"Come out...Flying electricity."

Ao... accompanied by a sharp scream, one with a wingspan of more than two hundred meters and a height A giant flying creature with a body length of more than 20 meters and a body length of more than 100 meters suddenly appeared outside the South Heaven Gate.

Looking at this huge monster in front of me, I can hardly even close my mouth. This thing has a body close to a bird, but his shape seems to be closer to Archaeopteryx than to modern birds, because he has sharp claws on his wings and his hind limbs are much stronger than ordinary birds. However, although the body is close to Archaeopteryx, this guy's head seems to be more primordial than Archaeopteryx, because his head looks like it stretches the head of a Tyrant Dragon and is covered with fine hairs on the surface. The fluff looks no different from the hairs on the heads of ordinary birds, but he does not have a completely keratinized beak like a bird. On the contrary, there is a sharp triangular protrusion leaning forward on the tip of the mouth. Degenerate the horns completely. In addition, besides the structure of the mouth and the sharp protrusions on the tip of the nose are not the same as birds, this guy also has a very obvious ground animal feature, that is, this guy has a mouth with sharp teeth.

Modern birds, whether they are ordinary birds that eat plants, or raptors such as eagles and falcons, have no teeth in their mouths. They rely on sharp beaks to peck and bite their prey, and teeth are simply dispensable to them. But this guy is different. Not only did he have teeth in his mouth, but he also had double rows of teeth. There are two rings of fine and sharp dagger-like teeth on the edges of the upper and lower jaws. This structure fully shows that this thing is not only meat-eating, but also very cruel.

In addition to the special structure of the body and head, there is another strange thing about this ominous beast, that is, the feathers on his body. Although this thing looks more like reptiles than birds, it does have feathers. However, since I brought him out of summon just now, it has been less than five seconds now. The feathers on this guy's body are actually the same as the electronic display that is testing the color conversion speed. There are more than a dozen kinds of shua~ shua~ shua~ switches. The color, the speed is dazzling, and people with poor optic nerve reaction ability may even feel dizzy.

Since this thing came out by summon, he only roared, and then he lay on the ground and began to observe the surrounding environment vigilantly with his big eyes. From his prone posture, it can be seen that this thing is indeed closer to reptiles, because when he is on the ground, not only does his hind limbs touch the ground, but the claws on his wings are also on the ground. This behavior does not exist in birds.

After watching the surrounding environment vigilantly, the thing suddenly locked his eyes on me, and then he screamed at me with my surprised eyes and followed me. He pounced, and when he pounced, all the feathers on his body switched to the blue and white state of the floating clouds outside the South Heaven Gate. Although this is not invisible, if there is any shelter around him, he It is easy to integrate with the environment.

Originally, Four Great Heavenly Kings received a secret order from the Jade Emperor to come to the show with me, didn’t expect me to throw a monster suddenly, and then the monster rushed towards me without saying a word. All four of them were stunned for a while.

Compared to Four Great Heavenly Kings, I am even more miserable. The battle strength that originally wanted to try this thing came, but who knew that the thing suddenly went crazy and attacked me. But although I don't know why he suddenly defected, it didn't affect my running away. Seeing the thing rushing over, I hurried out the Asuka summon and jumped on it.

As soon as the thing saw me flying up on a bird, he immediately opened his wings and kicked the ground and flew up. I originally thought that the speed of the bird would be able to get rid of him very quickly. Who knew that this guy's flying speed was comparable to the speed that the bird did not start a supersonic assault. NS.

"Damn, why is this thing catching up with you? This is too abnormal?"

Asuka's head is in the back of the body, so of course he also Saw the monster catching up. Hearing my complaint, Asuka immediately said: "Master. That thing doesn't fly with wings at all. Although his wings are also working, he now only relies on spell acceleration to fly so fast."

"Spell accelerates? No wonder the speed is so fast." I glanced at the monster who was chasing closer and closer, and quickly patted Asuka: "Accelerate and go around behind him."

" Understand." The ejector behind Asuka suddenly spewed out a long flame, following the speed of Asuka with a sharp increase, and began to dive downward. The thing is big and it should not be very flexible, so he has the advantage in the open air. The purpose of Asuka is to dive into a large area of ​​floating hills not far below. Those floating hills are annex buildings of Celestial Court. They vary in size, and the gaps in the middle are some very large and some are very small. The environment is very complex and very complicated. It is suitable for flying birds to shuttle among them. Although the guy behind is flying fast enough, it is too big. In such an environment, we are definitely not as flexible as we are, so we can give full play to the advantage of flexibility and go around behind that guy.

Under the assault of the bird’s supersonic speed, we quickly rushed into the floating mountain, and then the speed brake on the bird’s body slammed, and we immediately turned backward and upward. Threw away a beautiful arc against the two floating mountains and passed through the gap between them.

As soon as we got through here, I immediately looked back towards the back, hoping to see the picture of the big guy hitting into the gap and getting stuck, who knows that he really hit us all the way The gap just passed through, but the result was unexpected. Just hearing a bang, the gap between the two floating mountains suddenly exploded like it was filled with explosives, and the guy actually squeezed through it at an unabated speed, and it seemed that the result of the collision between him and the mountain was that the floating mountain was more unlucky. a little.

"My god! What the hell is this guy made of? Floating mountains are moving?"

"Master, what shall we do now?" Asuka Asked.

"Take him in circles, find a way to go around his back and put me on his back."


Asuka is receiving the order Immediately after that, an acceleration flew from the left side of a relatively large floating mountain in front, and then began to turn right along the mountain, and the big guy immediately followed us to turn. After flying around the mountain for half a circle, I reached the right side of the mountain. Suddenly, several small floating mountains less than the size of the school playground appeared in front of him. These floating mountains are connected to the big floating mountain next to it by a chain bridge, and there are pavilions and small gardens on the small floating mountain, which probably belonged to the comprehend spell of Divine Immortal.

We noticed these floating mountains before the start of the circumnavigation, so we didn't panic after encountering them. With a fierce pressure on Asuka's predecessor, he drilled under the chain bridge connecting the first floating mountain and Dafushan, and then heard a sound behind him. The chain bridge was instantly broken by the monster, and Xiaofushan was broken by the chain bridge. 'S involvement was violently thrown towards Dafushan, and finally hit the Dafushan with a bang, the entire collapse turned into countless fragments and fell downward.

We didn’t have time to pay attention to the loss of the first floating mountain. As soon as the bird crossed the first chain bridge, it turned sideways, and made a body and a giant loop from above the second floating island. The place passed by at a low altitude, and we heard a loud explosion sound behind us. The floating mountain was directly hit by the ominous beast flying electricity and disintegrated in the air and turned into a pile of rubble falling downward.

Seeing this guy so sturdy, we can only stare. We were expecting to use Fushan to slow down this guy. Now it seems that it is simply an air tank. Those floating mountains seemed to us to be obstacles, to him it was nothing at all, and everything was solved by hitting them at full speed.

"Damn, this guy doesn't get in!"

"Master, do we want to get around behind him?"

I thought for a while and said: "Forget it, look at his flying technique. When we get to the Fushan behind him, he will have to let him finish the harm. Turning back the Jade Emperor asks us for compensation, it will be troublesome. You speed up and leave now. Here, looking for an empty place, we summoned our companions to deal with him together. The damn fairy must have discovered that I was lying to her, so she deliberately took such a thing to fix me, this time it really fell in the sewer, cheating With so many people, I actually let a house girl Divine Immortal cheated!"

Just when I was sighing that I was cheated by the fairy, Immortal Spirit Island is the gate of the Arctic Star Monarch Immortal Mansion. Also kicked away with a sharp kick. "Arctic Star Monarch, Arctic Star Monarch."

"Come here, what's the matter?" The Arctic Star Monarch, who was disturbed by the sound, rushed to the gate and saw it. The fairy was standing there anxiously. "Huh? Why did Fairy suddenly run out today? You don't usually go out?"

"You think I want to!" Fairy said to the North Pole Star Monarch hurriedly: "Listen to me now. Didn't you bring a friend to beg me for help?"

Arctic Star Monarch nodded asked. "What's the matter? Didn't you give him an ominous beast jade token?"

"Aiya, it's wrong!"

"Give it wrong?" Arctic Star Monarch starts first He hasn't reacted yet, but just after repeating it, he suddenly reacted: "You gave it wrong? That thing is the jade token that drives the ominous beast. Yes, I know that stuff. But you said it was wrong. It's up to you. So nervous, is it...?" Thinking of here, the Arctic Star Monarch suddenly asked nervously: "What the hell did you give him?"

"Most of them are correct, ominous beast or ominous beast ominous beast, it’s just that one of the two jade tokens given last is bad. I wanted to fix it. I forgot to give it to him as another jade token. Once your friend gave that ominous beast summon Come out, he will immediately fight back against your friend. You go to him now, and tell him not to use the ominous beast called Feidian."

"Okay, you go back first, I am here Just go and inform him. I believe that with his strength, even if summon comes out, there should be nothing at worst."

"No, you don't understand." The fairy said emotionally: "Feidian is not an ordinary ominous beast, he uses the strongest ominous beast in existence to cultivate something by way of training, not a natural ominous beast. His battle awareness is extremely powerful, and he also has a special ability, which is to absorb any creatures he kills. That is to say, the more you kill, the stronger it will be. In the end, it may be strengthened to the point that no one can beat it. But for now, it is still the most dangerous for your friend, because the jade token is just a crack, not completely invalid. Although Feidian can ignore the jade token holder’s orders, he cannot leave the jade token too far, so if he wants to be free, he must first completely destroy the jade token in your friend's hand. You hurry up and save him!"

"Okay, I'll go now."

I was still entangled with Feidian when the Arctic Star Monarch was desperately rushing to Isengard. Wait, why is the Arctic Star Monarch going to Isengard? Because he didn't know that I was in Celestial Court. I told him before that he was fighting with a helper. The Arctic Star Monarch didn’t know where we were fighting. He knew that he would be able to ask Isinger, so he ran to Isinger first, but it would I'm not there at all.

Asuka and I led Fei to drill out of the floating islands, and then pulled up again and flew into the open high altitude. Since that guy doesn’t use obstacles as obstacles at all, then we will simply be in the completely open air. Fight him. At least this will not affect our joint operations.

"Come out and help."

As I called, suddenly rays of light flashed around us, and luck and plague immediately appeared around me. Although I have many flying familiars, I didn't plan to release them all, at least now I don't have to run out all at once. The biggest fighting skill of the trainer is to use multiple familiars alternately and use their specialties to assist in the battle, release all the familiars as soon as they come up, and then leave the remaining work to the familiars. That’s not it. The trainer is Necromancer. And even the high-level Necromancer will not do that much. Only those low-level Necromancers who fight with massive skeletons like to use the summon-and-ignore battle method for the summon to fight by themselves. Normally, the number of summon items of the trainer is far less than that of the Necromancer, but the single battle strength is much stronger. Therefore, each familiar must be used rationally instead of throwing them all in front of the enemy to fight the opponent. .

After luck and plague appeared, the speed of flying electricity did not change the slightest, still staring at me and chasing me wildly. I don't know that this is actually because of the jade token on me, so I can only save my life first.

As soon as Lucky and Plague appeared, they took the initiative to slow down and let Fei Dian catch up. Then they deliberately pulled a little distance away, and then just when Fei Dian was about to pass between them, they suddenly At the same time, they turned their heads towards the middle and sprayed out their respective dragon flames. As long as the flying electricity flies through the middle, it must be sprayed from head to tail by Long Yan, and being sprayed by Long Yan is definitely not something that everyone can accept. However, the next ominous beast made luck and the plague know what shock education is. The guy actually passed through the dragon flame as if he hadn't seen it at all, and he didn't get any injuries at all.

"Damn, that guy is immune to fire!"

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