After some urgent discussions, we finally finalized all the details of the plan, and the rest is implementation. As the guild finance chief, Rose will now be responsible for the overall situation, and my hard-working chairman has to start fieldwork again.

"Huh? Why did President Purple Moon come to Celestial Court at this time? I heard that your guild is not at war?" I ran into the gatekeeper as soon as I arrived at the gate of South Heaven Gate. Four Great Heavenly Kings, and these four are also very curious about my arrival.

"The war is true, but I have encountered some trouble. Didn't I come to rescue soldiers?"

"Oh, then you go in quickly, we will not delay You're here."

After I passed Four Great Heavenly Kings, I soon saw Jade Emperor and several of his confidants Great Immortal in Yaochi. As soon as these guys saw me, they talked about it first. "Purple Moon, why did you come here? You don’t want us to send reinforcements? Haven’t we already introduced Demon to you? Didn’t they come in handy?"

"Demon’s The job is to help us make trouble after we fight back against Russia. Now we are still in the country, it is not suitable for Demon to appear at this time. So I have to come to you to help me figure out a solution."

" This..." Jade Emperor said with an embarrassed look: "It is true that the Russian Divine Race was destroyed by you, but this agreement will not lose its effectiveness because the other party does not exist, so even if we want to help you, we will help. No!"

"You don't need to send troops."

"You don't need to send troops?" Jade Emperor immediately became nervous when he heard that they did not send troops. "Then you are asking us to donate money and money?"

"No money, no troops, I only need a few stronger thugs."

"Is that so?" "Jade Emperor heard my request and immediately pinched his beard to make a thinking state. After a long time, he suddenly said: "Speaking of which Celestial Court, there is really someone who can come in handy, but..."

"Is it a problem character?"

Jade Emperor nodded said: "That guy has a bad relationship with me, I let him go east, he will definitely go west, I let him go down, He has to climb up. In short, if I say one thing, he will say two. If he doesn't talk to me, his whole body feels uncomfortable."

I was also taken aback after hearing Jade Emperor's words. "Aren't you the boss of Celestial Court? Except for Three Purities, there is still some prestige in front of you. Only Hongjun, his old man and some of his disciplines are more bullish, why is there anyone who doesn't listen to you?"

"You don't know! I am the Jade Emperor who is suffering..." Jade Emperor said that he was about to start spitting acid water, scared I hurriedly called to stop.

"Stop it, I'm not here to collect the bills, don't cry with me if you want to cry poor! Just tell me where the person is and how to please."

< p>When I heard that I didn’t want to hear from his parents, I stopped talking about it, but said resolutely: "Your old friend, the fairy house of the Arctic Star Monarch, do you know?"

"That guy is here Yaoshan?"

"No, Yaoshan is a place of pill concocting in the Arctic, not his Xianju. He now lives in Spiritual Mountain."

"Then what mountain is there? Where?"

"This...the fairy Spiritual Mountain is a floating mountain. I don't know where it will go, but I can summon the North Pole and let him take you to find it. "

"The person you want to introduce to me is on that mountain?"

"Yes. There is a listening platform on the Spiritual Mountain, and there is a small cave behind it. He lives there."

"Then how do I invite him out of the mountain when I see him?"

"It's simple." The Jade Emperor thief said with a smile: "One Yes, I will send a decree to all Divine Immortal, telling them not to help you fight during the agreement. After that, you just need to ask him. He will fight against me, most likely he will help you."

"Then what if you run into one or two of those ten schools?"

"Then you can only be considered unlucky. But if you really don't want to move, you can come back and find me, I'm giving You arrange for someone else."

"Okay, then you will send a fairy decree right away, and get the Arctic Star Monarch quickly. I'm in a hurry."

"Don't worry, I won't delay you The matter."

Divine Immortal of Celestial Court has always been scattered among their Immortal Mansion, and among them, many Immortal Mansion is repaired on the floating fairy mountain that can move, which makes looking for someone Divine Immortal has become very difficult. In order to cope with this kind of problem, Celestial Court has configured a special communication Immortal Artifact for each Divine Immortal, so that they can call them and convey orders anytime and anywhere.

After the Jade Emperor confirmed, he first sent down a document that prohibited Divine Immortal from helping me, and then found the North Pole Star Monarch. For me and Jade Emperor, it is not surprising that the Arctic Star Monarch, after receiving the explanation from Jade Emperor, he understood our intentions.

"In this case, then Purple Moon, please follow me, and I will take you to meet that expert."

"Then I will leave first." Leave Jade Emperor After that, I rushed to his Cave Mansion with the North Pole Star Monarch.

Although the fairy Spiritual Mountain where the Immortal Mansion of the Arctic Star Monarch is located is a floating mountain, it is after all the home of the Arctic Star Monarch, and he naturally has a way to find it. After flying with the North Pole Star Monarch for more than half an hour, we finally saw the fairy mountain surrounded by a large cloud of mist.

"Damn, do you guys still enjoy it?" I can't wait to see the fairy Spiritual Mountain, which is shrouded in dense clouds and mist, with lush vegetation and rivers and waterfalls hanging upside down. The villa was built to be used as a resort.

The hypocritical guy in the North Pole Star Monarch was still defending after being praised by me. "I live here not for enjoyment, but to explore the avenue. You must know that this fairy mountain itself has a gathering of heavenly spirits, which is much more refined than the spiritual Qi. There is a spiritual acupuncture point in the earth. I can dominate a fairy mountain. Wouldn’t it be more like a tiger that has grown wings?"

"putting it that way is right." I just finished saying it suddenly. Think of a question. "Eh, that's not right! Isn't the helper that the Jade Emperor introduced me to live with you? What makes you dominate this fairy mountain? Obviously you two share it."

"hehe, this you I don't know." Even the Arctic Star Monarch, who can pretend to be deep, couldn't help but feel proud. "Actually, my neighbor just stayed here. I have stayed here for so many years. I have never seen her out of Cave Mansion. If it weren't for the breath of her when passing by her Cave Mansion occasionally, I have At that time, I even suspected that she had died during meditation!"

"Oh, so that's how it is. Then let's go quickly."

"Okay, you and me Come."

Led by the Arctic Star Monarch, we finally successfully landed at the foot of this fairy Spiritual Mountain. There is a place similar to a helicopter platform here, which just happens to be able to land. According to the Arctic Star Monarch, there are only three such platforms in the entire Spiritual Mountain, which is the only three entrances on the mountain. The entire fairy Spiritual Mountain has been set up with an array of space partitions, and this array is based on the heavenly spirit of the fairy mountain. Unless anyone has the ability to shoot down the entire fairy mountain directly, don’t expect to get in from other places at all. You have to land from three entrances, and then walk in the mountains like an ordinary person.

After we landed on the platform at the foot of the mountain, we began to climb up the mountain along the stone steps connecting the platform. This stone step is no more than two feet wide. It is difficult for two people to walk on the head and want to pass by. Fortunately, there are a total of six people living on this mountain, including the Arctic Star Monarch, and one of them is the one who never takes a step out of the Cave Mansion. Mysterious person, the other five except Star Monarch in the North Pole have only four of his disciplines.

To be honest, if it weren’t for the immortal mountain’s high level and the average players could not come, I thought it would be good to open this place as a holy land for travel. The slender stone steps we walked up meandering between the mountains and forests. Both sides of the road are full of dense forests of all kinds. Occasionally, the stone steps will pass through the tree holes of some giant trees, or become a broken chain bridge over a bridge. A small section of the Feiya mountain stream, or a narrow plank road overhanging the cliff, a large green forest and various colorful Divine Birds can be seen outside the plank road, and some areas even have a waterfall falling from the plank road to form a curtain of water , It looks so fantastic and fantastic.

"The North Pole, your place is getting more and more beautiful! Let me build a villa here next time?"

"I don't mind if you build a villa, I You can also make a protective array for you to isolate the creatures in the mountains, but you have to pay for the materials."

"You are so generous? Are you afraid that my villa will be filled with too many repairs?"

"hahahaha!" The Arctic Star Monarch suddenly smiled triumphantly. "Do you really think this is hidden land of peace and prosperity? Tell you. The plank roads and stone steps we have just walked through are all specially protected with special arrays. Unless there is my special spell to lead the way, you can't see it at all. Road, even if you hit the road directly from one side of the road, you will immediately pass through the other side of the road, and you won’t find the road at all. So for the creatures in the mountains, my road doesn’t exist at all. ."

"It’s no wonder that you made the road so narrow, it turned out to be easy to hide."

"Of course. Building this road cost me a lot of savings. It’s not here that the heavenly spirit is strong, and I don’t want to pay for it. If you want to live here, you have to pay for the repair of the house. I can help you arrange the array so that the creatures in the mountains can’t find your residence. But... Once you leave this road, or the range of the array outside your residence, the creatures in the mountains will find you immediately, and at this time it will be useless if you hide back. With your strength, it is not bad to build a villa here. As for building more...I’m not the ones who look down on you. To be honest, at most one or two of them can survive here safely, and leaving the protection array for others is basically suicide."

"I said why you suddenly became generous!"

"Then are you interested in building it?"

"Of course. But it is estimated that it is just to build a public villa to provide The high level personnel in the meeting use it for vacation. As for here creatures... as long as they don’t leave the array protection range."

"Speaking of the array protection range, do you want to go directly across the forest with me? Over there?" Arctic Star Monarch saw that I didn’t quite understand it, and added: "My three roads were originally built for my own use, so all of them are connected to my Cave Mansion. Of course, there are from me. A similar path leads to Cave Mansion where my neighbor is located, but that path is temporary and is closed when not in use. Also, if we take that path, we must first go to my own Cave Mansion, and then go around, this distance will increase a lot. This place cannot use spell to fly, I am afraid it will take a long time to come and go. If you are not in a hurry, we will go slowly like this. If you are in a hurry, We will leave the road and go straight here. Although there may be some strange animals in the mountains and forests on the road, our strength is basically not dangerous here. It can save a lot of time from here."

"Then take a shortcut. I'm in a hurry."

"Well, you come with me."

After confirming that we want to take a shortcut, we will I left the stone steps beside the stream and walked along the river towards the forest. Walking through this primitive forest is not as simple as traveling. No matter what kind of tourist attraction it is, at least one road will be built, even if it is a dirt road stepped on by people, it can be regarded as a road. But let alone a road in this dense primitive forest, in some places the vegetation is so luxuriant that it even looks like a wall. If you don’t use violence to penetrate a hole, you can only consider detouring or climbing over. Of course, some travel companions may have been to the forest without roads to experience the feeling of jungle survival, but what I want to say is that compared with the primitive forest here, the so-called forest on Earth can only be regarded as a park green space. At least in the forests on Earth, there will never be big trees that cannibalize and wild beasts that can be invisible.

We only walked along the stream for less than two hundred meters. The Arctic Star Monarch suddenly reached out to beckon me to stop, and I immediately took Eternity from the back of my hand and turned it into a short blade. Hands. The reason for not choosing heavy weapons with larger formidable power is mainly because long weapons cannot be deployed in the dense jungle. Compared with those big guys, shorter weapons are more suitable.

We just stood on the edge of the stream for more than ten seconds, and the Arctic Star Monarch suddenly raised its hand and moved towards a direction like a lightning, and then saw a white light flashing and quickly sinking into the jungle. Almost at the moment when the light cluster disappeared, a wave of ripples resembling an explosion shock wave suddenly appeared near us, but that thing was obviously not a shock wave, because it is impossible for the shock wave in such a dense forest without affecting the plants. Normal progress.

As the ripples rippled away, strange translucent shadows began to appear on the trees and the ground around us. These things look like creatures made of pure, colorless crystals. They have a body structure close to that of a big cat. They are probably slightly larger than a snow leopard, but they are obviously not sluggish by looking at their movements. On the contrary, their actions are simply fast as lightning.

"It's a shadow leopard!" Arctic Star Monarch reminded me aloud. "Your sword may not be able to keep up. These things react quickly."

I did not answer the Arctic Star Monarch, but instantly melted the eternal into a liquid state, followed by the claws of both hands popping out, liquefied Eternity quickly flowed to the sharp blades that popped up all over my body and hardened again to form new blades. In addition to the claws on my wrists, my armor has sharp cuts on the back of the elbows, the back of the calves, and on the toes, and there are sharp spikes on the shoulders and knee joints. These things can make my personal attacks with More lethality. Of course, with the eternal liquefaction properties, if necessary, I can form sharp blades anywhere on my body, but except for the limbs of the hands and feet, other positions are not very useful to form weapons.

I don’t know if I’m satisfied with my new weapon or have no time to pay attention. The Arctic Star Monarch did not comment on my new weapon form. Any color or full transparency to blend into the environment. They can climb trees, their bodies are very flexible, and they are good at walking through the jungle. They often appear in groups and sneak into the vicinity of the target to attack. Their teeth have a piercing effect, You can bite through any armor, and their claws can tear the armor of celestial troops and generals into pieces like paper. So don't believe too much about your equipment. It is not fun to be caught or bitten by them."

"Do they have other abilities?"

"Yes. The Shadow Leopard will use Time Acceleration, but it can only last for less than one second each time, but it can frequently use this Ability."

"Damn, is this fairy mountain scarier than the evil ghost blood hell of Yama Palace!"

"I didn't say it was safe here."


"Okay, let me kill one or two to try the strength of these things."

"Be careful with yourself. These things are smart, and you never meet force with people. force, be careful to let them take advantage."

"It is always only me who takes advantage of others. They are too early to take advantage of me!" As I said, I suddenly started to move towards the one hanging upside down on the tree. The shadow leopard rushed over, but the other person turned back and hid in the jungle behind me at the moment I jumped up, and while I was still in the air, there were two shadow leopards that came out from behind the tree. They have already jumped up one after another, seeing that their posture is to attack my legs. This clearly shows that it is a triangular formation. The target of my attack is to lure the enemy. The other two obviously only contain it after I launch it. The one responsible for lure the enemy is estimated to be brought back after I have been suppressed to complete this time. Hunt down. It is true that the Arctic Star Monarch said that these things are smart. This can no longer be regarded as a simple team cooperation. This is simply a trap. If the wild beast of the trap is established, then it is not a wild beast.

If ordinary people just have to explain here, but when the two shadow leopards jumped up, I suddenly turned over in the air, twisted my feet, and kicked my left foot to the one who hit my right leg. The shadow leopard, the one that hit my left leg in the middle of his right foot. One of the two shadow leopards was kicked in the chin, the other in the back of the head, one fell to the ground and the other flew out. However, the two shadow leopards were not dead. They twisted their bodies at the last moment and vented most of my strength, so they were just kicked and it hurt.

"Damn, the flexibility of this thing is really high enough. Arctic Star Monarch, don't you have any opinion on how many of this thing I should catch?"

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