Seeing that guy’s sharp performance is both lucky and plague, but Fei Dian went straight through Long Yan and rushed towards me without knowing it. Seeing that the other party was about to rush to me, another spatial exit suddenly opened up beside me, and Jingjing appeared in the opening immediately afterwards.

"The Holy Shield is blocking." A huge Holy Shield suddenly formed in front of Fei Dian, but the guy still hit the Holy Shield as if he hadn't seen it before. I rode a flying bird in front and heard a loud bang like a bell from behind. When I looked back, I saw Jingjing whirling towards me in midair and flying over. The shield inlaid in the air by the energy group achievement of Saint was hit and shattered in an instant under the power of the flying lightning terror. You must know that this energy shield has blocked the powerful skills of high level personnel before, didn't expect Today, he would be physically crushed by Fei Dian.

However, although Jingjing's shield was broken, at least she did not get nothing. At least the arrogant Fei Dian just now turned somersaults down in the air, to see if this posture was not light. That said, even Jingjing’s Divine Shield was smashed. That guy didn’t make sense at all. Even if his head was an impact as big as a rock, it was enough to smash into stone dust.

Looking at the flying electricity that was rolling down in the air, I immediately pointed at him: "Lingling."

"Understood." A gust of wind blew by my side. Lingling rushed past me at lightning speed, and then she saw her holding a sword in one hand and her wings tightly closed on her side, diving down like a missile. Within a few seconds, Lingling rushed to Feidian's side. , Following her wings and a waist, the whole person suddenly turned over in the air and turned into a state of being under the feet and head, holding holy sword moved towards Fei Dian violently cut down. "Holy sword ruling-break it for me." As Lingling's skills were activated, her holy sword was suddenly bright, and a huge lightsaber that was more than ten times larger than the body of the holy sword was violently separated from the body of the sword and faced downwards. The flying electricity smashed down.

At the crucial moment when Fei Dian was about to be hit by the lightsaber, the golden pupil of Fei Dian, who had just knocked him out, suddenly opened, and this guy was right there with us. In front of him, he suddenly turned over in the air with unimaginable flexibility and wiped Lingling's holy sword light with a few millimetres to avoid the fatal blow.

Seeing that the other party had escaped her attack at the last moment, Lingling immediately slanted the sword and cleaved a sword light. "Streaming Soul Cut." Accompanied by a sharp squeal, a golden blade of light was thrown out of the holy sword, while the flying lightning on the opposite side turned its head and flashed past the sword light.

"How is it possible?" Lingling herself was started by flashing two consecutive attacks, but she only paused for a while and suddenly pointed the holy sword towards the sky, followed by a golden burst of golden all over her body. The light shone, and then she saw her violently swing the holy sword at Feidian for the third time. "Holy sword flashing-blasting." After hula, we saw a large group of thousands of lightsabers flew out in front of Lingling suddenly. All these lightsabers flew out in a fan shape, instantly exposing a large space in front of them. They are all shrouded in the attack range of sword light.

When we look at this power, we estimate that Feidian must not be able to escape this time. Who knows that the guy has subverted our cognition again. Suddenly, this guy’s feathers all turned into bright blue. After that, he suddenly disappeared from the attack range of the lightsaber group with a fierce flash of his whole body, and just as we were looking for the whereabouts of the flying electricity. Lingling heard a scream, we turned around and looked at it, and found that Lingling was blown away by an invisible energy.

"Will this thing still be invisible and teleported?"

"It seems not." Asuka just finished answering, there was a blue light shining in the void, Feidian's huge body It suddenly appeared again. When he disappeared just now, the speed was too fast. We didn’t see clearly. Now it’s clearer to see the situation when he appeared. What this guy just used is not invisibility at all, but an acceleration skill that can instantly increase his speed to normal. Several dozen times the value, but it seems that the duration is very short.

Anyway, Lingling’s attack was a complete failure. I reluctantly opened the space door again, and then when Fei Dian was about to rush towards me again, he suddenly got out of the space door and he A huge monster that is not in the same size. Feidian originally thought that he could catch me this time, but didn't expect suddenly blocked the way. As a result, two huge bodies hugged in the air with a bang.

It is Mira who is entangled with Feidian. Although Mira usually fights by destroying rays, don’t forget that besides destroying rays, as a gem dragon, Mira’s The melee ability is one of the very best.

Fei Dian had bitten Mila's neck when he was just hugged, but this bite didn't cause much damage to Mila, but he almost broke his own teeth. As a material dragon, Mila’s body was almost invincible before the energy in Mira’s body was completely consumed. It’s not enough to bite Mira’s diamond-like scales.

After taking a bite, Fei Dian immediately used the claws on his wings to grab Mila’s back, but his horrible sharp claw with silver light could only be used The sparks flying in all directions caught on Mira's scales could not hurt Mira's body at all.

While Fei Dian desperately biting Mira, Mila was not idle. After her neck was bitten, she opened her mouth and bit at the base of Fei Dian’s wings, and then saw her head. Yiqi directly pulled the feathers from Feidian's wings. Compared with dragon scales, feather physical defensive performance obviously has Innate defects, at least from the structural point of view, feathers are not suitable for withstanding heavy tearing.

Although he was dragged down by a bunch of fur, Fei Dian continued to bite and scratch Mira’s body as if he didn’t feel it at all, and Mira also showed no weakness and used his claws to fly. The electric body was biting and pulling desperately. Suddenly, the sky was filled with the ear-piercing screams of Feidian's minions rubbing against Mira's scales and the sky full of feathers that Mila ripped off Feidian's body. Both giant beasts fought in the air as a rogue in hand-to-hand combat regardless of their image, but Mira seemed to have the upper hand in terms of effects.

Looking at Mira desperately plucking hairs there, and Fei Dian’s body seemed to gradually start to get hurt, I finally understood this guy’s weakness. "Lucky, plague, you go together and help Mira pluck this guy's hair for me. I'm going to see how he can fly without hair."

Get together and fly without hair. Because dragon wings have fleshy membranes, they can stretch wind, but flying electricity cannot. Although his body structure is closer to reptiles, he still relies on feathers to control the airflow. Without feathers, the area of ​​the wind on his wings will be greatly reduced. Without the air control ability of wings, he will definitely fly even if he wants to fly. does not raise.

Hearing my order, Lucky and Plague immediately rushed up from the back and hugged the guy with Mila in the air and started pulling his fur desperately. at first Fei Dian didn’t pay much attention to it because he didn’t lose too much hair, but soon he discovered that luck and plague are not like Mila’s that can only pull the hair on the roots of his neck and wings. These two cunning guys just flew. Behind Fei Dian, he picked up the hairs on his wings. At this speed, he would be in danger of losing his flying ability in less than ten minutes.

Aware of the danger, Fei Dian suddenly withdrew his claws and kicked Mila who was entangled with him. The huge power instantly made him free from Mila's arms. As soon as his body was free, this guy immediately uttered a long groan from the sky, and a red halo visible from naked eye suddenly rippled over this guy. Whether it was luck, plague or Mira, all were rushed in the air by that halo. After turning over a dozen somersaults, he barely stabilized his figure, but the guy immediately waved his somewhat incomplete wings and flew towards me right after he stabilized.

"Damn, what's wrong with my father-killing hatred with you? Why do you keep staring at me!" Now I don’t know Feidian wants to destroy the jade token, I just thought he wanted it Kill me, so I am very puzzled. After all, this guy is not in my jade token. What is he doing to make trouble with me?

Although I can't figure out why that guy keeps staring at me, I can't help but resist.

"Small dragon girl."

"Sea of ​​clouds." As soon as the small dragon girl appeared, she suddenly threw out with one hand, a group of gray clouds the size of a table tennis ball. Suddenly she was thrown out, and then the cloud group expanded like an explosion in the air, and instantly turned into a large dense cloud group that enveloped us and Feidian together.

After the dense sea of ​​clouds spread, the small dragon girl immediately asked me to fly with her, and then we quickly reasoned out the scope of the sea of ​​clouds, but Feidian was not so lucky. The sea of ​​clouds seems to be consciously following the guy. Although the entire sea of ​​clouds is only a few kilometers in diameter, it can fly out at the speed of that guy in less than one minute, but because the cloud is always moving with him, no matter where he flies. The cloud group firmly covered him in the center, making him feel that the sea of ​​clouds seemed to be boundless, and he couldn't get out no matter how he flew.

"Huh, I finally got it under control!" Damn took the sweat on his head and said to the small dragon woman: "How long can you keep this thing from him?"

"It depends on him The speed of movement. The cloud group consumes my mana every second, and it also consumes extra mana for Yunhai to move with him. The faster he moves, the faster my consumption. According to his current speed, I can at most Trap him for another half an hour."

"Half an hour is better than letting him out now." I thought about watching Mira and they asked the small dragon female: "You can make Mira and them Can the target be found normally in the clouds?"

"I'm afraid it won't work." The small dragon woman said with a little regret: "Although my sea of ​​clouds has a better occlusion effect than your fog of death, it's The disadvantage is that regardless of whether we are the enemy or the enemy, as long as we disperse, all people in the range will be blocked. Although I can fly out of the sea of ​​clouds with the sense of the overall position of the sea of ​​clouds, I can’t see anything when I’m in there with you. Now if you want to deal with him, you can only attack with long-range firepower based on estimates from outside the cloud."

"But how can I launch a long-range weapon if I can’t see it?"

" The quasi-cloud center point is fine. My sea of ​​clouds is always moving with him, and his position is the center point of the cloud group. As long as you can aim at the center of the cloud group, you will definitely be able to hit him."

"Then we...Damn, how did he rush out?"

"What? This is impossible!"

Just when we were going to kill the flying power with a long-range attack, this The guy suddenly flew out of the sea of ​​clouds, and there was a faint arc on the protruding horn on the tip of his nose, jumping and flickering on the surface.

"Damn, he is preparing a big move, everyone spreads out."

As soon as I finished shouting, the guy suddenly opened his mouth, and there was a large amount of it on the surface with a diameter of more than three meters. The blue ball of light shining from the arc came out of the guy's mouth like a cannonball, and then flew directly from the center of our crowd. If we hadn't flashed so fast, someone would have won the bid.

Although I guessed that the guy was about to launch an attack, one thing I didn't guess right was the skill level he used. The electric ball released by this guy is not a big move at all, no, it can not be said that it is not a big move. The formidable power of that thing is a big move, but the restriction is obviously not, because after the first ball of light was released, the guy from Fei Dian turned tú tú tú tú tú tú tú tú against us endlessly.

It was probably annoyed by this guy’s attack before. After seeing that guy’s continuous shots of electric balls, Mira actually started shooting at him with her own destroying rays. Seeing the red laser beam-like destruction rays in the air and the blue energy cannonball-like electric balls constantly flying around, if the transmitters on both sides were not for two animals, people who didn’t know thought it was two space fighters fighting. Air combat.

"His grandfather, does this guy want to compare with us with fierce firepower?" I pointed to the flying lightning ahead and shouted: "Attention, all, give me a concentrated firepower and use a long-range attack to give him I'll go down."

Since that guy doesn't rush over and wants to shoot us, then just shoot him. Anyway, there are a lot of people on our side, so of course we are stronger in terms of firepower output.

In my shouts, Ling and Xiaochun appeared one after another. Jingjing and Lingling are enough for hand-to-hand combat, but now that the bombardment mode is switched to, it is natural that the two mage-type Goddess are more effective. .

"Darkness-light extinguishing bomb." With Ling's spell, a rotating black hole suddenly appeared above our heads, and then we saw that black light bombs were ejected from the black hole like a torrential rain. Although each of those light bullets was not large, the number of them was extremely large. Not only did they hit the flying electricity, they even blasted many electric balls emitted by the flying electricity in the middle of the road.

As soon as Ling was able to suppress the opponent independently, Xiaochun simply began to prepare for a big move. Jingjing and Lingling cooperated and actively blocked Xiaochun in front of Xiaochun in case. On the other hand, Mira used long-range attacks with the small dragon girl, Luck, and Plague to constantly suppress the flying lightning attacks, so that he could neither break through nor have a chance to escape.

Xiaochun, who has been closing her eyes and chanting spells in the precious time that everyone has won, suddenly opened both eyes simultaneously, and then she raised her hands up, and a little sun the size of a basketball suddenly appeared. In her hands, she slowly flattened her hands from the top of her head to Feidian and shouted: "Go-the light of redemption." After Xiaochun finished shouting, the ball of light immediately moved towards Feidian. Flew over, but Xiaochun suddenly turned around and shouted to us: "Run, it’s going to burst!"

Although I knew Xiaochun was preparing for a big move, I didn’t expect it. It's such a big move, but fortunately, there are birds under my feet, and the familiars only need to hide in the training space. After a while, my side was completely empty, and then Asuka also took me to move towards South Heaven Gate with his limit flying speed and rush away frantically.

After we left suddenly, Fei Dian also chased me, but the ball of light that was very small for him was like a tracking missile. It was anxious after his head flashed past. Turning and hitting his chest, followed by a piece of white that can illuminate the whole world. Although I was facing the direction of the explosion, I still felt a dazzling whiteness in front of me, and Asuka screamed. "! It's hot!"

"Hot?" I just wanted to ask Asuka why it would burn itself, so I called out: "Ah... it's burning, it's burning!" I am now I understand why the bird is screaming hot. It turns out that the intensity of the light behind it is too strong, and the super light produces a super high temperature. It feels like I have become the ant under a magnifying glass at noon in summer. It is so high that even the strong heat insulation ability of the Divine Dragon armor has lost its effect. My back seems to be stuck on a soldering iron, and I can even hear the sound of zi zi la la. "You go back first." After I felt the temperature exceeded the upper limit, I kicked the bird back into the Phoenix Dragon space, then shrank my body into a ball and blocked the Divine Dragon shield behind my back, but this was only temporarily blocking the light. , The armor on my back is still hot and painful. Fortunately, there is no follow-up energy supplement. The balance of Divine Dragon armor is rapidly reducing heat, and it should not be hot after a few minutes.

However, before the armor on my back had time to cool down, the Divine Dragon shield began to gradually turn red. I didn't dare to hold it when it was hot, so I had to use eternity to turn it into a handle. Holding the shield, or even the shield would have to be thrown away.


It was probably quick witted in an emergency, or maybe it was because of a long time I reacted to it. It was obviously incorrect to run directly just now Decided, because the efficiency of light attenuation with distance is very low, and I can't run very far in such a short time, so at first we should not run. Fortunately, I finally remembered now, and quickly gave Iverite out to summon.

As soon as he appeared next to me, Ivorite immediately transformed into a suit of armor, enclosing me with human and armor, and then used his own body to bear the formidable power of the light burst. Xiaochun's skills do not distinguish between enemy and us. The reason why we feel hot is entirely because the spell formidable power is too large. What we are now bearing is just a little bit of surplus under the protection of our allies. Ivorite is a fire-friendly creature, and the final damage caused by light is only heat, and heat is the least problem for Ivorite.

Xiaochun’s super spell lasted for several minutes before it was completely extinguished. It felt as if the sun suddenly came to you from space, and everything around you was about to burn. NS. However, although the spread is a little bit larger, I have to admit that the formidable power of this spell is still good, but...

"Damn, it's not dead?" After the strong light disappears, I see the huge The silhouette of my soul is almost scared off. That thing won't die under such a rays of light bomb. You must know that if this thing is thrown into the undead world, it can be used as a world-killing curse. Although this guy is not undead, and he doesn't seem to be afraid of fire, but his resistance is too strong, right?

But fortunately, although the guy was not killed, he was not completely okay. Feidian originally had a gorgeous feather that could change the color at will. Now those feathers have not only become messy and moved one piece, but they have also been roasted to black, and they seem to have lost their ability to change color. In addition, there is an obvious hole under this guy's belly near his chest. The hole is not big, but it is very deep, the edges have been completely charred, and it seems that the muscle tissue has all been charred.

Despite the embarrassment and injury, Fei Dian’s killing intent chart for me has not changed in the slightest. He continued to flap his wings, which had almost lost stability due to incomplete feathers, and flew towards me staggeringly like he was drunk.

"Let me help him end it?" Mira appeared next to me again and raised her voice.

"No, let Lilith go on." Lilith appeared next to me as soon as I finished talking, and then turned into a bird without a word moved towards Feidian high speed shot .

Fei Dian’s intelligence is obviously not low. Seeing Lilith’s transformation, he immediately knew that the bird in front of him could not be treated as a harmless bird, but he was seriously injured now. , Even flying is very difficult, let alone catching agile birds. Lilith circled under his paws a few times and successfully got into the hole near his chest, and then plunged into the hole amidst Fei Dian's horrified cry.

Wow... After Lilith got in, Fei-Electric seemed to be electrocuted, her body stiffened suddenly, and then looked towards and fell towards the ground after making the final scream. Seeing the falling Fei Dian, I winked at Mira, and Mila immediately rushed down knowingly, grabbed Fei Dian's corpse with her claws and lifted him up again.

When Mira flew with me to the South Heaven Gate with the flying dead body, the North Pole Star Monarch just ran out of the Transmission Formation. After seeing us and the corpse lying on the ground, the Arctic Star Monarch immediately understood what was going on. "Huh, fortunately you are okay."

"Why are you here?" I asked with a puzzled face looking at the panting Arctic Star Monarch.

"Not for him!" The North Pole Star Monarch pointed to the flying electric corpse on the ground and said: "Just as you left, Fairy came to my place and told me that I took the wrong jade token, the piece she gave you. It was originally a jade token whose seal was loosened to be repaired. That jade token has lost the ability to control the ominous beast in it. Once the ominous beast is released, it can’t be taken back. But the seal is just loose, not completely scrapped. , So although the ominous beast can not listen to the command after coming out, it is still limited by distance and cannot stay away from a certain unit of jade token."

When I heard this, I suddenly understood the reason for my unlucky. "You mean this guy chased me crazy as soon as he appeared because he wanted to destroy the jade token and gain freedom?"

"Yes. Although he doesn't need to listen to your orders, he just If the jade token is still there, he has to follow you all the time. The only way to be free is to destroy the jade token. You were attacked because you were holding the jade token."

"Damn, he is not chasing after him. I am chasing this jade token?"

"no no no." Arctic Star Monarch quickly explained: "Although he is mainly chasing the jade token, the ominous beast is sealed in the jade token The consciousness did not disappear when he appeared, so after he appeared, he would hate those who use jade tokens. After all, for them, those who hold jade tokens are equivalent to slave masters. Do you think that slaves with a personality like ominous beast get free What's the first thing to do?"

"putting it that way, I am killed anyway!"

"hehe, who made you unlucky just take it What about the broken one? One of the jade tokens that people gave you is bad. You just took it. With such a low probability, you can get it. The character is really bad enough. Ok, Now that you have killed the ominous beast, there is nothing to worry about. Well, I have to take the corpse back, this one needs to be recorded."

"Need a corpse?" I turned my head as soon as I heard it. I shouted at the corpse: "Lilith, stop eating, save a shell for other people's business at any rate!" Lilith, who turned into a sparrow, came out of Feidian’s mouth just after I finished speaking. Then I saw Feidian's huge corpse quickly deflating like a frustrated ball. "Damn, what's the situation?"

"You are too late!" Lilith sighed, "I have eaten almost, and now only the tail and two legs are left. Other places There is only the skin left. If you call one step earlier, the brain will still be left, but it is a second slower."

I looked towards the North Pole Star Monarch embarrassingly and said: "Look at this...?"< /p>

"It's okay, as long as there are some corpse fragments to prove that he is really dead. It doesn't matter how much is left." Arctic Star Monarch said while using the bottle gourd to put the corpse on the ground: "That, Fairy said , This time she took the wrong jade token. If you have used it before I find you, she will be responsible for the loss you cause. In addition, because this is a problematic ominous beast, it doesn’t count. She will make up for it later. One is for you." At this point, the Arctic Star Monarch suddenly leaned up and whispered to me: "I didn't borrow it from you this time."

"I didn't borrow it?" I suddenly thought of the words of the Arctic Star Monarch. Means, excitedly asked: "Is it for me?"

"That's right. The supply for you is for you, and you don't have to pay it back after the war. But when I came, I was afraid that you might have a problem with summon. I can’t handle the ominous beast, so Fairy ran too eagerly and didn’t bring that thing. I’ll bring it to you when I get back."

"It’s okay. Picking up an ominous beast, my mouth is crooked. Although I was embarrassed by the flying power that had a problem just now, it also proved the power of ominous beast from the side. Since Fairy has to compensate me for one, isn't it better than this one? Besides, Lilith just absorbed the genes of Feidian, and I think she must have gotten a lot of good attributes. This time I really made a profit.

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