"Jian, what nonsense with him." The guy dressed up like the dog Yaksha walked out a female Ghost God. Unlike the previous evil spirits, this guy named Lian Chang who looks like the dog Yaksha is also a completely human form, with a beautiful face coupled with an undulating lithe and graceful body and that long silver hair. All have a taste of temptation. However, unlike Lian, her clothing is not a commoner, but a robe made of animal fur, which looks a lot like a queen's robe, but elegant and poised is obviously not suitable for combat. But I don't think that is her only outfit. I guess it's just a layered coat. She must be wearing combat outfits inside.

The guy named Lian immediately turned his head and looked towards me after hearing the words of the female Ghost God, and then suddenly raised a hand towards me. "Wind..." He only said one word, and three translucent huge wind blades suddenly appeared in front of me. The wind blade is fast and covers a large area. I can't avoid its attack range at all, so I can only block it hard.

"Holy Shield." Jingjing suddenly appeared in front of me, a huge light shield appeared instantly, and the three wind blades burst immediately after hitting the shield, completely unable to shake the holy shield at all.

"Strong defense." After Lian said lightly, he suddenly raised his finger to my side again. "Then try this. Wind cone."

Jingjing didn’t move at all, she still erected her shield when the opponent made the second attack, and this time the opponent’s attack was obviously much stronger than before, at least One after another crack appeared on the Divine Shield, but it still failed to penetrate. Although the guy's wind cone had good penetrating power, it was a pity that the Holy Shield was only an energy skill, and it was completely meaningless to simply hit a few cracks, and the cracks disappeared automatically when his skills stopped.

I looked at the gentle and elegant Liandao opposite: "Don’t make me anxious. I don’t want to fight the Japanese Divine Race now."

"No, you don’t understand, we It's impossible to retreat." Lian waved forward again and released a third attack, but he still couldn't break through Divine Shield's defense.

Seeing the reaction of the other party, I also know that he will not compromise, but I just don’t want to go to war with the Japanese Ghost God now, and it’s not really impossible to kill him. "Since you have to hunt for death, then I can't help it. Lingling, it's your turn."

"holy sword ruling." A huge lightsaber suddenly fell from the sky and slashed towards Lian's place. In place, Lian and the female Ghost God next to him immediately dodged, but they had just jumped up, but without warning, a large dense sword shadow suddenly dropped in front of him and forced him and the woman back to the ground alive. "Holy sword-invisible." As soon as he pushed Lian and the others back to the ground, Lingling activated another skill, and this time the attack was even more weird. There was no sword glow or light and shadow effects, and even the sound of wind did not appear. Lian and the woman in the field seemed to have been slashed with a knife. The clothes on their bodies disintegrated in an instant, and countless large and small wounds were cut out on their exposed skin.

"You dare to cut my face?" The woman touched her face after Lingling's attack ended, but she actually touched a hand of blood. This time she was completely mad, and The animal skin robe she was wearing before has been chopped up to save her the trouble of taking off her coat.

As I guess, the inside of this woman's robe is not vacuum, but a very close-fitting armor. But there is one thing that makes me very strange. The armor on this woman does not look like a Japanese warrior armor, nor does it resemble the shape of a ninja armor. It has a very obvious European and Chinese style.

It is said that European style and Chinese style are two completely different styles, but the armor in front of us draws on the characteristics of the two, and has obvious characteristics of a mixture of Chinese and Western in terms of structural design. Both Chinese-style armor emphasizes flexibility and European armor covers a large area and protects comprehensively. The appearance design on this armor also accounts for half of the Chinese and Western cultures. There are both European unique magic array inscriptions and Chinese cloud inscriptions. Marks, there are even traces of rune similar to the seal script in some locations, which looks like a mixed-style suit.

The woman wearing a mixed armor angrily drew out the sword that straddled her waist. Like the armor on her body, this sword is not Japanese style, because its blade is obviously thicker and longer than the Toyo sword, and the blade does not have much curvature, and it can be said to be almost straight. Although this knife looks very similar to the Toyo sword, I am sure that it is not a Toyo sword but a combination of Chinese Tang swords or ink swords.

In fact, if you really want to classify it in detail, the Toyo swords used by the Japanese should be classified as assassination or fighting swords, while the Chinese swords are war swords. The Toyo sword has a thin and light body, which is relatively labor-saving and suitable for use in informal battles such as brawls. The reason why such weapons became popular in Japan was mainly because Japan was relatively poor in ancient times. Basically, both sides of the war were wearing bamboo armor or simply clothed clothes. To deal with such an enemy, the lighter Japanese sword is more labor-saving and can be swung more quickly, so it is very suitable for Japan's national conditions and is widely adopted. But not in China. Ancient China was not as poor as Japan. In the war, soldiers on both sides usually had complete armor, and many elite troops even had full metal armor. If you use a Japanese sword to slash someone's iron armor, it will have no effect at all except breaking the sword. Therefore, the Japanese sword cannot be popular in China. On the contrary, Chinese knives use a thicker design, which is more conducive to armor piercing. Enemy soldiers who can cut open bags in battle, like iron cans, produce greater lethality. At least it won't break like a Japanese sword.

It can be said that the national conditions of the two countries determine the different needs of the two countries for weapons, so there are two completely different styles. In modern times, because thermal weapons are too lethal, it is meaningless to wear armor or not, so Japanese swords are more suitable for modern street fights. However, in the game, the attribute characteristics of weapons are set by the system, which does not completely refer to the characteristics of the weapon itself, so the Japanese will not be unable to cut the European armor with the Japanese sword. After all, as long as the attack can break the defense, the system will still calculate the damage. As for the characteristics of the weapon itself, the system is achieved through the assignment of attributes. For example, Japanese swords in the game generally attack faster, but their damage value is low, and their durability is generally much lower than other sword weapons.

Although the knife that the female Ghost God is holding is not as thick as a heavy blade such as a large ring knife in China, it is much wider than a Japanese knife. If you have to describe it, you can think of this sword as a European-style heavy sword with only one side open. Of course, it is somewhat lighter than the heavy sword in Europe. After all, it only has a blade on one side. It doesn't need to be so thick, and naturally it is not so heavy. But looking at this shape alone, the armor piercing ability of this thing is definitely not much lower.

The female Ghost God who pulled out the strange long knife suddenly moved towards Lingling and rushed over, and then when Lingling had put up a fighting pose, she suddenly disappeared in front of us.

When, behind Lingling, I suddenly blocked me with a horizontal sword, and accompanied by a clear impact, the female Ghost God bounced directly out of my back, and then disappeared invisible again.

"No, we are not his opponents." The female Ghost God who was blocked by me quickly appeared next to Lien, and then spoke to him.

Lian obviously didn’t expect that the woman’s attack would be blocked. He asked a little nervously: "What should we do now? What about our plan if we retreat?"

"If you don't withdraw, you don't need to plan anything." Surprisingly, this female Ghost God is obviously much smoother than the Ghost God called Lian. At first, she is the one who is arrogant, and she is also the one who supports running away. Her thoughts are changing rapidly, and she is completely clumsy.

Frozen Banshee obviously didn't expect his allies to suddenly change their attitude and plan to leave first. You must know that it took a very high price for her to invite these Ghost Gods. If these Ghost Gods ran away before the battle started, wouldn't all the previous efforts be lost? When I thought of this ice-bound Banshee, she knew that she could no longer be silent. She hurriedly walked to Lian’s side and said, “You don’t need to be nervous. I can hold onto Purple Moon for a while. If you and I shoot together, Purple Moon is not. A completely invincible existence."

"No, you don't understand." The female Ghost God said: "My specialty is not fighting Purple Moon here, but the array. If you can't complete that Things, I won’t have any effect. Now let me fight Purple Moon. You are a mage as a meat shield. This is a waste, an extremely wasteful waste."

"The array was prepared for you. Yeah.” I was trying to investigate what the Russian array did. Didn’t expect that thing was actually prepared for the female Ghost God in front of me. To put it this way, in fact, I don't need to destroy the array at all. Can I just kill the female Ghost God in front of me?

After hearing what I said, the other party suddenly realized that she had said something that shouldn't be said, and the female Ghost God was obviously not low in intelligence. She knew that as soon as I heard the news, she would immediately treat her as the primary target, so she turned around and ran decisively before I showed any intention of attacking her, and I was the same as that Lian. Froze.

"Damn, does this guy count rabbits?" Seeing the woman running away at lightning speed, I really don't know what to say. The courage of Small Accomplishment can also become a Ghost God. Not to mention that she had a good baby.

"Master, shall we chase it?" Lingling saw the woman run and immediately turned her head and looked towards me, waiting for my decision, but I haven't had time to answer yet, the ice-bound Banshee will do it first There was a reaction.

What the woman Ghost God said to Frozen Banshee just now reminded Frozen Banshee. She also thought of the key, so she knew that I must not let me put that woman Ghost God right now. Get rid of it, then her efforts and dedication will all be ruined, so she decisively took her person to stand in front of me. Of course, the same reaction as the Frozen Banshee is the rest of the Ghost God including Lien. Although they are actually afraid of me to death, their task is to protect the female Ghost God, so they are even Knowing that I was going to die, I had to stand up and stop me.

"It seems that they are not going to let us pass." Jingjing answered Lingling's words instead of me.

I didn't say a word while standing there, but the space around me suddenly twisted violently, and then Ling, Xiaochun and Ye Yue appeared next to me one after another. Seeing my summon out of these few, Jingjing and Lingling knew my plan without answering. After looking at each other, Lingling suddenly raised the holy sword and slashed forward with a fierce sword. Anyone who has seen holy sword formidable power knows that Lingling’s attacks cannot be blocked, so they gave up a channel, and I was there. After the passage appeared, it passed through it like lightning.

Seeing me chasing the female Ghost God through their defenses, the surrounding Russian players and other Ghost Gods immediately wanted to chase me, but just after they turned around, suddenly behind The great Great Demon law fluctuations that appeared forced them to turn back again, and then everyone was completely baptism baptismed by a dense magic rainstorm. Even those who were lucky to be uninjured at this time did not dare to turn around in this situation. Chasing me, otherwise it's a young man who can't chase me, and it's the end of it if someone kills me from behind.

Of course, there are still some awesome people at the scene, at least Lian and Frozen Banshee managed to get out of the magic rainstorm and chased them towards me.

The chase of the few of us quickly turned into a very interesting long-distance race. The first one was naturally the female Ghost God. She kept on using her spell, which she didn't know if it was teleportation or teleportation, and rushed into the Russian camp at a very strange speed. I was naturally behind her, but unlike her, my running style was more violent, and everything that stood in the way was completely destroyed by me. Many people who stood on the route were unfortunately killed by unfathomable mystery and died. NS. The hardest part of the last run was Lian and Bingfeng Banshee. The speed of the two of them is not slow, but it belongs to their own camp, just like you are afraid to fight in your own home. Banshee and Lian do not want to hurt the people around them, so they keep on Try to avoid obstacles, so the speed will naturally not go up.

After the four of us ran for a few minutes, I suddenly realized that it’s stupid to follow people like this. A low wall just appeared in front of me. I just jumped onto the low wall and jumped. Ye Ying's huge body suddenly appeared under me and accurately caught me, then a flash disappeared in the same place, and in the next second, she wore directly behind the female Ghost God in front.

The female Ghost God who was running desperately suddenly felt the terrifying aura appearing behind her, scared her an unstable step and fell forward. The whole person continued to roll forward after the fall due to the huge inertia. . However, she didn't lose even after a fall, at least I followed up with a beheaded sword to carry her big somersault and fell through.

The night shadow that rushed over did not slow down, but directly rushed forward into the void again. The next second we jumped out from where we were, but the direction was completely reversed. , The female Ghost God who was thrown behind because we rushed over now became up ahead of us, and in order to deal with the female Ghost God who was already lying on the ground, I even changed the weapon. At this time, the eternity has become the form of a hook and sickle spear. I held it back in my hand and made a motion of preparing to fork downwards. As long as Yekage rushed past her, I could take her like a spearfish. Wear it on the tip of the gun.

However, as we recoiled back, Lien and Bingfeng Banshee had already caught up. Anxiously, Lian directly shot a small wind blade across a distance. This wind blade is much smaller than the previous wind blade, and there is only one, but the speed is more than three or four times faster, and the formidable power is obviously much higher. It's just that the wind blade was shattered by a lightning strike as soon as it flew halfway, and the silhouette of Houlei wearing heavy plate armor suddenly appeared beside Lian with the sound of bang electric shock, and then banged again when Lian was about to fight back. Vanshee disappeared in place and ran in front of Frozen Banshee. The frightened Frozen Banshee slowed down quickly and barely avoided Lei's body.

There, Lian and Bingfeng Banshee were blocked by thunder. Here, Ye Ying has carried me to the side of the woman Ghost God who fell to the ground at a very windy pace, and then The eternal hook and sickle spear in my hand suddenly pierced down, and the tip of the spear plunged into the soil with only a click. "En?" The hit that had been inevitable hit nothing. The place where the female Ghost God lay before was now empty, but when I looked around, she appeared from the spot again. It's just that we have already rushed there, so even if she appears in the same place, I still have nothing to do with her.

"Damn it!" I pulled on the reins, and Ye Ying suddenly stood up and turned around with two hind legs, and then landed on the front feet and rushed towards the female Ghost God again. The other party didn't. 't expect that we turned so fast that we got up and drilled into the nearby people in a hurry.

This is the territory of the Russians. There are Russian fighters everywhere. I should have been suppressed in this kind of place. Unfortunately, my battle strength is much higher than that of ordinary people. Here I am. It's almost like Tyrant Dragon among the wolves. Although wolves are fierce, a pack of wolves can also kill tigers, but if Tyrant Dragon appears in the pack, then no matter how many wolves are displayed, they don't even need to attack, just step on it. This is the situation I am in the Russian military camp. Except for the elite Russian players and a few high level NPCs, most people are simply furnishings to me, and my attacks on them are completely ignored.

Looking at the female name Ghost God in the crowd ahead, I drive Ye Ying without the slightest hesitation directly into the crowd and rushed in. Those Russians also knew they wanted to resist me to protect the female Ghost God, but their strengths were so different. The resistance had no effect at all. They could only watch me rushing through the crowd like weeds and rushed to the female Ghost God. Behind. However, just when I raised the eternal hook and sickle to make the final blow, the ghost god who didn't expect suddenly turned around and stopped. I could clearly see the weird smile on her face at such a close distance, and almost instantly I realized that it was not good, but it was too late to regret at this time.

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