"I don’t raise this. You can catch it if you want."

Since even the Arctic Star Monarch says so, then I’m not polite anymore. . Looking at the translucent body that suddenly fell in front of me, I stretched out my hand and pulled out a revolver similar to the shape of a revolver from the Fenglong space, but the barrel had a strange weapon as thick as a waist aimed at the oncoming transparent silhouette. , Followed the movement of the finger, only heard a boom of white smoke from the muzzle, and then saw a black thing ejected from the muzzle like lightning and instantly unfolded into a big net. The shadow leopard that was leaping towards me obviously didn't expect something like this to fly towards it suddenly. Although it was very quick to change direction temporarily, it couldn’t take advantage of it in the air, even if it twisted its body forcibly to avoid the range Also very limited. The big net in flight had opened to a state of more than two meters in diameter when it hit the shadow leopard, and swiped the shadow leopard into it. When the net surface touched the shadow leopard, the heavy hammers hanging around the net edges were immediately pulled toward the center due to inertia, and then the net was quickly tightened and fixed.

I immediately gave a step to the side after shooting the big net. The shadow leopard, which was like a fleshy ball wrapped in the hunting net, instantly swept past me and slammed into a bunch of bushes. I didn't pay much attention to the shadow leopard that fell to the ground. I threw the net gun in my hand back to the Fenglong space and immediately pulled a new one out. Although this thing works well, its shortcomings are also obvious. It takes several minutes to reload after each launch. There must be no time to load bullets slowly in battle, so you can only prepare a few more guns at once. Of course, considering the production and adaptability of this thing, at present, only the part of our guild with catching skills in the whole world is equipped with this thing. After all, the main function of this thing is to catch monsters and deal with players. And the effect used in combat is not very obvious.

Although the Shadow Leopard is smart, it is only the wisdom of the wild beast after all. When they saw their companions being captured, they immediately rioted together. The first shadow leopard had just been tied up, the second and third one jumped up one after another, and I only had time to shoot and tie one of them. As for the other one, it was too late to change the gun. Seeing the third shadow leopard pounce in front of me, I took the initiative to jump up to meet it, and the bent knee joint of the right leg accurately hit the shadow leopard's chin and knocked it out. But that guy really deserves to be a member of the Big Cat family. His head hasn't recovered his consciousness and his body has completed his posture adjustment autonomously in the air. When he recovered his consciousness, he just accurately grasped a horizontally extending branch and swayed slightly. He jumped up to a big tree next to him, and several ups and downs disappeared.

Surrounded by seven or eight shadow leopards, I grabbed two with my hands up, and hid the rest. Although no one is smart, they are not stupid. This brief fight made them understand my powerful strength, so they hesitated whether to continue attacking. After all, for wild beasts, the purpose of fighting is nothing more than food or self-defense. I am obviously not suitable for food, and self-defense is not to be mentioned. After all, they actively attack. However, now that two companions have been captured, the other Shadow Leopards are obviously not reconciled to leave, so they are still hesitating.

Take advantage of the hesitation of these guys, I have thrown the net gun shot in my hand into the Phoenix Dragon space, and I took out two more and held it with one hand. There are only six of these guns in my body, but Fenglong is fine anyway, so she can help me with bullets in my Fenglong space, so my actual continuous firepower is far more than six times.

Seeing that I took out the two weapons that captured their companions again, the remaining shadow leopards seemed to become uneasy. They yelled at each other as if they were exchanging opinions, and then quickly reached a certain Kind of consensus. One of the larger individuals roared twice at the two captured shadow leopards on the ground. After the shadow leopards on the ground stopped struggling, the other shadow leopards turned their heads and quickly disappeared into the jungle. .

"Damn, why are these guys so smart?" I looked at the empty trunk with two net guns in surprise.

The guy from the Arctic Star Monarch said with a smile: "You must know that this is the Spiritual Mountain, the place where the spirit of heaven gathers. No creatures that can live in this place are easy to deal with. Leopards live among these powerful creatures. If they weren’t strong enough, they would have been extinct."

"That’s true. But I’m very strange." At this point, I looked towards the Arctic Star Monarch in doubt. "They are very strong, I can understand, but why they only stare at me from start to finish attacking, completely treating you as transparent?"

"Because I am originally transparent." North Pole Star A word from Monarch almost didn't take me back. "Since I have a way to make the roads here into something completely non-existent to them, it is not impossible to make myself disappear in their senses, right?"

"I Damn, you already have a way to deal with these things, why don't you give me one?"

"But I prepared this one for myself. Usually there are not many guests here. Besides, when people come, they are walking the stone steps. , Besides you, no one has ever walked directly through the forest!"

"Then you mean, the next section of the road, those monsters will only attack me and not at all Will you react to you?"

"That's why I dare to show you the way." The Arctic Star Monarch said as it should be by rights: "Purple Moon, your current strength is already It’s better than me. What are you worried about? Don’t worry, although the things here are very strong, you won’t be able to kill you by just one out. Anyway, even if you are in God World now, you can still rank in the front. I’m afraid that these quasi-Divine Beasts won’t succeed?"

"Are you sure there is no stronger presence here?" Lao Wo, after this guy was more and more cunning towards me, and often cheated me. This time he is looking for a chance to avenge my robbing of his house. This is called Divine Immortal. It’s never too late to take revenge for a thousand years.

When I heard my question, the Arctic Star Monarch said: "This is a Spiritual Mountain after all, and even I don't dare provoke it. But you don't have to worry about it."


"Anyone who has reached that level has cultivated high-level spiritual creatures. They are all intelligent. They understand that although we are only a few individuals, But we still have the entire Celestial Court behind us, so as long as we don’t take the initiative to provoke them, they won’t come to trouble. In fact, the invisible array of mountain creatures I set up was told by one of the high level guys, they Sometimes I will come to my house and have tea and talk with me."

"Are they not offensive?"

Arctic Star Monarch shook the head. "The Qi of the Heavenly Spirit is different from the Qi of Earth Vein. The effect of the Qi of the Heavenly Spirit is very strong, and it is more effective for the cultivator than the Qi of Earth Vein, but heaven rewards the diligent, although the effect of the Heavenly Spirit is obvious and effective But there are side effects."

"Side effects?"

"Strictly speaking, it is not a side effect, but it has a little effect on the character of the cultivator that absorbs the spirit of heaven. And no. The Qi of Earth Vein, which affects the characteristics of the cultivator itself, is different. The air of the sky will make the cultivator that absorbs it calm and natural. If the absorption is too large, it may even merge with the Dao."

"What is fusion with the Dao?"

"According to you, fusion with the Dao is actually death, but according to Heavenly Dao, the Dao of Fusion is invincible, perfect, and the most noble realm. Dao is world, everything you can see, hear, and feel is the Great Dao, and if you merge yourself with the Great Dao, then your personal consciousness will melt into the great will of Heavenly Dao. At this time, you can Said that it no longer exists, but you are the strongest, because you have become Heavenly Dao."

After listening to the Arctic Star Monarch, I finally understood it for a long time. "Do you mean that cultivation the spirit of heaven might die?"

"It's not death, but fusion with the Dao. You can understand that the body dissipates, and the spirit merges into a greater will "

"What's the difference between that and being dead?"

The Arctic Star Monarch thought about shook the head for a long time. "There should be a difference, but the difference is not big."

"Okay, I understand. Anyway, this heavenly spirit cannot be absorbed indiscriminately, otherwise you will die, and you All the creatures in absorbing the spirit of the sky, so all of them are kind-hearted docile animals."

"It can’t be said that all of them are kind-hearted, but the sky spirits. The qi is more peaceful, so the unconscious character of the creature that absorbs the heavenly spirit cultivation will change to feel at home wherever one is like a state of purity and inaction. Look at the Divine Beast in my Celestial Court, most of which are absorbed The spirit of the heavens grows up, so the Demon in the lower realm is good or bad, but Heaven Realm Divine Beast is rare to see one that is harmful to the world, because the spirit of the day will affect the character."

"Rarely Encountering a person that harms the world does not mean that there is absolutely no, that is to say, although the spiritual energy of this day has the effect of affecting the mind, there will still be special cases, right?"


Looking at the Arctic Star Monarch, I still want to find a chance to cheat me. I quickly reached out to stop his explanation and asked: "You just tell me if you have a strong and violent character? By the way, not only character. Violent, as long as it is not normal."

"There are really two or three things you want to say like this."

Yes, finally let me ask. I'll just talk about how the North Pole Star Monarch took me through the forest. It seems that he had premeditated to cheat me out of anger. Speaking of which I have a good relationship with the Arctic Star Monarch. Of course he won’t really hurt me. The so-called pitting me out of my anger is actually almost the same as joking with friends, but the relationship is tied to the relationship. There is no hobby that has been smashed by people, and it is natural to avoid it if it can be avoided.

"The North Pole, you won't tell me that we happened to pass by the three territories in the past, right?"

"It's just passing through one place."

"One place?" I thought for a moment and asked, "What kind of existence is the other party? What is his personality?"

"This..." Arctic Star Monarch thought for a long time and suddenly said: "You don't have to worry anyway. That's a guy who doesn't come out and slosh very much. I guess we won't run into it."

"Then believe you once, anyway, if there is a problem, I will run first and leave you alone to solve it. Trouble.” As I said, I started to walk forward again, and the Arctic Star Monarch saw that I finally did not ask and followed along.

Immortal Spirit Island is said to be non-flying. In fact, it is not absolutely non-flying. There are many Divine Birds and some insects between the Shaolin woods, which can fly quite freely. In addition, we also discovered here that some things that shouldn't fly are actually flying, as if the only ones who are really limited in their flying ability are outsiders. Of course, we are not absolutely unable to fly, at least the Arctic Star Monarch can still fly, but it can only fly a few meters above the ground. Like now we are walking through the woods, in fact, only I am walking up and down. The Arctic Star Monarch has always been floating there like a ghost. However, although he is floating and I am walking, in terms of speed, I am faster.

The fairy Spiritual Mountain suppresses the flying ability of all alien creatures. Although the Arctic Star Monarch can fly, its altitude and speed are severely restricted. Now his ultimate flying speed is about the same as the average running speed. Although I walk through the woods, my basic attributes are too high, and my motor nerves are very developed, so I actually run faster than him. Had it not been for the Arctic Star Monarch to lead the way, I would be at least several times faster if I was alone.

Just walking all the way through the forest, we quickly traversed a long stretch of lush jungle, but a gorge that suddenly appeared in front of us blocked our way. If this kind of canyon flies directly over it in normal times, but this place can fly up to a few meters high, which is obviously not suitable for flying over the canyon. As for jumping over...this is basically no need to think about it, because the span is already over a hundred meters. Although my jumping ability is good, it is not strong enough to cross one hundred meters at a time.

"How did this place go?" I stood on the edge of the cliff while supporting a big tree that stretched out of the cliff and looked down. There was a dense cloud underneath, and I couldn't see it at all.

The Arctic Star Monarch has not been stumped by the canyon. Since he took me here, he must know how to pass. When I heard my question, Arctic Star Monarch did not answer, but directly pulled a vine from the tree next to me. "Use this to swing over."

"Will you use this?" I looked up and down the Arctic Star Monarch. To be honest, I really didn't see that the old man had such a good motor nerve. The Divine Immortal gives people an elegant and dusty image. Can you imagine an old Divine Immortal with daoist robe divine poise and sagelike features, grasping roots and vines in the forest to learn from the ape Mount Tai?

When I heard my question, the Arctic Star Monarch said as it should be by rights: "This is not for me, you use it."

"I Use it? What do you do?"

"I naturally have my way to get there."

"Damn, I would not ask if I knew it." In fact, I asked this question before I want to ask Arctic Star Monarch if he has a way to get there. If I don’t think about him, I think it would be too easy to get there. Even if the flight is restricted here, I have at least three more ways to go. For example, let Vajra throw me over, anyway, with my motor nerves and wings on the back, even if I can’t fly, I’ll definitely be able to land. Of course, being thrown over is definitely not a comfortable thing, so I don't generally think about it. "Since you can pass, then I don’t care about you, I’ll pass by myself first."

The Arctic Star Monarch nodded, and then started rummaging around, I didn’t care about him, so I just raised my hand. I checked a big tree on the opposite mountain cliff, and then moved my finger to listen to the pu' sound. The dragon's tendon cable took the cable directly across the canyon and nailed it into the giant tree that I was aiming at on the opposite side.

According to the normal situation, I only need to tighten the cable and jump up. The fast-tightening dragon tendons will naturally pull me to the opposite side. However, just as I was about to take up the line, I suddenly heard a dull roar from the opposite side, and then the big tree I just shot stood up suddenly in my stunner, and then turned around. Body. It wasn't until this time that I discovered that the other side of the trunk of the giant tree with a thickness of at least ten meters even had a human face on it. Saying that it is a human face is just because it looks like a human face, not that it is really a human face. After all, no one's face can reach a few meters wide.

"Shusi?" I looked at the giant tree who turned around in surprise and asked.

The Arctic Star Monarch also looked at me with a look of stunned expression: "How can you shoot people with something?"

"I don't know that it is a tree division, I I just want to find a place to fix the rope. That guy grows so big, why don't I shoot him?"

"Then you can explain to him."

"Anyway, I used to be I didn’t expect you to help.” As I said, I snapped my fingers, and then I saw a vine suddenly stretched out from the ground, followed by that vine that stretched violently to nearly a hundred meters in length. Throwing to the other side of the cliff, he finally plunged into the ground fiercely. After the vine was rooted, I jumped directly on it. Although the vine is only a few inches wide, there is no problem running from above with my balance. After easily reaching the opposite bank, I hurried to the tree division, and then immediately apologized: "I'm so sorry, I don't know you are the tree division. I just wanted to cross the cliff, so I wanted to find a place to fix the rope. I didn't mean it. Shoot you."

The reason why I am so polite to this old tree is not because of my good character, but because I can’t help it. Although Shusi is not very powerful, he is a highly adaptable creature in the forest environment after all. There is a saying among players: "Never fight with birds in the sky, let alone fight with trees in the forest." This tree division is not only a tree, but also the king of the tree. If I can't get his understanding, soon a large area of ​​forest around here will be a mass riot and treat me as an enemy. Normally I don't care about them at all, but now we are in a hurry, but there is no time to chop down trees here.

Fortunately, Shusi is a relatively simple creature by nature. Seeing my polite apology, the tree immediately replied in a very low voice: "Since it's a misunderstanding, then I don't care." When I heard this, I was about to say thank you, who knew someone suddenly added another sentence. "But you have to do something for me."

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