array is six times that of the smaller one, then the formidable power of the larger magic array will be the sixth power of the smaller magic array. Similarly, if the volume is ten times, then the formidable power is ten times. Although this conversion method is not accurate, it is roughly the same. The size of the magic array in front of me is tens of thousands of times that of the normal magic array, so even if its foundation is a not-so-so-magic array, the formidable power that can be released by its current volume is definitely not fun. .

Of course, the above is just the worst guess. After all, simply enlarging the volume of an ordinary magic array is not that simple. You know, the magic nodes in the magic array rely on precious gems as materials. Of course, you can draw a magic array to a dozen times or even tens of thousands of times the normal size, but where can you find gems that are tens of thousands of times the normal size? Therefore, this method of increasing the formidable power by simply placing the Great Demon array is actually not very practical. Generally, you can only increase the formidable power by one or two times when you have large gems in your hands, tens of thousands of times. Things are basically impossible.

But this matter cannot be said absolutely. Although big gems are hard to find, if you have a high level formation diagram, you can make some modifications to the enlarged magic array, such as turning a certain magic node into an independent small magic array. The ability of this magic array is to gather the magic power of multiple small gems to create a virtual large gem to replace the big gem on the Great Demon array. Of course, this method is not so easy to implement, but compared to finding a pile of gems weighing more than ten tons each, this method is already considered simple.

I don’t know if the Russians have this technology, but since they are already building magic arrays, it only means that they have a solution. Otherwise, isn’t such a big magic array built in vain?

"Military god, military god, can you hear it?"

"Sand...zhi zhi...maybe...zi..."

" Damn it.” Listening to the noise coming out of the headset, I knew that the damn protective cover must have shielded the resonant waves necessary for the crystal communicator, so our communication could not penetrate this protective cover at all. Originally, I hoped that the military god would use the crystal ball I carried as a recording medium to record the entire magic array, and then let our guild’s formation diagram division reverse it to figure out what array it was. But now it seems that this plan cannot be implemented.

Since there is no way to send a letter back to the military god to help me parse the array structure, I have to figure out the function of this thing by myself. Of course, no matter what it is for, it is necessary to destroy it, but it cannot be destroyed yet. First of all, the fault tolerance rate of this large array is relatively high. Destroying one or two places alone may not affect its normal operation at all. Moreover, for such a large array to cause sufficient damage, the formidable power required must be large. The current situation of me sneaking into the protective shield is still a secret. If I start to use the huge might skill strikes magic array now, doesn’t it mean that I don’t recruit myself? Also, the magic array is obviously just beginning to be built now. I destroy it now, and they can repair it immediately. Such damage is meaningless. If you want to destroy it, you have to wait until they have all repaired and are ready to use it before you destroy it. Only then can you achieve the greatest effect of destruction.

After thinking about the action steps, I first found a place where no one was there and hid it, and then quietly summoned the rose vine and the trailblazer together. After they appeared, I let them open up a large space underground, and then made a small hole in the ground. I quickly dug out a lot of liquefied magic crystal bombs from the Phoenix Dragon space, and then stuffed them one by one through the small hole in the ground. The rose vines caught the bombs I dropped one by one under the hole and stored them in this space. I don’t need me to do the rest, as long as the pioneer digs a channel from here to the under construction of the magic array, and then digs some channels and caves along the direction of the magic pattern of the magic array. The task of Rose Vine is to follow the pioneers and then plant bombs in those caves and passages. When we need to solve the magic array, as long as I move my finger, the entire magic array will immediately change into a thousand windows and holes. The shock wave generated by the explosion will collapse the tunnel created by the pioneer, and then the ground collapse will cause the magic array structure above it to collapse. Although the fault tolerance rate of large magic arrays is very high, it is not so high that the bombed fragments can still operate.

There are Blazers and Rosevine planting bombs. I don’t have to worry about the magic array. All that is left is to figure out what the Frozen Banshee is planning. But there is a very serious problem right now-where is the damn command?

In fact, the magic array being built is very large, but compared with the area of ​​the entire protective cover, it is only half of it. In the protective shield, besides the magic array, there is a large ring-shaped camp that surrounds the magic array, and the ice-bound Banshee's command will obviously not stop in the magic array under construction, but the camp outside is enough. Big, if you want to find it all over, you don’t need to count on every hour. I don't have so much time to find the command here now. Of course, the best way is to ask people.

The player must not ask. Although the other party may not know who I am, I am posing as an NPC. It is not a good idea to talk to the player rashly. Of course, I can also pretend to be a player first, and then ask another player, but this method is also risky. Although the participating players may not know the names of all the silkworm war guilds, what if I make up a random name that happens to be familiar? Although this probability is very low, there is nothing wrong with being careful. At present, in my situation, it is most appropriate to find an NPC to ask.

Of course, I don’t need to do it myself. Princess does this job smoothly. "That handsome guy, come and help?" Watching Princess, standing in the lane between the two piles of goods, hooked his finger to a passing NPC, and then the guy was demented and his eyes flashed with red hearts as if sleepwalking. Usually walked in.

After successfully leading the guy to the no-man’s land in the middle of the cargo pile, I immediately signaled Princess to work, and then Princess began to use her sweet voice to gently inquire about all kinds of information we needed. As a result, the low-level NPC in front of us had said everything we wanted to know in less than one minute.

The information is available, and the captives can only get in the way. Anyway, there are millions of NPCs, and no one will pay attention to one or two. After the interrogation was completed, we broke the guy’s neck and stuffed it into the hole for the bomb. After the corpse fell, the tentacles of the rose vine left by the tentacles immediately sealed the hole with mud. Yes, we did a little camouflage on the ground outside, and then put away the Princess. I walked out of the barrier made up of the pile of goods alone.

Although the NPC just explained very quickly, it is a pity that he did not know where the command headquarters is, but we have heard another very important message-the Russian expeditionary force has Divine Race.

Divine Race is the high-end defense force of various countries, and their battle strength is very strong, at least for most of the current players, Divine Race is powerful and unbeatable. Of course, I am an exception. The number of Divine Races in my hands is not 1,000 or 800. Except for some top gods, most of the Divine Races are just high-level monsters in front of me. However, no matter how I look at Divine Race, Divine Race is still Divine Race after all, and their strength is powerful for most players. If such an existence can participate in the war between players at will, then the balance of the game will no longer exist. Except for people like me who are capable of killing gods, it can be said that whoever Divine Race helps will win. Therefore, in order to minimize the impact of Divine Race on the fairness between players, the system has set many restrictions for Divine Race.

Divine Race forces cannot leave their territory, and this territory generally provides them with a land of faith. For example, the territory of Celestial Court is the whole of China and the land we occupy. This territory is a home and a prison. Under these restrictions, Divine Race rarely has the opportunity to fight abroad.

However, Divine Race actually appears in the Russian camp now. Frozen Banshee Where did they get Divine Race supporters? Not only did the Russian Divine Race and Celestial Court sign an agreement not to participate in the war, but it has now been wiped out by us. So where did the Russian Divine Race come from? The remnants of the Russian Divine Race? It is possible, but the probability is not great. We have shoveled the complete Russian Divine Race. If a survivor who escaped by chance, dare to help the Russians fight against us? Are they tired of life? With Divine Race's fear of death, it is obviously impossible.

Because I can't guess the details of the so-called Divine Race of the NPC, I must investigate this matter first. The influence of a Divine Race on the entire battlefield will be terrifying. Although I can kill a Divine Race single-handedly, the killing speed of the Divine Race is far from what I can compare. I can kill Divine Race only because I have an attribute of Godslayer on my body. Divine Race will be like a rabbit that meets a wolf when I meet me, and it will be half soft before I take a shot. But as long as it is not against me, the strength of Divine Race can be fully utilized, and if a Divine Race is fully deployed, no amount of people will be enough for ordinary players to kill. If there are only one or two, I can still block them by myself. If there are more people, it will be troublesome. Although I still don't know the specific number of Divine Races on the Russian side, according to the NPC, there are obviously more than one. This hidden danger will not be eliminated. Our follow-up plan is likely to die. I can't let that happen.

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