"Do something?" Although I was asking Shusi, my eyes were staring at the North Pole Star Monarch. as everyone knows Shuji is a super old man among the monsters. Unless you provoke him, people will generally not fight back. As for the exchange of conditions, it’s really hard to imagine such a complicated behavior with Shuji’s intelligence. come up with. As for who actually came up with this idea...Is it necessary to ask? Unfortunately, although I guessed that this was the trick of the Arctic Star Monarch, after all, we were at a loss. Who told me to shoot someone for no reason! No way, it's just doing things anyway, if we don't overdo it, we will finish it instantly. "What are you going to do?"

"Just get some cold dew for me." Shusi obviously didn't realize that I had discovered the collusion between him and the North Pole Star Monarch, so I still said there. What they originally planned. However, I was very surprised how he colluded with the North Pole Star Monarch. Ordinarily, Jade Emperor asked Arctic Star Monarch to take me to meet that super thug. This process should be regarded as a temporary decision. Isn't it possible for Arctic Star Monarch to prepare in advance? But no matter what method they use, it has to be done.

"Okay, tell me where the cold dew is, how it passed, how to obtain it, and are there any issues that need attention?"

When I heard this, Shuji , Immediately replied: "Han Lu is in the Hantan Grottoes not far in front. You follow this direction, and then you can see a small river. If you walk up the river, you will see a waterfall. That waterfall The pool below is the cold pool, and the grotto is next to the waterfall. The cold dew is in the depths of the grotto, where there is an ice crystal hanging upside down on the top of the cave. The water dripping from the ice crystal is cold dew. The cold dew is a very Yin Attribute thing, so you can’t use your hands. Go touch it." When Shusi said, he suddenly stretched out an arm-like branch and pulled two huge leaves from the top of his head and handed it to me. "This is my Leaf of Life. Wrap the cold dew with it to prevent Yin Qi from diarrhea. Two leaves can only pack one drop each. If you can't bring two drops back, you can bring one drop back. Oh yes. There is one thing to pay attention to. There is a cold ice spider guard beside the ice crystal. Be careful."

"Cold ice spider?" I was stunned when I heard the name of this guard, not because of this thing. How strong is it. On the contrary, I was surprised that the guards of this place could be such a weak ice spider. The Arctic Star Monarch has a good relationship with me, and I am also equivalent to a joke between friends, so he will definitely not let me deal with those super-powerful things that may threaten my life. However, even if he wouldn't arrange for super cow creatures to threaten my life, this cold ice spider would be too joking, right? That thing is only four hundred! My current level is five times its level, let alone such a low-level creature, even if it is a litter, what can it do? Even if I stand there, I probably won't be able to break my defense at their level! "Are you sure there is a cold ice spider guarding there?"

"I am sure." Shusi said very positively, "I asked the tree near the entrance of the cave, and they all said there was only one cold ice spider. The spider lives in it, and there are no other creatures."

"That's all, I'll go help you fix it right away."

The Arctic Star Monarch saw I was leaving and said quickly: "I I'll wait for you here. I'm just a cold spider, shouldn't I be used?"

I nodded and said: "That's OK, wait for me here, I'll be back soon." After I finished speaking, I turned around and went into the dense jungle to find the grotto following the route that Shusi said.

Shortly after I left Shusi and the Arctic Star Monarch, Shusi suddenly turned around and asked the Arctic Star Monarch with some worry. "Isn't it bad not to tell him?"

"It doesn't matter, Purple Moon is a Demon King class. What is a mutant ice spider? Even if there is a litter, it is not his opponent. , Don't worry."

Just as Shusi was talking to the North Pole Star Monarch, I have found the cave along the stream. It's not because I am fast, but because this place is not far away. If you don't need to find a stream first to help you identify the direction, you can get there in no more than ten minutes.

The waterfall mentioned by Shusi is actually a small river fault, with a difference of only about four meters up and down, and the water flow is very small. It can only be regarded as a miniature waterfall. Compared to this small waterfall, the cave next to it is very easy to find. It's not about how big the cave entrance is, but the situation at that cave entrance is rather special. Originally, there are large areas of vine plants on the mountain walls. Even if some places are not covered by various tree vines, they must be covered with moss. In short, the entire mountain looks green, only the entrance of the cave is one. Chunks of ice blue.

Before Shuji said that cold dew was a negative substance, now it seems that the thing is not only a negative substance, but also the Yin Cold Attribute is not low. Otherwise, it wouldn't be enough to freeze the entire outside of the cave. Of course, there is another possibility that Han Lu itself is not so cold, but there is something more feminine in the cave. But no matter what it is, I don't care anyway. Anyway, we are also the 11th Temple King Yama. I have been in the calmest and coldest sea of ​​silence in the world. What else can cold attributes do to me?

Although there is nothing to worry about, but in order to prevent fall in the sewer, I decided to be careful. First, summon sent hundreds of Spirit Armor worms into the cave to explore the way, and then let the white waves and the darts follow me to advance into the cave. As a precaution, I also gave the ghost lamp to summon, and at the same time stroked the evil dragon guardian ring on my finger. Following my actions, a large swath of blue and purple evil miasma quickly diffused and floated into the cave. Although Ghost Lantern is not an attacking monster, he is a well-known figure in the auxiliary class monster. In the large area of ​​miasma released by the evil dragon guardian, the ghost lamp can easily see any creatures and Spirit Physique where the fog goes, but within the light range of the ghost lamp, my same faction and I can enjoy the ghostly invisibility. Effect. Of course, this kind of invisibility is only a low-level invisibility, as long as you can see Spirit Physique, you can see this kind of invisibility. Of course, to see us in this invisible state, apart from being able to see Spirit Physique, there is also a prerequisite that we must first be able to see through the fog of death. However, it is a pity that the fog of death achieves its shielding effect purely by blocking the spread of light. If you want to see through the fog of death, you can't just rely on anti-invisibility.

After I was ready, I started cautiously advancing into the cave. There is basically nothing abnormal in the first half. There is nothing at worst in the cave except that the temperature is low and there is ice everywhere, and because the temperature is too low, even the common cave creatures in the cave are not seen here. The whole cave is ice except ice.

I walked along the tunnel in the cave for almost three-four hundred meters and didn’t touch anything. What’s more strange is that the Spirit Armor worms in front reported me that they had reached the bottom of the cave and continued After advancing less than ten meters, my fog of death also touched the bottom of the cave, which shows that the cave has come to an end. The entire cave is only 500 meters deep, and there is no fork in the middle that can allow an object as large as an ordinary person to pass through. I walked all the way to the bottom of the cave along this path that couldn't be found, and saw the ice crystal hanging upside down on the ceiling of the cave. As for the cold ice spider mentioned by Shusi, I didn't even see the shadow.

"Damn, isn't that guy in the Arctic Star Monarch just trying to scare me?" I muttered to myself while looking carefully at the cave at the end of the passage. Now I am in a cave of about 20 square meters. The cave all around is filled with ice like steel plates, and the ice crystals above the cave are frozen together with the entire cave roof. Compared to the temperature of the hole, the temperature here is obviously much lower. If you continue to stand in one place for more than 20 seconds, when you lift your foot, you will feel that the sole and the ground are frozen together. It takes a little effort to lift it. stand up.

After watching up and down, left and right for a long time, I realized that there was really no guarded monster before I decided to get the cold dew. After entering the cave, I stood under the upside down ice crystal. The lower end of this thing is tapered and looks a bit like a stalactite. Its lower end is just over one meter high from the ground. You can catch the cold dew dripping from it as long as you reach out. Of course, the production speed of cold dew is quite slow, and it may not be able to condense a drop in more than an hour, but I don’t need to wait for it to drip down slowly, because there is a small pit on the ground facing the ice crystal. I have already received a full amount of cold dew, even if Shuji needs a few hundred times the weight, it is enough.

When I saw the cold dew on the ground, I knelt down on the side of the pit carefully, and then took the leaves given by Shusi to prepare for the cold dew. However, just as I was leaning over to go fishing, the ground suddenly exploded with a bang. My reaction can be described as swift. As soon as the ground exploded, I suddenly bounced off the ground, and then stepped on the falling ice to jump up. But just as I jumped up, a group of white matter suddenly shot out from the falling ground debris and directly hit me, and then I felt a huge pulling force pulling me down. I instinctively raised my hand to shoot the dragon tendon cable, and the two cable heads respectively drove into the ice layer on the top of the two caves, but the pulling force below was too great. I heard the two cables as they straightened. There was a cracking sound, and then my body that had been stopped began to fall again, and my two dragon tendon locks flew back to my arm with a large piece of ice that was pulled off by brute force. .

Seeing that the grappling hooks of the dragon's tendons are useless, I simply let the cable head put away the barbs and shake off the two pieces of crushed ice, and then look down to see what it is that is pulling me down , I was stunned by seeing this.

"Ice silk?"

Ice silk is actually the spider silk of a cold ice spider. Since there is a cold ice spider here, I am stuck with the silk of the cold ice spider. Don't sit as a surprise. But what surprised me was that the ice silk attached to me was as thick as an adult's thumb.

The ice silk produced by the cold ice spider itself is a high-level equipment synthetic material that is in great demand, so many people in the game will collect the ice silk to sell the cold ice spider, and naturally I am also I have seen Bingsi. It’s just that the ice silk I saw before was all thin and almost invisible. It takes a big group to gather together to see a faint blue translucent silk thread, and the one in front of me actually has an adult size. The thumb is so thick, how big is the spider to produce such thick silk? You know, I once saw an ice silk as thick as a human hair. It is said that the cold ice spider that produced that silk is already the size of a small buffalo. The silk in front of me is at least the thickness of hundreds of hairs. . If the thickness of the thread is proportional to the size of the spider, isn't this guy's body as big as a hill?

I was guessing how big the spider below was, and the surrounding environment suddenly changed. I had been falling down in an ice tunnel before, and the surrounding ice layer was smooth and could be used as a mirror, there was no place to lend me strength. But just now the passage suddenly ended, and I found myself plunged into a huge ice cave, surrounded by huge skyscraper-like ice crystals, and I was pulled towards the location by an ice wire. A super cold ice spider among those ice crystals.

"Damn, Arctic Star Monarch, don't let me catch you when you turn around!" I cursed and started the summon pet to help. If I don't do anything, I will be dragged directly by that damn super spider. Go in the mouth. Although I know that spiders do not bite their prey, they use poison needles to inject digestive juices to corrode the prey's body, and then soak up the prey at one time like drinking milk tea, but I don't want to become someone's milk tea.

With my summon, several exits suddenly opened in the surrounding space. Lucky and plague appeared from both sides of me in an instant, then roared and swooped down towards the ice spider below, while Xiaofeng also ran out and bit the ice silk. In front of the hellfire on Xiaofeng's body, the silk of ice, which was astonishingly flexible and constantly cut by swords, was like silk in the flames. Attribute Xiangke is very thorough at this time. Xiaofeng’s Fire Attribute happens to be the natural nemesis of the cold spider.

As soon as I got out of trouble, Asuka passed under me and took me to fly, while luck and plague rushed to the super cold ice at the same time. On Spider's body, regardless of that guy's blade feet, two dragon flames sprayed onto that guy's face when he opened his mouth.

Cold ice spiders are afraid of fire. This is for sure. Although ordinary fires can’t hurt them, dragon flames are something comparable to white phosphorus incendiary bombs. The formidable power is by no means a cold ice spider. living. Almost two dragon flames sprayed up at the same time that the guy immediately made a piercing scream like a pig. At the same time, the two front legs of the cold ice spider threw away luck and plague with a fierce bomb. come out.

The cold ice spider that threw away luck and plague, while desperately flapping its forefoot on the face, it retreats. Although it extinguished the flames on the face in time, the eight scarlet eyes were scarlet. But only three were left, which were considered complete, and the rest were burned and turned into a few big holes.

The angry cold ice spider violently stood up the front half of its body, and then rushed at a high speed that was inconsistent with its huge body, but just halfway through it, the cave Suddenly, a purple light bomb was shot from the top of the cold ice spider's open mouthparts, and the guy's two big teeth were directly blown out by a loud bang, and the hurt guy began to scream again.

Seeing that the cold ice spider had its mouthparts blown up, Lucky and Plague immediately rushed on again, and this time Xiaofeng also joined the battle group. Seeing that guy can't afford any storms anymore, I feel relieved a lot. Although I don't know how this thing has mutated and grown to such a large extent, and it has surpassed the race limit to rise to one thousand six hundred, but compared with my two thousand level, one thousand six is ​​still too low. What's more, I have the habit of leapfrogging monsters since I first entered the game. Anyone with a higher level than me can be killed, and those with a lower level are not a problem.

Under the siege of Xiaofeng and Lucky, the giant ice spider was quickly defeated. But I didn't let Xiaofeng and the others kill it, instead, after beating it half to death, I turned it into a familiar egg. Although I don't need such a familiar, the rare degree of familiars in "Zero", the high level creature familiar eggs of one thousand six hundred, it is definitely a sky-high price. It would be a pity if such a thing were simply killed.

After I got the dead spider, I was about to go out of the cave. As soon as I didn’t expect to turn around, I found that luckily they didn’t return to the training space by themselves, but they were all surrounded in one place. What to look at.

"What did you find?" I asked Asuka to fly over with me. When the bird flew over that place, I jumped directly, and then spread my wings and landed on the lucky head lightly. "Is there something you look so excited about?"

"This." Lucky pointed to a small jade green tree in their encirclement that was replied. I stretched my head and took a look, and then I was stunned.

"This...this...I seem to have seen this thing somewhere! Strange, why can't I remember it? With my memory, shouldn't I forget something?"

I am not an ordinary person after all. As Dragon Clan, my head is assisted by an electronic brain, and the biggest use of this electronic brain is to help me remember things. After all, the electronic brain is equivalent to the computer. Although it lacks creativity, the rote ability is absolutely superb. Therefore, Dragon Clan only forgets things because we don't concentrate on thinking. As long as we know that something has been forgotten, we can usually find it out by going through the memory bank. But I obviously think I have seen this thing in front of me, but I just want to do not raise.

"Will you see this thing before you installed the electronic brain?" Lucky to see me After the constant revolution, but couldn't remember it, he suddenly asked such a sentence.

This sentence is simply enlightenment to me, and it reminds me where I saw this thing in an instant. This thing is clearly the thing in the "Zero" advertisement. Before "Zero" was officially launched, there were some official advertisements. These advertisements give a separate introduction to some of the more distinctive things in "Zero", and this plant is one of the things in the original introduction. The reason why I have the impression but can't remember it is because I hadn't installed an electronic brain at the time, so there was no digital memory information in this area.

"haha, I finally remembered. This thing is called kiwi."

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