Although it has been decided to transplant this kiwi fruit to Isengard, there is definitely nothing to do now. It will take time to summon the relevant personnel over. Besides, during the war The deployment of manpower itself is more troublesome. Since there is no way to take it away now, we can only leave some people here for protection. After thinking about it, I arranged Xiaosan and Crystal to take care of this place, and then arranged for them a large group of Death God guards and several improved mobile angels as auxiliary forces. With such power in this fairy mountain, it shouldn't be a big problem if it just defends a small hole.

After leaving the underground cave, I followed the same path back to the Arctic Star Monarch and Shusi. "Next." As soon as I saw Shusi's huge body, I directly threw the two leaf scrolls in my hand. Shusi's flexible vines instantly curled up the leaves in the air and pulled them in front of him.

"This is Hanlu?"

"Yes, this is the thing. I have seen it with Appraisal Technique, and it is absolutely correct. Okay, since what you want me to do is already After it's done, then we clean up the two, right?"

"en. Huh?" At first, Shuji just agreed habitually, but then he quickly realized that it was wrong. "Wait."

"Is there anything else?"

"Are you leaving now?" Shuji asked cautiously.

I deliberately pretended that nothing happened and asked, "Then what else should I do?"

"No, no. I mean you go to that Didn’t you encounter any trouble in the ice cave? For example..."

"For example, what?"


I heard the name spider I even pretended to be puzzled and asked: "Oh, right, I forgot if you don't tell me." When I said that, Shusi and Arctic Star Monarch obviously had such an expression, but I But instead of continuing as they thought, they immediately followed: "Didn't you say that there is a cold ice spider there? Why haven't I seen it? It hurts me all the way cautiously thinking it has been lurking somewhere. Wait until I show up to launch a surprise attack. Didn't expect to wait for me to come out of the hole, not to mention the spider, I didn’t even see the spider silk."

"What? Didn't you come across?" Hearing what I said, even the Arctic Star Monarch, who pretended to know nothing, couldn't help but yelled out, but as soon as he yelled out, he realized that he was wearing help. When he saw my face looking at a joke, he immediately reacted. He waved to Shusi helplessly. "Don't pretend, he can see it." After talking about these Arctic Star Monarch, he asked me again: "Did you really not run into that big spider?"

"Fake. Me. I ran into it and killed it."

"What? You killed the Ice Spider Queen? How could it be?" Shuji was obviously shocked.

"Is that something very strong? It seems that there is no special ability except for its size."

The Arctic Star Monarch comforted Shusi and said, "Don’t talk to this guy too much. Strong, he is a pervert, no matter how strong things meet him, they won’t be strong anymore."

"Just know. Now that I have helped you get what you need, we can complete our Is it a task?" At this point, I suddenly remembered and said to Shusi: "Oh yes, you can get the cold dew in that cave by yourself. I don't need that thing anyway, but there is a big hole in the ground. Please take a good look at it, so don’t let any creatures in."

"Aren’t you going to make a home there?" The Arctic Star Monarch heard me before that I wanted to build a villa here, now I’ll listen to it. The first reaction I wanted to occupy the site was that I planned to live in a cave.

"I’m not a mouse. What cave do I live in? Okay, don’t worry about it. You’ve already delayed me a lot of time. Take me to see the expert. I need a helper to help me. ."

"Okay, I will take you there."

Since the Arctic Star Monarch no longer messes with me, the next journey will be much easier. Along the way, apart from encountering a few groups of native creatures like wild animals, there was almost nothing else that could be called trouble.

"Okay, the one in front is the Listening Wind Platform." Star Monarch and I stood at the top of a towering mountain and pointed to another mountain in the distance.

Although this fairy Spiritual Mountain is called a mountain, it should actually be regarded as a collection of large mountain peaks. There is not only one peak here, but like a large mountainous primitive forest, there are generally peaks everywhere. Star Monarch on the opposite side of the North Pole pointed to me as the closest mountain to us. From here, we can also see that there is an artificial platform protruding from the top of the mountain near the top of the mountain. Obviously, it is the so-called listening wind platform.

"Hey, I said the North Pole Star Monarch. Did you deliberately fix me?"

"What's the matter?" The North Pole Star Monarch looked unfathomable mystery.

I pointed to the distant listening wind station and said, "goes towards the mountain but runs to death the horse. Have you heard of that? That mountain is at least ten kilometers away from us, this ghost place Let’s not fly. We have to go down the mountain first and then go up the mountain. When the war is over there, I should ask a helper?"

"Don’t worry about this."

< p>"If you don’t worry about it, I won’t be late. If you don’t fight, of course you are not in a hurry."

"Aiya, this is not clear to you. Anyway, you just come with me, I promise you I’ll be there soon."

"Okay, I’ll trust you once, but don’t toss me anymore. You’ve reported my previous grudges. This time I’m doing business, really Can't delay any longer!"

"Don't worry, I won't be late!"

The Arctic Star Monarch took me away from the top of the mountain after speaking, and then floated all the way down the mountain. Not far from here, we encountered a cliff, and then the Arctic Star Monarch led me directly to the edge of the cliff and said: "From here we jump down to the bottom of the mountain. The speed is much faster than going down the mountain. "

Because watching the Arctic Star Monarch didn't seem to be joking with me, I didn't immediately refute it. There are many small protruding platforms on this cliff. The area of ​​each platform is different. The large one can be seven or eight square meters, and the small one can barely stand on the cliff. These things may not make much sense to ordinary people, but they are different to me. After looking back at the North Pole Star Monarch, I asked, "Are you okay?"

"Please, I am Divine Immortal. Have you ever seen Divine Immortal who jumped off a cliff and fell to death?"


"That's true. Then I'll go down and wait for you first." As I said, I jumped off the edge of the cliff.

Of course I don’t want to commit suicide, I just want to get to the bottom of the mountain quickly. Although the flight ability of this fairy Spiritual Mountain is suppressed, the jumping ability is not limited. I jumped off the cliff and immediately turned around and shot the dragon's tendons towards the back of the mountain wall, and then swayed back to the direction of the cliff with the help of the cable, and finally flew to another protrusion below on a protruding platform at one point. Platform and retract the cable at the same time. In this way, using the protruding platforms as towers, I hopped around on the cliff like a big flea, and soon reached the foot of the mountain. When I reached the bottom of the mountain, I looked up again and saw a cloud slowly falling down. Soon the cloud fell to my side, and then I saw the North Pole Star Monarch walking down from above.

"Damn, why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"It's useless to say it!" Arctic Star Monarch defended: "My cloud is here too If I can’t fly, I can only slow down my descent speed and not fall to death. If we take you, the weight of our two will drop too fast to get the deceleration effect. Besides, jumping down alone is not better than Am I still fast?"

"That’s what I said. Okay, let’s go quickly."

The road to the bottom of the mountain is a section of flat ground, but in this The so-called flat ground in the forest is the area with a drop of no more than five meters, and it cannot be imagined as a flat ground. For example, in this kind of forest, you can often see the decaying trunks of some large trees lying on the ground. The trunks are several meters in diameter, and they are like a wall across there. In addition to the rotten trees that can be seen everywhere, there are more ups and downs caused by the original unevenness of the ground. Sometimes, even if you walk well, you can suddenly find a small cliff of five or six meters high. Of course, this kind of thing that may be a small trouble for the scientific expedition team is not a problem for me at all. I can jump on this kind of obstacle that is only a few meters high without using my hands, so it is not a problem at all.

After ten minutes of extreme forest running, we finally reached the foot of the mountain where the listening wind platform is located. However, the Arctic Star Monarch did not take me to climb the mountain, but began to detour in other directions.

"Aren't we going up the mountain?"

"Aren't you idle? I'll take you a shortcut."

"A shortcut?"

In my doubts, we quickly reached the entrance of a cave on a hillside. The difference from the natural stone cave is that this cave was obviously repaired. Although it seems that there are still many natural ingredients, the artificial traces are quite obvious.

Entering from the entrance of this cave, less than ten meters ahead, there is a stone gate blocking the way, and in the middle of the door there is an Eight Trigrams Mirror hanging. As soon as the North Pole Star Monarch and I entered the cave, the Eight Trigrams Mirror immediately shot a yellow beam of light towards the North Pole Star Monarch. After staying on the North Pole Star Monarch for a second, the beam quickly moved towards me. side. I think the North Pole Star Monarch didn't dodge or resist before. I guess the thing was not for attack, so it didn't move. The light was shining on my body for only a second before it suddenly went out, and then the stone gate slowly rose up in front of us, but looking at the way the dirt fell from the top, it is estimated that this thing is at least several It hasn't been activated for a hundred years.

The environment after the stone gate is a bit unexpected. It is not so gorgeous or shabby, nor is there any mystery, but the design here is really Immemorial weird. Behind the gate is still a tunnel, but it is different from the place where it entered. The tunnel here is circular, with a diameter of three meters, and the entire inner wall is made of a green smooth stone like jade stone. No seams were found, it looked as if the passage was dug out of a block of stone. However, the real magic of this passage does not stop there. The most magical thing about it is that this thing actually slopes downward, which looks like a slide.

"What is this?"

"Fast lane, guaranteed to be fast enough."

"Then how do we get down? Just slide down like this?"

"You can slide straight down, but it’s best to slide down in the aisle with your head down. Oh, yes, there is one more thing to pay attention to. There is a blue light curtain at the end of the slide, you If you see that thing, quickly put down the helmet mask, we will enter the water through the light curtain, otherwise we will choke."

As soon as I heard that I would slide directly into the water, I just put it on. The mask was put down. "I'm going to slip like this. Anyway, wearing a mask is as slippery as it is."

"That's OK." Arctic Star Monarch nodded and said: "But don't resist after you enter the water, let the water carry you Let’s go, we’ll be there when you get out of the water."

"Understood, let's go down. You go ahead and I will follow you."

"Yes. But follow Don't worry if you don't, anyway, there is only one path in it, and it's hard for you to lose it." After speaking, the Arctic Star Monarch slid down at the entrance of the passage. Seeing that he has gone down, I had no choice but to follow.

The inclination of the beginning part of this slide is only about 20 degrees. It can be said that the inclination is not large. When starting, you even need to push the ground with your hands to start sliding forward, but as long as you pass the front For those three or four meters, the slope began to increase rapidly. After crossing a distance of ten meters, the slope was about seventy degrees, and it felt like he was about to lose weight.

Because of the unusually high lubricity of the ground material, we have almost no resistance during sliding. With the large inclination of 70 degrees, the sliding speed quickly accelerated to an incredible speed. When the speeds were added up, the channel began to slowly decrease the inclination angle, and finally remained at forty-five degrees. But because the speed has been added up before, even if the angle drops later, our speed still doesn't drop, but is still slowly rising.

After rushing for a long distance along such a nearly forty-five-degree channel, the inclination angle of the slide suddenly began to decrease sharply, and finally turned into an upward slope, but because of inertia we are still in Dashing forward, but the speed is getting slower and slower, but because the upward slide is relatively short, our speed eventually slowed down a little bit and suddenly we encountered the blue barrier mentioned by the Arctic Star Monarch before, and followed We bumped in.

The barrier was obviously not used to block people, because I ran into it without feeling any resistance. Behind the barrier is a vertically upward water channel, which is full of water, and this water is jetting upwards at a terrifying speed. We originally entered the water with a very high ascent speed, but now we are immediately carried and washed up together as the current rises. As we gradually ascend in the waterway, the waterway above seems to have a tendency to become wider and wider, and because the channel widens, the water flow rate naturally gradually slows down. When the water flow slows down, our speed naturally slows down, but the speed at this time is still relatively fast, at least much faster than human running. However, at this time there was a T-shaped fork in front of us.

This T-shaped fork road is a sleeping T-shaped, that is, a big hole is opened in the side wall of our current ascending pipe. The water flow suddenly turned to the side road at a ninety degree angle, and the top channel was only one meter long, and there was a blue barrier that was the same as when we came in to block the water flow.

Although water cannot pass through that barrier, we are not affected. When the water flow could not cross the barrier, it could only turn to the side fork due to pressure, but because of inertia, we continued to rise and directly hit the barrier and passed through.

Although the previous barrier was not quite clear, the barrier we just passed through was obviously one-way through. When we flew out of the barrier due to inertia and continued to rise for more than one meter, we fell again, but this time we did not pass through the barrier and fell into the water below, but like falling on a layer of glass. The same was blocked. The guy in the North Pole Star Monarch had obviously used this channel, and he knew the characteristics of this thing well. After flying out of the barrier, he immediately took a posture and stood firmly on the barrier. Although I was not prepared, with my excellent physical coordination and reaction ability, I didn't make a fool of myself.

"This is the residence of the expert?" As soon as I stood firm, I asked while looking at the surrounding environment.

This place is a relatively large cave. In addition to the barrier we just passed through, there is another large hole on the ground. It seems to be similar to the slide where we entered the waterway before. , It is estimated to be used to descend the mountain.

The Arctic Star Monarch did not answer my question directly but said: "When you see the expert, don't talk nonsense, just listen to me. And behave as politely as possible."

I nodded and said: "I'm not a second fool, of course you have to be polite when you ask for help."

"That's good." The Arctic Star Monarch said and took me out of this cave. . After exiting the cave, there is still a passage. The left side is less than ten meters ahead of the exit. There is a platform outside, which looks like the listening wind platform we saw on the opposite mountain. The passage in the right hand direction is relatively long, and there are dozens of large and small doors on both sides, but they are all closed, and I don’t know what you are doing.

The North Pole Star Monarch led me along the right hand passage to the deepest door, then swiped the dust of the right hand on the elbow of the left hand, and then bent over. He saluted the door. "Yiyan, can Fairy be here?"

"Yes." Just after the North Pole Star Monarch asked, the beast head with the copper ring on the door opened his mouth to answer the North Pole Star Monarch's question.

As soon as the Arctic Star Monarch heard it, he continued immediately: "Then can you please inform me? Just say that the old neighbor Arctic Star Monarch has something to ask for."

"Wait a minute." The beast The head immediately returned to his original rigid appearance after saying this sentence.

I looked at the beast head and asked the North Pole Star Monarch: "Is this knocker a living thing?"

"No." The North Pole Star Monarch said: "I was talking to me just now. It’s Yiyan, it’s Spirit Beast. Just now it’s just standing on top of this door knocker to answer to us, that door knocker is just a common thing."

"so that's how it is. That's right. , You just said to see Fairy, is the owner in it a female fairy?"

"The female fairy is a female fairy, but you'd better not treat her as a female fairy."

< p>"What do you mean?" I looked at the Arctic Star Monarch suspiciously and asked: "Are you telling me not to treat her as a Divine Immortal or not to be a woman, or something else?"

"Eh... …This…anyway, you’ll understand when you see her."

Looking at the way the Arctic Star Monarch hesitates, you know that this so-called female fairy is definitely not a good person, at least the Arctic Star Monarch treats her. It's a headache. Oh no, there is another person who should also have a headache for her, that is the Jade Emperor, otherwise the Jade Emperor would not have thought of her before in Celestial Court.

We waited outside the door for about ten minutes, a thin line suddenly lit up in the middle of the beast head on the door, and then the whole door rumblingly divided into two and slid to both sides opened.

"It seems to let us in." The North Pole Star Monarch said, he tidied up his clothes and walked in with me.

Inside the gate is a relatively large room, which looks like a great hall in a temple, except that there is no Divine Idol here. Instead, there are two rows of grotesquely shaped standing around it. Biological sculptures, and a yellow paper talisman is pasted on the forehead of each sculpture.

"Are these sculptures alive?" I asked the North Pole Star Monarch, looking at the sculptures covered with paper talisman. If there were no such symbols, I would definitely not doubt anything, but the obvious magical fluctuations on those symbols indicate that they are really useful divine talisman, not decorations. Since the real symbols are attached to these sculptures, it can only show that there is a problem with the sculpture itself.

Before the Arctic Star Monarch had time to answer, he heard a clear-sounding female voice from the side door behind, saying: "Sculptures are just sculptures, but these sculptures are hollow. Each sculpture is sealed with an ominous beast, and it is Ancient Ominous Beast."

The ominous beast is nothing, basically it is almost the same as a normal devil beast, but it is offensive than a normal devil beast. A lot stronger, more brutal, or crazy. However, Ancient Ominous Beast and ominous beast are basically two species compared to them. Ancient Ominous Beast are basically creatures that survived earlier times. But imagine that during the Great Desolate War, even Hongjun Sect Lord was just one of the many a nobody who fought to the death. Can those who survive in the environment have low strength? It can be said that those who survived the cruel survival and elimination that are almost like raising Gu are basically super-level existences that are strong to a certain degree. Think about the ancient survivors I have seen so far: Hongjun Sect Lord, Bi Ling, Jin Jin Heavenly Dragon, white jade Qilin, and Hong Ling, is there a weaker one? It can be said that even if these guys are not top-level existence, at least they are among the top-ranked ones. Therefore, no one who can survive that period is a waste of firewood.

Ancient Ominous Beast is so powerful, the voice just now said that the seals here are all Ancient Ominous Beast. I scanned my eyes and saw more than twenty sculptures. If so many Ancient Ominous Beasts run out together, don't say anything to me. Sect Lord Hongjun will probably lose the skin. If you think about it the other way around, how good is the owner of this town to live in so many monster ancestors?

Because of curiosity, after observing the monster sculptures, my eyes automatically moved to the door where the sound came from. With the voice of speaking, a female fairy with a height of more than 175 came out of the gate. Unlike the servant-like fairies, the fairies are female members of Divine Immortal and have a higher status. The daoist robe in front of the female fairy is holding a whisk like the Arctic Star Monarch, and the tall hair crown on her head stands up to nearly a foot high, not to mention her tall figure. However, although the height of this female fairy is a bit scary, her appearance is quite ordinary. An ordinary-looking face with a piece of silver hair on the head does not seem to have much beauty, but it gives people a somewhat mean feeling.

"I said that the Arctic Star Monarch, you are not in your Immortal Mansion cultivation, why are you running here? Huh? You actually brought some people here. Just now, I said you came to ask me for help, could it be For him?"

"Fairy guessed right. This is Purple Moon, the president of the mortal guild Frost Rose League. He also has a post in Celestial Court and is currently serving as the post of Yan Jun of the 11th Hall. However, This is just a name, and there are not many substantive rights. Purple Moon is still an independent person."

"It doesn't matter what his identity is. You don't need to explain it so clearly, just tell me what you came to do with me. That's it."

This is obviously not a very enthusiastic person. He speaks more directly, but he is obviously a little impatient. The Arctic Star Monarch probably also knew her temper, so he didn’t say anything. He just said, “Oh, it’s like this. Because of some things some time ago, the president of Purple Moon and Celestial Court was a little unhappy. Recently he Just in trouble, he needed the help of the powerful Deity, so he brace oneself to seek help from the Jade Emperor. He didn’t expect that the Jade Emperor was still angry. Instead of answering, he issued a document and asked all Celestial Court subordinates. Divine Immortal had to help. However, Purple Moon and I have always had a good relationship, but because of the paperwork, it is difficult for me to openly confront the Jade Emperor, so..."

"hmph!" Arctic Star Monarch The Fairy who had just said this suddenly stamped on the ground with force, and the whole cave shook with a bang. Obviously, the strength was not small. "The Jade Emperor's children are getting better and better now! He actually issued a document for a little thing to force Divine Immortal from all walks of life not to intervene. Well, if he doesn't let you help, I will intervene."

Although I haven't spoken, my eyes and ears are okay. I can see what I mean. This Fairy is obviously a bit wrong with the Jade Emperor, just like the Jade Emperor himself said, he would definitely say two if he said one, anyway, he would not go against him. Now I heard that the Jade Emperor issued a notice that all Divine Immortal should not intervene to help. She actually agreed without asking what I wanted someone to do. This temper is really fierce. But this kind of person is a donkey, as long as you smooth her temper, everything is easy to discuss. Of course, it is absolutely no good to fight against them.

After agreeing to help, this one seemed to remember that she hadn’t asked me what to do, so she turned to me and said: "The Jade Emperor does not allow others to help you, I will definitely help you, just say it. , What do I need to do?"

"In fact, it's not a troublesome thing." I politely explained the general situation of the war. Because I knew this was a fierce character, I didn't dare to talk more nonsense, and I only used a few sentences to summarize the situation.

After hearing what I said, the Fairy immediately said: "What's the problem with this." As she said, she suddenly turned around and ran back to the door where she came out, making me look suspiciously I don't know if that door should be followed. But fortunately, less than one minute, she ran out again energetic and bustling, and then directly stuffed a bunch of jade tokens over, and I hurriedly reached out and hugged it in my arms.

"Fairy, what is this?" I looked at the pile of jade tokens in my arms with a question mark and asked that Fairy.

Fairy proudly said: "these all are beast seal order, each jade token is sealed with a high level ominous beast. When you need to use it, just hold the jade token and call the ominous beast name on it. It can be summoned out and controlled by do as one pleases. But please remember that after the ominous beast is released, the jade token will gradually turn red from top to bottom. If it is just to unblock the First Layer seal, the speed will turn red. It will be slower and can last for about one day. If the Second Layer Seal or higher seal is unlocked, the speed will increase. If the 5-Layer seal is fully opened, it can only last for two hours at most and reach the limit. When the limit is reached Previously, you must recall the ominous beast, otherwise the spirit tablet bursts and the ominous beast will break out of control and regain your consciousness. But you can rest assured, as long as you recall the ominous beast to the jade token, the red will gradually fade away. The speed of unblocking level changes. Complete unblocking is Level 5. At this time, the battle strength of ominous beast will reach its peak state, but the consumption will be much faster. This must be paid attention to."

I heard this. The thing is the mutant Summoned Beast, and he gets excited immediately. This thing sounds like it can be used by individuals, but the effect is too powerful. There are at least a hundred pieces in this pile in my hand. If this is all summoned out, it would be a group of very powerful battle strength. You must know that ominous beasts are very strong. Even if these are not Ancient Ominous Beasts, since the bull in front of them dare to face the Jade Emperor and Fairy still retains them, it means that these things are definitely not ordinary goods. It's as if people of my level definitely don't like ordinary equipment. What this Fairy can see is not an ordinary ominous beast. It is a pity that these items are not owned by Celestial Court, and I am not good at embezzlement.

While putting away those things, I promised the other party: "Fairy. I will pay you back when these things are used up. If a control error bursts out, I will definitely help you catch the ominous beast. Come back. Just what if there is an ominous beast and die? Then will the ominous beast be restored to the jade token or completely die?"

"This is a seal, not a life box, summon The ominous beast that came out was only released after the seal was lifted, and it was not just a summon shell. If it dies, it is dead. If the ominous beast is killed in battle, the jade token will immediately turn from green to white. In case this happens. In case, you can just send me the jade token back. As for the summon that takes too long and causes it to lose control, the jade token will explode when it loses control. If this happens, you can try to catch me the ominous beast, if it is true If you can’t catch it, you can kill them, but you can’t let them run away alive. When you run out of things, you can send them to the North Pole Star Monarch, and he will send them back to me. You don’t have to pay me for any losses. I don't care."

"Thank you so much." Didn't expect this character is cold and hot and unreliable. He is generous in his shots, but listen to what she means. The thing is the help she gave me, it seems that she herself would not be able to participate. "Um, there is one more thing I want to ask clearly."

"Let’s talk."

"Fairy said before, did you mean these things, or did you say Will go help me?"

As soon as I said, Fairy immediately said: "Of course it is these things. I am responsible for guarding these Ancient Ominous Beasts. How can I walk around casually? Tell you, unless that The land of Tianzahua Xia Country has completely fallen and there is no hope of recovery, I will lift all the seals here and leave here."

Yes, I now understand what this person’s job is. . A brief summary of her work is to destroy the Earth team. The group of ominous beasts sealed in her Cave Mansion are a bunch of nuclear weapons-level destruction kings, and nuclear weapons can only explode once. These guys are simply circular nuclear weapons with unlimited bursts. If one day she releases all these fleshy body nuclear weapons, there can only be one result-the end of the world. That's why she said that she would leave only when Hua Xia Country fell and there was no hope of revival at all, because it was basically an action for the last person to fight and perish together with the other party. Now I finally understand why she dared to confront the Jade Emperor and Yu Imperial Capital did not dare to touch her. It turned out that she was the person who was responsible for managing the country’s nuclear weapons. Such a person is the foundation of the country, even if any leader sees her. Pleasing to the eye and absolutely dare not move her.

"Then what...Fairy, although I am very grateful for your support, but if you only use these things, I am afraid it will be impossible to support a war! We are fighting a national war, on a scale They are huge. These ominous beasts are indeed very powerful, but it is still a little bit powerless to stabilize the battle!"

"Is that so?" Then Fairy began to think after hearing my words. After thinking for a long time, she seemed to have made some determination and suddenly turned around and ran into the door just now. With the experience of the last time, I am not in a hurry this time. Sure enough, she quickly ran out again, but instead of holding a bunch of jade tokens this time, she only took two. "Take it, these two should be enough."

"Excuse me... Based on his experience, it can be judged that what is enclosed in it is definitely an ominous beast, but I can't see what it is, and even Appraisal Technique doesn't seem to work on it.

Fairy waited until I received the jade token and said: "There are two mutant ominous beasts sealed inside. Although they only appeared later, the battle strength has almost caught up with the Ancient Ominous Beast. Be careful when you use it. The seal can be unlocked up to the 4th Layer. Don't open the last one. Also, you have to take them back after half of the summon time. If you let them run away, then you You must notify me immediately, and you must keep an eye on them and don’t let them lose track, otherwise it will be very troublesome."

"What th

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